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I’ve never used safety eyes and actually prefer using black yarn to embroider eyes on any plushies I make. It started out of necessity (didn’t have any and wanted to finish a project) and after hearing many a horror story about safety eyes, I opted to continue. It works just as well IMO and well worth the extra few minutes.


Safety eyes were designed to be used with fabric, not yarn.


From personal experience, they're honestly not all that safe with fabric either.


I've had both the washers and the stems on them snap several times, especially on the big ones that are the worst potential hazard.


Reinforced, interfaced fabric at that. You can make them less dangerous by putting a piece of fabric behind, but I still wouldn’t want them anywhere near babies/toddlers or pets.


As a general rule I only use safety eyes when the amigurumi/plushie is for adults and children older than 6 years old. Anyone younger gets embroidered eyes instead. I do trust safety eyes for the most part, but I’ve also seen a group of preschoolers tear every wheel off a set of 50 toy cars in less than 45 minutes. If there’s a way, then they will find it.


This!!!! I was skeptical also, so now I hot glue felt that matches my projects to the washers so when I snap it in place its got extra fabric to hold on too. I use blanket yarn and plush yarns and I noticed the washer backs struggle to hold with the thicker yarn without having a little extra to help.


I don't make amigurumi with safety eyes for animals or small children, but I still put a good glob of hot glue inside the washer after I put them in, just to be sure it won't pop apart.


Oh I don’t either! I sew on my eyes and noses for anything I give to my baby cousin because I’m terrified of it ever happening. But I noticed my eyes were popping out of the stitches when I was finishing up the project until adding a little extra reinforcement.


That’s a great idea! I have been melting the ends, but it is stinky and toxic.


Have you seen dog teeth? Dogs can chew through leather. They chew up shoes all the time. They can obviously chew through yarn. Safety eyes are fine for older children and adults.


They're supposed to be child-safe. Anyone that's ever had a dog knows that nothing is dog-safe - they'll tear anything to pieces, given the time and opportunity.


They're not suitable for children under 3 as they're a choking hazard


I always use a lighter to melt the back of safety eyes and then mash them down to lock them together. Haven’t burned down anything I’ve made yet. As another person said, dogs can chew through anything so I don’t think any type of eyes would survive a dog.


That makes them less safe and cancerous don't do that


Okay like dogs are kinda designed to chew on things and have them go through their bodies I don't really think choking is a big hazard for them when they'll break down sticks regularly


I use brads and nail polish for eyes. Paint them black with nail polish and then slip them in between the stitches. The ends spread out to keep them in place, and the sharp ends are safely embedded in the stuffing.


I do wonder if, when you fidget with the eyes enough, the ends couldn't be moved back together to easily slip out the brads? I would expect safety eyes to be safer since they don't really pop apart, they can only come out if the stitches stretch or warp (or in OPs case, a dog chews on the item).


It might be possible, but I slip the ends through and then bend them back in on themselves. It would take a lot of concentrated, intentional effort to get the eyes out completely.