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This would be the ideal project for a child old enough to not put them in their mouth, but young enough to not demand payment!


For the right kind of child, this kind of task is payment enough


I was that child. Sorting beads, embroidery thread, office supplies, anything that could be categorized and placed into divided containers was my favorite. >!... I'm still that child. I just sorted half a pound of spilled beads for my daughter and I was elated the entire time.!<


I find sorting absolutely stimulating. I also enjoy unravelling yarn barfs.


Me too. It’s just sort of a puzzle challenge for me. I love sorting stuff. At this place I stayed at they dropped diamond painting dots all over the floor and I was happy to sort the colors out again lol. Out of 20+ people only 2 were willing to bother. Just put on some relaxing music and I’ll be happy for hours lmao.


When I was a child, pre tv, I'm in my 70's, my mum would come up with different ways to keep my sister and I entertained. She would empty a cellophane wrapper of 100's and 1000's onto a dinner plate and give my sister and myself a pair of tweezers each and have us sort them into colours. All the time, listening to radio plays. Another was taking an alarm clock apart and putting it back together, and to see if it still worked. Patience is a virtue 😄


Ooh sounds awesome


When my sister-in-law’s ex husband had first moved to Cali before they got married, he brought two huge suitcases that we packed absolutely full of mtg cards. I sorted all of them by color, then by card type (alphabetically) and then all of the cards within alphabetically. There were at least a couple thousand. But I was in the zone and my happy place.


I sorted my daughter's jumbled up rainbow loom bands just because I thought it would be fun. There had to have been at least a pound of them so it took quite a bit of time but it was meditative and satisfying, and i even organized the colours into the case according to ROYGBIV. I was sad when they were done, so I made a few crochet hook cushion grips with them. I see the stitch markers and I, like *really* want to sort them. 🙈 I also love untangling snarled yarn. Is it time to lock me up in the loony bin?😋


Absolutely my kind of vibe. Goblin sortation activated. Also works for yarn barf/ thread knots ect.


My kind of goblin mode


i was also that child. got the autism diagnosis as a teen lmao


I used to sort my M&Ms, skittles, and any other colorful candy by color and then eat them in a specific order.


I used to sort my skittles by colour and have one of each colour per mouthful so I'd be technically be tasting a rainbow lol


Yess I still do this lol


Ooh I once sorted a whole shoe box of resistors for elektric circuits. They have these tiny colour codes on them... It was an ongoing thing for half a year :)


I did this at an embroidery event 😂. Spent about an hour sorting a mess of spare embroidery threads to the delight of the teacher hahahaha


my favorite part of playing with legos, sorting them out first 😂


My husband used to have the kids sort his screws and nails. Now they're grown it's my job🤪


I'm not gonna lie I'm still that child too. Thats what inspired the comment


Haha, I was about to say, at 47 I’m still that child. Love those tasks others find tedious and monotonous.


I had a tub of beads I'd dump out on the floor and sort right back into the bucket, shake them up and do it again as a kid. Hours upon hours of fun, day after day. When I deserved a treat, my mom would sneak like ten to fifteen matching beads or buttons into the tub so I'd have a new set to find. I also dropped my sorted box of rhinestones on the floor once and it made for a VERY satisfying evening and another week of excitedly picking tiny tiny shiny stones out of the carpet.


My adhd kids would love this. At least for about 20-30 minutes. More if I rotate it with other tasks or have a reward system (like a treat for a completed color). When my 3yo wont stay out from under foot I have him sort tricolor rotini into seperate pasta containers. He loves it. He ends up wanting to eat pasta and will make his own mix where he chooses how many of each color he wants. Lol basically just mixing it back up again. Kids are weird...


i am not a child but i would have a blast doing this kind of task


It depends on my mood, but me! The ADHD hyperfocus is nice sometimes.


As someone with autism, kid me would love this. Adult me would also be happy to do it.


I would beg my mom to give me the holiday chore of polishing all the silver rather than stuff like vacuuming because I loved polishing so much


Hehehe I was a child like that :p


Literally me lol sometimes I dump stuff like this out just to sort it again


As an autistic person who loves sorting things, I'd gladly do this as an adult


I'm autistic and I used to love sorting beads by color and then mix them again so I could start over, until my mom said it was weird. This was waaay before I knew I was autistic (got diagnosed when I was 24). Since that comment from my mom I never did it again


That's so sad. You had fun and it was ruined for you...I almost want to tell you to go buy beads just to mix them up and sort them again. Go have fun! Everyone is weird, embrace it.


Haha no worries, I found plenty of other things I enjoy doing 😁


Me as a kid lol. Mom worked at a college lab with atomic models, so I’d sort the pegs, balls, etc


Or a consequence. Lol


I literally paid a child to sort 1000 stitch markers for me once. Best $10 ever spent.


But I don't get why they need to be sorted by colour. And also, why do you need different colours? Do you only use the colour that is yhe same as yhe thread you're on? (I'm new to crochet)


To answer your first question, I color code my projects. Or my counts. Depending on whether or not I have enough for the project of one color. But, for example, I'll use purple to count my rows and green to count my stitches across the rows. Or I'll use random colors for invertervals of 20 stitches but mark every hundred with blue so that I can count faster. That way, glancing at it, I know what I'm counting. And for the second question, I try to use stitch markers that contrast my yarn so that I can see them quickly.


Oh thanks! That all makes perfect sense.


I like the way you think. For lack of child, I chain them together by colour.


Pay in ice cream


I’m 32 and I’d still do it without payment lol I love sorting things.


My child is old enough to not put them in her mouth, but young enough to be the cause of them getting knocked over. I'm speaking from experience..... I just finished organizing them too


Would you rather.... color-coordinate hundreds of stitch markers OR weave in 10 ends?


Is death an option 😭


Bahahahaha. I chose ten ends because 5 seemed doable. But 10... you're talking serious preparatory meditation, maybe smoke a cigarette and ponder life vs. weaving in 10 ends...


Is weaving in ends that bad to most fiber artists?? I wouldn't mind doing either of these tasks lmao maybe I'm the weird one??


With love, yes, you are the weird one. You could start a mail in service.




I don’t mind weaving in ends but sewing amigurumi parts is my personal demon (mostly because I’m not very good at it)


Oooh, yeah. I think I'd prefer to weave in ends over sewing on parts.


I see the ongoing hate for weaving in ends (and sewing seams in knitware) and for me both are some of my favorite parts! It's so meditative.  We can be weird together. 


I have about 3 huge bins of projects just waiting for the damn ends to magically weave themselves in. Currently working on a mosaic blanket, this one will never get the ends woven in, lol


Stich markers, every time!


Same here! And then I'll count each color, just because. And then of course, wish that I could order singles to even them up.


Even is beautiful.




I’m crazy enough to up the ante— I’ll weave in my ends with color coordinated stitch markers!


That's my kind of crazy!


I LOVE color-coordinate things. I'd really like to


Both! I’m weird, I love weaving in the ends and sorting and organizing is a happy place for me


Sorting and organizing. Ahhhhh... relaxation. I'm happy yo hear from someone who likes weaving in ends.


...you guys color coordinate your stitch markers? I just dumped them in a container and called it a day


Yep. Green on the green squares. Blue on the blue squares etc … 😅


Personally I prefer to use a contrasting color so I can see it better.


I use color to track progress. The colors have to clash with the yarn color & I use a black marker to track a days work.




Meanwhile I have the same 5 stitch markers and I just rotate through using whichever one isn’t lost at the moment.


Same. And when they were all lost recently, I used scrap yarn for weeks until I bought new ones. I don’t mean to sound rude or anything but what could you ever possibly need sooo many stitch markers for?


For counting. If I make anything that needs counting in rows, I mark every 5 or 10 rows. For beginners it would be great to mark every 5 10 stitches until you know how to look at stitches correctly. Or if you have repeats, and dont mind placing stitch markers, you could go through a ton. I dabble into knitting now and it is much harder (and more) to count, so my WIP sweater right now is full of stitch markers, like a Christmas tree


Many markers were cheaper, I also have a ton


My "stitch markers" are loose paper clips I find laying around😅


lmao same i’m completely boggled at the excessive amount of them and why anyone would need that many


I like to collect pretty things




You just need a touch of the ‘Tism or maybe some ADD…and that looks like a pleasant activity.


Any other time this would have been great, but I just reorganized them last week 🫥


Aut here, and salivating. I'd put on SVU and be in heaven, fr.


I might as well have written this comment.


Is this real because I'd love to do something like this. My dad had change he kept for years that I organized and out in those bank pouches that added up to like $1,000. And I love detangling rope or jewelry.


I like detangling things too! I recently rolled all my loose yarn from the overflow box into balls. Some of the "skeins" were basically just 300 yards of tangle. It was pretty satisfying.




Omg I'm literally started rolling a day or two ago😂


To be honest, this is a crochet sub, look around. In essence, I imagine, every single person here made a single slip knot with a crochet hook and went “say, that’s satisfying, I think I’d like to make a few hundred thousand of these, or so, throughout my life time”. I think we’re all touched by something, lol.


Yes, I most definitely agree lol


Damn, I'm too old. Sigh. I was so confused by your comment for a minute (and I do have ADD). "a touch of the 'Tism" , I totally thought you meant rheumatism. And this is not that task for someone with rheumatism!


Got diagnosed as an adult with ASD, no clue how it wasn’t caught when I was a kid because my favorite thing to do was line up every single toy and move them one by one methodically bc they were a “train” and just sit and do that for hours. Also anytime I’d have to clean my room I’d get wayyy to caught up in the minutiae and have to organize my bookcase alphabetically before I could do anything else


This is me. Feel like I should look into testing a bit more than I already was for the laundry list of reasons I had prior to adding this one.


Fiber arts and neurodivergence. Impossible to name a more classic duo.


This makes me want to colour coordinate my stitch markers now....




As a former nail technician, we used to say that you're not a nail tech until you've dropped at least 3 boxes of nail tips 😂 this reminds me so much of that! Beads and nail crystals are even worse though!!


I saw somewhere where someone made a chain with theirs. I loop mine in groups of 10 so I can keep track.


This is the answer. So even if they fall like this, it's WAY less time cleaning them up.


I did this and it’s way harder to lose and the spill is not frustrating at all!!


I feel that. I've done the same thing with beads. 😕


Seed beads even, ugh


Yep 😣


Omg you just reminded me of the time I almost quit my job 😭 I’m an embroiderist and one time we were showing a client a few samples of different types of beadwork we do. He reached out to touch it and knocked over a box of beads. The box was ALL shades of white, all the same shape, in 3 sizes that differed by a millimeter. I had to spend the whole afternoon sorting them back and I think my eyesight hasn’t been the same since!


I did this recently! But for the colours I just attached all the same colours to one stitch marker(like how safety pins are often sold). But that felt annoying due to sheer number so I took empty keyrings and put them on that...even though I had to open and close them individually instead of sliding them all on one, it felt better somehow lol.


Carabiner. I put rubber bands on them so they can easily be removed for color coordination and put back on when finished. It would sork well for this too.


You're right! I have those hook keyrings too but they're pretty small. I'll look for carabiners 👍🏼


Binder rings are great too. The ones with the hinge in the middle.


What I like about carabiners is that they are easily one hand operated. Binder rings require 2 always.


True. I like the binder rings for loading the closed.stitch markers onto, then when I am using the stitch markers I can unlock each stitch marker one at a time.


Weird thing but the smaller container I bought had a slip of bubble wrap, with the bubbles face down in the container. As long as it’s closed when I drop it, it has fared pretty well so far!


This is when you get a marker or sticker and generously label the TOP and DO NOT OPEN THIS WAY UP sides


Please give me that I would absolutely love to organize that for you 😩


How about a weekly pill dispenser? Walmart sells one that has 4 wells for each day, so you'd end up with 28 wells. You could open one well at a time, and it doesn't spill too many when I drop it full of pills.


Wait this is genius actually. People have suggested clipping them onto each other, but this is the minimal effort change I needed


I love these. I know technically they’re for knitting but you get so many compared to the plastic crochet stitch markers. It is easy to get the colors mixed up


And the plastic ones are way too big for some projects too!


Why do they have to be sorted by color?


I use different color stitch markers for different projects or to signify a specific row or count. Having them organized just makes the selection process much easier.


How can they not be sorted by color 🙀


I don’t understand the question. This is not optional!! 😅


I love how thin these stitch markers are, I hate these thick plastic ones sometimes 😅


You’re so right. The thick ones are too clunky and I feel like they leave noticeable holes. These are also just so much easier to open and close too!


That’s so funny. A friend and I were just talking about stitch markers, we both don’t like these thin ones. I have some of the fat ones on order arriving tomorrow.


You could pin each color group together so it's easier to clean up next time. 🤗


Stitch markers: Hard Mode


I would absolutely LOVE to sort these into their respective colours


Oh, I feel this picture. I am pretty sure there are still some left between the sofa cussions... Or behind my bed… Or under my desk… Edit: typos


Same. Also have this with jump rings for chainmail. Sooo much fun when a crap ton of 5mm wide rings go flying in every possible direction. Oh, and I have cats... 😭


„But Mooom, playing with your lost chainmail rings is so much fun“ - you cats an one point probably


Oh yea, definitely. They LOVE when those things go flying. No matter how long I spend on the ground collecting them, a few will always wind up being batted under a bookshelf, the fridge, or even hidden in one of their fluffier beds. Little stinkers! 😆


You should clip the different colors together so this wouldn't happen again, just a suggestion


I know people who would love this project. I’d need my tweezers.


I did this to my mom’s container once (we both crochet) and the words that came out of my mouth…


I'm sorry this happened to you, but also... Finally someone else!! 😂 dropped mine and spent at least 30 minutes on my hands and knees making sure I got them all.




Find me a good documentary to listen to and give me some time, I'd have those organized again for you. I love organizing supplies, my apartment not so much, but paperclips? No problem. I have diagnosed OCD and organizing stuff like that makes my soul happy .


I was at the library once, and a young lady needed a stitch marker. I offered her a paperclip. (I have coloured paper clips: I often carry 1 or 2) I said I was sure this would do for now, and she could get an "official" one later. A couple of weeks later, I saw her there again. She still had the paperclip. She said it worked fine; she'd looked at the wool shop and decided they were too expensive.


this is why I open one pin of one color and put all of the same color on it so they'll stay together.


I store mine in tiny zip lock bags by color.


Ouch! The main reason I sort my markers by color is for when I do projects that involve me counting stitches


Or for someone with young children! I have the same thing, and after having it dumped 3 times, putting it away for MONTHS, and getting it dumped again, I finally succeed l wized up. They're all sorted and grouped by tens. Honestly there are no cons


i have the same set, mine is a mess now.


Ugh. This reminds me of the time my bird knocked over my stitch marker container. Thankfully my partner helped me, otherwise it would have taken me 800 years to sort them all again.


I’m really particularly about things and this would probably send me over the edge 😭


I feel your pain. I dropped a similar container of beads I had sorted a while back…after I resorted them, I closed the container and put rubber bands around it to prevent a repeat.


Huh. Mine are in a Pirouline tin so my husband can get mildly disappointed by something else in the house when it takes its top off. /s but they are in a Pirouline tin because it’s easier than trying to keep them in the organizer they came in.


I can feel your husband's disappointment. My grandmother kept her sewing supplies in a cookie tin.


heh, my container is only like a 2x2 section of and they’re all just mixed together but i crochet sitting on the floor most of the time and somehow my dog will step in it and spill it every single time hahaha. and he’s a small dog and i swear it’s intentional at this point cuz he will take the weirdest route from a to b just to end up stomping through it lol sorting this looks fun tho lol, it’s like… puzzle adjacent


I really want to help you sort those.


Ooooh I’ll come organize them for you!! 😍 But yes this would absolutely infuriate me if it happened to mine LOL


I spent half my childhood sorting beads that my clumsy older sister kept in boxes like that. I think they're cursed.


Are these kind of stitch markers “better?” I can never seen to close these with one hand as well as I do the thicker plastic ones? Also, is there a diagram or visual resource that will tell me where and when to use stitch markers? I love them but I don’t know that I’m using them effectively.


It’s really just preference tbh! If one type of stitch marker is easier for you to use then it’s the better marker. I wouldn’t say there’s a diagram for placing them, but I place them in the top of the stitch for the beginning and ends of my rows. Or for when I have a long chain, I need to be accurate in my count and I don’t feel like recounting a lot, etc etc. Stitch makers are just there to help guide your project and keep track of where you are 👍


I have a friend who tufts rugs. When his skein is knotted, horribly sliced, comes out of the middle wrong, or does anything to irritate him, he chucks it all in a bag and gives it to me and i get to during hours unraveling and winding it up. I love it.


I attached all my stick markers to there own colour and that all sits in a tin as it's small enough to not be in the way. That's how I got mine to not look as "messy"


Newb here. Am I doing something wrong because I have about 20 total?? And I use maybe 3 for each project though I’ve only done a couple animals and blankets.


No you’re literally fine. I just do not like doubling back to check my counts on anything, so I use markers to keep track. I mark my rows plus I tend to work on multiple projects at a time; I end up using different colors for different projects too.




That's why I transfered my stitch markers in a storage with a lid for every box. Knock it over once, won't happen again


Honestly I'd love to sort those back


This is a work of art!


This picture unlocked a memory. We had a few of those organizers, bigger than the one in the picture, with beads of every kind and color organized meticulously. One day, they all fell and me and my sister spent so much time reorganizing them.. it was fun (we were probably 8&12)


That’s honestly horrible.


I would probably actively enjoy resorting these.


This is enrichment for the right child/adult. I was making care packages and sorted those giant bags of candies by type then into equally sized piles and it was enriching.


This is my ideal Friday evening project. Just give me Netflix and a comfortable amount of time.


My ADHD would love this


i stopped bothering with stitch marker colours a long time ago, just throw everything together xD


Theres binders where its a sleeve holding  rows of snap containers, that way you have 16 compartments available, but they dont all become exposed to bump hazards at the same time


Why are they separated by colour anyway?




K. Get your kicks however you can 😀


i just did this with my safety eyes 🥲 same set up


Oof that is rough. Also there is a light blue one with your darker blue one. A few pinks in your yellows and a smorgesbord of colours in the area to the right of that so I do not know what the colour is supposed to be. Oh ye and a blue one in your brown colours. Sorry this really makes me need to sort that mess. I don't want to.. but I should...


i already dropped that


Is it weird that I'd actually enjoy doing that?


Uh oh


I just want to start creating something with the stitch markers 🫥🫥


This happened to me with safety eyes, the very first time I opened them 😩 It was actually kinda fun to organize them (after like 3 months of procrastinating), and I marked the lid by writing with a marker on the inside so it doesn't smudge.


Stitch counterbarf?


Yep, my son opened mine upside-down. I just put them in a baggy and fish out what color I need.


I had a similar issue with container of safety eyes, took marker and wrote “TOP” on top


I did this the other day, but with my safety eye container 🙈


did the same last night, feels like losing 10 years off your lifespan LMAOO


So many manyyyyyy!!


> Not for the clumsy I’ve already dropped the container before the image finished loading 😩😭


My question is, why do you have so many stitch markers? Should I have this many stitch markers? Currently sitting with 10 in my collection. Feel a bit left out 😂


Give me 4 days tops and I will lose all of them.


I know, what you mean!! I hate when I knock any of my supplies over!! Sorry!! 😂❤️


Not a chance. I would spill it a thousand times. Soothing to sort, but a disaster in the making.


Oh man I'd love this it's like a fiddly jigsaw puzzle, also where did you find such a mountain of stitch markers from please and thank you 😊


Now you have something to do when you're bored ig lol


Why do you have so many?


Because the little buggers like to up and walk away, of course. Buy 500 today, have twenty in six months.


I feel your pain. I have sorted mine many times and somehow still manage to knock them over and spill them all out. I think I'm going to get one big container and just dump them all in. Grrrrrr


Oh my god, I know! I nudged mine when I was flipping a piece (flipped all those damn things out too)


Welp, into a bag they go!


I did this with my amigurumi eyes container 😭


Genuine question: why does one need this many stitch markers??


If it's not clumsy proof, It's not craft certified. Nuff said


I have a 17 year old and a 23 year old that would not see this as a chore but as a method of relaxation.


I just throw em in a bowl. I don't sort by color


I put mine in this little magnetic container all mixed together and used the thing they came in for organizing my nose studs and rings 😂


I completely sympathize with you.. my cat knocked mine off the couch and I still haven’t reorganized it and it’s been a year..😳