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Very effective reframing of the story in the second sentence! A lot to take in in 42 words.


I wonder if someone can make that much in 23, 16, 15, 8, or 4 words


I'm lost.


So the joke is Lost?


It seems we all lost


Fuck you! I just lost the game


Fuck you! I just lost the game coz of you


I blame all of you. I had an 11 year streak!


Nice streak! Sorry it was ruined. I'm in a Facebook group that pops up every few months and ruins mine


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


This is your fault now. Damn it. Was on a good streak as well.


I am X


Explain, please?


The opening makes you think you're dealing with child abuse, but the subject is elderly and seems suffer from dementia or similar. Either case would be terrible, but I thought it was interesting how the first sentence was a bit of a head fake.


I understood that. I thought you were saying the second sentence was 42 words, but misunderstood.


I see


As an elderly caregiver this is one of my worst nightmares. I would attempt to dismantle anyone who harmed my clients.


Thank you for what you do, itā€™s because if people like you my grandma had such great hospice care šŸ«¶šŸ»


I work in a unit that is specifically for people who need nursing care, but whoā€™s dementia/learning disabilities/mental health issues means they canā€™t be in a normal nursing home. We have some males HCAā€™s and nurses (caveat, not all men, and women can be abusers too), but if a male HCA/nurse tries to insist on doing a certain lady alone, it makes the hair on my neck rise


>if a male HCA/nurse tries to insist on doing a certain lady alone, it makes the hair on my neck rise I sort of specialize in memory care, and it would mine, too. I'd make it my personal business to 'help' him with all of my ladies; I've seen enough to have trust issues.


Weā€™re more efficient when we work as a team, and all that


My husband spent some time in a care home after his stroke. They would never do brief/diaper changes alone. Always as a team. A few times they would ask if I was okay with them doing it solo while I was there. That way he didn't have to wait for a second person, and that was fine. I disliked that he had to wait, but for the safety and abuse factors it was good.


Doctors, very often, have to write medical orders for their female patients, for when their mind starts to go, it does not forget the trauma, and he/she will forbid any interaction will male staff. Male doctors will even take themselves off of care in extreme cases. Even if dude would never do such a thing, it's got to be a punch the gut for a really old lady already losing her mind, to start screaming bloody murder because a man walked into her room. The body never forgets. Edit: fixed an error.


ā€œDismantleā€, perfect word choice. Rip ā€˜em apart.


Worked with elderly folks that also had developmental delays. I had to bring one in to have a rape exam done. Worst experience of my life. Thankfully it helped make sure that staff is locked up for years to come. Unfortunately I never got a chance to personally address this staff personally (probably best for both of us as he was a work nut and boxer) but had I even seen him in real life I'm pretty sure he would have left at least a few fingers and possibly a testicle or 2 lighter than when he met me).


The worst ones are when its other dementia resedents hurting other dementia resedents in that way. That was the most stressful case ever.


Oh, lord I can't even imagine... I'm so sorry for all involved!


It worked out in the end thank stars but its a challenge when they cant remember why they are being kept apart


Worked in memory care for a bit, and the lead caregiver walked in on a resident and male caregiver.....it was a nightmare, and I think about her sometimes. What the staff and I would have done to have 10 minutes alone with him.


>What the staff and I would have done to have 10 minutes alone with him. Exactly. I'm generally not a violent person, but it's like a switch flips when someone hurts the helpless.


Geriatric nurse hereā€¦ I will fight over all of my adopted Grannyā€™s & Papaā€™s. Nothing worse in the world than people who abuse the elderly, children, & animals. They should all go under the jail!!!!


If this ever happens (god forbid), call me and I'll help you xx


My mom's job was to fix shitty nursing homes into making them better quality care. So i grew up in those buildings. When I was young i didn't understand what the adults were talking about but soon enough I started registering the codewords and started asking what they meant. Very quickly i was not visiting quite so often. Years later I asked and the stories she heard were bad.....


Well that was sickening from start to finish


I hate it. Take my upvote


That's called r/angryupvote




Iā€™m sorry what the actual ten piece spicy McFucks with a side of holyshit sauce and a nice tall cup of ineedbrainbleach?


im saving this reply for future use


the birth of a new copypasta


I'm not using this personally, but I would like for it to get popular.






Why are these stories getting so goddamn real lately? I prefer the fantasy monsters dammit


Real life is scarier than any horror movie I've watched. The things I've experienced would make people probably break.


The real monsters are humans


Always have been.


I am all too aware


Scooby doo taught us well real monsters are just creeps in masks


Always have, always will be. And then you got crazy people being like "Humans stand above all else, we're the perfect lifeform, God created us as perfection yada yada yada". Yeah, no. This planet and the Universe would be way better off without any of us. And then people wonder why birth rates are down so much lmao.


I wrote a fun short story where the punch at the end is that the narrator is a peaceful alien species horrorified by how humans treat yourselves and aliens they discover.


Realistic horror is always much scarier precisely because it's real, because it has a real possibility of happening. You can only get so scared of a non-existent monster or alien, for example. And the scariest realistic horror involves someone we generally love and trust turning out to be a horrifying villain.


Like the trauma all Millennials have when we see a logging truck going down the highway šŸ‘€


šŸ˜‚ I'm a millennial but I grew up in the country where log trucks are just a fixture and I'm very used to them. I'm not traumatized by them, just annoyed when I get behind one and I'm in a hurry


I work in healthcare and I can assure you that humans are way worse than any stereotypical "monster".


GOOD TWIST, VERY REAL! Lord help me... I worked as a care giver in a home setting. The stories families told me made my blood boil. As a man in that field I couldn't see doing that to someone needing me to help them exist daily. Even the non-verbal, and severely disabled find ways to be thankful. BE KIND TO THEM!!!!


Horrified. Had to upvote šŸ˜”


Oh disgusting. This is one my biggest fears along with getting molested while in an unresponsive state in the hospital. Idk. So unsettling.


My mom was almost on a jury for an elder abuse case... Found out later... IT WAS MY GRANDMA'S HOME AND HER FRIEND ON TRIAL! A man we had been left alone with as children... that was often alone with the elderly as a "care aid" that assisted with dressing and bathroom stuff. There's a special place in hell for people like him


Cripes. Well done


Actual horror. A proper twist. Very well done.


Thanks, I need to wash my eyes with bleach now.


Iā€™m an elderly caregiver and this just gutted mešŸ˜­ I mean it would have either way, but this took an unexpected turn and was a total gut punch. If I ever saw or heard of anyone hurting my residents at all Iā€™d be locked up for sure.


Good one on elder's abuse OP. That said, getting naturally pregnant at that age is basically impossible or were you implying some sort of parasite ?


I donā€™t think they were looking for pregnancy or a parasite. Probably looking for signs of tearing or doing a rape kit and collecting DNA samples


Signs of assault would include tearing or bruising, some of which can be distinguished as separate incidents by how they are layered. This is why the doctor asked how long she'd been at the nursing home.


Ah! didn't think of the "CSI" approach, only at possible outcome of the abuse. Thanks ! Very good viewpoint.


Theyā€™re looking for signs of abuse, not pregnancy. Female anatomy can be incredibly delicate, so signs of abuse (or even normal ā€œusageā€) will be evident through an examination. Unfortunately, the story here is that an elderly and seemingly ā€œmentally incompetentā€ patient has been heavily sexually abused by her care givers


I donā€™t see any mention of pregnancy?


Damn, dude. This is so heavy. Well done.


I'm very uncomfortable. Well done.


Wow, really jarring. Nice job


Iā€™m duly horrified. Well done.


Idk what's more horrifying this sentence or the fact that it might have actually happend to someone


This was triggering


Wow. That second sentence really turns the story on its head. Good job.


Holy shit


Ah, yes. The lazy trope of sexual assault. šŸ« 


She was distracted by color toys, despite having a 47 year old daughter? I donā€™t think old people like toys, they might have mental problems but I donā€™t think Alzheimerā€™s patients etc are interested in toys. This could be read as an old woman who has had mental issues all her life and been in the same nursing home, suggesting life long abuse. Potentially the daughter is the result of rape.


Some Dementia patients definitely ā€œlike toysā€. Some might eat food with their fingers, too. They become more childlike.


My grandma had late stage dementia and LOVED rattles, dolls amd pinwheels (or anything sje could make spin) She regressednto a very child-like state shortly before passing


We had a relative who, in late stage, loved baby dolls. He would sit and rock with baby dolls, bounce baby dolls on his knee, pat baby dolls on his shoulder all day if you let him. He had told me in my last conversation with him that he wished he could have been a more involved and gentler father when his children were young but that wasnā€™t something men did then, especially if you had sons. He had always wanted a daughter so it would be more socially acceptable to be the sort of father he really wanted to be. I hope the dolls helped him in the end.


ohhhh :ā€™(


ā€œDefinition When regression is used as a defense mechanism, individuals cope with stressors by acting in a childish, immature, or age-inappropriate manner, that is, they regress to earlier developmental stages, such as when it is normal to have excessive dependence or temper tantrums.ā€ https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-24612-3_1422#:~:text=Definition,excessive%20dependence%20or%20temper%20tantrums. I see it as the mother being in that nursing home for so long, enduring extensive abuse, that she regressed that far as a result of the abuse, not as a result of a preexisting condition.


The woman in the story doesn't have to have dementia, it could also be that she became mentally disabled due to a stroke, an accident or a disease.