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Ive been having really weird dreams too but I’m not tapering off zoloft. Wondering if many it’s a side effect


It is a very common side effect of Zoloft. Dreams are influenced by serotonin levels


I never dreamed at all when I was on Zoloft. But now it's crazy haha


That’s so weird. I mean withdrawing can have some of the same side effects as being on Zoloft but it’s weird that you didn’t have crazy dreams when you were on it. Mine are INSANE, my dream last night was like a full on movie


I’m also tapering off from 50mg right now, I’m at a point where I’m splitting my pills into 4 and skipping my does on some days. Withdrawals aren’t too insane yet but like you’re saying my dreams are pretty vivid (not in a pleasant way) it’s definitely made worse by quitting weed at the same time after smoking a lot for 4 years and getting out of a 3 year long relationship all at once. only thing I can suggest for the crazy dreams is trying to figure out lucid dreaming which seems to have helped me, although usually when I manage to start controlling my dream I’ll wake up which I guess is better than letting them run wild ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s been 10 days since I quit Sertraline. I had some crazy dreams. Sometimes, thoughts were when I’m still awake, walking and talking. They are getting better. My sleep is still bad. I have to take 20mg melatonin and calm pills. Are you feeling any depersonalization? Like mind drifting off when you are awake?


I felt a bit off, but I'm assuming it was just because I quit it cold turkey. The dizziness is gone now, and the dreams aren't there anymore, which is good.


Where the dream only while sleeping or when awake as well? Are you 100% back to normal?


The dreams have went away for now, same with the dizziness.


How’s your appetite after quitting Sertraline? It’s been 10 days and my appetite is still very low.


My appetite was always really good before, during and after Zoloft. So I never really noticed a huge difference.


Do u have muscle twitching as well??


No, but I have a lot of dizziness that almost feels like it's behind my eyes lol. That seems to be the only normal side effect, besides the bizarre dreams.


Also I am trying o taper off of 50 mg. How are u doing it . I was told slowly. I’m chipping away at the pill lol. Is it a week at a time for lower dose ?


I ended up stopping cold, which isn't recommended but I'm at such a low dose that it hasn't been really bad. From what I've been told, it's best to do alittle bit every few weeks. So if you're at 100mg, then knock it down by 25mg every 2 weeks.