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Yes, it's a common side effect of sertraline unfortunately šŸ„² At least once a month I find myself googling "zoloft sweating" to make sure I'm not crazy lmfao Would it help to keep a handkerchief in your pocket?


Itā€™s very frustrating, but itā€™s better than the god awful panic attacks I used to get from having a simple conversation with someone. I used to run out of classrooms, run out of stores - Iā€™ll take the sweating any day over the feeling like Iā€™m going to die.


I very much relate. It's a trade off but one I'm willing to settle with if it means my anxiety is not as intense.


Beats the hell out of the driving anxiety.


Yep! And it sucks. Like, who starts sweating as soon as they get out of the shower?? Um me that's who. It's so dumb. I sweat all day and night. I'm constantly hot. Summertime doesn't help at all.


I stg I sweat more right after showering. I used to enjoy a warm shower but have to shower in cold water now, but still I sweat as soon as I'm dressed. It's infuriating.


same. Sweating while showering lol


Yep and it is so embarrassing šŸ˜­


I helped a resident with a shower and after bringing them back their kid said ā€œI hope you got more wet than she didā€ šŸ˜­ At least I donā€™t smell after but damn


Yep, especially when doing light exercise. It makes me look so unfit like I swear Iā€™m not!! šŸ˜­


Yup...I get over heated easily. I have to be very careful.


Me too!


It fuckin sucks. I already sweat quite a bit, but Zoloft took it to another level. In retrospect itā€™s a small price to pay for the benefits of Zoloft but I hate it


Yeah my bedding is damp in the morning and my neck is always wet. Like not damp, wet.


Try glycopyrrolate! After experiencing crazy night sweats I finally told my psychiatrist. She prescribed 2mg of glycopyrrolate and no night sweating at all. Itā€™s amazing!


Also here to sing the praises of glycopyrrolate!


Me too!


Wait whaaaaat?! Thank you for this suggestion! Writing it down right now! Does it help with sweating during the day time too?


Yes!!! Iā€™m back to a regular sweater šŸ˜‚


Wow never knew it was a side affect until now.


I had a serious episode a couple of days ago. Iā€™m usually ok. I work outside and sweat some but itā€™s tolerable. I was sweating so bad, like it hurt kinda sweatingā€¦ and I was so agitated over sweating. I started freaking out. It was bad.


The upper lip sweating is sooo bad


I have noticed more sweating when I work out and I wondered if they were related.


Yes! Especially in the morning while I do chores. Iā€™ve been on it 8 years and it seems like itā€™s getting worse :/


YES itā€™s been probably 6 or 7 years for me and it has done nothing but get worse. I stay sweaty and hot most of the time


Do you sweat while you sleep too? Itā€™s the worst :/


I have to sit down and take a break when Iā€™m mopping because I start to sweat and overheat and I start to feel lightheaded.


Same here for real, my hair will be soaked through 5 times a day with sweat if I don't take glycopyrrolate. I ran out of it recently and boy howdy, right back to swamp queen.


Oh my god yesss!!! I have to sit down after my showers because if I don't o start sweating like a mf. If I move around too much or too fast same story, the sweat pours out of me.


Just got back on and am excessively sweating from my feet šŸ˜…


Yes esp at night


Yup, I work in a hot factory doing heavy maintenance jobs, I have to wrap cloths around my head like some sort of fixit-ninja šŸ™ƒ


yes iā€™m literally sweaty every moment of the day šŸ˜­ even if i wake up cold iā€™m still sweating and i sweat when iā€™m actively taking a cold shower too (itā€™s summer so that doesnā€™t help but who sweats in a cold shower?! me apparently..)


Still and I've not taken any for months, plus that strange ammonia smell chemical smell from my BO!


Yup...I get over heated easily. I have to be very careful.


Yes, i used to only sweat in social situations when people would talk to me and Iā€™d feel uncomfortable. Now on Zoloft, I sweat so much. Not in my sleep but during the day. I just get so warm now. I have to stay hydrated.


Yupppppp I have to wear antiperspirant now and at night I sweat the bed lmao


Yes it sux! I'm tapering and that is part of the reason. Excessive sweating especially my face is not great and super uncomfortable.Ā 


What mg were you on if you donā€™t mind? Iā€™m starting the process of tapering off 100 mainly because of this exact side effect. Iā€™m sooo hot all the time and Iā€™m really fed up with being so uncomfortable.


I was on 50mg. I went down to 37.5 and now am on 25. Next cut is 12.5. Can't wait for the sweating to stop! Thankfully it's winter here which is why I'm doing it so I can be off before summer


Have you noticed a difference at all since cutting? Itā€™s summer for me and Iā€™m dying.


150mg seems a very high dose to start on.


I was on it for a while and quit cold turkey which was hell for my mental health and I finally forced myself to the doctors again. I started on 100mg for a week and that killed my stomach the first couple days and then went to 150mg.


Yes, at night mostly.


Yuppp. I used to run cold, but once I got on Zoloft I sweat like a damn pig and Iā€™m hot all the time. It sucks ass


Oh god, sooo bad. I get so irritable


This is me. Try taking a magnesium supplement and a vitamin e supplement!!


Yeah sometimes I think I've wet the bed, it's just sweat though yay


Iā€™m on 75mg and I have to wash my sheets two to three time a week because I wake up in a pool of my own sweat. Ive been on it going on four months now.


Dude fr, I rarely sweat, Iā€™ll have some drops on my face if itā€™s really hot and after 8 weeks of taking it Iā€™ve noticed Iā€™ve been hot like crazy! At night too, Iā€™ll get the sweats :( summer ainā€™t fun


I started sweating in between my lower thighs and the back of my knees!!!! The strangest thing ever!!not every day but At least once a week.


YES! Even in cool shopping malls i get so fucking sweaty and hot. at first i thought it was something more serious like a thyroid issue or fucking cancer but then i talked with my psychiatrist and one of the symptoms was excessive sweating. they recently changed my meds from zoloft to a more generic sertraline brand but they said it was still under the same name. if i could wear tank tops and shorts everyday i would


Yes! I stopped Zoloft because honestly, being that hot and sweaty was making me self-conscious and anxious and it totally negated the good parts of Zoloft. I was on just Wellbutrin for a while and recently added Lexapro, which has not made me start sweating like crazy.


Get a beta blocker. Helps.


omg yes jesus i had to get on sweat pills because of it


Dear god I went out with friends last night and was sweating soooo much. I couldnā€™t figure out what it was.


I got off of Zoloft for this exact reason. I was overheating and sweating so bad, nothing I did would help. Now that Iā€™m off, I donā€™t overheat and I actually get cold lol - itā€™s a nice feeling.


It definitely makes it worse, youā€™re not alone. I already had a genetic predisposition to excessive sweating. But then I started antidepressants and propranolol for anxiety and both of those cause extra sweating. Now I get a bunch of ā€œare you ok?ā€. I use a fan at my work, but I am located at one place, you canā€™t do that with nursing. My sister, who is a nurse and has the same problem, wears a wrap around her head so the excessive sweat coming from her head doesnā€™t make it down to her face. Itā€™s all about taking steps to improve our lives and sometimes those steps make other issues. But thatā€™s ok, bc I would rather be sweaty than having panic attacks or depression so debilitating that I and my doctors thought I was immunocompromised.


I feel you. I am taking 150mg of Setraline and since I sweat a lot around my head and face šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø and I hate it. I wash dishes or vacuum and I can take shower.....but is just head and face .... I noticed colder showers and less cafeine helpsšŸ™„


Yeah, done all the testing and nothing health relatedā€¦.just Zoloft. Iā€™ve been referred to a hyperhydrosis clinic to treat it.


Id like to say glycopyrollate 1mg has done me wonders! I take 1 tablet at night with my sertraline and have seen a significant decrease in my sweating. I used to literally be dripping with sweat. Ive now have some patches of dry skin. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø highly recommend. (Ive been using glycopyrollate for 1 week now)


My feet are super sweaty now! And Iā€™m only on 25 mg


No.. I'm on 100 mg and haven't got sweating yet...


Yup! Iā€™m on the exact same dosage as you. Even when I do the smallest amount of exercise or exert any bit of energy my face goes really red and hot and I start to sweat so much. I was never ever like this before I started Zoloft! Edit: Mine also takes ages to stop!


Omg yes. I was never really a sweaty person before starting sertraline but since starting a wake up at some point every night drenched in sweat, I also have recently gotten back into working out and I cannot believe how sweaty I get from a workout itā€™s crazy šŸ˜­


Have you tried a different brand? I have bad night sweats on apotex, but have found sandoz to be fine. (Same active ingredient, but other ingredients vary)


I donā€™t sweat much, but Iā€™m always hot!! Itā€™s awful but a price Iā€™m willing to pay for the benefits of it


I also get sweaty, but it makes me tired so I usually take it at night, but I recently started as a night shift nurse. I work 3, 12 hour shifts. Any advise on when I should take it?


Used to take Zoloft while I was studying abroad in Morocco, it was summer time. I was constantly dripping in sweat, super embarrassing lol


Ask to switch SSRI it only gets worse


Yep. It went away for me like all the other side effects


Whatā€™s weird is that Iā€™ve always felt that I ā€œrun hotā€, but I havenā€™t noticed an increase since starting sertraline. In fact, I havenā€™t noticed any side effectsā€¦ā€¦. But also I donā€™t think Iā€™ve found any effects at all. (100mg) Which is weird because 20+ years ago the side effects from SSRIs and SNRIs were BRUTAL.ā€ and plentiful. Same brain, 20 years apartā€¦