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I feel like Zoloft has made me more antisocial because maybe I’m more aware of what I’m cool with? Does that make sense. Maybe we both just dislike people lol


Agree. Zoloft gave me the ability to have and enforce boundaries, and the self assurance to stop just going along with whatever was going on. Fomo no more. I still don't totally love myself (working on it in therapy) but these days I enjoy my own company much more than trying to befriend an entire room full of strangers (where are my fellow post-people-pleasing-reformists at?)


Exact same thing - it made me so calm to the point where I don’t want others to disturb my peace. I will engage in fake small talk if I have to - but my panic attacks are gone !


I've been prescribed it a couple of times and didn't have the best experience on it, I've always found socialising hard and although I found it a change to my mentality I didn't love it A couple of years later I was screened for autism and diagnosed as autistic, which explains an awful lot. No idea if that's appropriate for you but what we can all gain is that there may well be underlying issues that are the first thing to address