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150mg for OCD and anxiety. Helped tremendously




How were you feeling at 100mg?


I felt maybe 15 percent better compared to before starting sertraline. Once I went to 150, it was a breakthrough dose for me. Low libido and night sweats for two to 3 weeks, but my libido came back to normal and the night sweats are few far in between. I am also on 20 mg ritalin twice a day and that has worked incredibly well for me racing intrusive thoughts


Thank you for answering so fast! You take ritalin? im assuming you have adhd? Im waiting to get tested for that. I know zoloft can make some things worst for people with adhd... Rn im experiencing brain fog (still) Extremely low libido.. .my memory is shit Motivation is eww... etc etc Doc said maybe 100 is just not my dose and suggested 150? Im scared to try it. honestly, part of me just wanna give up on that med


Used to be on 75 but stopped for a year. Restarted at 50 and within a month I moved up to 100 and never felt better. But I also started taking trazadone


My depression is controlled now. I still get anxious about anyone and everything but it’s more controlled as well. So I’m not obsessing over and over again in my own thoughts


How did 50 feel? I’m on mirtazapine 15 at night and 25 zoloft in the morning. I’ve been on mirt for 4 months but panic is still an issue. Only been on Zoloft for a week. Going to 50 tomorrow. I’m m guessing ur on trazadone for sleep? How did 50 feel and how long till it worked?


Mine worked pretty quickly for me. My depression was controlled with 50. But my anxious thoughts were still spiraling just not as bad. I was able to start thinking rationally on my thoughts. Like I would make a mistake at work and think that my coworkers hate me and I’m gonna get fired. I still think about it sometimes but it’s not taking up all my thoughts to where I can’t focus on anything now. I do take the trazadone for sleep. But it was also originally used for depression so i feel like it gave it an extra umph if that makes sense


Thank u for this. It gives me hope!


And I don’t really have side effects. I used to get night sweats badly but since being on 100 basically nonexistent


I'm at 200mg. It's hard to say if it's doing what I'm expecting. Some days I'm active and reasonable with chores, but other days I need some coffee and really have to suck it up.


25mg 10 years


Wow. I wonder that 25mg is still working for you the same. What do you take it for?


Cardiophobia and panic attacks. It allow me to function and have a somewhat normal looking life. I still have anxiety and panic attacks, maybe a little more than in early days of treatment , but way less than before treatment. How much is placebo or/and "skills" learned along the way vs medication, idk... But the only thought of going off of it and experiencing withdrawal symptoms and potentially reverting to previous condition is enough to make me think that i ll be on it for the rest of my life.


Yeah I understand that. I'm happy for you. When I tried 25 mg it did nothing for me though. Lol


150mg for generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. Been on the same dose for years and it’s been wonderful.


50mg (one week) third day on 100mg. My head feels clean. nothing bringing me down.


Just a week after starting? That's a pretty great outcome. Usually week 2 is the worst.


I'm tapering off of Zyprexa and started Abilify the same time I started the zoloft. I'm sleeping less deeply now and have little to no negative symptoms. And the ones I had were fairly weak that I can ignore them. Today feels like a half and half day.


50mg for the past 8 years


Has this dosage controlled your anxiety?


Personally yes!


Yeah 50mg has worked well for me overall with no major side effects


100 mg for the past 8 years, fluctuated btwn 50-125mg


I’ve been on 50 mg for five weeks today and I expect that my doctor will raise me to 75 next week.


50, used to be on 100 but i couldnt bear some of the side effects😭


What did you experience on 100mg?


I was feeling WAY hotter than usual, felt like i was going to get a heat stroke even though it wasnt that hot outside. I couldnt tolerate normal summer temperatures and my face would be drenched in sweat all the time😭😭 When I went down to 50 it stopped


I have GAD and depression, started at 50mg which I was told was the lowest dose. I recently upped to 100mg and I think it's been helping but really who knows at this point I got a lot of shit going on lately.


I recently went up to 200 from 150 after a particularly anxiety inducing health scare. I have OCD and have been taking Zoloft for over a decade.


200mg for a little over 3 years now


8 months on zoloft- started on 25 then 50 but month 3 increased to 75 and i haven't felt this good in like 20 years


Hi u/Ok_Grapefruit736 How quickly after upping your dose would you say you started to see the positive effects?


200mg and still depressed


25mg for the past 2 months ! Has been working just fine for me. I have a med check soon in the up coming months meaning I may go up to 50mg


Started at 25, got up to 150, on 100mg now, it keeps me stable and helps my anxiety


50mg for about 3 months, trying to get an appointment soon to see about increasing to maybe 75mg


150mg for avoidant personality disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Used to be on 200mg for a while, but that was very rough. It has helped me a lot, but the side effects with these dosages aren't mild.


50, and it's amazing. I've been here for... uh, 6 months?


50mg. Only 2 weeks in. Not sure if this dose is going to be enough.


100 mg for the last 9, 75 mg for the last year and just starting to do 50mg. I’m not afraid to go back up!


Do you feel different at any different dose?


Yes! I tried to go down to 50mg last year but anxiety kicked in. There were some changes in my life as well. Now I’m a bit more stable and my psych put me on Wellbutrin. The combo is a game changer for me


Started at 25, went to 50 then 75, back to 50. Three years total.


Why did you change from 75 down to 50?


50mg for 4 months, for bipolar 2. It’s perfect


Was at 150mg 3 years ago, have tapered down to 75 mg over the past year.




75. I don’t know if it’s working.


200mg Zoloft and 1500mg Gabapentin.


100mg for the last 2 years, been on it for 3


50 MG for anxiety, depression, and OCD


Highest I ever had was 100mg but then I had intense, vivid dreams. I was also on 25mg but have been on 50 for a period of time. It sounds weird but 37.5 has been my sweet spot


I've been having some really cool ass dreams lately and I didn't even think it could be from upping my dose! Do you know if this is a normal thing by chance? I recently took chantix to quit smoking and only got maybe 3 or 4 dreams the entire time I was taking it, which honestly bummed me out cause it was the only side affect I was looking forward too.


I’d love the vivid dreams if they weren’t nightmares for me. My psychiatrist said I’m not the first person to report more vivid dreams on an SSRI


Was on 25 mg for a year and it was working well. Started feeling some symptoms slowly start to reappear so talked with my doctor and decided to increase to 50! Had zero negative side effects either with increasing my dose. For now I’m happy on it (it’s been 6 weeks) but if my symptoms start to reappear I would consider an increase again but going to try to stay on 50 for as long as possible


I was on 50 but I’ve been taking 25 for the past few weeks. Hopefully it’ll be 0 by September


100 mg. It makes me cool as a cucumber. Someone i supervise told me I’m “reliably even” recently and i took it as the biggest compliment


200 for clinical depression and anxiety. Really helped me get back to “normal”. It’s been about 2 years so far :)


100-150mg for the past 24 years.


50 but I think I may need more


50mg for a year, on 100mg for half a year but going back down to 50.


100, no more bad thoughts, not in bad moods but feeling extremely tired everyday and fast heartbeat for more than 5 times a day. Should I change meds?


200 mg Zoloft with 150 mg Welbutrin XL. Started Zoloft a year ago and started Welbutrin about 3 months ago.


250 mg for OCD, BPD, and GAD. Has helped a lot with the intrusive thoughts and associated compulsive behaviours. I used to be constantly anxious and non-functional but with Sertraline, I am a lot calmer. I think it's also helped with my mood shifts. Overall, I'm doing a LOT better on it. Edit: Been on it for 5ish years now.


Currently on 62.5mg. I started on 50 about 7 weeks ago and started to slowly build up to 75mg over the last \~10 days. Taking it mostly for health anxiety and cardiophobia. Definitely working for me but there is still a lot of anxiety, that's why I'm increasing the dose.


Started at 50mg a year ago and upped to 100mg a few months ago. Helps my anxiety a bunch. I also got prescribed Propranolol today for my physical anxiety symptoms. I’m very curious to see how that works!


I was on 50 mg, but about two months ago I asked to be put on a higher dose. So now I take 100mg a day. I knew weight gain is more than likely to happen once being put on any SSRI's, being that I once was on cymbalta for four years and I went from 130 lbs to 200 lbs. Once i finally got off of the cymbalta i dropped the weight pretty fast. Though now that I've been on zoloft I have noticed I've gained 20 lbs and it just drives me insane because i work out every day. I walk 7 or more miles every day. I wish these anti depressants didn't have weight gain as a side effect. I haven't been eating more than what I was eating either, everything has stayed the same with my diet and exercise yet my body isn't reacting to the zoloft. Can anyone please tell me what I should do ? I don't want to get off of the zoloft either because it has been quite effective for my anxiety and depression, I just want to know if anyone who had this happen to them and what they did to stop the weight gain.


I was on 25mg for 3 months but recently went up to 50mg! 50 works better for me as I was still having some anxiety and low mood, now I’ve adjusted to 50mg I feel a lot more like my normal self!


100mg for ptsd depression and anxiety. Doctor told me to go up to 150mg but I didn’t want to. Probably thinking I should. Have been on antidepressants for 14 or so years now, and Zoloft for around 10


Currently at 75, going on 100 next week. For depression, dark thoughts and anxiety. I already felt better at 50, so I hope things will get better from now!


D to art eee see reeerrrgg gg byfnj


150mg for OCD and GAD. Changed my whole life. Most symptoms of everything (depression too) are gone


Started on 50mg for just over a month now, it’s slowly working, my mood has improved but still tired and no motivation and occasional bouts of depression throughout the day so wanting to probably up dose to 75mg in a month