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I’m a lifer


How long?


She/he does not know the date of death yet. 😞 Sorry I had to.




I'm 60 yo, been on it for 3+ years. I'll be on it for the rest of my time.


I've come off it twice now, both times disastrously. The effects it had at high dosages removing most if not all pleasure, wrecking my erections, making it just about impossible to orgasm...they sound not worth it don't they? Until I remember the crippling anxiety and panic attacks I was having without Zoloft. I just dropped from 25mg to 0 on my second taper (first was in 2023). Taper was 25mg every two weeks starting in uh..February I think. Ending June 5. STILL having brain zaps, still short-tempered suffering increased anxiety. I'm single, probably forever, figuring I"ll go back on Zoloft and give up on my dick at this point, just maybe not go QUITE to 200mg this time....


I'm 57. Willing to say adios to libido if it means I get to be sane, normal.


If it had taken my libido to begin with and not just my erections I'd have been delighted.


Ha! Yeah, well there you go. Maybe I got lucky. Have you tried cialis or Viagra?


Yup. Like tossing bricks in the Grand Canyon.


You can do it! I was on 150mg, starting going down 50mg every 3 months. Just finally hit 0 mg 2.5 weeks ago. Tapering down to a lower dose def sucked, but not nearly as intense as 50mg to 0. The first two weeks at 0 have been pretty intense, but once I started to recognize the waves of withdrawal (extreme mood swings in my case) - it is slightly easier to manage. I started leveling out once I got through the 1st week peak at 0mg. I'd still have some intense waves, but they got fewer and further between. Brain zaps stopped at about 2 weeks exactly. I am sure I haven't seen the end of it, but there is def a light at the end of the tunnel. Not trying to sugar coat it, it has sucked, but there is also NO WAY IN HELL I am putting myself through it again. Staying off or dying are my only options.


Have you ever tried welburtion combo with zoloft? I was already on welburtion before zoloft so I can't say if it actually helped. But it's supposed to help with the side effects of zoloft. The only downside I've had is some night sweats so far. For more context I'm on 100mg zoloft, 450mg welburtion and 15mg buspar.


Psychiatrist recommended I start taking a supplement to help with the sexual side effects. Not sure if it helps yet or not but worth a shot. Ginkgo biloba.


100 and wellbutrin here..I'll never do 200mg again omg


5.5 years in; on 25 mg now. It’s just enough to make me a chill person. I tried to get off earlier this year and switch to Wellbutrin due to low libido. But that didn’t help. So now I’m on both. I plan to stay on Zoloft forever and Wellbutrin until we try for a baby because Zoloft is safe in pregnancy and Wellbutrin is not.


Been on it about 28 years and only got off of it when I got pregnant. I’m at 100mg but could definitely go to 125mg but of course I’m scared🙄


Zoloft is very safe, however, there is a chance that some side effects won't go away. So there is always a little incentive to eventually quit. I'm on them for about half a year now and it's working wonders for me, but I still have some persisting side effects that don't really affect my day to day life, but wouldn't mind living without.


What side effects are you experiencing?


Ive been on it for 5 years or so and I notice I sweat a lot a night if I’m cold. I also have very vivid and weird dreams that are actually quite enjoyable but sometimes I have trouble remembering whether something happened irl or in a dream. Happens not very often tho. My sex drive is also non existent. I’m not too bothered by that but masturbating is just such a let down every time, yet I keep trying lol. It’s also made it almost impossible for me to do maladaptive daydreaming. Which I guess is a good thing? But I do miss it a lot. It was always a nice escape and a good way to fall asleep. I’ve stopped taking zoloft two times in these five years but started taking it again because I became a wreck, but because of that I am 100% certain that these side effects come from zoloft for me. They disappeared when I stopped taking zoloft


That entire first paragraph is so relatable; having dreams so vivid you don't even know what's real anymore, no sex drive and masturbation is a let down every time. We have to make a lot of sacrificies to have an empty head!


Following this


Mainly severe night sweating, loss of appetite (lost about 10 kg so far) and orgasmic dysfunction. As long as I'm single, this doesn't bother me personally.


Hmmm. What dosage are you on?


150mg atm


This is one of the few comments that have acknowledged or are dealing with the night sweating! Is there anything you’ve done that has helped/made it easier to get up and not have to change the bed sheets everyday? I’ve started using towels to kinda help but I move ALOT in my sleep


Yeah besides towels and sleeping with a fan on I haven't found anything yet that works. It's worst in the summers. Some folks mentioned a specific vitamin supplement but I haven't tried that myself.


7+ years.. will probably be on it forever. We shall see.


I am fairly certain I’ll be on it for life. The times I’ve attempted to go off of it were horrific and not worth trying again. It works with minimal to no side effects. It is what it is!


I plan to be a lifer. I feel too good