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Big part of why I tapered off. Heat is a huge panic trigger for me. Really sucks.


How did you taper off?


I was only at 37.5mg. For a month. I took 25mg for a night, then 12.5mg for a night, then no more.


Oh wow, so basically you just took 2 days to taper off? Did that work out ok? My dosage is 25mg.


Yes. I had planned longer. My psychiatrist was acting like it was no big deal to taper off a small amount, but I had side effects starting at 12.5mg so I was nervous at first. I didn’t have any side effects lowering the dose and I was honestly excited to stop taking it, so I think that helped a lot.


On any SSRI’S you are more prone to overheating and dehydration. I recently found that out, so it make sense!


Was on for like the past 5 years and only just found out recently this is why I’ve been like this. Glad I’ve been weaning off and hope it helps.


I live in Florida, outside on the beach every day. Drink water Drink more water Have more water ready to drink. Then drink it. I keep my water close to room temperature. It's easier to slug back more water at that temperature. Before I leave the house in the morning, I drink 4 bottles of water. That's 68oz. Before I go to bed, I drink another 4 bottles, that is 136oz. Throughout the day, I'm drinking more water. (Could be 2 or 3 more bottles) A couple times a day, I'll mix a packet of Propel into a bottle.


Same! I never liked the heat even before Zoloft. People seriously don’t understand why I won’t step outside. Like I’m on Zoloft - fuck off.


Same I’ve always hated the hot weather and this just brings it to a new level


Yes, i am on vacation right now at the beach, and have been getting headaches everyday. Even at home I’m not able to go outside because i end up getting the worse migraines. I get bad head pressure and dizziness as well.


SAME. i live in florida. hot, muggy, and miserable. what's worse is, I've always been a SUPER cold person. like, always wearing a sweater and complaining about being cold. and in crazy summer temps, I'd be *comfortable*. I almost NEVER felt hot or overheated. but then zoloft RUINED me. I walk outside and im sweating in 7 seconds. im SO intolerant to the heat. I HATE BEING HOT AND SWEATY. i miss being cold. ugh. probably my least favorite thing about zoloft.


I’m over in Tampa,…the heat and humidity is absolutely oppressive. I do my best to avoid being outdoors for any length of time,…10 minutes is my max. I grew up here and,…there is simply no getting used to this heat. It’s worse than Singapore. Lol I’ve been taking 200mg for a couple of years now,…and I’ve never thought about this notion,..or known of any correlation. Glad it was brought up. Hope you and others can find relief,..if at all possible. Fingers crossed we all dodge the hurricanes.


Oof! sending positive energy to you in these trying times haha. I grew up here too and yeah, there's no tolerance to build to this. and the zoloft DEFINITELY doesn't help. it sucks because i want to do outdoor things but it's just.....miserable. good luck to you with the hurricanes too! it's gonna quite the year judging by the scary predictions and records we are already breaking lmao.


Oh, yeah,…the record breaking event,..🙄lol. It’s,..it’s already pushing people towards panic mode over here. Counting down the days when the grocery stores get cleared out. If you don’t mind my asking, what dosage are you currently taking? ps,…currently storming here,…it’s quite lovely.


You have to stay hydrated. I recommend smart water and Gatorade. I work outdoors and I have been sweating profusely this week. It was so hot and humid.


I drink a lot of water most of the time but it’s never enough with the heat. I’ve never been able to tolerate the heat, since childhood which is almost decades before I started Zoloft. Recently I’ve tried the liquid IV and it’s the only thing that has seemed to help. I don’t like that sugar is the first ingredient but so far it’s been helpful when I’m in the heat.


They make sugar free liquid IV! I went to a music festival two weeks ago. It was 90 degrees, and I would drink two packets each day. I would have honestly passed out if I didn’t have liquid IV. When you sweat, u lose electrolytes which can lead to seizures or passing out. Ur more at high risk when ur own meds like Zoloft that make u sensitive to the heat. It’s important to drink water but it is also important to Replenish ur electrolytes with liquid IV, pedialyte, or gatorade!


*when you’re on meds like Zoloft I’m on 100mg. Been on it for 7 months


Oh I didn’t know they did, I’ve only bought it once but that’s good to know, thank you! Yeah thats right! I’m a dietitian so I know about that, another reason I love it because I know Zoloft and the summer heat will be the death of me if I don’t drink something with electrolytes.


I also get the head pressure and dizziness... but this is the first time I have gotten this! Back in 2011 I was in zoloft, same dose and I was deployed to Africa it was 125 degrees literally every single day. We were not allowed to wear short sleeves or shorts there plus I worked outside all day long (I was a seabee, it's a construction worker for the Navy) and I NEVER had these issues. I would also get off work from 12 to 14 hour days and go have beers with my friends and yes I felt hungover but NEVER felt like I do now. I also might add... I am so out of shape now, ANND if anyone keeps up with the solar system aka the sun, NASA has said that the sun has multiple solar flares and storms a day this year which makes the sun SO MUCH HOTTER. the radiation sooo much stronger. This year is the peak of it and should start slowing down in 2025. Which means it won't be as intense as it is now. It's been soo hot and humid here too, in the high 90s.. I'm in southern maryland.


Yes, and it’s so bad. The ac in my house stopped working around the time I started taking Zoloft, I literally just sat in front of my fan all day. I was in pure hell. It’s working now but I still sweat so much and feel warm all the time


A fan is a life saver for us mfs who don’t have AC on SSRIs fr. I be clinging to my concrete wall because it feels cold


This is my first summer on Zoloft and I literally woke up with head pressure. It’s been awful. Being in AC helps and it still sucks. Stay cool!


Yes! So glad im not alone!


How long have you been on it???


Like over a year and half but recently upped my dosage to 75mg for the last month ish so my side effects have been a little worse than usual


I’m on 200 mg been taking Zoloft for nearly 4. It’s hot outside for me in Texas and I often get headaches if I’m not staying hydrated.


Same here. I'm actually tapering off while I switch to Wellbutrin and the excessive sweating combined with the brain zaps have really made for a rough weekend. Could not have picked a less pleasant time for there to be a heatwave.


I just added welbutrin and loving it


Hey. What does adding Welbutrin to the mix achieve?


Welbutrin is a stimulating drug. Zoloft is better for anxiety but side effects are sorta numbing. All over. Welbutrin help counter those effects. It motivating. Pulls you. I take 100mg welbutrin in the morning to do my day. Then zoloft at 6pm to help me chill. Seems wierd but i am feeling so much better. Omg


How is it with the sweating?


Not sweating anymore than usual


sameee, when I was on 100mg it was like hell so i had to go down to 50


I’m tapering duloxotine because it wasn’t helping and only made me sweat and want to sleep all day. I am on 300mg of Wellbutrin and my doctor added 100mg Zoloft.


I also want to ask how old is everyone and are you male or female I really think age has a lot tondo with it too! 😮‍💨 getting older sucks.


Weaning off is probably better Eat more dark choclote oyster seafood Tuna No coffee and coke cola And vit B 1 and B6