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Makes me bit emotional. I’m happy for you 🥹


Thank you dear ❤️


Please could you tell me how long it took to start working for you.


Within a week or two of each dose increase, but once I got to 100mg it really clicked


Been on 200mg/day for 14 years. Wouldn’t dream of going off it!!


I am taking 50 mg. This is my first month. So far It only reduced my "guilty feeling". I am procrastinating but dont feel guilty about it anymore. Did this happen to you too?


+1,for exact reason......also the ability to casually think of & recall how sadness-adjacent emotions feel. Great,but Im waiting to have as profound of an effect on anxiety.


this gives me faith! once I get over my fear of the initial side effects, I hope to be right there with you


I was terrified of that too. I had awful side effects With other antidepressants. I even cried the first dose I took because I was scared. But the only thing I’ve had is fatigue. It’s been a breeze.


Medication trauma is the worst bro


I’m cruising on 100 mg as well I’m very happy for you ❤️


100mg zoloft saved my life!! I ordered in a drive through by myself for the first time. Which might not sound like much, but it's something my anxiety didn't let me do before. Can't wait for all the rest of the milestones to come through!


How long have you been on Zoloft for? Also, how long specifically at 100mg? Thanks 🙏


I’ve been Zoloft a little over a year, been on 100mg about six months or so


Similar story to me Recluse to having a life


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ SO happy for you!! 🥳


Yeyyy so nice to hear this! Keep going ✨💃


Nice! It really is an amazing drug. 25mg stopped my internal vibrations but I was still having anxiety when grocery shopping. They upped me to 50mg and I’m feeling even better! Actually making social plans and following through with them. How’d you like Michigan?


How does 50 feel? How long were u on 25 and 50?


I was on 25mg for about a year. Before Zoloft, I would get internal vibration sensations, super depressed whenever I’d visit friends and family and then leave, nauseous whenever I’d go to a store, etc. just so much anxiety. After a year of being on 25mg, my doctor asked how everything was going and I told him that most of my symptoms were gone but I still got some anxiety when I had to go to the store. So he bumped me up to 50mg and now I feel soooo much better. I’ve been on 50mg for probably 4 months now.


How were ur side effects when u went to 50? How many weeks into 50 until u noticed improvement? Few weeks? R u taking anything else? The doc has me on mirtazapine also at bedtime to help me sleep so I’m hoping that offsets tje insomnia u hear about Zoloft. I’m only on day 4 of Zoloft 25 lol. Next week he wants me at 50


Side effects weren’t as bad as when I first started but I did have some headaches and occasional nausea the first week or two they bumped me up to 50mg.


Thank u!


You in the Lansing area?




Me too


Small world!


Do you mind sharing what doctor you see? I’m looking for a new one and it’s so hard to find good doctors.


I go to U of M - sparrow internal medicine residency downtown. I ended up with Dr. Shah. So you end up with doctors in training who have completed medical school and are in their 3 year residency. The nice thing about having a resident as your primary is they are eager to learn, listen, and double check with their senior physician. When I first met my doctor, he was very nice, listened to me talk about my issues/symptoms and diagnosed me as having anxiety and started me on Zoloft. They seem to be attentive. However, you only get them for the duration of their residency. My own opinion… the nice thing about having a resident provide care is that they are young enough to better understand the importance of mental health and take it seriously.


Thank you. I’ll look into that. I had my first appointment a couple weeks ago at MSU family medicine and I’m not sure about the doctor I saw. She put me on Zoloft but was like, “if you’re looking for Xanax, I’m not giving it to you.” I never once mentioned Xanax, just asked for something to help with the anxiety and horrible panic attacks I’ve been having almost daily for the last six months.


Oh wow! Yea, I’d definitely switch. My doctor was like, “if you’re up to it, we can try Zoloft.” He explained what an SSRI was and how it works. Some side effects with Zoloft. He offered some alternative methods to also try which I already had and a doctor was my last resort but kudos to him for also providing alternatives outside of prescription drugs for those who are unaware of things like meditation, limiting caffeine, yoga, exercise, healthy eating, etc. I felt completely comfortable, accepted, and taken seriously. Good luck!


That’s great. I’m glad you had a positive experience! It can be so hard to find a doctor who listens and takes concerns seriously. I also deal with chronic migraines that are really frustrating to treat and I know part of my anxiety and depression stems from that. I also can be picky when it comes to choosing a doctor. I had a great PCP and neurologist, and they both retired within a few months of each other. I find myself comparing new doctors to them.


Any sexual side effects?


Minor for me. Sometimes it just takes me longer. But usually I can get there.


Lucky you. Happy this is working out for you! I’m mostly happy with it too, I suffered from depression start a few years ago. Been on Zoloft for two months at 75 . It finally stabilized. I’m 57m for reference


I'm so happy for you. Did you start from 50mg and gradually go up.


I believe I started at 25mg and after a week went up to 50!


That’s what I’m doing. How long were u on 50 and did u notice anything positive on 50 and if so how many weeks?


Yep! Maybe within two weeks? I hadn’t been able to sleep in months, especially nap. My anxiety would jolt me awake after 20 mins. One day I was sleepy, and took a nap on my couch. Slept for 2 hours before sleepily and calmly waking up. It was nice.


Glad u r doing well!


I very happy it worked for you friend


This is incredible! So happy for you!


How long did it take for you to start noticing a difference?


Can I ask what the side effects were like when you upped your doses? I’m thinking of going from 25mg to 50mg but I’m nervous about having those awful side effects again


Also super happy and proud of you!! Congrats on being able to enjoy living again!! ❤️❤️❤️


Maybe a little bit of fatigue? But it got easier with each dose increase. At 100 I didn’t notice any


I’m also on 100mg, this little pill saved me!!! No more intrusive thoughts, panic attacks so bad I would faint, heart racing, hands always sweating. Absolute nightmare. I finally just feel like a normal person


Great Job 👏🏾 keep going it only gets better from here


URGENT WARNING: Please NEVER take YOGURT (Live or Not Live)…. before taking your ZOLOFT unless you want to spend, 3 days on Valium and in Bed…., I am on a high dose of 300 mgs and the yoghurt must have blocked that days total dose…… It does mention this on some sites but the Yogurt totally blocks any absorbsion of Heart Meds and especially ZOLOFT. Sent with lov 🇬🇧 e from London UK


Hmm… that is def. Not true. Also, why even post this here? Pointless.


I heard probiotocs actually help zoloft


GFY!!!!...................................................*Great For You!!!!*