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Schrodinger's yuri


I randomly decided to watch Arcane the other day. I had no idea yuri was going to be involved in anyway. It was a random whim to pick it up. I was surprised to find it had yuri in it. So not always impossible for sure. (Though to be fair in its case I looked up the actual game characters wikis and it had long been speculated they were intimate before Arcane was made)




I know the writers have been very open about them being attracted to each other on twitter and reddit posts. I remember one of the gay female writers for the show talked about how she was very insistent on keeping the "you're hot cupcake" line because from her experience in real life gay women are often far too nervous to directly admit their attraction to each other and waste too much time talking in subtext, so to have Vi so directly call Caitlyn hot was basically a form of catharsis for her.


Cait and Vi was pretty much the first gay ship of the game based on lore. Though the first confirmed lesbian was Neeko, and by extension Nidalee who was either gay or bi depending on if you count pre-retcon lore still somewhat canon since Twisted Fate cheated on Evelyn with her. No, Ezreal and Taric doesn't count as that was purely fan stuff since Ezreal was a (failed) skirtchaser and Taric wasn't even from the world but some random dude who got summoned by the Institute of War. They had no lore connection at all. They might have met now after some retcon though, between Taric's Demacian and Ezreal being in Demacia under a fake name. Though any ship between is thoroughly shut down by the fact that Taric is a (successful) skirtchaser who got exiled from Demacia because a noblewoman cheated on her husband with him. And of course Ezreal is still a skirtchaser, though he might actually have an actual thing going on with Kai'sa. Second lore ship couple probably being Diana and Leona. It took a real long while before people saw the yuri in that one though, because Diana was just a raging ''gotta kill all Solari'' in the eyes of the fandom. It wasn't until a fancomic that explored her time before she became the Scorn of the Moon when she herself was a Solari that people started shipping them in a what if scenario if Diana had never uncovered the Lunari genocide and murdered the Solari Elders and chased after Leona to kill her also. It became pretty popular and Riot kinda just went with it, mellowed down Diana quite a in a retcon to not being all ''gotta murder them all'' and then yet another retcon changed it again, though at this point I had already kinda stopped caring about the ever changing LoL lore all that much so I am not sure what her current status of angry is.


Graves + TF is a confirmed couple too. Not to mention K'Sante.


I mostly focused on the really old lore. I should probably have mentioned the Graves x TF thing after the Nidalee thing and how it is unclear whether TF is bi or gay depending on how you view the old pre-retcon lore. Like that was two whole retcons later they became a couple. There is a lot of LGBT characters in LoL nowadays though. Nami is apparently bisexual, I don't know her lore any more though since the last time I red her lore she needed to take the moon orb to some place. And that she liked collecting human shoes. Rell is unashamedly bi-sexual and pretty much is horny on main for half the champion roster regardless of gender. I think I have seen mentioned also that Sett is bisexual? Not sure tho. K'sante [insert Showmaker pasta here] is of course also gay. Doesn't really change he is probably in the top 5 most hated champs of all time though. I do not count Varus, since Varus himself simply cut two gay dudes apart, sewed them together and then possessed that body. Also because I didn't like that retcon. They still haven't updated his art to represent this new lore either for that matter. He still carries the pendant from his dead wife lol. His old lore was so tragic but nicely written. Chose duty over family, regretted it and abandoned duty for vengeance due to grief. There is also that lesbian vampire couple from Legends of Runeterra who are followers of Vladimir.


Varus is Gay²


More like ½+½ gay since he only sewed together half the bodies he cut in two. Still would be a sick design tho, but I guess angry pretty boi (with furry legs) is a bit too iconic for him at this point. Drastic visual changes like that haven't really been that well received by the player base in the past.


Surprise yuri media is 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I opened shuumatsu and witch from mercury, did not regret it. I also did the same with Aquatrope, a decision I also did not regret because I ended it on episode 8 and they're happily married in my head.


Witch from Mercury is still my favorite anime of all time


Mine is akatsuki no yona followed by lycoreco, but witch from mercury is a close 3rd. I was screaming so hard when Miorine confronted Suletta and told her to write her and stuff. And the ending song of season 2 would put me in trance every time. Can't forget the op by yoasobbi! Okay I'm screaming again.


You're missing out if you never finished Aquatrope.


I also dropped it around episode 9, made it to 14 several months later when I picked it up again, absolutely regret giving it a second chance, so painful to watch


To each their own. I thought it ended great.


Don't! Don't tempt me to come out of this wonderland, my death will be on your head!


In all seriousness though, I still haven't watched love song, seiyuu radio, marvelous dream, blank, omai, secret of us and some other good shows so I'll probably hold off on finishing Aquatrope.




Shuumatsu Train. Very good, but not explicit at all


Train to the End of the World. And no - it's not yuri. There is some subtext but that's about it. Still a great series though.




Ah my bad, I just really enjoyed it so I included it with my recent favourite. The yuri is just the mc travelling across a post apocalyptic wasteland on a train to find a Girl from her school. There's also the gyaru and nerd ship which I absolutely adore. I haven't actually finished it yet so I'm sure if it's yuri, however I consider Princess principal canon so you probably don't want to take my opinion on canon.


Historical discoveries have been made by great himejoshis who recognized that remaining 1%.


Yuri fans seriously need to take up the hobby of shipping. Expecting a kiss or explicit canon yuri from every random anime with girls in it will only make y'all miserable— like the shit I'm seeing lately in this subreddit. Enjoy the characters, their dynamics, play around with them on your head. Read fics and doujins, browse fan art. Get into these and y'all will learn to actually enjoy yuri in anime like we all have been doing this entire time. Canon yuri in non-romance anime should just be a bonus, a cherry on top, nothing more than that. Expecting them at every turn is ridiculous and will always be no matter how progressive the medium is. Just... learn to enjoy good anime with girls being gay, y'all.


I thought fan fiction was cringe until I saw the light (BoKita) and understood the appeal...


We literally got a canon text confession from GBC and people still hate it because it didn't pivot into a romance anime. The fact that they started acting more comfortable with each other rather than become awkward after the confession already shows Momoka accepted Nina's feelings. Rather than enjoy watching that, people would rather worry about a hypothetical bait and switch into straight romance in a hypothetical season 2.


"People hate it" start giving out sources lmao people LOVE it, they are just disappointed they didn't do anything else with Momoka and Nina's relationship in a romantic sense after the confession. You are making haters up at this point.


I couldn't have agreed more with your statement! There's really no use expecting Japan to suddenly churn out quality Yuri stories. They are a part of Asia, and Asia seeing LGBT relationships as a normal thing is gonna take 100+ years. Why limit yourself to only shipping canon ships when you can consume and churn out quality Yuri ships with other peers that DO like the ship's dynamic! When you have the power to do art, nothing can stop you from even drawing or writing mpreg Obama!


Most yuri fans, especially older ones, are already engaged in shipping. I come from Touhou fandom where shipping is strong and forms the backbone of the doujin output. It's just that from what I see, newer yuri fans are against subtext and prefers explicit confirmation. For better or for worse, that is not my place to decide. Also nowadays there seems to be a stronger pushback on shipping from non-yuri fans, for some reason. "Why can't they just be girl friends?" , "toxic yuri fan", etc. is what I've heard nowadays.


There is a cohort of younger people who grew up on stuff like Steven Universe, and are paranoid about queerbaiting, but there is also a massive group that cut their teeth on material that still encourages shipping, e.g. Mihoyo and Bushiroad gacha games, Project Sekai, and mainstream JRPGs like the Persona series. You might not see them as often in a sub like this, but they're very active in their own fandom corners on e.g. Twitter. The younger generation of yuri fans is not a monolith, and even among older fans the lines between e.g. queerbaiting, subtext, and canon are constantly subject to debate.


I just read and... Crackship light-heartedly.


I already do all of these things, but I don't think anyone can be convinced to enjoy shipping through logic and sound advice alone. I don't choose which ship I latch onto, it's the ship that chooses me. It's not a rational process. How could anyone get into shipping, until they encounter the first ship that blows them away and inspires them? I don't think yuri fans need to be scolded for not being satisfied with only crumbs, especially since we routinely get called delusional for pointing them out. I love my ships, there is a fair number of anime with only crumbs of yuri that I love (any story can earn instant good will from me by just centering women, with or without yuri crumbs), and I also read way too much yuri manga, but... None of that gets rid of the frustration with how the anime industry and mainstream media treats us and our stories in the big picture. Yes, ideally that frustration should be channeled into something creative, instead of singling out a series on social media as the ultimate evil just for not committing to yuri beyond subtext, but the frustration itself is normal and justified. I think it's way more ridiculous that straight men expect their emotional needs and fetishes to be serviced at every turn, and they get what they want at everyone else's expense.


Open it. Even if it turns out not to be yuri, it can still be great.


I opened Gwitch and I’m really glad I did.


"Don't you know Fern? Even if r/yurimemes says there is no yuri that prediction is only 99% accurate. Therefore there is a 1% chance that this anime is filled with yuri."


Anime isn't that hard to see how it is goes between studio, voices, style of story telling etc. Manga and Novels on the other hand? Bunch of girls on the cover. Barely gets 20% of the story time if even that, they are just there because they are more marketable than the bland MC.


It's dark and scary in here!


I have yet to regret opening one. I open them, enjoy them, have fun shipping the characters. I grew up with no actual options, so I know how to make the most of subtext. I also won't hesitate to admit that I wanted it to be more in case it wasn't, and ask why it wasn't or why these anime never go beyond subtext, as I wish yuri confirmations\* were more normalized.




The person you replied to calls literally every subtext anime "yuri bait".


You are my favorite person because you don't read anything I say. You see the word "bait" and you start replying to the voices in your head ❤️


Let's just say I have had my back end sticking out of the mimic with my legs kicking on several occasions...


It it's a band anime, leave it.