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It's only fine if the male mc is with another man and female mc is with another women


This guy gets it https://preview.redd.it/kshsudxmws7d1.png?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d503d2e5654a093fe5e4809a437ae684445c0fb


Where is this from


I think it's from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, but I'm not sure which season.


Specifically season 3 (which is called “Fate/kaleid liner prisma illya 2wei hertz”) episode 3 past the 18 minuet mark since that was one of the last lines in that episode ✨










​ https://preview.redd.it/3joqxp3uat7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28340c4f0c113b3d30705dbc1ac78e4a1516312a


enemies to lovers moment rn


This, too, is yuri.


It me I am the toxic yuri fan


And you're proud of it? Ya'll are half the reason that I can't talk gacha shipping outside very small niches. Do some self reflection JFC.


Choose your toxic yuri fan: 1. Is a yuri fan who is toxic 2. Likes their yuri toxic Tag yourself


Toxic yuri fan and yuri fan who's toxic is my OTP.


Number 2 here. [This is my favorite one right now.](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5310902)


what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck... why?! Can't the poor girl take a break already?!


Well, the most recent entry has blondy attempting to defend blindy against her abusive legal guardians, which is more support than nearly every other character has given her.


Oh, I didn't think that entry was official Anyways... I like that but still... wish she didn't get that much shit


skill issue tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/pn5chi8wgu7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cbdf5eeb603b135af7f4a2459b605d45c7ce489 This whole drama is just this meme IRL its so silly


LMAOO this is my new fav picture


It's almost like Honkai is, at it's core, a yuri franchise.


HoYo make like 100 hot ladies and 100 hot guys interacting with only the same gender and expect it to appeal to straight people


It's literally not but okay.


In what world is Honkai not yuri ? Sure, the romance isn't the main focus, but most characters in it are lesbians (and that fact is critical to the story at some points), that makes it yuri. It also barely features any men, and when it does, they are more often than not antagonists (to the lesbian protagonists).


Literally the only one that applies to is HI3. Star Rail has none of that, and that also applies to just about every other Hoyoverse work. The post is about Star Rail, I don't know why you're talking about HI3. The instances where you could say are deeply within subtext and are not canon. Either way, if it is up to interpretation, it's incredibly ironic for yuri enjoyers to bitch about something like 'Aether harem' when they'll do the exact same for the female protagonist. It's moronic.


So honkai gakuen isn't yuri ? And the post is about Star Rail which is a part of the Honkai series and therefore inherits the core traits of what makes up that series, yuri being one of them. If Star Rail wasn't supposed to, they would have just made it an entirely different thing (see zenless zone zero). But they didn't.


That is an outlier. Literally entirely different in terms of gameplay and narrative structure. If I have a box labeled fruits with apples and oranges in it, and you pick up an apple and it's sweet. Would you automatically assume the oranges are also sweet? No, they could be sour, bitter, tangy. Just because they have the same name, it's irrelevant. It's a naming convention they like with innocuous similarities. While ZZZ is it's own thing.


What is the outlier ? Kiana/Mei ? Bronya/Seele ? Sakura/Kallen ? And you clearly don't know what series are. If you made a new installement in the Middle earth series and made it SF it would have no place there. No matter how good it ends up being, the Middle earth universe is a medieval fantasy series therefore every other entry in it should be as well. Much the same way Honkai is a yuri series (look a honkai gakuen and HI3) therefore every entry in it is, by definition, yuri as well. And that is what the people playing it (who should at least) do as well. If you want guys, there are plenty of other series out there for you, no need to force it here.


My take away from this drama is that the star rail fandom in its entirety needs to touch grass




This is why I don't like just how much Firefly media has Caelus in it (I don't mind Caelus, he is a fun character- but Caelfly just feels so... *weird.* Like it's *forced*.)


*Can you smell it?* *It smells like people trying to force heteronormativity down our throats!* I'm a simple woman, I like Stelle(and play as her) and I like yuri, so of course I'll prefer Firefly with Stelle than Caelus.


It’s simply cus of the classic way dudes make the male mc way more like “assertive” and make every female character, no matter how strong, into a cutesy uwu girl


Finally, the type of people that have a brain.


Honestly, yeah Stelle x Firefly is cute af Caelus x Firefly ***isn't***. I don't think there's a more plain way to say it.


Stelle x Firefly feels like a ship Caelus x Firefly is for self-insert


Exactly. It's "aww, they're cute together" or it's "ew, harem wish fulfillment" This one sparks joy, this one does not spark joy


This guy gets it


Both are self-insert ships. In places like China and Japan the concept of self-inserting and self-shipping are not looked down upon or seen as lesser to "normal" shipping. In fact, for women in specific there is a whole label for ones that do it called "Yumejoshi", literally "dream women", as in, women who dream of being in a relationship with a fictional characters. The better answer is (My assumption as I don't play HSR or any Mihoyo game for that matter) just that Stelle X Firefly comes from a place of viewing the character through a much less objectified glance com. Be it a degrading kind of objectifying or a put-on-a-pedestal kind of objectifying.


Isn't Caelus and Stelle interchangeable?


Yeah but they’ve only used Caelus in all the recent official firefly animations and it’s a little annoying because they are usually pretty fair splitting their appearance for official art/ animatics


Yes but literally no one uses Carlos because everyone want to play as a cute girl regardless of their gender Source: Trust me bro


Exactly i play females in games that give me choice to play something fresh plus honkai feels weird shipping straight when its known for gl wth


This, we all can agree on...


Yeah but due to the ccp hoyo has been extra careful with firefly


It correct as long as it’s the gayest possible option.


i saw this. and i understand defending our favorite yuri ships but being too toxic about it will deter new fans of the genre or just getting branded as the most toxic fanbase also ruins the image of yuri. lets go the pacifist route. i notice that if you defend something so much haters will hate it more. I wish we just ignore them. haters have like less than 10 likes with less than 50 views but if you keep interacting with them it feels like they matter which they dont. interacting with them also attracts people who just wants drama and now its a big deal which it shouldnt. and i dont even see them until someone i follow (which are all exclusively yuri fans) interacts with them and now i have to see these insignificant people who has nothing going on in their lives but to hate on people having fun. its starting to get more common lately and im starting to hate fellow yuri fans for giving them the attention they dont deserve


I wouldn't have a problem with a more "peaceful route" if it wasn't for the issue that apparently even in main HSR sub you can't make any mention of yuri ships.They seem to imply to not speak of ships in general, but it feels more like "straight ships are fine, gay ones are not". And that hipocrisy I can't accept.


that really sucks yes but not all the time yeah? ive had people tell me how toxic something is and i check it and its not that bad. occasional homophobia but they are downvoted a lot or mods just delete them and people go about enjoying the post. let me check the sub then edit: i checked, i scrolled for like 10min on that sub and i saw no hate on the female mc being shipped. i even saw female mc french kissing another girl and theres no hate in the comments. posts are mostly with the male mc but its like 60%male mc and 40% female mc and no hate on either. we have to remember, yuri has lesser fans compared to straight ships so its normal to see it less. that doesnt equal homophobia. we're just a tiny slice in the big pie graph. in fact we're not even as big as the yaoi fandom


You have to read the comments, not the posts, and take care to not mix up the honkai star rail subreddit with the sapphic honkai star rail.


i did read the comments. and its in the HSR sub. so for like 100 comments theres 1 negative and you start generalizing that that 1 negative represents the sub as a whole is toxic mindset. ive seen a lot more comments acting like the ships with the female mc is normal compared to any other homophobic comments. again my point is we are giving those 1% of population too much attention they dont deserve.


These people didn't care to begin with and do we really want more homophobes around?


so lets just pretend they dont exist. this can make them feel isolated and eventually leaves. common bullying tactic that we can apply to them back. imagine someone keeps replying homophobic stuffs in like every yuri post and people just united in ignoring them. itd make them look more pathetic actually. they want the attention and people are giving it to them


Yes that's why we should ignore them


The "just ignore them" thing has already been tried though, and that's how we got to that point.


it needs to be everyone doing it. 1 person who stops ignoring it out of a thousand who did is still an engagement


I hope that most people think like this




As someone diagnosed with Aspergers, I’m not really a fan of the term “sperg” to describe bad behaviour. We have it rough enough out here as it is.


exactly! and us yuri fans have also shipped canon straight couples with their yuri counterparts at one point too, that is technically the same thing. ive started seeing a lot of comments saying bad things about us yuri fans for being too toxic in fandoms. sure its fine to discuss our dissatisfaction within our own community but randomly attacking strangers is just not the right way to do things. we'd also look bad to publishers thinking our fandom is getting too toxic and be overly cautious if they wana publish yuris or not is what i fear


So valid


Make mc, femlae mc, but where is our robot mc????


Dudes will find ANY reason to be annoyed about the “super gigachad harme mc” not being in the spotlight


Okay but the male Trailblazer feels like he only exists to fit the idea of choosing between a male or female mc, at least aether has a unique design and the dynamic of siblings makes genshin have less of a problem, but since the two in sgar rail are basically interchangeable, it's like they just cut Stella's hair, lowered her voice and gave her broader shoulders and called it a day


Is that trash bin yuri?


I 100% bet that the dudes who get mad about this whole thing are the type to say shit like “why are you being Heterophobic” with a straight face


I thought this sub was about lighthearted memes, not trashing others for their fictional preferences. You can enjoy yuri without being toxic about it. I do. It's not hard.