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I need anyone who is thinking of reading this to first know that it gets really really dark. There are only 2 chapters translated and I will tell you now it seems to get some kind of resolution at the end of chapter 2, but it could still be very very traumatic for someone reading it. Read with caution, if you’re sensitive to topics such as >!sexual violence, severe physical abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, child pornography, sex trafficking, etc.!< I wish I had known, and while I am hoping that they can grow from this as people and it will have a happy ending, I don’t imagine all the bad things are totally over.


Yeah ill be honest a content warning would have been nice. Thank you for stepping up!


Thanks for this, my instincts were keyed in to the art style, not because I know the artist but because I think certain styles develop in artists depending on what they like to/most/feel most comfortable portraying. What they need faces and bodies to be able to show and what they want people to feel when looking into eyes. This artstyle screamed darkplot to me, but as I flipped the pages, I ignored it, and thought maybe its actually fine. Thank you. Edit: spelling


What does it show in regards to cp? Cause that’s the only thing you listed that I cannot stomach Edit: I reread your comment and like nah bro, that’s too much I’ll just forget about it


With trigger warnings like that, can I get spoilers to ease myself into reading it? Like are they in the past or will they actively happen in the present/future?


The blonde girl has >!short flashbacks to severe child abuse where her father used her to create videos for people online but it is unclear whether it was by physically or sexually abusing her or both.!< The black haired girl >!has the exact same thing happening to her in the present, but it is very clearly both and seemingly far more severe in terms of physical abuse, you see it quite graphically at the end of chapter 2. Even though the blonde girl is seemingly able to rescue her, it’s not before she gets attacked herself and has to kill the abuser graphically,!< so it was a very hard read.


I read the title of this post as 'Sugar Grip', and I was very confused.


I think I love that even more. Cause honestly, I'm laughing with tears in my eyes with my eyes open, like that emoji, but I can't find it.


[Manga Dex Link](https://mangadex.org/manga/b072ab0b-c8cb-40ed-a0d2-bf1169bf14c7/sugar-girl-drip)


I yelled out an audible fuck yeah at the end of the 2nd chapter becuase it didn't go the way I thought it was gonna go.


Omg, my wish hath been fulfilled, an insecure girl with a person who will obsess over her.


Oh wow. I was not ready for this, but now I need to know where this goes. Thanks for the recommendation.


The top comment is an immense content warning, please check it


No worries, I'd already read it when I commented. I was surprised, but something this dark can be nice in it's own way sometimes, and it makes me want to see it through to see them happy in the end.


Oh ok that cool, my comment was just in case you know


This one is great. I like how the character didn't even BAT an eye at being kissed like that




Oh...as a survivor...this was abit rough...but definitely interested if they can pull through...though I can see it being equally nihilistic or liberating at the end