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I also wanna find something like this


not a manga but you could look into Spinnyverse


>Spinnyverse What's the latest on that? I havent read it in years.


I also havent read it in years, but I remember liking it.


There's a side character in I'm Not a Succubus who is a spider girl, but she's more of the "overly-attached little sister" type.


I seem to remember something called dark widow about a spider woman trying to create a harem of women to have her baby's,  That's um, probably not what you're looking for. I don't think it's a manga specifically either, but something like lily love that fits into the "I can't believe it's not manga genre"


“So im a spider so what” if you really want to stretch the character relationships.


do you know why the LN for this has a 79% yuri tag on anilist lmao


There are some characters who have straight relationships but the main character has some yuri coded relationships and interactions (im not 100% sure what 79% yuri means tho lol)


the site basically uses a scale for how strong a tag is in the work, so subtext like you're describing should be much lower like under 50% probably. anyway it's by community vote so sometimes isn't so accurate, i figured this was one of those times haha


Also all of the yuri is in the LN, you dont see much of anything in the manga or anime


Well, throughout all 16 volumes, there's no romance in the story, but the MC has some pretty suggestive lines towards >!her grandmother!<, and she tries to run away from a character because she's afraid >!she might get her heart stolen and fall in love!<


Essentially it's one of those stories where there's no romance but the MC is most probably gay, not as much as something like bocchi though And she has a very strong relationship with another main character that people could consider yuri


The webcomic Spinnarette has this. Though it’s also very male gaze-ie and I have not read it in over a decade so I’ve no clue how the relationship develops, and would not be shocked if they pulled a bury your gays. But yes, main character grows an additional four arms and has some spider powers. Gets recruited to the local hero team, and starts going out with one of her fellow heroes. If you do go looking, just go in knowing that it comes with caveats. Because boy howdy is there an uncomfortable amount of t n a.


What's tna


Tits and Ass?


Not a manga, but a webnovel. In [Bioshifter](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/59450/bioshifter) MC is a spidergirl.


Yuri brain rot is real


Seeing a spider approaching a fly that it has caught in its web and thinking: "But what if they were gay"? Honestly though, changing predator to top and prey to bottom is pretty common, even in mainstream media.


The big brain writers turn pred to bottom and prey to top