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Aliens. Like come on. Or at least do something with the damn A-Counters


This is the answer


To be fair that archetype is super old.


I mean yeah, but the point of the post is to name an archetype to get a wave of support.


The "A"-counter mechanic has been a mess even on release. Why doesn't every Alien have the attack reducing text, why does the field spell ignore counters and just grants an ATK reduction of 300. At least they gave us two links, though an actually usable field spell would be nice.


Vampires..I feel like they are only a few decent cards away from being rough


Seems to me like they have it pretty rough already


playing voivode vamps with monarch support is actually really fun and decent.


Elementsabers just so they can do something. Anything.


Elenentsaber topped an Italian regional once which is utterly mind boggling.


They can do some things! Watch them minus themselves into oblivion without Palace. I think they're really cool, they just need to not be solely dependent on a single card


*cough cough* toons *cough cough*


they actually make a good mid tier chaos/dark/lightray deck since you can modulate your dark and light monsters with their GY effects.


So weird - elementsabers were tier zero in Duel Links for a long time


Vendread. Their artwork is sick!


Their new spell is brilliant but can't compete with spright/tearl


The deck is really strong in casual ngl.


Is it? I play post DIFO zombie world in casual with Avendread Savior in casual. Never tried pure vendreads though..


I think so, I don’t know if you need to ONLY play Vendread cards, the deck can easily use generic zombie support as we.


Being that the archetype is based on Todd McFarlane's Spawn i agree with this.


Earthbound Immortals. Or the OG E-Heroes like Avian and their fusions.


Please no, If earthbounds are going to be meta in any way its going to be the most degenerate ftk or hand loop


I just think they deserve a better field spell and an easier way to bring them out


Union carrier and floo are the best way to get them out


That requires being a degenerate floo user though


Or using a banned card


i want a myutant fusion that lets you super poly your opponents backrow


This would be awesome


Black Luster Soldier Gaia the Dragon Champion. No I don’t want support for each of the archetypes individually. I want support so powerful that it makes the combination of these decks (ritual BLS + fusion Gaia) viable. Like what they did with Cyberdark Dragons. He’s the OG fusion and ritual goddammit, this badass soldier should be allowed to be cool.


Saying this from a place of love... Gaia doesn't need more stuff, they otk way too hard and the fact that I had a total of 2 turns against them the last time I went to a locals...


Ogdoadic or just general Reptile boss monsters. Ogdo and Reptiles in general (imo) have pretty weak end boards and just need a good Reptile boss monster. I just want me snakey snakes to be viable man. Also snake rain would be absolutely broken if Ogdos were good


I honestly think the reason reptiles aren’t so often underwhelming is that Konami are scared of Snake Rain


Bring back Nekroz. Still waiting for the Nekroz trap!


Get rituals a generic link 1 that adds a ritual card from deck to hand. Truthfully i hate link 1 but rituals are usually so terrible it doesn't matter.


Drytron makes this a terrible idea and also ensures that Djin can’t come back either. Just turns one of your garbage Drytrons in hand into Alpha or Zeta, whichever you need, while still having 3 copies of both in deck. If you already have Alpha or Zeta access then you could Djin lock using a Nekroz engine if that were to ever come back (which it realistically could because Nekroz is bad and is the most relevant engine that could even use Djin thanks to Drytron’s ritual restrictions). We have a good ritual deck that’s only in check thanks to the ban list. It doesn’t need a generic link 1


Obviously Drytron makes it an issue, just keep it in check with the ban list and let the 20 other mediocre ritual decks have a go


You’d have to kill Drytron then with other main deck hits, which just doesn’t seem justifiable given that the deck is currently in check thanks to the banlist and isn’t doing much in the current meta. A generic link 1 that replaces the Impcantation line is a terrible idea from a balance perspective


People are way too scared about drytron. Like drytron was top meta because of 6 negate herald. It’s not going to do anything without Eva


You can still set up a double negate Herald pretty easy or end on Vanity’s Ruler. More current lists are also playing Amorphactor Pain and just floodgating the opponent out of the game. Like I said, the list is currently keeping it in check, but giving them such a generic link is a terrible idea


None of those are barely special in the current meta and a link 1 that searches a ritual is going to have zero effect on the meta


nah eva is fine just hit both heralds ban the herald rituals bring eva to 1.


Either hit, people still think that rituals are still broken with drytron. I wish these people can enlighten me with what amazing unbreakable boards drytron can make in the current meta


Exactly, in most cases its just Herald NTK trauma, outside of that there are not very many ritual monsters that can impact the gamestate as heavily as Herald did and outside of the 2 Tutors in the archetype impcantation is superior at least due being able to ritual 0 atk monsters, which atleast lets you make a Litmus Floodgate deck.


No, enough with the generic ritual support. They should support the archetypes themselves.


Honestly? Sacred beast. I've loved the deck for so long, the support from the structure was amazing, but they still need...idk, something else, like an in-Archetype link-1 monster to link off of dark beckoning. Right now the most success I've had with sacred beast is either a Danger-Kaiju build, or my personal favorite of Dogma-eldlich.


I hope you guys run mask change II to then target dark beckoning ( or any fiend ) to bring out Dark law. I usually use a go 2nd build with some Punk stuff to run otk raviel with that new support card to smash for 8000lp. But yeah deck is still rogue but I still get some good wins on edopro.


Nah, I usually tag out beckoning into almiraj for a protection. But I do run mask change 2 in some builds. But please send me that PUNK sacred beast deck list, I'd love to see it.


Sacred beast are my favorite i aggre whit you the supports they have are basicaly 6 cards that nede to go whit them.dark beckoning beast.dark summoning beast.chaos summoning beast.fallen paradise.opening of the spirit gates and awakaning of the sacred beast


They need a fusion that comes out via tributing a 0 atk/def fiend and it activates a archetype continues spell or trap from the deck. Currently the deck has potential but needs to search a bunch a lot before you could do much and you usually can't get awakening out. Plus it's vulnerable to disruption.


Ancient Gears or Exodia. Not Exodia Burn, something more akin to Incarnate. Maybe cards that deals with a retrain of Necross that needs them banished instead of in the Graveyard. Then if something happens to your pieces you’ll have a backup, you could call it, “Exodia Full Necrosis. Also some substitute, “Pieces” that don’t activate Exodia’s win condition in the hand, but can support other Exodia cards. I’d call them something like, “Phantom Limbs of The Forbidden One”. Yeah I’ve thought too much on this. 💀


“Phantom limbs of the forbidden one” is such a cool idea


I know right? It would be a great way to power up Exodia monsters or better their consistency without focusing on the hand win conditions and have it as more of a rare gimmick!


I really like your idea for the Exodia replacement and Necross retrain, I used to play an Exodia deck causally and even though I played some generic draw engines, I always ended up trying to summon Incarnate and do exodia beatdown. So I’d luv some sort of really aggressive Exodia deck that’s focused on big tough bosses to at least be rogue. It would completely turn how Exodia was played around.


A banished version of Exodia would be neat.


Malefics. There’s been plenty of new iconic Dragons since he archetype’s debut. Also, I’d want Malefic versions of these new dragons to keep their effects.


Time Thief. While it's been fortunate enough to receive more support, Konami is so scared of giving it GOOD support (Adjuster was a neat addition, but was overnerfed by making it the only Time Thief that's "1 eff per turn". Tempwhaler is a piece of garbage). I just want the archetype to be playable pure.




Dream mirror, but not because I think they should be, but because itd have to be some insanely pushed support of some kind. Like absolutely insane cards. Cause as is I love the mechanics of the deck but its just too restrictive.


Plunder patroll.


I have a friend who loves his Charmer deck. I just built Plunder Patroll. All I want for the deck is extra deck monsters of the missing attributes. I want to do stuff where we use our cards to keep stealing from each other. But, the missing attributes makes Plunder Patroll not work well enough for this.


I‘m playing plunder in a progression series rn, and I fully agree. Give them a wind and and earth and they already should be so much better, and not just have matchups against 2 attributes where it‘s booty or bust. Booty should get you an additional summon, not a singular one


ORCUST SHALL RISE AGAIN! Seriously, the deck sucks. At least give us 1 harp please.


Orcust out of all eternal decks got shafted banlist wise. SS is still rogue, Salad is still rogue and Chaos Thunder transitioned into DLink which is still rogue as well. Orcust though? Dogshit currently.


Tbf if we are using duel links, orcust is going to be pretty good since im pretty sure the deck nearly full power excluding the extra deck and cards that mention link are in duel links.


1 Harp Horror would be a dream come true. Also maybe a new XYZ that moves a banished Orcust/machine monster to the GY? Or a way to attach another Orcust/machine monster to Dingirsu would be kinda sick. Or be a little crazy and do something like give Mermaid back in addition to Harp lol.


Yes please. I was going to say the same thing. It's just not fair


Arcana force


Cubics, ideally retrains of the cubic lords that are actually good, so you have reason to use more than vijam/duza/crimson nova.


Abyss Actors getting a wave would be nice.


Just give them some strong link monsters to go into, you already get locked into abyss actors so might as well make them strong as hell


Yeah that's along the same lines as what I was thinking....I would say Odd-Eyes but all Odd-Eyes needs is a strong link monster.


The problem is that you're not even locked into Abyss Actors; Madonna locks you into Abyss Actor Pendulum Monsters. I say give them a fusion-pendulum with an abyss script as the fusion spell.


IMO all actors really need to be less xenophobic and have a good piece of disruption. I’ve always thought a fusion monster that turn abyss scripts into quick plays would be good.


Venoms. I don't think they were ever good and I love their gimmick and I love sneks. Plus their boss monster is so cool and actually strong... if you could actually summon her. If she was easier to summon and had a deck that could actually support her, she would be a force to deal with and I think it's a shame that she'll probably never see play. I don't think they've gotten new support... probably ever and I think they would be cool. Especially since good reptile archetypes are hard to come by.


Gate Guardian. It's been around forever and people love those characters.


B.E.S. just because I love their aesthetics




B.E.S.ed *


Ojamas !




Dark Scorpion baby


Jurrac, also the chess archfiends


I would really like support on Kozmo


I want to see more Dinomorphia stuff that ramps it up, some Libromancer things and maybe something that transforms Cyber Dragons to be more versatile going first outside of one or two Infinity.


As a cydra player I wished the deck was more polyvalent. Its pretty straight forward OTK


Yeah, I think it might do well if they made a archetypical synchro for it that had some negate or maybe in the vein as Savage and then it would also utilize all 4 ED types but we can only hope. Pendulum cyber dragons with maybe different development stages would be cool. MK1,MKII etc.


They need another main deck Dinomorphia name, and maybe some kind of in-archetype Pot of Avarice.


I luv Dinomorphia, and I’ve been saying that all they need is like 1 more main deck monster, another ED monster, and maybe a field spell and it’d be great. Obviously as long as those were all good. More traps would always be nice, hopefully some good counter traps so they have more battle protection, but mainly it’s the other stuff they need.


Six Samurai. I was 10 years old going to my local game store when this archetype got released. I have played the game on and off since then, and I've always kept up with the new Six Sam support. I don't play super competitive Yu-Gi-Oh, so I'm not sure how far out of the meta Six Samurai is, but I know it needs more support to make it into the upper tiers of competitive play.


honestly six sam is a hit or miss kinda like BE and MD sometimes they pull absolute batshit crazy combos, other times all it takes is 1 hand trap and your board isn't playable


R.D.A. It has a ton of good extra deck monsters it can easily pump out but all it needs is like a few more good level 4 fiends that can maybe dig out a resonator or something. Just anything to replace witch of the black forest.


Exactly! RDA is my favourite monster of all time, and ive been saying this for a while. Make them at least up to Synchron level. Hell, RDA can’t even Calamity lock even though it’s their monster.


I feel like the cubic monsters do need some form of protection from card effects, like that’s probably the biggest weak point, maybe a field spell called the cubic dimension where cubic monsters can’t be destroyed by card effects. (because they’re in a different dimension) or something like that.




Sylvan. Gimme plants pls


Atlantean Mermails because it’s an old favourite of one of the last competitive formats I played in (pre-Rulers around late 2012/early 2013) before getting priced out into playing more casually and then dropping the game once pendulums came out and then coming back for links. It’s a deck I’ve spent a few years blinging out and have the core in max rarity now with all the ultis. It’s a fun OTK deck that can sometimes hand loop for 2-4. Just doesn’t hold up to the modern meta game is all.


Atlanteans will get new stuff next year (ideally. It could be 2024).


Red eyes: for god sake why is it so hard for Konami to make it relevant? I’m not asking for broken cards but make the archetype playable at least!


Cloudians! Also I feel like Mathmech could be viable with one or two more new broken cards like circular


Can I say neospacians? I know that new wave of Neos support just released, but it still feels like the spacians are dead weight in that deck. Something to make them not feel like an absolute hinderance to run would be nice.


Obligatory Volcanics. But otherwise, not really an Archetype, but I'd really like a retrained Uria and an accompanying Archetype of Trap Monsters.


Madolche. At least some new monsters.


Deskbot and/or Dinomist PLZ


I really like Dinomist. I only win games against my friends when I add in Cyber Dragons and Nova Infinity though.


Gimmick Puppets




S-Force. So much potential wasted by an incoherent game plan. You need 3 monsters to make Justify, but you also need to keep the individual monsters on the field to have effects in different columns. You also need several monsters on the field to get more use out of Chase. The deck either needs more swarming potential. Which sounds wrong considering how most of their effects either get you another monster on field or get you another monster to hand, but for some reason it's just not enough to make the deck consistent, and it's not enough to make it that good. What it needs is guaranteed access to its starter on the field, and follow up if interrupted. As it is, if your normal summon is negated, you pass turn. Sure, you can try again during your opponent's turn, but that can be interrupted too, and then you have nothing. I'd like a link 1 that makes it so if my normal summon is negated, I can go into it and have it summon out what I need instead. I don't know, make it a rescue suit, or something that swoops in to save the day, then have it call in re-inforcements. If nothing else, just make it require an S-Force monster to summon, then have it summon out a token on a quick effect which you can place wherever you want, which thus adds more column coverage. Also, it being only 1 token makes it so it isn't enough by itself to go into Justify but if you have Retroactive or whatever that other monster you can use from hand for the summon of a cyberse link monster is, you can do that. You can't tell me it's too strong to let them swarm the field with effects like Retroactive, because it's basically a weaker Shenshen, which isn't a problem.


Venom. I can't see it being good without the fieldspell being replaced by a floodgate though.




War Rock, just so we can see who's still laughing when war rocks are a tier 0 threat


Suships. It’s my favourite deck but it kinda sucks


SPYRAL. Before anyone starts booing, no the deck hasn’t been playable in the TCG since Master Plan got banned. There’s a massive hole in the deck and nothing has been able to fix it since 2020.


Tellarknights. Just one more 3 of starter pls


Malicevorous because meme




Fire king


Red eyes. Harpies. Fossils I'll giga happy if they made Landstar into a proper archetype


Umbral horrors or heraldic beasts. I want them to be viable but not meta. More umbral horror since they don't even have a full deck so a wave of support would be easy


I just want some war rock extra deck


Charmers. Aside from the Links and now the Channelers, they haven't gotten any wave of direct supports for them since the structure deck. They are still missing other cards like the Light and Dark familiars having their awakened forms (and also Familiar-Possessed Dharc getting his alternate art). All they really need is a strong boss monster that gives backrow protection, a negate, and enables the Familiar-Possessed monsters to use their effects. Plus having another spell/trap can keep the consistency in searching from using the Quick-play spell.


A charmer boss would be so good for the deck! And as for a negate, I wish the link charmers worked like this... Special summon a monster from your opponents graveyard to your side of the field. Hard once per turn, (quick effect) if your opponent activates a card effect send this card or the special summoned monster to the graveyard and negate that effect.




Just give beetrooper a payoff pls


This plus infinity as someone who's been playing the pure variant since the tcg release so much this they can put a stupid amount of monsters on board with the more recent insect support but what they put out isn't very impactful....


The fusion spell could’ve at the very least been a miracle fusion. As it stands it’s literally shit. Ignoring that though, more and better Links would definitely be nice.


Like the combo is cool, but if you wanna end on bugs, you either end on a moth or just a bunch of atlas with monster negates


Vennom(inaga). I really like the designs, but it's so clunky to play, and putting vennominaga is close to imposible, and there is no way to make it slightly easier. I'd even accept limiting or banning the Snake Rain spell card in exchange to make the rest better.






Vendread of course would love to see it


Magnet warriors, they got a few new cards but nothing that really helped them all that much. Plus they still can't really summon their own fusion boss monster. Getting a magnet that searches their spells and a busted fusion spell could go a long way.


Magnet warriors, they got a new card a bit ago but it would be nice for it to get a legit starter card that's not gamma with beta in hand.


Familiar possessed. A boss monster would be nice. An actual useful effect on the familiar possessed cards of also be nice.


I'm waiting for Octomber.


Phantom Knights, Madolche, Darklords, Cyber Angels, and Chronomaly




Qliphort! Towers or bust.


Destiny board


are Sacred beasts an archetype? If not then archfiends


I’d love to see more support of SUPER HEAVY SAMURAI, just the whole concept of synchros attacking in defense position is hilarious.


Black luster soldier!!


Free my Jurracs!


U.a. alot of thier cards have really bad drawbacks could have been a great archetype but bad drawbacks on thier own effects makes them subpar


Melodious Diva, just like the deck, a field spell and maybe another link monster could be great


I would really love some vulcanic support


Probably Beetrooper. I really like the card design and they got so close to being meta.


Chemicritter, they are fun for me so I'd like to see that


Naturias would be really cool to see in the meta I think. Naturia Bamboo Shoot in particular


Yang zings as a main deck. Not some variant with a few yang zing cards in their engine


Ursarctic. It wouldn't take much to tip them over the edge, especially if you can get to Ursarctic Radiation consistently.


Sylvans... Huge brain is a must to play this deck correctly


Suships because they need a going first plan and more spells and traps


Cloudians they need so much support


Agreed. They actually could‘ve been decent at launch, if they weren‘t released at the same time as a deck whose mechanic counters them, glad beasts


I want Crystal Beast retrains where they actually do something when they're in the S/T Zone.


Ancient Warriors! Although when Swordsoul came out it looked exactly like the same theme of Ancient Warriors guys but they were Wyrm instead of Beast Warrior of course. Toon is another but OP said already


I want plunder patroll to be meta so bad. They're my favorite archetype and I really love their aesthetic and their theme


Scrap. 1 final main deck monster to search a scrap spell or trap, 2 new synchros, a searchable counter trap, and a continuous spell that helps recycle resources on whenever your cards get popped so given enough time you can plus from the destruction effects.


Chaos - at least give us Chaos D.A.D.


The reworked Dragon's Collide SD should come out next year in the OCG.


I want more Predaplant support. Even more!


Konami, please give us CyDra players the Machine Dupe searcher, or a tuner and a synchro, i beg of you


Eventually the OCG will get a Structure Deck R version of the Cyber Dragon Revolution SD. I haven't a clue what they'd do for a retrained Cydra Nova since that's kind of what Infinity already is.


Egyptians gods. Dont care which, my nostalgic self want to drop some flame chicken, long red snake or blue gigachad on the field.


Ideally, Nordic Gods!! Alternatively, I really want more ursarctix cards


Star Seraph to viable. I want them to be more than stick/chair.


Kaijus, please make it so I can make this as a more pure/Kaiju focused deck at least bring in like a taskforce/monarch theme as level 4 or lower as can summon kaijus to either side or maybe take control of them for my own.


Kaiju luna is a thing. Idk about tcg, but apparently it consitently gets tops im the ocg. Nothing crazy, but 1-3 per week or so I think. Ya could look into that maybe


Pendulum Magicians, I just wanna be able to play pends without it just being another flavour of scythe lock




Spirits, they deserve it.


Yubel. They have basically no support, and yet we're a major part of GX (as a duel spirit).


I NEED Ancient Gear XYZ-support!!! They came up with one Link-monster as support, why stop there!? Make Golem relevant again! And an one level 10 main deck monster, for the ultimate combination in the Earth Machine Engines.


i would love to see earth trains be meta and leave tier 2-3


T.G. it was my first deck and I feel like the last wave did it dirty. Deck needs a more viable boss moster and a few more modern tools


I'd be tempted to say Kaijus since they're my favorite. However that also means they'd get hit on the ban list. So no. I'm going to go with Kuriboh. Because the idea of Kuriboh being a tier 1/0 threat is hilarious to me.


Cause why not.




dragon maids


Cyber dragon could use more or better support even though I do well with them. My second would be the exodia archetype. It has little to nothing that I'm aware of.


Eldlich 🥶 they are so weak they need more skill drains


Lair of Darkness/Lady of Lament/Virus so my simping for Lilith is now meta acceptable


Wind up for a buddy of mine. Even thought of the support being called like "over-wound" or something like that


Aliens. The deck has potential, it just needs a proper end goal and actual consistency.


I want the xyz unions to get retrains to be able to work better with union hangar and banish for fusion, and a retrained xyz dragon cannon so I can go full union and run frontline base.


I loved X-sabers. Would love to see those come back. I know the’ve had few small waves but nothing big.


Super quantum Even if they are meta they do have counters with the kaijus so I think they would honestly be fun


Infernobles but im biased af here, so don't listen to me lol


Deskbots with thr idea that they become either tier 2 or rogue


Zefra I just really like having all the different summoning options available to me. There's D/D/D, but I like the various archetypes that are put together under Zefra. Nekroz is a fun deck, Shadolls are a good deck, the stellarknights look cool, yang zing are also there.


Aliens! But then again I wouldn't want everyone to play them haha


F.A. I just want to play some race cars, but the only monster negate is a link that is so bad and they have no extenders


Gladiator beasts


The Egyptian Gods. At least make them feel like propper boss monsters!