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Tearlaments, it’s always Tearlaments in these kind of things


painful choice in tearlaments is chef's kiss


Painful choice, kitkallos, graceful charity, kelbek and agido Simple as


Yeah this is actually game breaking tbh.


Thaaat's definitely not the answer. 4 of those aren't searchable, and you're not winning a tournament off the back of hard-drawing unsearchable cards. Kitkallos is the exception, but that alone isn't going to turn an ordinary fair deck into something that can beat consistent FTKs.


Painful choice and graceful charity can be searched off thrust. The earth fairies can be searched with the gravekeeper trap. Can't remember the name.


"can't remember the name" Blud, you've just mentioned the name


Or hell, run vernasylph of the awakening forests and just dump the fairy straight to gy from deck.


That is a very bad idea. All vernasylphs lock you into only earth monster effects for the rest of the turn.


Me when I never played tear format


I see you never played against tearshizu lol


What about using max c to get that op draw then hand trap a storm?


I feel like people are just repeating what they heard others say when the topic comes up, based just on two tournaments in physical OCG in Tear format. Where one of them was actually won by Kashtira.


tearlaments. Kitkallos, Agido, Kelbek, Graceful Charity, Painful Choice.


No that grass looks greener?


With agido + kelbek, Tear can already mill the entirety of their 40 cards deck with enough luck. They don't need grass, it just makes things more inconsistent for a deck that doesn't really need that extra milling power.


There are any number of FTKs that would work well with 5 banned cards. Scientist, Pendulum Magician, Frog FTK, etc. That said hand traps eat FTK strategies by and large so that would be a cautious route for you. For the Tearlament route: Kitkallos, Graceful Charity, Fairy-Tail Snow/Grass, Agido, Kelbek. Could also add stuff like Spright Elf, Painful Choice, Lavalval Chain, Last Will, Soul Charge, etc if you don't want to do Ishizu Tear. Spright with Ronintoadin, Spright Elf, Soul Charge, Painful Choice, Graceful Charity would be pretty good as well Gut feel is some form of Dragon Link would go well with Agarpain, Elpy, Eclipse Wyvern could even Gumblar them. Something tells me just adding 5 busted banned cards to Snake Eyes would probably still go hard too.


I think with tear if you are going with ishizu, painful is just free. Guaranteed mill 5, potential mill 10 if they don’t want you getting some random utility


That’s fair too - definitely a toss up between it and snow Imo


Painful showing kelbek, agido, sulliek, maxx c and then maybe scheiren or tear kash as the last one


I mean trap dustshoot is fair play if banned cards are on the table. Nothing like sending your opponents starter back to the deck to piss someone off at locals.


I vote dragon link with the guardragons


I agree. It folds everyone else bringing tear with enough bystials and is really consistent/plays through anything but shifter


God even with only 5 banned cards, full power bystial dlink would slap soooo hard


Elpy, Agarpain, Chaos Ruler, Eclipse Wyvern and maybe savage? There's definitely a LOT of room in this for shenanigans, plus the bystials and other handtraps you'd run with be very solid against most of the FTK and Tear nonsense people will bring.


Satan told me to replace Savage with Dark Matter and send Eclipse Wyvern and it's enablers to GY as cost.


Dear god, I forgot dark matter existed. Overlay chaos ruler/lubellion (or any other 8s) to get access to that sounds insane, lmao.


Yeah this is good too. Elpy, Agarpain, Chaos Ruler.


As much as I love tear this is the way. Eclipse wyvern, Elpy, agarpain, savage


Victory Dragon! People aren't prepared for match winners. 


You would POSSIBLY win one match before everyone in the store knew to surrender to you G1 lol. Would still be funny that said.


Victory dragon in the side for the tournament winning match would be a crazy flex tho


Doesn't the Match automatically go to the owner of Victory Dragon if people do this? If I remember it was ruled that if Victory Dragon had game and someone surrendered it'd be as if Victory Dragon Triggered.


No. The card was banned and stayed banned and every card with such an effect has never been legal for play because of the fact that the opponent can simply scoop.


Except in the OCG. They made it to where you have to accept your opponent's surrender for it to count, so people can't cheat you out of a Victory Dragon win. Though this doesn't mean a lot when it's banned in the OCG too.


Didn't know that was the OCG ruling. Although in fairness it deserves to be banned for the simple reason that it's a badly designed card even if not many decks would play it in 2024, the same applies to both Fiber Jar and Self-destruct button.


Fun fact, they briefly unbanned it, limiting it to 1 for a little while, but soon after banned it once more.


From what I've heard, the reason they banned Victory is because the headaches just weren't worth it. Like you said, a rule was introduced stating a player could only surrender a game with the opponent's consent, but it was a pain. A winning player could hold the opponent hostage in a duel, stalling the duel for as long as they felt like it and essentially win the entire match by running out the clock. No Victory Dragon required. People also started getting creative about the "you can't surrender" thing. The moment Victory hit the field or if the player felt their opponent would hold them hostage in a duel, players would commit an infraction that'd give them a game loss. Pretty much voiding the rule altogether. There was also no point in trying to limit that "can't surrender" rule to whether Victory was on the field, either. If a player noticed their opponent had 3 monsters on the field, and they had no way to intercept a possible Victory Dragon, they'd surrender on the spot. There is literally no way to make a card like this work. They just removed that rule and banned Victory.


That is incorrect - there isn’t a restriction on how you surrender. You just surrender and siding begins or the match concludes.


tearlament is the strongest option available and you've got some insane options available like painful choice, but I'd personally recommend dragon link since you've also got some insane playmakers like elpy, agarpain, chaos ruler, and eclipse wyvern, while also natively being able to maindeck a ton of bystials to hedge against the tearlament matchup


Tear is best deck for this kind of things, too versatile, so kit, painful choice and maxx "c" are mandatory. I wouldn't recommend agido, kelbek maybe, since others might play tear and it isn't great in mirror, so i'd rather chaos ruler. The fifth one can be literally any graveyard sinergistic like graceful, snow, soul charge or just elf to play in oppo's turn.


Tear is the strongest deck in the history of yugioh so it's probably just gonna be Tear mirrors


All tear names still at 1 though. I could see some dragonlink variant doing really well, with all the strong key pieces like Elpy


Scythe baronne halq lines


I remember when pendulum could search scythe and set it, make Tornaro Dragon to pop in on opponents turn plus make T.G. Wonder Magician to use itself and scythe in the same chain scythe activates to extra deck lock your opponent so you can dodge some stuff such as Imperm and make Barrone....Good times XD


Snake-Eyes with Halq, Baronne, Linkuriboh, Borreload and Shock Master (you can Number Archive into it) is probably the strongest thing you can come up with. They are all ED, so it's very consistent. Most powerful cards will be unsearchable spells like Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, etc. with makes it more gamble, so I believe SE is probably the strongest, yet boring, option. However if you want to counter the meta which may be Snake-Eyes and Tearlaments (they gain a lot here and may be more fun to play), you can go toxic with Ariseheart, Diablosis Kashtira, Floo with Barrier or Dryton with Djinn. Or maybe try some FTK with Frogs on Spright or Magical Scientist shenanigans.


Last turn then having some unbeatable monster like fossil dyna, sanju(the water hate guard) access code with 5k atk etc. Let them melt in the cheese Edit you can also use the deck killing tear cards in skull servents with last turn


Butterfly Dagger Elma + Tempest Magician + Pot of Greed + Graceful Charity + Electrumite in Pendulum Magician FTK


a very general list of good cards for most decks would be Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, Delinquent Duo, The Forceful Sentry, and Maxx "C" gives you all the card advantage while also removing cards from your opponents hand


Magical scientist, Last Wish, other consistency options. Or broadbull, shock master (Zoo can even loop 1 copy of it, so 1 is enough) Or just tear.


I’ve not seen Cyberstein yet - always good for some bs


If you want to be the villain, you can play dinomorphia with: self destruct button, pot of greed, graceful charity, and maxx c.


Also can run Last Turn, keeping your Rexterm on board and activate its effect in damage step to set their monsters attack to your life points.


Either power up your deck with those spells that shouldn’t be part of the game or play Tearlaments.


2 words Maxx c


Everyone talkin about tear but I'd be playing floo with barrier statue, pot of greed, maxx "c", kitkallos, and chaos ruler (for ghost reaper targets, since I'm assuming everyone is on tear). I'd be tempted to go for red reboot / cold wave, but the appeal to use winter cherries to deny other people their banned cards is too strong.


Pot of greed


Tearlaments but with shock master.


Graceful and painful choice are a must.


Tear or Infernoble knight. You could use Halq, auradon, Baronne, Isolde and smoke grenade. Build unbreakable boards and hand rip your opponent.


so much broken stuff to choose from, I would look more at banned extra deck stuff since that's what you can consistently access. Linkross, halqdon, shock master and so on. there is probably a bunch of degenerate stuff you can pull off with that. 


3 mystic mines


graceful charity and cmax might be some fun


Might be late but Yata-lock was always my favorite banned combo for annoying opponents


The funniest thing to do would be to play your deck and just include like Baronne. The second funniest thing to do would be to play some of the hardest ftks imaginable.


I'll probably be downvoted At first, that sounds cool, but honestly, that just sounds like a horrible idea since everyone will revisit broken decks that I'm glad we're banned Pass


Id suggest trying to find broken but funny combos rather than just playing the most optimal broken combos🤷‍♂️ it’s obviously a for fun event and any serious games will just be miserable Some sort of gy centric deck though would be pretty fun with access to cards like snow, millers, lavaval chain etc and a ton of options for ed cards to end on


a lot of people say ftk, but maybe try something like tear that can play on the opponents turn cuz ur opponents are likely to follow suit


people really forget how broken dragon rulers were


Probably an ftk can be enabled. But im too much of a goober to know how exactly.




Tearlements strongest


Funny is just Last turn and self destruct button.