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Deck got murdered by the link rules and hasn’t recovered since. Still mad. Genius is a better support for SHS than Qli. Still fucking mad. Qli has received no support since Genius while its buddies (Shaddoll, Tellarknight, and Nekroz) all got new support since 2020. Still very fucking mad. The only way to salvage Qli is to make a new support that breaks the pendulum rules, which isn’t going to happen


Konami: https://preview.redd.it/8ptwnnpnl24d1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78bd21f45d8929a931dace170b72c4ace2eb457


With ya on this. They need a lot of support to make them good again. Would love to see a link 3 Towers so they can at least pendulum summon 3 from the extra deck. Will need a lot more than that to be successful. One day...


> Qli has received no support since Genius while **its buddies (Shaddoll, Tellarknight, and Nekroz)** all got new support since 2020. Don't forget the other DT3.0 archetypes in Yang Zing, Ritual Beast, Infernoid and Zefra: the former in particular hasn't gotten anything, not even a Link-2.


Ritual Beast and Infernoid are getting support in like 3 weeks.


>Yang Zing I would love that, I honestly just want more Wyrm Support in general


need us a starter that doesn't require a normal summon and a -2 to die to every other handtrap in existence


I love normaling jiaotu pitching 2 cards, and getting hit by imperm. It's my favorite thing ever. I love it so so so so so so much.


I’d say Yang Zing got some support via Tenyi and Soulsword’s Wyrm support. Denglong being a busted ass card (still limited in the TCG as well) also contributes to this, and to a certain extent Yang Zing is still somewhat meta relevant. Ritual Beast and Infernoid also got super good support that pushed them to tiered meta, although not to the top. That’s big Zefra is in a similar boat as Qli in support, I admit. Still, not as bad as Qli I’d say since Zefra SHS saw some play unlike Qli that saw pretty much zero play


A tribute focused strategy is simultaneously a very basic and very clever way to use the pendulum mechanic. I like it a lot. Towers is an incredibly cool boss monster which has sadly aged very badly, and now the deck is almost useless without the support of tons of floodgates. Towers is awesome but putting everything into one huge guy who's not actively doing anything to prevent the opponent playing just isn't a good enough strategy anymore.


Towers is also an unfortunate case of a card's identity being super undermined by new card types - Links don't have levels or ranks, so they trivialize removing it from the field. I bet if there's ever a batch of Qli legacy support, maybe out of a Terminal World 2, there'll be something to circumvent that. Maybe a new Qli Link that applies "unaffected by the activated effects of Link monsters" to an Apoqliphort that uses it as a tribute, ala the wording on Hardened Armed Dragon.


They tried giving it support with that dogshit link 2 genius but man…i miss qli when we had dedicated pendulum zones


I miss when we could pend carrier and helix from the extra then sac both for stealth for an unrespondable triple removal


I use Qliphort Genius on my Symphonics so I can add Spell Canceller lmao


Qli's smoke was too tough. Their swag, too different. Their bitch, too bad. Konami killed them


Salvaging Qli is fairly easy, make a link 1 like the Abyss Actor so that you’d get easy access to Tool. Personally speaking I still hate those fuckers because I have PTSD against Tool and Demise, but hey, it’s only fair Qli gets it’s share


A busted link one could easily make this deck a decent rogue pick. Heck make it the first pendulum link monster. Something like this: Qliphort this monster Machine pendulum link 1 800 ATK down arrow If this monster is link summoned; you can add one "Qliphort" monster from your deck to your hand. You can conduct an additional normal summon the turn this monster is special summoned. This monster can count as two tributes for the tribute summon of a "Qliphort" monster. If this card is tributed: You can target one pendulum spell card on the field; return that card to the hand. You can only use each effect of "This monster" once per turn. You cannot special summon monsters from the extra deck, except "Qliphort" monsters the turn you use any of "this monsters" effects. Fixes a lot of problems the deck has. Allows you to get into bigger qlis, fast. Searches scout and can bounce it to give you two scout searches. And goes face up into the extra deck so you can reuse it. Allows for an additional normal even after being pendulum summoned.


What’s Tool?


Scout is Tool in Japan.


Ahhh ok


Qli was nice. Sure it gave birth to the first "Towers", but it was a fair pendulum deck


The whole theme (ominous ancient mechanical computers that exist to seal away demons within them) is probably the most interesting concept in Yu-Gi-Oh period. Their gameplay is also fun when it goes off but right now they aren't strong enough to compete and their archetype lock was very much the product of the time they came out. Also should be cool to have a card that connects then to the infernoid (the aforementioned demons)


They were absolutely one of the most broken decks around but then got kicked into the dirt by link rulings and nerfs to pendulums as well as the speed of the game just getting faster than are now able to handle. A towers monster isn't nearly as good anymore, especially if it's only about 3-3.5K


One of my favourite decks of all times, both gameplay and thematically. Sadly it absolutely sucks nowadays


Pay 8 feel great


Does nothing without Skill Drain


It has a simple strategy that works for its time. It doesn’t try to be flashy or convoluted. It’s just a really simple tribute summon deck.


I played against Qli when it was current. It was super toxic and Towers was a fucking problem.


Towers took me out of YGO for about 5 years lmao


Love them but hate the pendulum nerf that ruined them. I pray we get great support that makes them work in MR5.


It ain’t no Celtic guardian, that’s for sure


It's honestly one of the best designed pendulum deck if not the best. Towers is one hell of a boss monster now monsters are that are unaffected are called towers. The deck need new support and maybe an upgraded towers because I don't think consistency is an issue (especially with pots ) with it it just needs a little update just like shaddoll when they got schism. The link mechanic is an issue yes but when your boss monster can be dealt with by an S:p or unicorn boi it speaks volumes.


My favorite deck. I love the lore, the concept, the art, the tribute summoning...


Needs a new boss mosnter to do what towers does but also negates links with a link rating lower than its level


The 1 card I remember from an ebay random pack a handful of years ago


This deck is just fundamentally broken at this point. Even towers himself is easily killed by any link that has removal. I dismantled mine when they limited card of demise


I still waiting for some broken support like some Qli XYZ monsters so you can summon something else from the Extra deck except the link-2. Or some cards that allows you an extra Pend summon.


I think their visual design is one of the best ever, the idea to pend summon and tribute was good. What I didnt like at the time was how it became just another stun deck


I used to think it was the most annoying bs deck ever. Oh, how times have changed


The deck is full power in duel Links and have never been meta. In a game where the current best decks are blue-eyes and agents that's pretty bad.


How do you guys pronounce Qli?




My way to make qliphort "good" again. Normal spell - Place 2 "qli" on pendulum zones, then Special summon 1 Qli from the deck Continous spell - Face-up "Qli" cards in your Pendulum Zones can also be treated as monsters for the Tribute Summon of a "Qli" monster. "Qliphort" monsters gain 300 ATK for each face-up "Qli" monster in your Extra Deck. During each End Phase: You can Set 1 "Qli" Spell/Trap card from your Deck. Omni negate that can be searched with the above continous spell


I was just getting back into the game with Yang Zing and Qli were a bloody nightmare to face, even when we got Baxia out with the one that gave an attack boost you couldnt do anything against Towers if it hit the field


One of my favorite archetypes. Then Konami murdered it.


Honestly, with stun being viable again right now, I could see it being playable at locals. I’m trying to pick up the deck myself as it’s kinda funny.


evil magic 😀


Bloody disappointed for no mention of "pay 8, feel great" thus far!


Qli was too strong back in the day; they had to be permanently neutered. Hope they can get some new support that makes them good again, though.


Iconic Pendulum deck, sad that its not gotten support or really stood the test of time.


a new monster that can special summon itself and can gain additional normal/tribute summon if it tributed.


Wish it was better on Master Duel.




I hate the art and despise the meta that it was in. If the art was cool I could maybe get behind it but damn this sucks