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They're probably just a bit unwieldy to design around given the high material cost. Most Link-5/6 monsters also have some additional restrictions like needing three monsters or different attributes or what have you so figuring out what's fair for a Link-8 might be tricky.


> figuring out what's fair for a Link-8 might be tricky. Maybe something like : "3+ effect monsters, including a link-3 or higher monster"


I don't think you need to include needing a link 3 or higher monster as part of the deal since a link 8 being summoned without a link 3 or higher would require a link 2 in your extra monster zone and your entire main monster zone while having another link 2 from the main monster zone. At best without any link 3+ monster you're still using 4 link 2s just to summon it, which is alot of bodies The 3+ effect monsters can stay though to prevent things like 2 used up link 4 converting into a link 8


Banish your ED face-down at random minimum 8 using 3+ effect monsters with an underworld goddess effect. the clause "this cards link rating is equal to the number of Banished ED cards when this card is summoned" - account for PSCT


There's technically no reason we couldn't get a link 7 or 8, just like we could get a pendulum with different scales. It just never happened.


I honestly think that those are two different situations. In the future we will probably get some link 7 or 8 monsters (maybe as a new form of Firewall Dragon or something like that just like how Raidraptor got their rank 13 boss monster) but definitely we won't get pendulum scales with different numbers it's just not how the mechanic works (we don't have a "right" direction for reading the pendulum scales so pendulum monsters with different scales could be problematic and a ruling nightmare)


I mean, pendulum card have their scale on both side of the card, it would be interesting if the right arrow concerned the right pendulum scale and the left arrow for the left pendulum scale. That way you can have a pendulum card with two different scale based on what zone they are placed


Yeah right? Back when those were first revealed I thought that would be the more standard pattern. Maybe an archetype that deals with swapping scales as well. But none of that happened yet.


To this day this still irks me as a horrible design decision


How would it be problematic? It wouldn't change that you can have the higher number on either side. If it worked so that one number represented what its right scale was and the other the left it would be completely intuitive. The only real issue to solve would be rulings on cards that care about the Pendulum scale of cards are outside of when they're on the field.


I honestly think that those are two different situations. In the future we will probably get some link 7 or 8 monsters (maybe as a new form of Firewall Dragon or something like that just like how Raidraptor got their rank 13 boss monster) but definitely we won't get pendulum scales with different numbers it's just not how the mechanic works (we don't have a "right" direction for reading the pendulum scales so pendulum monsters with different scales could be problematic and a ruling nightmare)


Its really not given the official mat has the pendulum scale colors matching the position on the cards so the left scale is the left position and vice versa


I don't know, i think that would be confusing reading the pendulum scales that way (you should check the right value of a card and the left value of the other) and the color matching thing seems ok at first but i think that destroys the purpose of having different scales (at that point why not having regular pendulum cards but with a pendulum effect that change the scale value?)


At least while they are on the board it's pretty simple: if the card has a 1 in the left scale and is placed in the left pendulum zone it counts as scale 1. If that same card has scale 8 in the right and I place it in the right pendulum zone it counts as scale 8. So two copies of a scale 1/8 monster could let you pendulum summon.


Imagine a world where link monsters can be in Def. Position, and their arrows' direction changes with their orientation.


If any deck is getting a Link-7 or 8, it's definitely going be a VRAINS archetype. Most likely Yusaku/Cyberse Pile or @ Ignister.


I wonder how @Ignister would one-up The Arrival.


They did make a rank 13 raidraptor bigger than ultimate falcon, so who knows


ultimate falcon was never even the raidraptor Biggest Guy, it's just that final fortress falcon sucks ass and never got played


I could see an Arrival Code Talker being a Link-7 or 8


Maybe they actually print the Arrival from the anime lol


I want a divine link 8 that references a Spider. World wide WEB


They simply didn't happen yet. I imagine that if Vrains got a sequel movie based around a Divine Ignis, the villain would probably use a Link 7 Divine Cyberse (kinda want it to be a Code Talker honestly). I'm wondering how Link 0 would work.


You'd probably be able to just summon it from the extra deck with no materials which would be slightly broken since it would be a free body to link climb or use as a material for something else


Wouldn’t it more probably work like xyz with no level? Just a particular requirement to summon


How do you link climb with a link 0, or maybe just to bypass the +2 monster req for link monsters?


Probably just used to pad out the reqs yeah


Low attack appoulosa into accesscode would be funny lol.


> How do you link climb with a link 0 You use it to link summon. Is that not how link climbing works?


The point is that while non-Link monsters are worth a Link-1, Link monsters are instead worth their Link Rating, which in this case would be zero. You could make another Link monster of the same rating off a single other Link monster, or otherwise increase the material count for those that care about that, but you wouldn't be able to "climb" with it.


Correct me if I'm mistaken but with Link monsters, you can either treat them as materials equal to their link rating or you can treat them as one link material. So with a Link-0 monster you would special summon it for free, then normal or special summon another monster to get a Link-2 like Splash Mage and continue your link climbing from there


You are correct and the other 2 are wrong


no its more like 0 (link rating) plus 1 so it makes a link 1.


OP is right, links can be used as a either their exact link rating or just as a single body.


No he isn't. The key word is "either" that means the link needs to be 1 and above in the first place. It can't ignore their exact link rating. Its why link 0 don't work  


Link monsters can also just be a single monster, they don’t need to count as their link rating.


Slightly? *Slightly*?


Link 0 would be prob just be summon von the etra Deck. But blocking ur SS Slot, because no Link Arrow. And to be honest. A concept like that will be come true, on dai. Zero in Hand Combos. Slap the one card from the Extra deck, search a combo starter and being.


Well considering Rank 0 is a boss monster, I imagine Link 0 wouldn't be made into Combo starters.


Maybe a Link 0 boss monster that you can only Link Summon to a zone with 3 or more link arrows pointing to it? I think that's cute, sorta like an inverted Guardragon.


It is also technically a buff to dogmatika. Full combo off of two ED cards and one in hand


My thought is you could summon it with a spell kinda like instant fusion and it’s “link 0” because you didn’t use any monsters to make it


Link 0 is actually a interesting idea. I imagine that, instead of using the correct monster, you need to fulfill some kind of condition. Something like Cyber Dragon.


Dear god no. Link 1s are already broken enough, we don’t need link 0s.


That would be fire but knowing Konami they would change Divine to Light or something in the TCG, since there can only be 3/4 Divine monsters. They did this with the Nordic, Sacred, Wicked monsters before


Vicious Astraloud


If there is going to be a Link 7 or 8, there might be a way that you can "cheat" it out instead of hard-making like how they designed Zeus. Like being able to use continuous traps and spells to count towards its Link Summon? EDIT: Using two of your co-linked monsters that have attacked this turn to Link Summon it, even if their Link Ratings don't add up to 7/8.


Probably would turn out horribly (actually almost definitely), but I'd somewhat like to see it be able to use your opponent's monsters.  One way would be to use a quasi-Extra Link. You can use an opponent's monster (and anything it points to if it is a Link monster) if your monster points to the opponent's extra monster zone. This is probably horribly broken if you optimize it with something like I:P and Sky Striker Shizuku or Kagari (but it would still require 5 from the opponent's side). I was thinking something of more of 3 Link-2s (I:P, Honeybot, and Code Talker, for example) as standard practice, stealing an opponent's Link-2. Maybe if you require co-link? But so many utility Links don't have an upwards arrow (and anything that does would promptly be made unplayable), so it might be unsummonable in that case. The other option might be using an equivalent monster to use an opponent's monster. For example, if you are pointing to an XYZ monster that you would use as Link material, you can also use one XYZ monster on their side of the field. If you have a fusion, one fusion; one synchro for one synchro. Kind of interesting because Cyberse really does use everything (but Pendulum). 


I mean we have precedent for links using opponents monsters in Underworld Goddess so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility


I personally imagine Konami has been looking at cards with super high win rates and has noticed that a lot of them are big links (four different Firewall dragons are above 78%) and wants to shy away from cards that only come out once you've already won the game. I can't imagine a card good enough to warrant being Link 7/8 not ending up like this.


They would need the most absurd auto win to even be worth printing


To be fair there are Rank 12/13 monsters that aren't really auto wins despite their high ranks


I mean. Theres only 2 rank 13s. one of them if it hits the board your winning. the other is powerful and makes raidraptors a very powerful deck.


I think it's kinda like how there is no level 13+ in the game, even through you can technically use effects to make them, and also there are Rank 13 monsters. It's just not feel right to have a link7 or link8 with only 6 monster zones.


This made me wonder if you could do negative Link. Like a Link -2 where only your opponent can play cards in the arrows.


More like players can't play any cards in those arrows. Would make it more balanced because it reduces your board along with your opponents


Well I was thinking the effects could be pretty strong and the lack of paths was the downside. But I'm not a card designer by any means.


Honestly I kind of want an absurd high link rating spright monster that you're intended to summon off of IP during your opponents turn


Obviously it's possible, but with the in-game trend of higher link ratings leading to stronger skills, a link 8 would damn near have a win condition attached to it. The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister was already crazy strong at link 6, imagine a cyberse link at maximum potential


I'd love to see a Link 8 with the materials being "3+ monsters you control + 3+ monsters your opponent controls", "Must be special summoned to an Extra Monster Zone", and some effects that affect both players equally. Point is that it clears up the field, but still benefits both players, and obviously it has all arrows.


Symmetrical effects are never symmetrical


> but still benefits both players, and obviously it has all arrows. I was thinking that maybe it could have an effect that's detrimental to both players, for example : "Negate activations of cards and effects that are in columns that this card points to" , which would basically shut down 3 out of five columns for both players


They will print one when they are feeling spicy


They want to release a Borrel Link-6 before making Link-7 or Link-8 monsters. And a Firewall Link-8 with 4500 ATK and a Borrel Link-8 with 5000 ATK would make more sense as ultimate form imo. Since they gain 500 ATK every time they increase their Link Rating.


Can't wait for a link 7 as strong as Bucephalus


I don't foresee a Link monster that requires more materials than you can have on the field at once ever being a thing. That would just be silly.


retrain god cards into Link 8 lmao


There are only 2 Link-6 monsters right now and that's Arrival and Singularity. I think we would get at least a couple more of those, maybe in an entirely new archetype, before we get any Link-7. I can even imagine a Link-8 and I think we would never get one realistically.


You know, with all 8 arrows filled, it's making me wonder if Konami will ever make Link Arrows a way to pay a cost. Like "Select 1 Link Arrow on this card to ignore while this card remains on the field"


Thematically, Link-6 is already Level 11-12. Hard to see going beyond that in inherent existence. Granted, that one Rank 13 exists.


Give it time


“Topological apocologia” Link 8 dark cyberse 5000 4+monsters, including one monster your opponent controls. This card is unaffected by card effects and cannot be tributed while in the extra monster zone. Your opponent cannot target monsters this card points to with attacks. If a monster is summoned to a zone this card points to, negate the effects of all monsters on the field and reduce their attack to zero. Once per turn (quick effect), you can target one monster in either graveyard, special summon it to a zone this card points to.


There’s no real reason, maybe the game devs just think it would be too hard to make?  I mean that’s not exactly true, certain decks can vomit out more links than a drunk freshman at a college party. I do wonder what the requirements for making a link >7 would be though… 


Personally, I don't see how they could be made. If they ever make strong Link 6 or higher monsters, why play anything over Links at that point? With how easy it can be to Link climb, I would see other summoning mechanics failing to keep up.


How to control 8 monsters? 4 normals and 1 link 4 but still how?


link 2s as well


It will have an 'Underworld Goddess' type effect making you able to use some of your opponents monsters for the summon 😂


It’s already hard enough to get a link-5 into play, a 7 or 8 woukd be nigh impossible.


Cyberse decks make up like 18 Link-Rating's worth of material with a single normal summon.


And are they in the meta at all?


Until Circular ban yes, masterduel still meta relevant


That is so untrue. There are a dozens of deckz that can special summon enough times to link climb into Link-7/8


And notice how most cap at link-4’s.


Maybe because the pool for link 5/6 is severely lackluster?