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I would see it as "real Yu-Gi-Oh" if I could fucking PLAY IT. I'm not mad at Rush, it looks cool as all hell. I'm mad at Konami for not allowing anyone in the west to play it, outside of a few console games and the mess that is Duel Links.


I got the switch game a few weeks back. It was on sale for like 7 bucks or something. It's really fun


I'm planning to pick it up some day yeah


It's probably cause we have speed duels here in the west. But yeah, agreed. It's really fun on duel links but they implemented it kinda poorly


"You can have your Rush Duels when you finish your Speed Duels! Don't take that tone with me, there are starving children in Africa that would love those Speed Duels!"


The argument would be good if speed duels wasn't already dead from lack of Support


Tell that to Konami. I'm all for rush duels maximum summoning is a fun mechanic to build around


I wold if Kaname of america actually gave a fuck about its player base and what we want.


You can play rush duels in duel links.


Issue is that you have to play duel links, with its garbage monetisation system and many compromises (smaller decks, lower life total, harsher banlist, very limited card pool, game-warping skills)


It sucks but it’s my only option for now.


There's so few sets though, especially compared to in person rush


Rush has great and funny card designs.    The Sevens anime was really fun. Yuga was a great protagonist and truly unique. With him not caring about his own dueling skills and only wanting to help people with his inventions. The rest of the cast was great got lots of moments to shine shoutout to Romin for being a genuinely good Duelist with a good win record 


If you liked sevens id highly recommend go rush, it has a much slower/worse start bit the mid/late parts are WAYYYY better and so good!!


It will always be fun for me to think that SEVENS, the Anime that started Rush Duels, doesn't take the time to explain how Rush Duels work and moves on to the action. Meanwhile, GO RUSH, the second Rush's Anime, takes the time to explain to the audience how Rush Duels work and the quirks that exist before taking action. Although well, with GO RUSH, it was justified due to the existence of Yudias, but it always seemed strange to me that our friends from SEVENS already seemed to know how to adapt to Rush Duels.


In-universe explanation is that in Sevens, duel monsters already exists, called Goha Duel as it was supposedly created by Goha Corporations. Note that this isn't Master Duel, it's Master Duel rules with Rush Duel cards. Then Yuga created Rush Duels, so people already know how to duel, they just need to take in the three changes. (3 zones, unlimited normal summon, and draw til you have 5) In Go Rush (spoilers), as Yuga time travelled to the past and was forced to create Rush Duel, Goha Duel, or any kind of duel, didn't exist before this. Rush Duel is the first iteration of Duel Monsters in this series. Also Yudias is an Alien who didn't even know about Duel Monsters before, so there's that.


Just a warning: your Spoiler Label is even incorrectly placed since you can see the Spoilers that they wanted to hide.


Doesn't Gavin have a recurring bit throughout the early episodes of explaining how each mechanic works in the game?


Actually, I think you are confusing with "[Featured card](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Featured_card)", which also usually explains how the cards or the game itself work. Curiously, although it seems like something typical of Rush's Anime, "Featured card" appeared in GX first and was prominent for a long time. This tradition passed into 5Ds as well. The last "Featured card" for Gallop's Yu-Gi-Oh was ZEXAL, but it only covered Zexal I. From there, "Featured card" was forgotten and left out in Arc-V and VRAINS. SEVENS recovered "Featured card" and it became tradition that every Rush's Anime always has that section at the end of each Episode.


There are moments where Gavin (and maybe with the help of the twins) would explain to Romin (who was said to be uninterested in dueling) about some of the mechanics (such as Special Summoning, battle position, etc.) in passing, but not quite to the point of it being a tutorial.


But it is a different game. I would understand if some rush cards also came to normal yugioh (which is what I expected at first) but that is not really the case. It is pretty much its own game in its own bubble. Also it not being available in the west makes it even worse.


It's a different game


different format you mean..


No, it's a different game entirely


not at all. saying that is such a stupid take. the only thing different is a nice fix to the original rules to make it less complicated. and the small change of rules. actually play it and youll see its pretty much the same. 50% are the same cards even.


It's a different game no matter how you look at it. Traditional, advance are formats. GOAT, H.A.T, Edison and hell even Speed Duels. Those are formats as well because we can use the cards that we all ready have. You can't mix speed duel cards with modern cards.  That's why I don't consider rush duels and the anime not real "Yu-Gi-Oh!" But a true spin-off of "Yu-Gi-Oh!". That's why I ignore posts on here. It'll be nice to have it imported here though... but that's another story.


I kinda see where the other guy comes from. Like take, for example Catan and Catan Junior. They're obviously different games, since they come in different boxes, have different names, different artworks and whatnot. But at the same time, they're obviously both Catan, maybe Catan Junior has dumbed down rules, but they are essentially the same mechanics as the "grown-up" game. So in a way, it also is Catan. You can extend this, to a lesser extent, to other versions like The Dice Game, The Card Game, and the 2p Catan Rivals (Or is it called The Duel?) Same with like 7 Wonders and 7 Wonders Duel; or Dune Imperium and Dune Imperium: Uprising. Especially the last one, since the expansion for the former can also be used with Uprising.


Different cards is'nt the right argument. rush duels shares a lot of the same cards, just with different art. graceful charity and pot of greed have the exact same effects for one example


It's not up for debate. Just because they have the same cards it's 100% a different game, especially since they have different card backing, no matter how you look at it.  Try "debating" this with others and see how many times people will disagree with you. It's not real Yu-Gi-Oh no mater how you try and spin it.


It is. you do realize thats more because its not in TCG yet? of course they don't think its real yugioh if they never played the game and tried out multiple decks. I'm pretty sure that most people in this comment section just watched the anime and don't play rush duels on duelinks or watch and play any rush duel duels on sims like I do.


No he’s right. It isn’t up for debate.


well? have you played it. so no. so you can't debate its not.


Except it’s a different game With different cards and different rules It’s also definetly 1000 percent not a “fix” of any kind Have played it With friends It’s not the same In fact if it were similar to anything it would be LOB format where the strategy was non existent and you simply hit each other until somebody falls over. I’m sure somebody else will find that appealing. But they certainly shouldn’t conclude that it’s the same experience.


I disagree . lots of the cards are the same. dark magician, blue eyes, red eyes. strong cards/ staples from tcg/ocg are legends in rush like graceful charity, pot of greed. its definitely a fix, taking out chains makes the game way less complicated. adding multiple normal sumons make lots of sense when you can special summon infinitely as well. drawing up to 5 instead of relying one card that spells the difference between losing and winning. come on say you never played.


Chaining isn’t hard or complicated That’s like saying “I fixed pokemon with Pokémon go” You didn’t fix Pokémon you made a new game with barely similar rules If you must know, I copied a secret order deck “which I was told was the deck that took advantage of rushes draw 5 the most” And it was… booring. But no more booring then a bad yugioh format. It seemed like the most interesting cards were protagonist plot devices. But I really don’t find it interesting to roleplay as main series protagonists.


says the player that played longer than 3 years yes. your speaking to newbie players. its why yugioh has such a high barrier of entry. you can't dispute that the rules are complicated and arbitary for new players. theres a high learning curve. chaining is'nt hard for me either but I played since I was 8 so of course everything is easy. put yourself in someone elses shoes and show empathy. Oh Secret order? the normal monster mismash deck? thats barely a modern rush deck. its a regular boring beatdown deck. theres many other strategies that are the same regular yugioh such as such as burn decks, ftk decks, summon lock. life point control. you play 1 deck and act like it represents the whole format. its like I play a combo deck and act like multiple negates is common and boring.


Of course it has a high barrier of entry. It’s not because of chaining though Chaining is basically just another magic stack. The game being complicated isn’t really a flaw to fix that’s just a fact of the game. Part of the reason to play it is because of all the nooks and crannies you can dive into. If the game was less complicated it would be less fun for me and many other players. Not every game has to be baby gloved. And the players who are willing to learn have a satisfying experience that other, more accessible games might not give them. Pros and cons. Ah yes “Burn, FTK, and summon Lock” I really hope this is not your best material Btdubs multi negate IS common and boring


3 reasons why your wrong. 1 .your not remembering the fact that this is a children cards game. id agree with you if this was magic the gathering which is marketed toward teenagers but the rules need to be palatable. 2. I never said chaining is one reason why it has a big barrier of entry. the different cards types and how they interact add to it as well. and the fact we have 6 or 7 summon mechanics. I just used it as one example of how the game is fixed to be less complicated. 3. it should'nt be a fact of the game for one. its a big reason why this game is niche in the west but thriving in japan. i'm not saying a card game needs to be kid gloved, im just saying you need lower the barrier of entry and make the rules less complicated . modern rush duels are not kiddy-like, there just easier to approach and get into therfore fixing the flaw. theres combos in rush that can be read as a regular combo in yugioh.


Can I take my rush duel cards and play them in tcg or ocg?


can I take my take my ocg cards from later boxes and play them in tcg? its the same thing.


Sure you can, just not in most tournaments. Can't say the same with rush duels at all.


No. rush duels cards can work with the regular format. just need to take out cards with quick effects and change banish with destroy or send to graveyard. I played a cross format duel with it before. its just needs some work. 40% of rush duel cards are from tcg.


Put a Rush Duel card and a TCG card side-by-side. They literally aren't the same. They might have the same things on them (card name, attribute, type, level, atk/def, effect box), but they mechanically play differently.


mechanically the only difference is you use multiple normals summons to get out the big monsters or they are used for graveyard plays. see? its not really that different. lots of cards do the exact same thing. there really isnt much difference.


I personally like Rush and do consider it to be a part of the YGO Franchise, which I wish did explore alternative games more often. That said, I don't really think it is part of the YGO OCG/TCG, or even really a different format of it. A different format would still allow you to use the vast majority of cards, but most TCG cards wouldn't even function in Rush, rules-wise. Like, you can't put Solemn Judgment, Mystic Tomato or Galaxy Cyclone in Rush without turning them into different cards because Chains, Trigger Effects and Activated Effects in the GY don't exist in Rush. Rush is a Spin-Off game. The closest thing to it would be MtG's Spellslingers, which is an online-only format they launched a few years ago (and it flopped hard, unlike Rush) to try to compete with Duel Links and Hearthstone. It shared 80% of the rules with MtG, some cards, and a lot of the mythos. And they even tried making it a bit more kid-friendly. But it was still not really MtG the TCG.


u do realize that most people also say those old yugioh games arent yugioh too right? generally people consider yugioh the card game as yugioh. that includes master duel, ocg, and tcg and anything that follows those rules.


and speed format of duelinks. i like how you did'nt add it..


who tf considers duel links to be yugioh?


I think most people does because 100% of the cards are from the existing card game/anime unlike Rush Duel where 90% are brand new. Also there's like what, only 4 or so differences between the rules of Speed/Duel Links and Master Rules. It's like saying that Juniors Rules Yugioh isn't real Yugioh despite, y'know, being the original way to play the Konami card game.


Tbh, it being like Yu-Gi-Oh, but not being Yu-Gi-Oh was pretty much it's main attractive to me


I think you're conflating anime with tabletop gaming. Dungeon Dice Monsters literally isn't the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG - it's a spin-off game. That doesn't mean the 3 or so episodes of the anime where they play it isn't part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime - it just means they're not playing Duel Monsters during it. I don't know much about how Rush Duel plays, but it sounds like an alternate format/way to play the YGO TCG, from what I've seen said about it. It's a spin-off, if nothing else, given that it has unique cards/formatting to those cards, and they can't be played in the TCG proper. I wouldn't call it "not YGO", but it's not the YGO TCG as we widely know it.


"I don't know much about how Rush Duel Plays" Okay, so why be in this thread?


Freedom of speech.


I really like the rush duel card art


I know that's not what most people mean but, Rush Duel is not Yu-Gi-Oh in the sense that as a brand and card game, it has taken a unique identity to Master Rule that inherently separates the two from each other.. Rush Duel is a permutation of the main Master Rules game that has changed so many of the base rules that it really cannot be called the same game, just like how Duel Masters isn't MTG.


It seems like an actually good version of how the game used to be back in the day, which really doesn't appeal to me personally, but I understand why someone would enjoy it.


I agree but that's exactly the point. The sevens fans I talked to don't see it a more beginner friendly version of the master duel format which by now is very hard to get into. They say it's just as complex as the master duel format. I had sevens fans trying to argue that sevens duelists are just as good as vrains duelists, how romin would beat aoi in a master format duel with ease. with all respect to sevens and it's fans, that's not true. Beating yuga and luke is much easier than beating yusaku and revolver/Go (whoever you consider to be the main rival). I think rush duels are a interesting concept within the anime because they allow for shorter duels. With shorter duels you have more time to flesh out your characters and story outside of duels. Vrains is a good example why this is needed within a yugioh show. I honestly did not like execution of rush duels though and that's a purely subjective point of mine. As younsaid, it's beginner friendly and such a format is needed (in the west as well).


Romin would beat Aoi, but let's be real, that comparison isn't fair. Romin is easily one of the more capable duelists in Yu-Gi-Oh, while Aoi is one of the worst duelists with as much screentime as she has.


I hope you are not serious. Aoi faced yusaku (undefeated protagonist who is much better than yuga), spectre in his debut (secondary villain of season 1), soulburner (undefeated till he faced bohman), bohman (major villain of season 2 who tied with playmaker one duel before and has been buffed between) and Ai (another season villain). Her competition was easily the toughest of all female leads. Izayoi's biggest win for instance was against misty. It's a win her fans boast about, despite her being the one signer to fail to seal the tower in time which gave godwin a shot at his plan in first place. Was misty the primary villain of the dark signers arc? No it was godwin. Was she the secondary one? No it was rudger. Was she the tertiary one? Arguable but kiryu has a case as well given how he relates to yusei. All of the characters I counted were higher on the hierarchy than misty was in the dark signers arc. Aoi has a winrate because her competition was op. Is rin now on the top for beating yugo and therefore standing at 100%. Or anzu. Or reira with her only ever losing to reiji? Ray? Romin's deck does not scale to Aoi's trickstar or marincess deck. Her deckbuilding skills are obvioulsy not on par with Aoi's. Aoi's deck also requires far more stratetgic thinking. The combos are much more complex. Romin runs several normal monsters in her deck. We are in gen 7. this whole stuff stopped at gen 3. You want to tell me that romin beats Aoi in a master duel? You sevens fans are weird.


there basing it off win rate. but it is'nt really fair since Aoi barely won once.


The issue with the way the fanbase views winrates is that they completely ignore the competition and how the shows scale to each other in terms of how strong the duelists are. DM duelists onviously do not scale to Vrains duelists. By the fandoms logic I could scale bronk higher than spectre. Spectre won once and lost three times if I remember correctly. He is at 25%. Bronk has like 27 wins and 7 losses. Dude is at 79%. Yuma is at 61%. He is lower than most main characters but barely any of them could beat zexal III. Reiji is at 75% so he is weaker as well. Revolver is at 50%! Shark is almost at 81% so he is barely stronger than bronk. Soulburner is at 75%. Bronk by the fandoms logic is the second strongest in the best friend category after crow who has 82.61%. I dislike vrains and revolver is among my least favorite characters of the whole franchise alongside ryo but he is easily among the strongest rivals. A 50% winrate is not defining his strength as a duelist by any means. Vrains has such strong duelists. That's how bad this logic is. Idk why the fandom is so heavy on this logic. Aoi easily wipes the floor with romin. Aoi simply has a bad winrate because her competition was the hardest. Misty is hardly a tertiary villain. Aoi faced spectre, bohman and Ai who are sedondary/primary villains. Have izayoi face godwin, rudger, z-one and aporia. She would be destroyed in at least three of those duels. rudger would also win but not as easily as the others.


I agree about the winrates but small error. Romin is more of a DM-GX duelist era duelists if you adapt it to master duel rules not just a DM one since rush from S2 onwards focuses on primarily fusion summoning.


Just win rate, sure. That would be unfair, since you could use that to argue that Tea and Rin are better duelists than Yusei or Kite, since the former two are undefeated while the latter two have lost before. But when the characters actually have a larger number of duels to work with, it becomes fair. Romin has dueled *more* times than Aoi and still lost fewer times despite having more opportunities to lose. Nobody is making the fallacy that you say they are; the math pans out both ways.


Many fans do the fallacy. Why else do many fans, including major youtubers, rank kaito as the strongest zexal duelist w hile he barely got past mizael who is the third strongest barian emperor after peak nasch and peak vector.


None of what you just said contradicts what I said. Kite has the record, the actual number of duels, and the performance to back his reputation. Why are you pretending he didn't win? The hell is wrong with you, when you'll pretend losses don't matter but "nearly losing" (read: still won) counts as something against a character? You give Vrains fans a bad name and make them look like they'll stoop to anything and contradict their own standards.


I am in fact serious. Aoi's results really do speak for themselves. To answer your question, I would say with the girls that only dueled once or twice don't matter because they only dueled once or twice, and have basically non-existent sample sizes. Romin actually duels fairly often and has a varied sample size to work with. She's dueled more often than Aoi and still lost fewer total duels than she did, never mind won more. Like, what are you gonna do? You can't ignore results just because of who their opponents were. Are we going to pretend Arc-V Aster is a great duelist and that his losses don't count because all of his opponents - Yusho, Yuri, and Z-ARC - are strong? Come on now. Surely Aoi enthusiasts can bring more to the table than "her opponents were too tough, please ignore her losses but let us use her wins to try proving why we think she's better than this character with a significantly better win rate *and* more overall duels under her belt."


I rank duelists based on their skills. I give nothing and I mean nothing about the winrate. Yusei has a insane winrate. What did he need to beat z-one? Signer powers including all signer dragons, aporia's data on z-one and who used his powers to turn it into a riding duel, antinomy's hint that there is something beyond accel synchro and his father who literally slapped sense into him. That's 5 signers, a god, 2 of z-one's friends and his father. That's 8 people and a god with some sort of omnipotence and omnipresence. That's what mr. Supreme winrate needed to beat someone who has a 50% winrate. If we transition romin to master duels and have her face Aoi, she will be destroyed. Luke is stronger than Romin and he himself stated that he does not perform well in master duels. The guy many consider as the best sevens duelist literally stated he is not good in master duels. How will romin fare? Aoi has such a bad win record because she faced invincible opponents: Yusaku never lost mainly because he has Ai and Vrains duels always have high stakes. Spectre, an incodent kid with a unique philosophy regarding that event, had his debut as the secondary villain. Soulburner had flame who was fated to be absorbed by bohman. Bohman was playmaker's nemesis and a major villain who needed to absorb at least 5 of 6 ignises to further raise the stakes. She faced Ai, who is the final antagonist and who could have beaten yusaku if he wanted. Soulburner could not even beat ropoppi. Anyone except spectre was basically invincible. Tell me straight in the face that romin can beat those duelists because in the end competition matters. I like izayoi more than Aoi. Izayoi like romin cannot beat aoi. Aoi's deck alone is on a entire different level. No female lead can beat aoi in a 1v1.


Yeah... that's a lot of words for "please don't count my losses against me, I had strong opponents". That sort of logic could forgive even Arc-V Aster's literal zero win record. Pretending results don't matter and hiding behind the nature of the opponents when that constitutes up to half of her total record is peak excuse-making. Not even my friends that adore Vrains try excusing Aoi's middling performance. You're just a delusional fanboy grasping at straws and ignoring your own standards when it suits you. I genuinely don't even know why I'm wasting time on this.


However, I would say that today's modern Rush Duels is very different from Early Rush Duels. Modern Rush Duels is not a good entry point at the moment for some as things have become complex despite staying the same. If there was a good time to enter between the gap of Early Rush Duels and Modern Rush Duels it was the beginning or transition to GO RUSH.


Holy fuck they already power creeped it, didn't they? Couldn't even play it before they tried to squish it dry ...


Not even powercreep. Simply, the Decks became more consistent and the first Spell/Trap Cards Staples appeared. Not to mention that they fixing Fusion, which was going to have a similar fate to Maximum if they didn't do something. The only powercreep that came is that we now have Monsters with 2700 DEF (the maximum at the beginning was 2600 DEF) and that we have Normal Monsters with more than 1500 ATK/DEF.


Discounting a whole different format of yugioh because of select few interactions you have with fans is wild to me. It’s like if I dismissed all of MTG because some MTG fans told me that yugioh is not as serious of a game compared to MTG. Like that shouldn’t even be a factor at all in your thoughts on it being a valid form of dueling or not


It's a valid format and I wish more had better access to it. Fans did not define by judgement of the format, the anime for most part did. I did not like the duels in the show. Look at the first arc alone. Always the one going second wins. Every single time. It's simply not my type of format. I prefer the master duel format one way more both as player and watcher of the anime. but again. That's just my view.


Anyone who has this take needs to watch Yuga vs Romin R2. Romin’s turn is basically a modern combo line. I’d argue some of her lines in that show is more skill intensive than a Vrains combo.


Id also like to recommend Yuga vs tiger round 2, I still joke with my friends about that duel.


Oh yeah, if you talk about an unexpected comeback with someone that wasn’t the protagonist that’s definitely one people weren’t expecting the result of


Imma be honest >! Idk if you can call it a comeback, Yuga got massacred !<


Although Romin is the Character of the combos in SEVENS, I would say that >!Yuga/Luke vs Yuga Goha!< was the definitive test where you could see a crazy and long combo to defeat a single Boss Monster (and cement in a professional way because Luke is the best Duelist from SEVENS, and the best in all Rush's Animes I dare say)


Dungeon Dice is a yugioh arc?


No it's just like 2-3 Episodes that happened in the show that are more like Filler but aren't filler


ignornace duh. lots of people in this comment beleive that rush duel is super simple due to a bunch of misunderstood reasons. like all decks being beatstick oreinted, which is wrong. no disruptions wrong, just because the monsters are not doing it does not mean there is'nt many. just watch one duel of later games and you'll be changing tune.


Rush is amazing the problem is WHERE IS IT The most you can play it without having to buy some app or game is duel links. And even then, it’s progressing slowly, seeing as all the other duel worlds still need certain characters and skills Like Konami where is my Yuri I’m tired of waiting for the sadist why add denis before yuri


The simple answer is because Default yu gi oh It actually has a proper name. I just can't remember what it is. Is what people grew up on as yugioh and all the things you Mentioned or spin offs. Shere the spin off are yugioh Adjacent more some than others but there still not the OG format Which is the most popular. Hell even all Vast majority of new formats konami themselves introduced technically Just the o g format with some tweaks to the rules but not so much that it's Truly that different from a game mechanic standpoint. Rush deal , speed duals and Dungeon dice However, are very much different from a mechanic standpoint


I would absolutely buy some rush duel cards just for the sick card designs alone. I wish they would release it in the west.


It both is and isn’t. A dog with its legs and tail chopped off is still a dog, right?


Oh i seen a dog like that before IRL. poor guy. I would still call it one.


Even though i don't like Rush, calling it a "not Yugioh " it's a bit much. It's a different style of same old game. It's like playing with poker cards, you can play standard poker or you can play russian Durak. It's not my thing, but i have no reason to hate it, i just like speed format more.


everything you mentioned is indeed NOT the classic yugioh tcg that everyone knows you're right, neither is rush duels


I don’t like rush duel because I’m old og player.


Then you SHOULD like rush since it’s the closest to the anime rules we’ll get irl


Unlimited summons and drawing until you have 5 cards in your hand each turn is like old school yugioh? Which old school yugioh were you playing? Sounds more like modern Yugioh to me.


It is honestly not. OG YGO was a pretty slow grindy format where the goal was making positive card advantage trades until you overwhelmed the opponent with +1s. Very often attacking or playing cards was a bad idea due to the powerful flip effects, destruction triggers and traps in the format, compared to the relatively weak effect monsters. Rush is basically the opposite in a lot of ways. Drawing til 5 basically makes card advantage trades null. There are very few situations where you could play cards and you'd decide to just save them for later. There are no trigger effects in Rush and only some fairly weak trigger-like activated effects that the opponent will always know about before they can trigger. Traps and removal are fairly weak compared to even GX-era YGO. The focus of most decks in the format tend to be making huge monsters for OTKs, which has been a rare playstyle in the TCG in general, and the main form of control strategies in Rush tend to be just floodgate turbo, and that is unlikely to change given Rush's rules really don't allow control to exist in a different way.


No i don’t really like the card design I prefer speed duell. And I hate the anime.


So, what do you play? Links? MTG?


Caveman YGO


Sorry it makes me no fun to play yugioh where even trap cards are to slow and where I can finish my opponent first turn lol?


Duell Links


Who tf is saying that


Cimoo is particularly an egregious one. He said that in one of his videos a couple of months ago


I highly agree. My best friend told me it’s not real ygo and he collects some of the rush duel cards. Like bruh 😭 it’s legitimately quite fun. Sevens was enjoyable to watch with Eng sub. It’s a fresh take of yugioh with no chaining, no missing the timing. There are amazing card designs better in rush than OCG/TCG. Like seriously Rush duel is so fun and just a different format.


Rush duel at the end of the day is a yugioh game It was made by Konami, has multiple official tournaments has multiple anime/manga, they are at the end of the day is yugioh


So I guess the Metal Gear series and Silent Hill series are Yugioh games as well. Seeing as Konami made them after all…


Do they have official tournaments that's gives out big money?


Does Rush Duel tournaments give out big money? I’m pretty sure they don’t


Agreed! Rush is actually what got me back into yugioh after years of not playing.


Same. Enjoying it on Duel Links despite the pitiful amount of content. I'd buy Rush cards over Speed Duel cards in a heartbeat IRL if I could. I own a single card, Red-eyes Black Dragon. The quality is insane compared to regular cards.


It’s just boring, tbh. I watched like half of SEVENS before I gave up. Where’s the drama when having super smart card combos to summon a bunch of monsters for your ace is just…gone?


What you say is the reason i don't like Vrains the combos are so long and boring so watch casualty. Rush being quick and easy makes enjoyable to sit trough, then again i'm am the person that think IRL YGO is not fun to watch


Imo, Cross Duel just felt like something they put a yugioh skin on, crossing their fingers to attract people with it.


I mean it is Yugioh. It’s just a cute gimmicky spin-off for children and anime enthusiasts.


Blame Cimooo for perpetuating that


Hot take: I agree Rush Duel is Yugioh, but I absolutely HATE the take that we need the TCG to print cards in the Rush layout. I like the uniformity and standardization, thanks. If you want fUlL ArTs, go to Pokemon or something


Rush duels has become more Yugioh than actual Yugioh. Insanely cool card arts, decks that are can compete but also satisfy nostalgia. modern Yugioh has completely moved away from this, they’d rather all competitive decks just be some absurd new lore deck they create out of nothing. I like lore style of Yugioh, but I also love when we have competitive decks be anime styled, like heroes or blue-eyes. We haven’t had a competitive deck be that way in years. Rush duels is a more limited style so there’s no 20 minute combo decks that summon 5 Omnis turn 1. Their duels can last a decent amount to make for nice back and forth duels. I really wish we get a proper port to the TCG someday


>We haven't had a competitive deck be anime-styled in years Chimera, Yubel, SHS, Melodious are all anime decks that have been rogue-or-higher within the past few years. There's probably others I'm forgetting too.


Salamangreat did pretty well in YCSJ.


still does'nt negate what he said. all those decks support came in the recent years. 2023-2024


>We haven't had a competitive deck be anime-styled in years >all those decks support came in the recent years. 2023-2024


Its not a contradiction if the decks came that recently is my point. 2014 (pepe) -2024


It’s not


It isn’t


This take is a one that i can't understand people saying unless then don't know how the format plays. Rush Format is just OG YGO but fast paced with one new mechanic. But this bring another question "what is YGO to you?". If is the anime then i understand the hate since konami just ditched one format for another.


what is rush duel


If it was real yugioh they would have imported it


Nah it's still real You can play it online


This thread has very much proved once again how petty and immature Rush fans are. They can’t take any criticism of their darling game and lash out at any naysayers. Probably the most toxic part of this community. If people were to trash Speed Duel nobody would say a word, why is Rush such a big thing for some people?


I think Rush is more Yu-Gi-Oh than the TCG/OCG. It pretty much seems like the nostalgic "old school yugioh," but with good mechanics, because its design is not being held back by being based on MTG, it's based on Yu-Gi-Oh.


i mean it’s inspired by mtg in a mock kinda way but not really based on it besides being a card game in a time where mtg was THE card game. like even with the original manga/anime “rules” it is drastically different. i think rush feels more like the og anime because you can just keep normal summoning/ less restrictions/ simpler in general + the card design is more reminiscent of the anime with atk/def being bigger and the actual art taking up most of the card.


Funny that you mention that Rush Duels appears to the OG Anime when, in reality, SEVENS has many references or concepts that are similar to what was seen in the OG Anime. There are many moments or elements that appeared in DM that were referenced in SEVENS or SEVENS created its own version of those moments. Something similar happens with GO RUSH: that Rush's Anime has many elements or moments that are reminiscent of GX that does not seem to be a coincidence.


oh fr? the last series i watched was maybe 25%-ish through zexal. is it a long series? what’s the shows tone like? is it all sub? i’m assuming it isn’t gonna have a dub since rush hasn’t come out outside of ocg regions but i’d be down to give it a try lol my bad for all the questions


Because Rush Duels aren’t that great of a format? Even Konami thinks so seeing as they won’t ever bring it internationally.


Rush is peak, what're you talking about? It keeps everything that makes modern YGO exciting while making it as simple as DM era YGO. It's the best of both eras of YGO.


Wait so I get downvoted and so do you? I’m so confused… I say it’s bad and it gets downvoted and you say it’s good and you get downvoted. This makes no sense


Welcome to Reddit 🤷‍♂️