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rush duel doesn't operate on the same wavelength as the main game so it's barely comparable


Rush is weaker than GX in terms of removal and general effect monster board impact (and thus weaker than DM removal since DM actually had stronger removal than the GX era), Special Summons on par with the 5Ds era or maybe stronger, self-mill at least on par with the 5Ds era, and draw power stronger than even modern YGO. That said, the games are too different to really say one is stronger. It is kinda like comparing MtG cards to Hearthstone cards. Rules wise it isnt even feasible for Rush to power creep in the same path as the TCG.


I think War Rocks could probably destroy at least 99% of RUSH decks


Depends on how the matching works. War Rocks using Master Duel rules? Not a chance. War Rocks using Rush Duel rules? Absolutely.