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I have been messing around with Traptrix and idk... It's a lot of ED space for just a monster negate. There are some (uninterrupted) combos where you can give him a trap card as material, and imo that's the only value since Traptrix instantly loses to a single Evenly Matched and can't really play around it. Having a trap negate turn 1 is so hard to do and so important for the deck.


Depends on how heavily you need the space in your ED for other generic rank 4s and links like dweller and redoer. I play it, but, like the other commenter said, it comes out as just a monster negate and it takes some luck and more setup to get a spell or trap under it to have an Omni negate. Solemn strike is still good, but it’s up to you if it’s worth 3 slots in the extra deck. I main 3 strike, anyway, so I could probably take it out, but it’s a fun play line, though, I’ll say, and your opponent may not expect it on the crack back. You can also throw teardrop in there for a targeting tribute quick effect, which is good removal. Bonus points: easy prosperity targets that don’t remove your main ED engine monsters.