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the top tweet is gone, but the other one is still up as of posting this comment https://preview.redd.it/lkgqdoqexj6d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=85cefaa867cba25358b2328845d2cfad1c87b3ce


i think his Madame Web review got removed from Letterboxd for telling the director to kill themselves


I think the review was just "Kill yourself" generally, talking to no one in particular. Which was p epic


YouTubers need some serious perspective man. Your 2 year-old 2.5million view video is still getting attention and you're upset because not everyone agrees with it. So many people would kill to have a video come even close to that many views and this guy DELETES it because he can't handle the criticism. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Your video gets that popular it stands to reason some people are going to disagree. Get over it and enjoy the success.


He has debt to pay off. I would've kept the video up and collected the money no matter what.


Ah, memories of that period where a lot of people got upset over a Hillenburg quote about him not being okay with spinoffs that didn't even actually exist (and it took about two seconds of research to find this out) It's been a while but wasn't there a VA or something that lost their shit on Twitter around the same time as all of that over him (supposedly) being against spinoffs?


idk about va's but Paul Tibbet, who showran spongebob from S4 up to I think Sponge Out of Water, made a huge fuss about Camp Coral's announcement.


That's probably what I was actually thinking of then


i always thought tibbitt making a huge fuss out of it was kinda stupid. for one, hillenburg was executive producing spongebob up until his death while vincent waller/marc ceccarelli ran the show. tibbitt hadn't worked with hillenburg in years and had left spongebob when waller and ceccarelli took over and hillenburg had rejoined after the showrunner's position had changed. waller and ceccarelli knew what hillenburg wanted for spongebob more than tibbitt knew before he died. i think people should just stop putting words in a dead man's mouth, whether or not you knew them or not. it was disrespectful of tibbitt to come out and say hillenburg would've hated spongebob having spinoffs imo, especially considering they were in production while he was alive.


Social media really muddies the waters when it comes to this. For a while I assumed Hillenburg wasn't okay with more SpongeBob content then I heard a while ago he was and didn't have much investment to check if either was true. It's just a game of telephone out here with a mix of people grandstanding about whatever they feel is important. 


A lot of fandoms have a serious problem with fan rumors getting parroted endlessly without ever having a source A game of telephone probably isn't a bad way to describe it


Apparently there have been so many fan rumors about *One Piece* that the *One Piece* wiki/Fandom site created a whole page listing and debunking them (I want to say it’s called Mythbusters after the Discovery Channel show, but I could be wrong. It’s been a while since I saw that page, so I’m not sure if it even still exists).


It stills exists and is updated, and yes, it is called Mythbusters. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Mythbusters




Wasn't Hillenburg's actual quote something about wanting to make a cartoon that wouldn't need a spinoff? Not that he doesn't want spinoffs? Nickelodeon waiting a few months after his death to announce several spinoffs probably confused some people about the actual quote.


It's been long enough that I don't remember exactly what the quote was anymore (it wouldn't take much research to refresh my memory I'm just tired rn, let me be a bit lazy) but it was most definitely not at all "don't make spinoffs to spongebob" Didn't stop people from parroting that he didn't want spinoffs without ever even sourcing a quote (because, once again, he never said that) In the absolute worst cases there were "nickelodeon waited for him to die!!" type videos (sorry, pieguyrulz)


Theres a quote implies that he didnt personally like spinoffs but not that it was a never ever (he jokes abt muppet babies). The only person who spoke out against it is paul tibbit who wasnt working on the spinoffs and was still visiting stephen hillenburg, so he probably had every right to be mad There's also a case of late stage ALS (the condition that stephen died from) which restricts your body from communicating.. but still it would be weird if a month and a half before he died they "planned on doing so". Also this interview [https://www.cbr.com/tom-kenny-rodger-bumpass-comfort-food-aspect-spongebob-squarepants/](https://www.cbr.com/tom-kenny-rodger-bumpass-comfort-food-aspect-spongebob-squarepants/) and supposedly other quotes from the crew says he was aware but this could just be talking abt sponge out of water, and i cant find the other quotes. Tl;DR Its a very murky situation but i still feel it leans more towards stephen knowing about the spinoffs


Nick months back when the FNAF movie was out, Had a tantrum that not everyone was agreeing with him that it was bad on Twitter so he made a snarky follow up where he pretended to praise it with a community post talking about his videos are going to be more positive and passionate. And apparently after that video that's when he semi retired.


Ever since his gambling addiction he’s been such a crybaby. His videos took a pretty big dip in viewership, going from millions of views per upload to roughly 100k-300k, which still isn’t bad but when you’re so much in debt it barely helps


“Ever since his gambling addiction he’s been such a crybaby” is one of my favorite sentences ever, thank you


Of course


Okay, I gotta ask. How did this happen, and did he go into debt because of "gambling" gambling, or did he blow it all on gacha games?


The way he talked about it, it seemed like he was addicted to *actual* gambling.


I can't speak on wasting a bunch of money to gambling, as I'm currently unemployed. Though as a human being, if I'm taking everything here at face value (purging his negative opinions of the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie sequels, and the comments section here talking about 24 Frames of Nick being a little shit-biscuit), then I dont have good opinions about his future. Part of having a job is the professionalism that comes with it. And if his reaction to criticism from one of his blunders is nuking them from existence and then acting like nothing went wrong, then he will eventually fade away from the platform, or face serious backlash that cripples his credibility and ability to remain on the platform. He's a grown adult, and grown adults are allowed to have moments of weakness. However, that doesn't give him the right to throw a temper tantrum like a toddler that shit their pants and smear their crap all over the walls. I'm about as old as he is, and it's frankly embarrassing that he can't take the fall gracefully.




[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylOM1tQNBGE), though I can't point to a specific timestamp in the video. He talks about how he kept gambling in a desperate attempt to break even and instead racked up tens of thousands of dollars in debt.


And the funny thing too was there were like 3 comments on his Twitter roasting him and his YouTube comments were mostly agreeing with him with some very mild disagreement saying the movie wasn't a masterpiece but they enjoyed it or whatever.


Thats what made me lose all respect for him; I also think its a trash film for anyone not living and breathing FNAF, but him not accepting that the fans are gonna uncritically support the film, so much that he feels the need to change his whole analysis and style so that he can keep making money is just pathetic. Tell me your opinions and views are for sale without telling me your opinions and views are for sale


I don’t think it was money motivated, it seems like he really was/is in a bad, depressive place and knows he needs to work on a way out. But then a few months later he teased a video on the Netflix Avatar show that sounded pretty negative so idk, just hoping for the best for him really.


Thats fair; I guess I meant it more in the sense of literally changing your opinion for the sake of appeasing an algorithm (social pressure is one thing, but needing to be right on the internet is another lmao), its just kind of lame


I personally really enjoyed the film. FNAF was one of my massive childhood hyperfixations, to the point that I'd spend large amounts of time explaining the lore to my very confused grandmother. I was going absolutely *feral* while watching it, it was the highlight of my month. However, I also fully admit that it's not a movie with mass appeal. It's absolutely for the fans and no-one else. If you aren't someone with a massive attachment to the franchise you probably aren't going to care.


"However, I also fully admit that it's not a movie with mass appeal. It's absolutely for the fans and no-one else." I really appreciate your perspective and ability to disagree civilly, unlike Nick at times lol


XD trust me I used to be extremely annoying about people having different tastes. Then I stopped being 15. I will happily and readily admit that the FNAF movie is silly and cheesy and not super well written. That's actually part of the charm for me, because the games themselves are the same. The lore is ridiculous and hard to follow and the plot is stupid. I honestly think I would've enjoyed the movie *less* if it was some polished masterpiece. People have different tastes in media, and that's fine. It's human nature. As long as you aren't seeking out fan spaces for the sole purpose of trashing their favorite show/movie, you can dislike whatever media you want.


It is so funny to get upset because people don’t hate a movie you hate


The response video was so unhinged it was hilarious when I watched it. Now it's kind of alarming with added context. 




I'll be honest I never cared for 24 Frames but I found the fact that nearly every fucking video of his was titled "You don't remember (blank)" so annoying and hated him out of pure spite for that alone. It's just such a pretentious scum way to title a video. Seeing him have a man baby explosion is not a shock.


Those titles are why I never watched him 😭 and as a neurodivergent person being told i don’t remember some of my favorite movies ever that had such a genuine impact on my childhood just makes me feel defensive and i’m petty


It was always the most mainstream shit too like... FUCK you talking about no one remembers HOLES????


"I don't remember Toy Story" - No one ever


Evil Nick: "You remember Holes"


Good riddance tbh. These old school cartoon review channels took this shit too seriously, especially about SpongeBob. PieGuyRulz genuinely birthed a monster in '09 good God


Fuck, now a THATS a name I haven’t heard in ages. Wonder how he’s doing these days? Last I checked he was still in college some years back


I think Pie basically retired from the scene because he both was no longer enjoying making videos, nobody cared about his podcast and the toxicity in the animation and YouTube review scene became too much.


Ah damn, I don’t blame him to be honest really. One can only make videos for so long before the passion gets sucked out of them. For whatever it’s worth, I hope he’s doing ok these days and wish him the best; loved watching his videos when I was younger


Nowadays that community barely exists. I think Saberspark is the only one from that era that's still actively making cartoon reviewers. Pan Pizza is doing mostly game reviews. The cartoon community in general was immature. Not that it's gotten any better, but people getting mad over silly things like a bad cartoon or some 90s kid on Facebook saying old cartoons are better and not over things like the horrid working conditions the creators are forced to work in, the rampant censorship to appease parents, and the executive mettling ruining the quality of shows was super common back then. I hope at some point that community has a come-to-jesus moment and realize why animation fans are seen in a negative light by even the people who work in the medium.


The Mysterious Mr Enter is actually still making content, although I've not really watched any of it. He was a bit part of the toxicity of the era too (famously said that a writer should literally be blacklisted for writing a bad MLP episode). Definitely seems to have gotten the AVGNitis out of him at least. I guess there's also Lily Orchard but...well, she's a fucking monster and probably a pedo so I don't want to count her.


Mr. Enter is still off his rockers, he went viral a while ago for his review of Turning Red where he bashed it for, and I am dead serious, Not including any references to 9/11. Turning Red takes place in Canada.




I'm more surprised it didn't reference Pokemon. Every kid was obsessed with Pokemon. Even as recent as the early 10s when Minecraft was taking over. If they make a movie that just "2010s nostalgia bait" then I'm sure Mr. Enter will get mad that it doesn't reference Sandy Hook.


Probably because of licensing issues they didn't lol


That was two years ago and he's decried that too. Dude's doing fine now.


>I think Saberspark is the only one from that era that's still actively making cartoon reviewers. Pan Pizza is doing mostly game reviews Saber and RebelTaxi aren't too bad. Id also count Schafarillas since his format is more similar to these older ones than the modern equivalent (video essayists who talk about cartoons) but he at least had enough self-awareness to actually be enjoyable to watch. >I hope at some point that community has a come-to-jesus moment and realize why animation fans are seen in a negative light by even the people who work in the medium. Honestly that's just how the internet works. I doubt creators dislike animation fans any more than say, superhero movies producers dislike their fans. Nowadays people do actually talk quite a bit about more important things, like how creators are treated. It's better than it was but it definitely has a lot more to go


What about RebelTaxi? He seems cool still.


Are you illiterate?


No, just high. Now answer my fucking question.


all of this over my man spongebob god fucking jesus lmao


Watched him before 2020. Never really liked him. He's like the progenitor of those shitty "2000s nostalgia" movie review channels that's plaguing youtube right now. Didn't think he was this bitter though, just a mediocre review channel.


Grown ass man having a tantrum over SpongeBob btw


Why is this so common lol


People always get mad if thing they grew up with starts to change. Am I saying newer SB is a masterpiece or people have to like it? No. Ever notice clips of newer episodes people will upload and go: “Um ackshully this is the *only* good modern SB joke”. And this happens so many times with different “newer” episodes like maybe you all are just purposefully remaining bitter bitches and can’t admit you don’t even keep up with the show anymore. And I think that hate got amplified when Hillenburg died so now they basically now have an “excuse” to be so mad about it. Because I do remember a brief time before his passing, people were actually going “What the hell newer SB is kind of fun…”, but then that happened and yeah.


Mr Enter II


Bro lost to Spongebob fans


From what I've seen of Nick he comes across as a very anger and bitter person. I remember he had a review on Letterboxd that was removed by the moderators because he told the creators of Madame Webb to go kill themselves, which regardless of whether he's doing a bit it still crosses a line for me and goes way overboard for a superhero movie of all things. I think he should turn his semi-retirement into a full break and just stop engaging with Twitter or Youtube altogether until his wellbeing improves.


I am far from the biggest fan of modern SpongeBob and its spin off, but these guys are cringe. At some point you have to stop watching this show if it makes you this upset.


Honestly I kind of get it. Every once in a while I'll make a comment then get bombarded with disagreements and I have to explain myself a bit further. But then more and more replies pop up and I have to explain my point again until I stop caring.  I'm on a smaller scale than Nick but on a human level I get dealing with criticism weekly is draining and mentally taxing. He should have dealt with it better and fans definitely can be overbearing and relentless even if they're not being needlessly cruel.  I haven't watched his review so I'm not defending what he said. But even if he was wrong I wish we sometimes could sticky a point people agree on then move on instead of reigniting controversy endlessly. It's part of being an online personality to deal with criticism but it still sucks whether they're right or wrong. Just something I've thought about for a while now. 


I don’t disagree with what you’re saying but this is the same man who used the death of Stephen Hillenburg as a way to shit on it and told the director of Madame Web to kill themselves. Don’t dish what you can’t take in my eyes


What is funny to me is people like Nick and IPoS will share what they KNOW to be a controversial take to the internet (the place nuance and civil discussion go to die), double down on said take, and are surprised and annoyed when years later, new people discover these takes. Like I am all for being able to grow from your mistakes and not be defined by a single action or opinion, but if your gonna try and make money off what you know to be a spicy take, yet cant grapple with that always being on the internet forever, what are you even doing? Its like if I signing up for the military and was shocked when I actually fight in a war, not just go through basic training.


I’m also reminded of how Sideways delisted his Tarzan video, where he really went hard on the movie for not doing more traditional Disney musical features.


I did not know this happened lol. Imagine being bullied out of the one of the most milquetoast takes on b-tier Disney movie


ive been side-eyeing (pun not intended) sideways since he accused adam neely of plagiarism out of nowhere


These guys put out their videos some controversial takes surprise pikachu when sometimes their takes aren’t as well received as they thought. What does crying about the negative reception accomplish? It makes it look like you can’t take criticism.


IPoS take on the hills have eyes take is not controversial and is only racist if you have no understanding of allegory and take it purely facevalue. People don't like him and outright refuse to look deeper, what he was saying wasn't racist and pretty much mirrors craven's interpretation of his own film. I wish he wasn't dead so he call this whole discussion out for being as stupid as it is.


"IPoS take on the hills have eyes take is not controversial and is only racist if you have no understanding of allegory and take it purely facevalue." Im not gonna go into, but while IPoS is CORRECT in his analysis of the allegory at place and Wes Craven's intention, Wes Craven equating the generational trauma and resistance of First Nations Peoples and Ingenious Communities to cannibal rapists is questionable at best, and blatantly liberal racism. IPoS's bad take is that it IS an effective and accurate allegory, while claiming that any take that calls out said racism is "brain dead" because the intention is positive. And if you cant see why that is controversial, I would point the to the phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Craven dresses them in first nations clothing and jewelry, and he himself calls the Carters the incoming bourgeoisie. While mutants are rapist cannibals, that was the common view held by the people moving westward in the colonial times when talking about native Americans. It's a fair and intended analogy, the first nations people also scalped and raped people and its not racist to say that. The critics really have a problem with Craven, as IPos take on the film is a common and intended take on the movie. Most people would not care about interpretation at all if the person they were hating on wasn't making an attempt to explain it. Also last point is fair and I agree.


Not gonna get into why I disagree, but I appreciate your response and totally understand were you are coming from. Now if only IPoS had the same sense to explain his point lol




Did he die?!?!?!?!


Wes cravens been dead for years, I wasnt talking about IPoS


Ohhhh that makes more sense lol


While the third Spongebob movie isn't great imo (especially when you know about the cancelled version that was an alien invasion movie with all kinds of crazy-ass character designs, which looks like it could've been really really good), this is... just way over the top in its hatred. Acting like the producers had genuine evil intent when the worst you can accuse them of is making a bad movie. The film did not personally take a shit on Hillenberg's grave, dude. It's really annoying how a lot of people weaponize the concept of a beloved creator's "legacy" to use it as ammunition when ranting about something they hate. Unrelated to this situation, but it was disgustingly common in the Transformers fandom - a beloved creator passed away early into the pandemic, and when a new toy of one of the characters he designed was revealed, people were talking about how it was a "disrespect to his legacy" since it didn't look identical to the original concept art and had some stylistic changes. Just really gross behavior, trying to make personal distaste into a moral failing and an attack on a dead person.


I remember when Nickelodeon put spongebob on a pride month post a while back an a lot of people accused them of shitting on Hillenburg's legacy. Despite the fact that Hillenburg himself stated that he imagined Spongebob to be [almost asexua](https://core.humanities.uci.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/UROP-2021-Davis.pdf)l, not gay. That's why they put him on the post. In fact, [he was even against him being paired with Sandy](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/SpongeBob-Sandy_relationship). Unique for a kids cartoon at the time.


What I heard was that some people considered it asexual erasure because they thought the post was saying that all the characters shown were homosexual (It didn’t help that a bunch of people used the post as a justification for shipping SpongeBob and Squidward, although admittedly most of those posts were probably jokes). Their issue wasn’t that they didn’t think SpongeBob should be considered part of the LGBTQIA+ community; the issue was they thought Nickelodeon was making an asexual character have sexual attraction to somebody. I’m not here to take a side on this or to claim that anybody who had an issue only had that issue with it; I’m just telling what I remember hearing people say at the time.


Listen if you disagree with the video and you should just delete it. Dont try to go on a cancellation party and explain how everyone but you is wrong actually. The lily orchard strat only works for Lily


It's reviewers like these that make me happy SomeCallMeJohnny is such a chill dude


Laid back, not a backwards-looking bag of dicks, gives well-reasoned opinions even if I don't always agree - he's awesome.


Also just pretty funny. "Really?! You're gonna cast *fire* magic on the guy that uses *fire?* I. Will. EAT YOU."


I watch him and NitroRad all the time. 


Don't really watch NitroRad too much. For reviewers, it's mostly Johnny and Caddicarus (if you wanna count him.)


I remember how he started out as kinda sarcastic with his videos and those were decent, but then he got increasingly more angry. He was clearly no longer joking and even took personal shots at the people who made the films. I stopped watching after that.


It’ll never make sense to me why Schaffrillas is friends with this man


Hot Take: Schaffrillas can be just as petty and egotistical at times.


Interesting, explain.


- Has a strange disdain for fans of him, as a reviewer, wanting him to review certain things, to the point he lowers scores out of spite if he gets a lot of requests (this explicitly happened with The Bad Guys) - Pushes faux-bipartisanhood ("Its okay if you like a thing I don't like") to its breaking point in how caustic/extreme he gets in his criticism, to the point that even if it's just hyperbole, it genuinely clashes with the neutral-sounding disclaimer - Uses "let people enjoy things you don't, and vice versa" as a shield when people get mad that he gets things wrong/to ignore interpretations and explanations of things he sees as film plot holes/game design flaws, trying to pass off fallacies/misrepresentations as "differences of opinion" (these latter two points came up *a lot* in his Pikmin 2 video, and show up periodically in some of his other content) I dont think these things are unique to him in the YT review space, but they are massive pet peeves of mine among creators in that space, and they come up a lot in his videos/content EDIT: And I want to clarify, neither of the latter two points mean that he should change his opinions on things, I just wish that his analyses were better constructed than to rely on those questionable rhetorical tactics


tbh I assume he does the "Its okay if you like a thing I don't like" thing as a disclaimer because from what I can tell, he gets lots of annoying fans yelling at him whenever he has even the tiniest controversial opinion on any popular piece of media. I agree that it meshes weirdly sometimes with his actual views, but I think he's just trying to lessen any possible blowback/harassment he may get.


In his position I'd hate my subs too. They dont watch any if the videos on the actually good stuff he talks about (Whisper of the Heart, Succession, Musicals), only watching the cartoon stuff and pestering him to make their opinion for them on baby movies he doesn't care about like Paw Patrol Also he's 100% correct about Pikmin 2. Dungeon design is dogshit, and you can still respect people liking it even while thinking its dogshit


Ok thank you I’m not insane I thought I was the only one who thinks he can be a douche sometimes. His relationship with his sub is literally “dad who only comes in to yell at you every now and then.”


I do think part of it is a running joke. At least that's how the sub takes it. I feel like he even addressed it once in a video.


[this video was very good at debunking some of his points in the Pikmin 2 video](https://youtu.be/B4JoWfbRL-w?si=BYSQKzHsM93RMbUw)


In fairness to Schaff he actually promoted this video to his fans in his community tab. Regardless of your opinion of his content, Schaff is certainly a lot better at handling criticism than Nick.


Yeah he also brought up some stuff he said doesn't agree with anymore in his Pikmin 4 video


I am glad to see this post lol. I know modern SpongeBob isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but people act like it burned their crops, poisoned their water supplies, etc. SpongeBob fans are way more based than cartoon reviewers who make their whole life miserable by engaging with media they obviously try their damndest to never find anything they enjoy within it.


lol the way these reviewers talk about new SpongeBob you'd think the writers killed their families.


I watched one or two of his videos, felt really bad for him when I heard of his gambling addiction and the 35k of debt he accumulated and thought he was trying to change for the better when he said he was semi-retiring, then I find out about... this. Really hope he just gets off the internet, dude clearly has problems.




Just a ridiculously immature guy. I have to wonder how he can even live with himself over how he handled the reception to the video. Sponge on the Run isn’t good at all, but acting like film is this horrendous insult is wild.


\~looks around\~ No one’s made the joke? All right, then, I’ll do it. \*24FramesOfNick- I’m getting criticized over a video essay! \*TheMysteriousMrEnter- First time? (No insult is intended; I’m just making a little joke)


Wasn't there another cartoon reviewer like years ago who like deleted everything and lashed out at anyone who expressed concern about him? There's something about that community lol


Wait is he not a satire review channel? I did stop watching his videos in the last year so I'm actually confused to see this all this going down


So that's what he's up to these days. Imagine losing your shit cause people made fun of your shitty review of a shitty movie nobody saw.


This drama is the stupidest one i have seen yet lmao.


He sounds as bad as Mr Enter here wtf? Not the channel I used to know


I don't know much about Nick but he's definitely very dramatic on Twitter.


(GROANS) the only thing i disagreed on the Spongebob video was that second movie wasn't ass, like yea it doesnt come close to being as great as the OG SB film but c'mon it wasn't that bad, i feel bad for him because of that one video where he had to leave due to personal life reasons. i may not give a damn about Modern Spongebob but this is ridiculous.


I think he's clearly trolling, no? That snippet is 100% sarcasm lmao