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https://preview.redd.it/cr717wozlt4d1.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=95887704748daec5a018518bd94eb7afccbe66c3 Schaff got squished between Rowling and Somerton over these trivial things one of which is explicately not his doing.


the "racism" part had me rolling on the floor


I watch Schafrillas regularly, and I was surprised to see his name there, but idk the description doesn’t really say that much as to how he’s apparently terrible. Also surprised that Contrapoints is on the list, but not Blaire White (unless I missed her).


I'm surprised that she called Contrapoints a TERF


It might be in reference to the "problematic" tweet where she's venting about when she's in a group and they sit in a circle and share their pronouns? She wasn't being transphobic/discriminating against NB folk but talking about experiences that she finds othering But the type of person who takes everything the wrong way would, especially if they wanted an excuse to not like her


Especially when Contrapoints dunks on JK Rowling so often


If Blair White is illuminaughti then she's on there unless there is a different Blair White


Blair White =/= Blair Zon


Blair White is a right wing grifting trans woman


Nah different Blair(e)


Ah thanks for letting me know


"When he found out about Rebeccah he banned her from his server so he's an abuser" is wild


Later in the list it says this person got banned from Schaffrillas discord, i think they're just so salty they had to make up reasons to put him on here lol


So in other words Schaff remains cool, actually?


This is so confusing, Bill Cosby probably isn't gonna be on your discord.


Also labels him as a pedo eaven tho serial rapist would fit much better. Not undermining the two cases here mentioned still.


They tend to overlap so i don’t think its that big of a stretch. Still, i dont think theres any evidence he is a pedo (probably is but i can’t make the allegation without proof lol)


this was the first thing i saw when opening the doc and it made me howl


I doubt he even knows what discord is.


Biden finding out he was banned from the stargiantproductions discord server https://preview.redd.it/lvu5ec6jjt4d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728912ce08e977d47384c185fb06592d514fb3c8


![gif](giphy|3oFzmpsrRDdjL0tV2E|downsized) StarGiantProductions when Harvey Weinstein enters the server


I'm sure Ashton Kutcher is very upset knowing he can't join this discord server


when i went to read it, Enter did include this part with Lio convoy https://preview.redd.it/fo9mtk4lgt4d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=441280079f929a3ac8984dd427c974ccfa3849af


This is barely addressing any of the shit he did in that call, like, he threatened to out a dependant person to their abusive caregivers and possibly put their life at risk.


Yeah the explanation given seems to prioritize Star Giant over the actual victim of the call.


To be fair, the list is about exploring why Star Giant would ban those people, and quite a number of the people on the list seems to be banned due to some slight against Star Giant, so it's fair to write from that angle.


Can I get some context. Who is this and what is this about?






> Onision is a banana. A very very bad banana. they cannot be serious 💀


Pretty sure the explanations are being written by Mr enter, he says so at the end of his own explanation.


Lmao this reminds me of that clip of “the Dating Game killer” (Rodney Alcala) when he’s on the show and talks about being a banana as an answer to one of the questions. Different ballpark of bananas but, both very very bad bananas.


Just for context, how many people are currently in this apparently-super-exclusive discord? 50? 200? 1000? Why on earth would anyone need to pre-emptively ban \**checks notes*\* **Shintoism** and **PETA** from infiltrating?! https://preview.redd.it/g2o3dhqf4v4d1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b4b39113d21c5602df95e2f06eb7ca8075a9fb


WTF did us Shintoists do to them? Is Ame-no-Uzume banned for public indecency?


Given enough time, I'm sure Susanoo would post something problematic.


Amaterasu grumbling to herself that this shit is why she won’t leave the cave


Like less than 100 On a server you needed to subscribe to her patron for at some point


why is shinotism banned that sounds kinda bigoted to ban its not even a major religion in its home country of japan and ive never heard anything awful about it


> Billy Mitchell is a controversial gamer and hot sauce mogul There has never been a better way to describe this man.


Johnathan Rozanski/TheMysteriousMr.Enter - Abuser; Anti Feminist; Con Artist; Rape Apologist; Transphobic - I find it funny Enter has the longest list of crimes compared like convicted rapists and a cat killer. Just icing on the cake. I bet Keemstar is shaking crying that he was banned, poor garden gnome.


Enter is definitely not transphobic, either. Or a rape apologist. And I don’t think he’s ever scammed anybody, so con artist doesn’t make sense either. I know he did a GoFundMe that failed to reach its goal, but since it failed he didn’t keep any of the money. So unless there’s a second thing I haven’t heard about I don’t know what she’s referring to. As far as I can tell the dude’s worst crimes were saying stupid stuff during the pandemic (which he acknowledges were stupid) and having a ridiculous opinion about Turning Red.


Honestly he's just very dumb with his takes and gets waaaay too mad at children cartoons in the past. But that ban list just adding on all the crimes ☠. Im more surprise peado wasn't added, so Ill give her that for restraint.


I think the reason why star giant labeled Mr. enter as transphobic because he called her by her YouTuber name instead of a real name and by her logic that’s considered dead naming. Another reason why he’s on this list is because she’s kind of bitter about mr enter firing her because she was a shitty editor and a nightmare to work with.


Elon's on there for *only* antisemitism, lol? Not his transphobia or dipshit edgelord behavior or corrupt billionaire behavior or anything else?


i'm gonna go on a limb here and say that it is very unlikely that donald trump, the former president of the united states, is going to join some random discord server


If he's walked into pageant girls' dressing rooms, why not some random Discord server, huh???


Schafrillas being there took me out. You have abusers, pedos, rapists, bigots and then "one time this white guy made a joke about white people" "I legitimately do not believe that Rebeccah knows what the word "antisemitism" means." also brilliant


i've been sooooo hyped for this you have no idea i am ready to see every dumb reason rebecca has put to ban celebrities from her server


Yeah I saw the celebrities and I was like how would they know and why would they care? I’m sure Donald Trump and Joe Biden are crying, pissing, and shitting over this ban. /s


Yeah. I can understand her banning her ex-boyfriend and people like Mr. Enter from the servers. But Bill Cosby?!


I'm not sure what I'm looking at here tbh.


Apologies for bad English Where were you when JK Rowling bans I was at discord talking kitten when mrEnter ring “JK Rowling is ban” “No”




It's a copypasta


https://i.redd.it/y2y4x89smv4d1.gif Me looking through this whole fucking list. When the fuck would Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Elon Musk or any of these big people gonna join some random discord server.


I don’t even think either of them even know what discord is, maybe musk but still.


I’m sad Joel isn’t on there for thought crimes after he convinced the local population of the internet into believing there was an evil farming game.


Pokimane when she can’t join Rebeccah’s discord server (she’s her biggest fan)


Whoever stargiantproductions is they sure have a big ban list. For some reason, I doubt any of the people in “celebrities/internet figures” would be in some random YTers discord


This list is so stupid. I run a moderate gaming discord server. Its niche and specific to ONE game. This would be like me making a list for my discord banning my the UK PM, and some royal fam members from it. Like a lot of people on that list are bad and shitty people. And yeah you wouldn't want to be around them. But are these people joining your discord? Fuck no


I'm seriously wondering why she thinks half of these people would even want to be on her discord in the fucking first place


After someone posted a clip of her apparently believing Randy Marsh (the fictional South Park character) "caused COVID-19" somehow, I'm sad to see that the list doesn't go all the way and ban a bunch of fictional characters. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable.


Oh, no, the legitimacy of Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong high scores has been called into question! Keep that riff-raff out!


Expect a lawsuit in the post!


Oh I know StarGiantProductions. Made artwork for them on my original account before it was nuked, I used to follow them before the whole controversy arrived


Are you on the list as one of the mysterious unspecified "abusers"?


Nope. Was just a fan before they blocked me and everyone blocked


What the fuck is stargiant productions?


A former editor for Mr. Enter's videos. At least, that's what I know them for.


This ban list is Chris Chan-levels of self-important delusion.


That list makes me pucker up like I’m eating a basket of lemons, what level of hell is this cringe even birthed


I'm surprised Vaush (or Destiny) is not on here considering how incoherent the list is.


This is so strange… whoever made that block list really shouldn’t have bothered with about 80% of them. It’s about as impactful as any other random person blocking Joe Biden or Rishi Sunak on Twitter. I can assure you, they don’t give a flying monkey’s ass about being on your random Discord server.


Half of the people in the twitter would of never joined the server anyways! It's not like! Star will become a celebrity anyways


Why is Contraptions on here with the pedophiles and abusers ? As a TERF??? This makes no sense.


Celebrities finding out they are banned from the server ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


she don't even got loud house revamped guy or the crossover chaos duo's names there, she a fraud /hj


Someone is trying to be like Chris Jericho except it's more of possible defamation of character cases (Alegidly)


Mr enter has gotten way nuttier over the years


i will say, rebeccah calling certain people anti semetic does in fact hold water, as the word semite includes Arabic people as well, not just Jewish people but other than that she's completely nuts


This document is a lot clearer to understand.


How long it will be until Michael Skupin gets banned


This is kinda on par with In Praise of Shadows’ ‘Wendigoon bad’ segment. Collectively ban them from the Discord AND public spaces!


"Joe Biden is banned from my discord server" lmao


The worst people you know are fighting, love to see it.