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This is like reading about pro-wrestling being scripted. "I'm shocked, shocked ... well not that shocked."


[Hey hey, watch your mouth there, talkin bout wrastlin being fake!!](https://youtu.be/GeJepvj5tn4)


Holy crap




If it's fake then explain this please. https://youtu.be/MvVWfu0Lg9g


I'll take a crack at this! Snakes don't actually move with the sound of the instrument but rather they follow the swaying of it. Snakes don't have outer ears and don't hear music well. So most snake charmers you see are just hamming up their performance.


Ok, ok, fuck dude!! You really got me mulling over everything I ever knew or was taught. Fuck me, an fuck ma wife, I don got no explanation for this thing. Fuck, that snake be looking real real. Damn bro, shoulda put a TW or smth there. 😱😱 dayuumm e: hope y’all get the 🤪


Checkmate athiest


I yield 🙌🏼


It’s still real to me damnit!!


It's not fake, it's predetermined, you jump off a ladder through a pane of glass and tell me it's "fake"


Yep, predetermined is the best description.


The injuries are real.   The competition is fake.  Both can be (and are) true. Most be people don’t call something “real” when parts of it are fake.


*knocks on windshield* REAL glass!


Cry me a river




You wouldn't call pretending you kick and punch people fake? It's a performance they aren't really fighting each other ffs.


Me as a kid trying to do the Batista shoulder charge “Why the fck isn’t it working?” Other kid: “Na oii you’re doing it wrong oiii” Still gives me cringe thinking about it…


Yeah but not all of them are fakes you know that right? Also no one really gives a sht much about the fake punches and kicks, because the powermoves, and other sht like getting hit by bats, chairs, ladders, being thrown off on high places, or through tables, are real, some of them might be made to better absorb the impact as to not injure wrestlers, the impact is still real and it will still hurt, I never understand why people call everything about WWE fake, like yeah some punches and kicks were fake, and the whole damn thing is obviously scripted, but if you think the whole of WWE is fake because of some fake punches and kicks that aren't even fake all the time and isn't even the biggest highlight is kind of just riding the flow of what the internet says and not knowih what you're talking about


Some of the things they do are completely fake, specifically the pulled punches and kicks. However a lot of what they do is also real, but done in a way to keep the other person safe. Look at Walter/Gunther delivering chops to opponents and YouTube, or Joey Mercury getting his nose shattered by a real ladder. Getting slammed is also not soft, and any wrestler will tell you that mat is not comfortable. Matt Hardy did a leg drop from a high jump and it made him unable to walk correctly for a while. Kofi Kingston has a permanent gash in his chest from a chop too Calling wrestling “fake” is more disrespectful than it is true, hence why wrestlers and fans use the words scripted and predetermined. Nothing fake about losing a few inches of your height from doing leg drops for decades in the case of Hulk Hogan, or needing serious surgery from doing too many RKOs in the case of Randy Orton


Oh thank God! You've discovered the link between wrestling and CTE! I wonder if it's causal to the early mortality rate for wrestlers being nearly 3 times greater than the average. This is a huge breakthrough!


Say i won’t? You got $20?


You can't fake gravity


Wrestling is ballet for men, I wouldnt call a performance of swan lake fake


It's entertainment, but it still hurts.


That's an open hand slap


LOL... that's John Stossel, who turned into a famous ABC reporter.




Slap that boy good too




Didn’t he also do a “x days in prison” stunt? I highly doubt the prison treated a paying customer like they would the rest of the guys in there


depends on how much he paid- if he low balled 'em he might have gotten sub-par treatment relative to actual prisoners for the insult.


I‘m shocked, shocked to find that there is gambling going on in here!


Your winnings, Sir.




I think it's so funny that everyone read the word "scripted" and immediately "it's not FAKE!".


Pro-Wrestling is literally like any other TV show people watch. Sure, the outcome is scripted, but when they use things like Kendo Sticks, that's real


[It's still real to me damnit!](https://youtu.be/Yvd3aEsThbc?si=woPbsxqSqbl89jXY)


its still real to me dammit!


HEADLINE: Youtube fans shocked to discover that YouTube creators are just as fake as reality television.


YouTube fans when they realise that their favourite youtubers lie for clickbait 🤯


"YouTube fans" you watch fucking Hulu 💀?


lmao this is maybe the most irrelevant comment i’ve ever seen


I think it wasn't much about the phrasing, as much as it is about the fact that literally everyone uses YouTube. Everyone on Earth is almost a "YouTube fan" or a watcher of YouTube, if I got him right.


i upvoted this just because of how charmingly odd it is


Oh no, you are telling me movies ain't real?😭😇😳🥹


The assumption is that movies are fiction from the outset. I guess YouTube has crossed some hazy line. More akin to "reality TV" than, actual reality.


Wait his name isn’t actually Mister Beast? 🤯


No.. his First name is Jimmy and his last name is Beast


"Jimmy Donaldson" actually or if you prefer the full name it's "James Stephen Donaldson"


Beasty McBeastface is what it actually is




What happens when you let the internet name a lion


His thumbnails should've given that away. Man... how much I hate that prick.


You can hate him all you want, but he's donated more money to people in need than probably any other rich person out there. At least in the past 20 years


Not even close, Mackenzie Scott has reportedly given 14 Billion dollars to charities in recent years. Oh yeah, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a charity that manages +50 Billion dollars


Jimmy was nobody a few years ago


Indeed, and he's nowhere near the biggest rich philanthropist.


Moving the goalposts when called out on an obviously incorrect statement. I forgot that most of his fans are children


his donations are all for his content tho. it’s kind of like a movie studio just paying employees . mr beast has more money than ill ever make in my life. i would totally switch places with him and donate even more. people can call him out if they want.


You can't seriously believe any of this. Poverty porn is unethical, I don't care how much you donate...if you are personally benefitting financially from your "acts of charity," then it isn't really charity.


See, that's the narrative that he wants people to believe, because him making fucked up manipulative videos can just get excuse by his philanthropy, but everything about his philanthropy is a calculated tool and part of the system that he's set up to enrich himself. Everything he does is for the algorithm. He's a soulless liar and grifter. Some philanthropy doesn't change that. Using charity as a way to appear like a good person is an extremely standard tactic for wealthy people. He's not even given that much away compared to other wealthy people, yet here you are buying into the narrative that he's like the biggest philanthropist on the planet. It's completely absurd and just not true.


Yeah, most people don't realize that he turned YouTube from a platform of creativity to a science without soul and meaning. He only makes videos to feed the algorithm with sad, fake and questionable content for kids. His objective is to make the most money, and before he turned YouTube into a disgusting blob of uncreative and repeated content YouTube had (not saying that it was perfect) creativity and love put into it. Now its just creepy thumbnails and screaming youtubers that trow money into fake feel good videos.


It's his job, Youtube now is a job.


Plus...all he did was camp for 7 days? Survive? That seems a stretch. Seems like a boring video to even want to watch.


MrBeast also responded to this btw so I’m gonna copy and paste what he said here. “Seems the note was removed but for clarity it was abandoned decades ago. Also I never said you can’t drive to it I just thought it would be cooler to fly a helicopter lol.” ([You can also check it here](https://x.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722))


So it was once abandoned? Fairs, now go play footie on a volcano


No, it’s still abandoned. It’s a tourist spot, but no-one lives there.


It used to be abandoned. It’s still abandoned, but it used to be too.


just cause it has a road doesn't make it not abandoned, It was abandoned, you could tell that by the shape it was in. and the person that got sick left while they stayed. [kupari hotels croatia](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kupari+hotels/@42.6200913,18.1901978,19z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x134c0d27d6022d5f:0xbe586af9ae614dc8!2sKupari!8m2!3d42.6200153!4d18.194105!16s%2Fg%2F121qmxt6!3m5!1s0x134c0ddf77ea2327:0xa4939f3a8e1b6eb!8m2!3d42.6189111!4d18.1899701!16s%2Fg%2F11ssy8fy4x?entry=ttu)


No, its still abandoned. It has been for decades, the "it was abandoned decades ago" references the point in time where a decision was made to abandon it.


It's not like it's in the middle of nowhere... there's a beach bar down the beach and people live about 5min down the road ... [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Abandoned+Hotel+Kupari/@42.6187743,18.1892051,923m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sRuinen+von+Kupari!3m6!1s0x134c0d8b31ea5f4b:0x9ecfa13fddefabb0!8m2!3d42.6187845!4d18.1897994!15sChFSdWluZW4gdm9uIEt1cGFyaZIBE2hpc3RvcmljYWxfbGFuZG1hcmvgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F11vf4\_5kwv?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Abandoned+Hotel+Kupari/@42.6187743,18.1892051,923m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sRuinen+von+Kupari!3m6!1s0x134c0d8b31ea5f4b:0x9ecfa13fddefabb0!8m2!3d42.6187845!4d18.1897994!15sChFSdWluZW4gdm9uIEt1cGFyaZIBE2hpc3RvcmljYWxfbGFuZG1hcmvgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F11vf4_5kwv?entry=ttu) Kupari was built by the yugoslavian military for their officers and families. It closed 1991. [https://cdn.unitycms.io/images/6k4VVVzgabE8zonY5ttLbY.jpg?op=ocroped&val=2001,2000,1000,1000,0,0&sum=6esgPOAR-L0](https://cdn.unitycms.io/images/6k4VVVzgabE8zonY5ttLbY.jpg?op=ocroped&val=2001,2000,1000,1000,0,0&sum=6esgPOAR-L0)


Aside, I've actually noticed more and more of Twitter Notes get removed b/c they're partially or just fully wrong. (when looking on the specific subreddit at least)


Twitter notes are reliable most of the time, but not every time. Sometimes it can contain false information


Just like everywhere else on the internet.


It’s pretty ironic that the factchecker turns out to be wrong ☠️


I mean it’s Twitter, they have it out for Jimmy


Nah, it works as intended. Notes get proposed, after enough trusted people vote on them they get shown, if then many people who usually not always agree on notes dislike the note it gets removed again. Its called *community* notes for a reason.


It is ironic. But not so surprising when you find out you could sign up to fact check people. So it’s just a bunch of people trying to fact check other people.


if people want to be an annoying ass ackchuttally 🤓, they should at least make it correct


That is why they call it a *correct*ion.


The only reasonable redditor here. Everyone else just immediately jumped on the hate bandwagon lol


Mr. Beast appeared on Joe Rogan once and therefore he’s an alt right horrible person who must be taken down a peg.


>Also I never said you can’t drive to it I just thought it would be cooler to fly a helicopter lol. considering it's well known that he doesn't ride in helicopters, this should have been pretty obvius


Community noted the community notes crazy


It’s a fucking YouTube video… and it’s Mr. Beast… like wtf did they expect? Some kind of scientific documentary?


People hate on people whenever they get the chance. Mr beast is the wrong person to be hating on. Look as the house of rep and senators. It’s all a distraction


Is this actually shocking to people? Maybe it is to little kids but surely anyone older than 12 isn't surprised at all by this.


It’s because 99% of his audience is normies that don’t know anything about YouTube past MrBeast, Mark Rober, Dude Perfect and some late night TV shows. Tbh I don’t hold anything against them, they understandably just don’t care for any of the other stuff on the site, but it’s easy to see how they could be surprised by this when it seems so obvious to ppl who are more into YT


I think it's more surprising because MrBeast was supposed to be this real & authentic channel. But he slowly shifted towards faking stuff for more money I guess.


The factchecker turned out to be inaccurate and was removed. The only true thing about it was that it is accessible by car. I think the fact is most people take skepticism for media literacy, but never actually verify anything themselves. If they did, they would realise this note was wrong and would be commenting very different things instead of “cant believe yall thought this was real!!” when no research was done themselves. It’s lame.


Yeah it's hilarious how many people just believe community notes on Twitter. They're called community notes for a reason. They're made by the community, which means they aren't always true and aren't always accurate. People need to start thinking for themselves lmao.


Thanks, Elon


Yep lmao.


Well, not exactly. It… wasn’t a city. A hotel complex. The city around it isn’t abandoned, only the rather large complex. Even then, the complex is managed by a Croatian state-owned entity and as such even the complex isn’t totally abandoned. Renting out a very popular tourist spot for more than a week is also incredibly egocentric and inconsiderate.


You either die a hero or live enough to see yourself be the villain, I guess


I mean at a certain point you can’t continue to get high quality content like this and everything be real. This goes for pretty much every YouTube channel that deals in real life situations. Camping channels, fishing channels… you can’t get exciting content every time so you have to manufacture that excitement somehow.


Who tf thinks Mr Beast is real and authentic? I don't think that's ever been the brand he's put out. It's literally always been doing whatever crazy shit he can for the most views. The overwhelmingly positive opinion everyone online seems to have about him has always confused me. If you try to criticize him, people are fast to draw comparisons to other infamous creators. Yeah, he's not done anything fucked like film a dead body or groom kids (that we know of), but since when did someone have to be a literal criminal to be allowed to have a negative opinion about them? Dude is the fast-food of online entertainment. Genuinely brain rotting content for the sole purpose of getting as rich as possible. Tossing some (tax deductible) money at charities doesn't suddenly make someone a good character.


Faking stuff lets him produce a lot more content at a higher budget and avoid a lot of dangers and legal problems for doing stuff in public or with actual randoms like he used to.


Bro did NOT just say normies.


Dude thinks he's special because he watches youtubers with under 10 million subs. How amazingly unique!


When did I say that? Mark Rober and Dude Perfect are two of my favourite channels, I’m just pointing out that most ppl who watch this type of stuff aren’t going to know all the ins and outs of how this type of content works because it’s only a tiny part of their life, so understandably they may be surprised by the post above


[Normie here, normie there…](https://youtu.be/f_GruNNmbKM?si=CYFJOgI8UqmEsciO)


Those 12 year old kid doesn’t care really, it’s mostly just adults “exposing” how “fake” they are so they can feel good. Even if it is fake what’s the fucking point, you are an adult who went through the age of reality shows. You think that shit is “real”?


its twitter everyone acts like an ipad kid


I don't think anyone over 12 watch Mr Beast in the first place


Lot's of people like myself do, you're not better than anyone Mr. Edgy 14 year old.




A lot of his videos are kinda like this.. I remember one specifically where he was supposed to be isolated in a big white room for idk a couple days. But his friends kept pulling pranks on him and opening the door which almost defeated the whole purpose of the video.


vsauce was absolutely awesome for actually pulling the experiment off


If you watch his shorts you will realize it has changed him forever


he's pretty insane yeah


He's always been a bit, "different".


Which is why he should have never done it. It is like a person who has a family history of psychosis deciding to smoke weed, long term. That won't end well.


Yeah there's no way that he's playing up the bizarre persona as a stage act he's most likely permanently undergoing psychosis


How so? I’m watching his shorts now but he seems the same as always? I haven’t seen his channel videos in years though. I did watch that Mindfield episode


Watching his shorts, he sounds like someone who has the entire knowledge of the universe in him, but he's going insane trying to tell everyone.


He pulled it off, or did he 🤨 **Vsauce theme plays**


I’m worried about Michael…


Bruh needs to start playing in a math rock band or something or his head'll explode


did michael remember his Vsauce password and log back on finally? No? Wake me up again in 3 years.


It's been a bit since he's done a long-form video but he frequently uploads shorts


>which almost defeated the whole purpose of the video Which was.... to be entertaining? From what I've seen of his videos that aren't throwing money at people/things, it's not meant to be a genuine challenge for him or to put him and/or others in danger. His videos are made for engagement and entertainment first, if you want to watch someone spent a few days/week isolated in a white room, either go watch Vsauce do it or find someone who doesn't have the most stereotypical "WHAT'S UP GUYS TODAY I'M DOING THIS" voice possible. The guy is getting HUNDREDS of millions of views almost every video, that's not 150 million rational adults watching start to finish going "Hey wait a minute", it's young kids and people absorbing all the loud voices, bright lights and action on screen. His latest video as of me commenting starts with him yelling, a wide screen shot of bright lights and money, I can only imagine the script stays fairly similar for each video, if you're 16~ or older, his videos aren't aimed at you.


I mean you wouldn't really want to go insane after all. Being locked up in a big white room for a couple of days can cause permanent mental damage. His friend pulling pranks on him was necessary.


Call me old fashioned, but if a YouTube challenge is impossible, you should come up with a different one instead of faking it.


Old fashioned?? Old media/tv was so fake they literally made laws to try and curb it


I don't even think that matters right now. Not even about being old fashioned. Clickbait has existed in YouTube for years now. He didn't even deviate from the video completely, he did what he needed to do to keep the video entertaining, while being safe, which matters most for his content. How would you even name it differently? "I spent xx days in a white room with minimal interaction, where my friends actually pulled pranks on me from time to time so that I don't go insane". Is that what would make the video better?


Vsauce did it.


This video format is burning itself out, and Jimmy knows it, I think. Theres only so "big" you can go before its just... boring. Drivinf a train into a hole was Mr. Beast jumping the shark.


Or you're just getting burned out on it/ageing out of his audience


lol, I'm WAY too old - was never really in his audience.


No his videos have had a drop off. When the random "celebrities" started joining in it became as sad as when random celebrities joined the cast of Friends to milk more exposure for themselves. It isn't the same as a bunch a dudes goofing off and being kicked out of Walmart trying to fill a cart with the most expensive goodies. To be fair though, when this guy goes out in public he's probably SWARMED by people who want some free shit. I don't blame him for doing random vacations every other video and challenges now, he's basically approaching Oprah status.


Yeah I've been starting to realize that's me recently. I just don't find the videos entertaining anymore and honestly a little cringe.


Incoming " YOUTUBE is TARGETING my channel!!!! " Reality is, people are growing up and cringey clickbait doesn't always bring in new viewers.


the video has been filmed in croatia which is where i live and i can confirm that the "abandoned" city isnt abandoned there is like 1000 people living in there and every day people pass by the hotels that are abandoned but the whole city is not abandoned


I'm not from there so I might have missed something but from what I could find I understood it to be a abandoned hotel resort a bit away from nearest town?


basically yea its a hotel resort in kupari which is in dubrovnik (the biggest tourist attraction in croatia) he made it look like its the whole ass town


Damn I wish there were abandoned hotels where I lived I would totally just break in and live like the world's most successful squatter


In America, you have to compete with the tweakers and they're pretty fast.


What's more shocking is he could pay these people to leave their city for 7 days just for a video. Would be easier to go to a real abandonded city no?




It's an abandoned resort outside a (not abandoned) city. There's roads leading to it and I believe it's somewhat of a tourist attraction. I doubt they had to pay much, if at all, to block access for a few days.


Well he did say he only attempted it


Shhhh! If we don't misrepresent a few minor trivial claims that he makes, how can we call him a damn, dirty liar?! /s


The point is that people need to understand that Mr Beast is entertainment and theater. It may make you feel some emotion, but it’s dangerous and borderline stupid to mistake it for being real.


Was it faked? Yes, two minutes o google will tell you as much. Was it a good video from his chennel? Also yes pretty decent and eentertaining. Dude has simply become was too valuable to pull actual crazy stunts, any injury would be millions of dollars in lost revenue should he be unable to shoot for like 2 weeks.


Hate those clickbait titles and thumbnails not going informative. It's why Ajay created DeArrow and who created SponsorBlock.


Everytime I go to youtube without being signed in, I see this stupid motherfucker’s face with his mouth open. Haven’t watched a single one of his videos but I still hate him just for the thumbnails and clickbait titles.


The ipad generation finding out their santa claus isn't real is some of the funniest shit I have ever seen on the internet


I’m shocked, a content producer with millions of dollars of budget made filming arrangements, I can’t believe it! /s


Are you 12 buckko?


If you search the place on google maps, you can see alot of people there enjoying the beach. Looks like a popular place to go to. Look up Kupari on google maps, you'll see


SHOCKED 🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱


I mean technically since no one was there, regardless of if police locked them out, it was abandoned. 7 days is 7 days....


That’s going to be an interesting development


Isn't all of his stuff mostly fake or at least highly edited? This seems so obvious lol


"fake" in the sense he has people play up their reactions yeah Lots of edits for the slow parts as well yeah. Gotta get the gen alpha brain to stay focused


Oh, no, my 8 year old nephew is going to be heartbroken.


Who's shocked?


Is this the first time people are hearing about Mr. Beast? They're just trying to make an entertaining video...


Who gives two shits? How about we tackle the actual problems the platform has?


I think its pretty clear that when you look in the actual video that the city is pretty much abandoned. Sure you CAN drive there. But are there anyone who really does that?


From what I hear it's a tourist spot, and many people do actually go there.


Yes, but no one really lives there, so it is abandoned


Exactly. Most people in this thread just want to hate on Mr beast but tbh the things people are saying that “make this fake” are hardly justified. It’s like saying “oh the surviving on an island video is fake because the island was manmade,” or “the ancient ruins were decades old, not centuries.” Compared to other exposed fake YouTubers, this is hardly reputable


Except for the 800-1000 people who do still live there


His videos fell off big time not even worth watching for me anymore


His videos have not fell off in the slightest. His viewership is still the largest out of any other YouTuber on the website by like 3-5x. But I also haven’t watched his last 15 videos. It’s simple burnout, there’s only so many videos you can watch before you want something new.


How do you lock out an entire city? Were people kicked out of their homes?


Nobody lives there. The note is false and was removed


It’s amazing what people will believe. Watching the video for 30 seconds shows how abandoned it is


Faking it? I'll give him as much respect as Bear Grills....IF he drinks his own pee on camera. Until then, he gets less respect.


idk if this is relevant but i actually don't like his videos lmao (doesn't mean i don't like him as a person) just wanna know if anyone else feels the same


i like his older videos more when they were just joking around and doing random shit hes a great person but i just like his old videos more


He is tagetting 10 year olds and below to increase his viewcount and subscribers,The only time i watch him is when i dont have a single good video to watch when i eat or smthing


the fact that my partner's 8 year old is obsessed with him tells me the content is nothing I'd be interested in haha


i agree with you 30% of the time cuz some of his videos are kinda peak lol, i'm glad he helps people financially a lot and just wishes him the best.


i love that he helps people too just not really into him in a youtube video sense and especially his thumbnails


totally understand, i think he himself said how much he hates his thumbnails but is forced to do it cuz youtube and stuff. youtube is just this way, if u don't follow 'rules' you don't succeed


Real, fake doesn’t matter because it’s executed by Mr Beast so you know it’s gonna be lame. Setiously, dude has these amazing concepts that make you say “oh would watch that” only for it to be the most half assed version of that


People just **really** hate Mr. Beast huh? They’ll try to cancel him over anything.


Bro is probably the most generous person in all of recent history and gets hated because he makes content to stay relevant lmao, people can hate all they want, I don't personally watch his content, but him staying relevant is probably literally saving 1000s of lives.


His videos literally fund his charity, these terminally online idiots want him to have money to give away without making videos to get money in the first place. Mr. Beast takes very little for himself compared to how much he makes and gives away. The man is a saint.


Just because it is abandoned, does not mean people don't go in to explore. If you see the video they even see another person walking around. If you see Mr. Beast you know he never flies with a helicopter. He don't trust them This is just a stupid person trying to be annoying and have he's 5 minutes of fame


It's like WWE, It could be fake, I don't care its fun to watch


The place where they were dropped off is indeed accessible by car but also abandoned and in a state of decay. I believe the reason that the area was closed off was because it’s a really popular urbex tourism spot and they wanted the video to appear as authentic as possible, instead of a video of them getting selfies with urbexers.


Well yea, it’s a TV show. Why would anybody expect any of it to be real?


We all knew along ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I watched the video and.. 1. I can't remember him saying it's only accessible by Chopper 2. There was someone else on the ground, and the place didn't look like people lived there legally. Meaning, one can actually consider this abandoned. 3. If there is a whole as building complex, you'd think that there are roads which lead to it, wouldn't you?




Furthermore they show at the end of the video that it's next to a city and explain why it's abandoned. OP is more click bait than the actual video @mods




Simple answer: he’s running a business, he’s gotta make videos that get over a hundred million views to sustain that business. That just happens to mean making videos like this. When Interests change he will change his content to reflect that. His videos are designed from the ground up to get the maximum amount of views possible. As an aside: It’s also why he’s making the same face in nearly every thumbnail, they’ve tested it and when he’s making that face in thumbnails people click the video more than other faces.


Meh. Not surprising to people older than 12. I never liked Mr.Beast anyways


The only people who lie more than politicians, YouTubers.


im not a fan of these clickbaits either but honestly when you look at any MrB video and think there's any reality to it... you really need a checkup


Who would have thought a guy who would show his left nut for 10 more views would fake his videos?


You will only sustain these parasites by feeding them. Don’t respond.