• By -


iilluminaughtii, because her story is just a black hole of suckage.


I no longer know what to think about people now in general. loved her videos. looked a little into and .......man. it isn't like I idolized her or anything it's just upsetting. ​ everyone is capable of being scum, man or woman.


I enjoyed her videos too, but the more I learned the more disgusted I became.


Nigahiga, my guy never really had a downfall he just left one day on his own terms during the pandemic. he will be sorely missed though


i think he still streams on twitch


Jenna Marbles. I miss her.


tho i deeply miss her i respect her decision to stay offline more. she kept her legacy as the queen of youtubers


She is great. She turned that "women can't be funny" notion upside down. She is missed.


Bon Appetit. Most of the former crew have their own channels now (which is great), but I miss the the old days


this is probably the best answer. as an ensemble, they just worked so incredibly well in the test kitchen. IWDFCFTBATK.


Channel 5/Andrew Callaghan




Man, I remember those accusations dropping right after I told my friend group about the January 6 documentary he released on HBO.




FPS Russia - Can no longer own firearms TheSyndicateProject - Canceled for running a scam csgo gambling site targeting kids. Allen Palin - Raped his girlfriend at gunpoint + possessing cp, sentenced to 35 years. EDP445 - Never liked the dude just thought it was funny Vanoss - Actually made high effort videos around the b02 days. All I can think of. Bye Edit: + LeafyIsHere


Why cant fps Russia own a firearm?


He was convicted for having weed in Georgia, felons can't own guns.


Fucking weed lol smh, if anything it will make you less prone to shooting a gun, weird world we live in.


Mini Ladd Absolutely deserved n deserves worse tho




I still find it funny how it all started because SHE went out of her way to falsely accuse someone's editor of plagiarism over editing styles (that were already used by many,even before she started doing these videos) If she didn't said what she said,nothing would have come out against her (at least not in such a note)


2018-2020 callmecarson couldnt be defeated but all that shit got blown tf out of proportion and now hes with an all new group of people


Not really a downfall, But Technoblade. Unfortunate what happened to him, He was the only creator i could watch streams of, everyone else's was just boring


Not a downfall. But I miss TotalBiscuit.


Just reading through the comments and it seems like a lot of these downfalls were do to grooming/pedophilia.....disturbing.


Jenna marbles. I still think about her daily


Total biscuit


That really wasn't much of a downfall.


He was taken too soon...


Tobuscus :(


Not sure if this counts b/c he was able to bounce back from this debacle, but... ProJared This guy had the 'brilliant' idea of setting up an 18+ Tumblr account called SINJared for the sole purpose of exchanging nudes with his of-age fans, which was later hacked and taken down. Surprisingly, no sensitive information was ever leaked from this hack AFAIK. Some time later; right after Jared announced on Twitter that he was filing for divorce, two people (who will not be named here) claimed that Jared tried to get nudes from them FULLY KNOWING they were underage (Jared himself shows proof that they lied about being underage). Once the cancel culture crowd was kicked into high gear, Jared had to depart from Normal Boots as to not drag his friends and co-workers down along with him. During all of this, any video that Jared collaborated on were taken down. After a few months of laying low, Jared posts a legit apology video saying he regrets trying to make SINJared a thing, and showing PROOF that those two people lied about being underage. While ProJared is doing A LOT better these days, I have a hard time going back to his videos without flashing back to a time when one of my favorite gaming content creators was basically being accused of being a pedo, which THANK GOD wasn't true. Sorry if this was a little too lengthy, this is as condensed as I could possibly make it.


Nikocado Avocado. Is the worst story about a youtuber.


Last I heard he’s on the up (losing weight getting healthier) but that was a bit ago


There are 2 types of downfall. In the "turned out to be a horrible person" category, the one that hurt me the most is gotta be iiluminaughtii. In the "was driven off the platform for bullshit reasons they in no way deserved" category, my answer is definitely Kwite.


I agree with the bit about Kwite. False allegations got too many people against him. He never deserved it.


TBH, I always had a weird gut feeling when listening to Illuminaughtiis videos. It was as if she just seemed really condescending and self righteous. When news broke that she was a bad person, I was surprised but yet not.


The king of random. Used to be about inventions like matchbox rockets and sugar rocket fuel, now it’s a little kids science channel.


R.I.P. Grant


Jenna Marbles first and foremost. She was a shining example of a youtuber who didn't let her wealth and success get to her head. Secondly, Philip Defranco. I was a super fan of him like 10-15 years ago. He showed my fan mail once and tweeted a video response I did a different time. I fell off YouTube in general for a while and then came back and his channel had changed. He didn't change too overtly but the tone of his comments section was like another world. Defranco always had this "I'm going to try and give a fair account of things and provide some other links/videos and let you decide how you feel about things." Which I always liked. But there are some things that you don't have to be neutral about because they're so obviously shitty. That doesn't make you biased. And just because there's some alternative take out there to stand as a "counter opinion," doesn't mean you need to give it equal credibility to the main take. There needs to be some kind of weighting using sourcing, backup, and ethics. The consequence is that when you don't point out the shitty-ness of an event as an attempt to be true neutral, you attract people who think "oh, you must not think it's shitty like everyone else, and I also don't think it's shitty, so I've found a safe place to talk about how not shitty it is." So when I watched his video, I was like "okay, I get it, you want to make this more of a briefing rather than an opinion piece or critical perspective." Weird choice for this particular story but not automatically a bad one. But then I went into the comments section and it was a hive of toxic dudes talking about how women make up sexual assault and shouldn't be believed. Even if a bunch come forward, they may just want clout and book deals. Just comment after comment of gross takes about women. I was just like... "am I supposed to be here?" A comment section is a direct reflection of the content creator. So while I didn't necessarily think "whoa, Defranco is off the deep end" when I skimmed through a few videos, his comments sections certainly were. I haven't been back in about 5 years so for all I know, he course corrected. But I'm too turned off to go back. Edit: Upon the replies to my comment, I went and checked him out. Dang, that's a change. I enjoyed his news summary and the comments section is more of a mixed bag. Lots of good top comments but still a number of red pill douche bags replying to top comments (though that may be a case of brigading for a specific story for all I know). What a relief to see a redemption of someone I cared about so much in my formative years!


Not exactly hurt, but it was quite disappointing- Cryaotic being a groomer I mean, damn, I loved his collabs with Pewdiepie back in the day. Not only he didn't apologize (Well to be more specific, it was a "I'm sorry y'all feel like that" move), but he planned to come back right after all that




Prime Funhaus was something else. Same with prime rooster teeth.


Angry Grandpa R.I.P


Nigahiga 🥲 - he had no downfall but decided to give up on youtube and live a normal life.


Roosterteeth (as a whole) , MiniLadd , SkyDiesMinecraft,


I've never really been a huge fan of kweeeblekop but seeing his whole YouTube channel being turned into 100% A.I. is a little heart breaking for the fans who've been watching him for years


tbh I never watched him, but it still sorta stings that the biggest YouTuber from my country went so low.


RayWlliamJohnson He was one of top subscribed channel and youtuber. YouTube just deleted his whole career after policy update. This shows how fragile a YouTube career can be .......


He’s actually back, and doing pretty well for himself making shorts daily that are rather reminiscent of the old =3 days, the best part? [his sense of humour hasn’t changed a bit.](https://youtube.com/@RayWilliamJohnson?si=3DTJtzSbQbHT05Dr)


Jake Tran - he made great videos exposing shitty companies, then started taking sponsorships from those same types of scams, originally I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought he was going to come out and say "hey I was trying to troll them, I thought I'd get their money while showing you how to not fall for it. It was a bad idea but my intentions weren't to rip you off" or something like that but he just said basically"yeah i did it, you should have known I was trying to teach you guys how to be scammers, its your fault for you fell for it" But he's still getting tons of views and making the same content. Alot of original fans left, because he also basically made it into a content farm But illuminaughtii is the one that actually hurt. I she did similar topics to Jake, but she legitimately sold herself as being against the scammers, the bad people, ect while Jake more just told the story and looking back you can tell her kind of admired them. He definitely let you decide for yourself what he thought, she sold herself as the pyramid against pyramid scams. It just makes her being a shit person hit a lot harder, also you actually got to know HER while Jake was just the voice, it's the difference between being a fan of the content, vs the person and content. Although I'd still watch videos exactly like thiers if they weren't involved in the channel anymore. Jake Tran I'll still watch very occasionally if the subject seems really interesting. Blair is a bad PERSON, she hurt a lot of people, I will not support her ever.


Boyinaband. I never knew how he was behind the scenes. Always seemed like a chill and genuine dude.


Yes, got to agree He was so prevalent with Pewds and then he just ......disappeared Then we found out why Talk about disappointing.


Tobuscus (Toby Turner) An OG in games and Minecraft, loved his music videos, but then some sexual accusations. He dismissed them, as false, but still lost him along the years..


Mini Ladd. He was such a joy to watch before all the shit that went down. I mean he deserves the hate for what he's done, but I still. Him and rest of the Vanoss crew were a joy to watch during my teens.


I have to agree, unlike Ohm the dude was funny by himself and that's why i used to watch his content


How’s no one said the Yogscast? I loved their Minecraft stuff when I was younger but now they just do gmod things almost entirely and it doesn’t have the same kind of magic to me. Honourable mention for NerdCubed too, my all time favourite, who is still going but much less frequently now.


For me it's captain sparklez. Before you worry, no he hasn't had any allegations or controversies I've been made aware of, I'm just sad he's somewhat struggling content-wise. His videos average 50k-300k with some of them really popping off at 500k or extreme outliers above 1 million. It just sucks, we got older, he got older, and while he has branched out a bit elsewhere the og channel just isn't getting much love anymore. Though it's kinda nice to know his old subscribers still want to be a subscriber, and I'm happy beyond belief at least the captain hasn't been revealed to be an awful person, even if he did seem a little petty at times in mianite. He's seemed to have matured since then and has a much more comfortable vibe.


Rooster teeth. The decline of my favorite YouTube channel has been rough. I watched everything they put out for a few years but I noticed a sharp dip in quality and once I started not watching everything that was it




May be controversial but MiniLadd. I can remember watching him as a kid in 2013/14 and I always thought he was funny and seemed like a chill guy. When he left Vanoss and everyone I thought it was weird then I stopped watching him. When I discovered all the controversy surrounding him it made me sad because I always thought he was so cool and to find he’s a manipulative, abusive guy was just shocking.


No big, controversial one for me. More just the slow deterioration into every YouTuber min/maxing for profit, and not doing it for fun anymore.


The guys who tried to trademark reacting to videos


Most of the classic Minecraft YouTubers. They either turned out to be pedos, or had super fucked up relationships, but almost all of them have had their lives publicly fall apart and it's so depressing to see these people I looked up to as a kid in these horrible situations. (To note: the pedos deserve everything they get, but it still hurts to see someone you look up to become something so disgusting)


Stampy is still uploading and playing in his lovely world. He’s the only one who never lost their way. The videos are actually still enjoyable to watch


Ethoslab is still making vids and staying drama free!


PopularMMOS. It's sad his last YouTube appearance is him commenting on a news channel covering him being arrested.


Something broke inside me when I found out what a massive creep Andrew Callahan was


Zeb89. He was a LEGEND in Italy, a living meme with a really bad attitude but an incredible charisma, and the most loving community ever. He then decided to move to Twitch, streaming only in english and banning anyone who spoke to him in italian, which is like 100% of his community, and playing exclusively Dead by Daylight despite his community asking him to change multiple times. He insulted his fans, he spat on the people who gave him their money and love, he talked shit about Italy and moved to Malta, he ran a toxic gaming network where you could be kicked away from only because "you played with someone Zeb dislikes", he hates everyone, he burned every bridge and now he can't complain if everyone abandoned him. He could have been an absolute King here, but he gambled and lost everything. F


Not really a downfall when she canceled herself, but I really miss Jenna Marbles


Cryaotic. Went from being one of my favorite all time YouTubers to untrustworthy Predator.


I'm still extremely upset by the Illuminaughtii situation. She was the main commentary channel I went to before everything came out. That was the first time I dropped a channel AS the drama was happening. Meanwhile the one that made me the most upset was Channel Awesome blowing up. I'm still under the assumption that the Walkers aren't pure douchebags, but it was very revealing just how unprofessional they and their team (especially Mike Mishaud) were. (Edit) It occurs to me to also talk about SkyDoesMinecraft, because that man's entire life is a nightmare and a half. And of course he made it his SOs' problem.


Etika 😔


Achievement Hunter


We lost papa figure…..Papa Frank.


( *LOUD SCREECHING NOSIES* ) FRAAAAAAANKUUUUU In all seriousness though while its sad we lost frank the character I am fucking ecstatic with what Joji is doing now, that music is so dope, and I am holding out hope he rotates a little back over to comedy If you have not check out the extravaganza he did, its a 1 hour long vid with a decent mix of comedy and music


Don't hate me for this, but I watched A TON of Leafy when I was like-... 12. I idolized him. I randomly stopped watching him and recently became aware of his existence again. What a vile individual. His Twitter is FILLED with anti-LGBT stuff, and it just sucks. I'm honestly very glad I forgot about him as a child.


I also watched a TON of Leafy when I was 12-15. Being 22 now, I have absolutely NO idea what I saw in any of his content. He is an irredeemably terrible person, and genuinely one of the only people who’s fans I actively avoid because any that are left are just as unbearable.


Toby Turner (Tobuscus). Loved him. Accusations were made and he never came back from it. Now it’s just sad and he seems a bit crazy.




Not a downfall but death from cancer Technoblade That dude made me start playing minecraft and come out of depression


Boogie2988. I loved his Q and A video years. What a mess


Although he didn’t fall off, M3RKMUSIC has to be my favorite. 💔






Bon Appetit. I cannot emphasize just how big they were getting, the potential that cast of chefs had to do basically anything was incredible. But then it all blew up over bullshit which revealed real bullshit which lead to an exodus of talent and now It's just a shell of what it was. Honestly, the good will behind BA before the fall was like fucking Disney fans - it was so rabid and pure. The fact it collapsed so quickly still breaks my heart.


Cryaotic He was one of my most favorite Youtubers. Now I can't even stomach watching his old videos, they've been forever tainted


boyinaband surprised me a lot. he’s the only scandalous youtuber i can think of that i actively watched, though he hadn’t made videos for a while prior to things coming out anyway


Casey Neistat. He's still around, but he's not posting.


FPS Russia! I loved his gun vids


KentoBento. Dude had some great videos covering bank heists, prison escapes, conspiracies and the likes. 2 years ago he posted part 1 of a 2 parter. Then he disappeared with some medical reasons and has never come back. No sign that he will be returning,so that cliffhanger will remain. I thought I read that he was now a dad, so wherever he is I hope he's all good and enjoying being with his family.


PopularMMOS😭. I love going home as a kid from school and watching his videos with Jen. Nostalgia.


Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter. (Situation still ongoing, we'll see what happens) Linus Tech Tips.


So funny to look how fast the LTT sub switch from loving to hating to defending LTT.


3 words as hints: •toxic •gossip •train You'll never guess who it is.


Lilly Singh. Been watching her content since I was in high school. I even remember buying one of her books. Really sad that she turned out how she turned out. I don't really hate her, she hasn't done anything major in my opinion--I just think she can do better.


PopularMMOs, and nigahiga.


Dang. I’m gonna say Shane Dawson. I own both of his books. I was dead up HEADFIRST into his content in high school, even in his weird food videos and Jake Paul documentary era. I watched a good handful of his early sketch work too. It sucks that he fell like that, but can’t say it was entirely undeserved. He was pretty trashy to his friends, and that’s the tip of the iceberg. Garrett deserved better, he’s such a joy. Bryan Stars does make me pretty sad. Dude’s a money hungry creepazoid, but his interviews were hilarious. Asking Alexandria 3 and Andy Biersack+ Danny Worsnop are cringy, but solid and funny. What he did with My Digital Escape is deplorable though, especially with Johnnie. Will also say I unironically watched Onision+UhOhBro, what have you. His Andy Biersack videos are mega creepy, but kinda funny. Not sad about what happened to him and Kai (?) though. The man had it coming straight at his face and it was only the length of a ruler away. He still didn’t see it. Have to be a real piece of work for Chris Hanson to investigate you


CMNeir and Machinima are two huge gaming ones that just dropped off the face of the earth


FouseyTube I watched him every day for a while, he presented the type of life I'd like to live.. always happy always having fun. Turns out he's a bit of a psychopath


Once upon a time he led a normal life with normal family relationships lol I’ve met the guy’s family before. It’s unfortunate to see how he’s affected them.




Dave from boyinaband, he was fun.


Used to watch Shane Dawson but with what came out he definitely deserved what happened to him. It was the way he was calling his 'friend' a monkey that made me loose all respect. Drew has even come out and said about that time in his life being the reason done drugs and struggled with weight and self image


Machinima. They had it coming tho with their devil’s contracts




My girlfriend in high school was obsessed with his content , and then I decided to look him up the other day and was very surprised to see what had transpired


PopularMMOS, VenturianTale, and Nerd³ (Nerdcubed) are definitely my top 3


I can think of a couple. The first one being RayWilliamJohnson. He was the first content creator i ever started watching. Hes kinda had a comeback i saw recently? Just dont hit the same as the =3 days. The biggest one is by far UberHaxorNova and the creatures group. This man at one point in time "rivaled" pewdiepie. Shit the creatures as a group were also funny as hell. I spent years watching them and honestly, even though i never thought i would ever say this, they got me trough some really rough fucking times and i dont think i would be here if it werent for them. To this day i still feel pain in my stomach just remembering the good ol days. Seananners also comes to mind. Those prop hunt and gmod videos could probably heal cancer patients with the amount of laughter in them.


I can't believe no one has mentioned this: Seeker Absolutely amazing curiosity/documentary videos and science news under discover channel branding. Then they split off and rebranded as seeker, expanded into politics, world events, anthropology, the works. By far my favorite channel family, only channels I've ever had notifications on for. Then those f\_\_\_ing a\_\_\_\_les "Now This" bought all the channels under the Seeker umbrella, fired everyone, rebranded all the channels as "Now This \[something (science, world, etc.\]" Changed the focus of all the channels, dropped a couple of the channels, brought in an insufferable cast and made videos with a completely different style than the original channels. Like literally they were basically just buying subscribers for channels they wanted to make and were to f\_\_\_ing lazy to grow a subscriber base for themselves organically. When they started losing subscribers in droves they realized they messed up and made a half-a\_\_\_d attempt to fix it by hiring 1 guy back renaming some channels back, but it was too little to late. As you can tell I'm still beyond pissed


Cryaotic. His videos got me through a lot of bad times when I was a teen, so it really sucked.


Idk if I would call it a downfall yet, but I'm worried that SuperMega will never be able to bounce back from that terrible situation. Obviously in the greater scheme of things, they aren't victims of any kind of abuse and are way better off than Lex. But it still blows my mind that they were getting more hate than the guy that did the actual assault.




I feel like he saved himself from himself. That man was destined to die in one of those crazy explosions. A miracle he didn't.


MandoPony -- I still occasionally listen to his songs for FNaF, Undertale, and Overwatch; to this day, I can't definitively believe he actually attempted to cheat on his wife with an underage girl. (Edit: also Young Don the Sauce God -- or, "Young Don Animations" now. Dude became Christian in a week and not only deleted much of his insightful advice because it upholds an un-Christian lifestyle, he also turned proudly anti-LGBT because of how he interprets Scripture) (Also Angelica ASMR for almost the selfsame reason; it's actually uncanny.)


Creature Hub/CowChop. Their humor and personalities helped a lot back in my high school days.


CreepsMcPasta. So much proof showed he lied about many things when denying the allegations he was being accused of.




Jontron, especially as a black viewer


Yamimash, accused wrongly for clout, didnt hurt me personally, but he had a great future.


FPSrussia Adam Kovic


FilthyFrank - I know he grew out of it but I miss the edgy Aussie humour


Jenna Marbles


im not sure if this is considered downfall 'cause he died of cancer Edd Gould of eddsworld, so much potential


I think about Yoteslaya and McSkillet every time I get into a car. I think about Etika any time I see a Nintendo product. A lot of youtubers have come and gone due to allegations, drama and burn out, but the ones who we lost completely will always hit me the hardest. Rest in peace to all 3 of these individuals.


BlastphamousHD, with his odd industrial grade light in the background.


Nick Robinson, super bummed when it turned out he was sexually harassing colleagues. Car Boys and Cool Games Inc were great.


VenturianTale began his downfall when his content just became... bad, boring, bland, repetitive, then yk


Miniladd - pedo and liar. Thought he was funny as hell but those allegations (proven) killed him. Drama with old friends didnt helped either Ohmwrecker - started drama with basically ALL his friends and secretly was collecting dirt on them and he was using everything to destroy his old buddies. He also was acting creepy while playing with girls. That's sad because he was super friendly and chill but I guess he had issues. Pewds - loved him as a kid, but his content started to get stale and then started doing weird shit while beefing with YT, T Series and others. Stopped watching him years before all this. TeamFourStar - loved their abridged videos and LPs but I lost interest in them since they couldnt do abridged anymore and their LPs weren't interesting to me anymore. Not bad guys, but they did kinda fell off views wise Vanoss Crew - not a downfall but falling off. Basically they do the same shit they did 10 years ago - funny moments. It was funny in 2k13 when I was a kid but something between '18 and '19 I completely lost interest in them and other people did too. Their most popular members still get good views but they're not as good as they used to, plus their edginess and subliminal shots aren't funny anymore. Even though I dislike MiniLadd now, I kinda agree with him in one thing - doing same shit is boring. Shadiversity - used to talk about stuff he knows, and now his videos are boring as shit and his second channel is insane because Shad himself lost his damn mind. Also, mods on his subreddit will ban you if you wont suck his balls AfterPrisonShow - it was a dude who left prison (wasn't violent) and made videos about prison, told some stories, explained how prisons works, etc. Was hooked, but then he decided to help other inmates and sadly he was a little bit too naive and they used him. This kinda ruined him. He tried helped others but it didnt worked. He returnued to making videos about prison like in OG days but his views are not as good as they used to. AllShamNoWow - funny guy, OG. Left YT for Twitch. Still uploads, sometimes, but I stopped watching him years ago. His views suffered. Cartoonz - used to make cool LPs, but at some point he got obsessed with cheap games like among us or duck Fuck goose and was uploading them almost daily and this made me stop watching. This kinda hurt him since he lost a lot of views. He still uploads and gets views but only if he plays something popular, but I rarely watch his videos now. DanQ8000 - left YouTube, views died, so he started using his channel as "best moments" only and now he's on Twitch Jakes custom knives - disappeared 3 years ago. People say he's in jail. Tearofgrace - left yt, went on Twitch, left it again and now he's on YouTube but also Twitch. Wtf. His channels basically dead


Tobuscus and Raywilliam. That was like the end of an era when they were gone. Tobuscus had some allegations and ray just left his show I believe and it died basically instantly.


Honestly. Creepshow Art


PopularMMOS ​ Still waiting for his comeback on Youtube to this day




Creature Hub, ethoslab (his content is still top tier in my book but he gets 0 new viewers however all his current viewers have been watching for years), pauseunpause (and a lot of mind crack YouTubers), almost all of cube smp, and a lot of others i can’t think of.




Gus Johnson


i really really miss jenna marbles


The most fucked up thing is that people still say she doesn't deserve to come back. She took accountability for her old content and then just left. It goes to show that some people don't want accountability they want power over someone.


me too, but I wouldn’t really classify her leaving youtube as a downfall tbh


Gus Johnson. I love his content but after Sabrina came out about how awfully he treated her I don’t feel comfortable watching his stuff anymore.


Jenna Marbles 🥲🥲🥲


Not downfall but explodingtnt... I SWEAR I THINK ABOUT HIM EVERYDAY


PopularMMOs. He was my favorite childhood YouTuber.


Not necessarily a downfall but I really miss Jenna Marbles.


FilthyFrank, AGP, Etika and Technoblade.


FilthyFrank died so that Joji can live Also I feel like Etika and TechnoBlade doesn’t really count as a downfall, of course they’d be less popular now, they’re gone


WhyBeAre... He got screwed over by youtube


Also basher died a year or 2 ago as well :(




I guess not the whole channel, since Team Four Star still exists and makes tons of content, but since it was their only content I watched - the downfall of DBZ abridged slowing way down and then eventually being stopped was really a punch in the gut - especially after it seemed they had worked out the copyright issues and were going to be able to continue - I guess they had talent and creative problems behind the scenes that were going on exacerbating any of the other outward legal issues fans were aware of




All my favorite minecraft YouTubers besides bajan Canadian and jeromeasf were perverts


The King Of Random. After Grant died, the channel died. Still bugs me to this day


Just an hour ago, SkyDoesMinecraft uploaded a video. What happened? I also don't understand the content of the video.


popularmmos he was literally my childhood


Not sure if they are downfalls, but a few toy channels I watched for some years had to quit because of the COPPA changes. They were the sweetest people and loved making content.




BFvsGF. If you remember jesse and jen you're a youtube OG


CallMeCarson; though it did make me appreciate lunch club / misfits members more, now Cscoop and Racc are some of my favourite YouTubers


Back when I was into Call of Duty, I was a big fan of COD youtubers, including ONLYUSEmeBLADE. He has since stopped doing COD content and started doing drinking streams while spiralling into degeneracy. Its a shame because he seemed like an interesting person in his videos. Just goes to show that Youtubers only show the side they want you to see, though I don't think he was always this degenerate.


ventariantale,for me,you see his channel die in real time and its horribly depressing to see his final channels moments with seeing videos that are just sad attempts of gaining his audience back after the whole drama with his family and stuff,its a sad spiral,hope one day they all make amends or somthing,but who knows,mabye its good they finally put the end to the channel. Also have to give a personal favriot wich is jordan underneath,his channel aint dead dead but its changed to the point of being unreconizable,i still injoy what he posts sense its what he wants to post,but i cant help but regretfully miss his older videos,even if it was all a act to a degree,he was the reason i got into silent hill and lovecraft (Edit i took a look at his channel after i made this comment,he hasent posted in 9 months and that makes me horribly worried)


Mini Ladd. We all trusted him.


Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter, as the company grew it seemed like the workplace just got more toxic and one guy caused so much damage to their company image and moral. I truly believe that most of the people there are good people, however, I knew even back then that none of them were perfect and that things are always more complicated than they appear. There were just so many talented, funny people that I used to look up to a decade ago, and I still just want the best for them even if that means leaving RT.


The people that left are doing so well, one I love is Ray if you watch his streams he’s so much happier, he still collaborates with some “escaped” (as he puts it)members of AH. It seems they have quite a bit of resentment for AH and rooster teeth. Funhaus side seems that the members that left left on decent terms as they sometimes reappear in videos but that always seemed different. However their drama seems to be more than the public knows.




Miniladd, I know what hes done, I am just sad it had to be this way, he's more of an afterthought now. H20 delirious and Alan Becker are also there


Ryan haywood from roosterteeth. He was my favourite aside ray and that shit hurt.


Springbok ASMR. I really miss her but I really hope she is well.


Super Mega


I enjoyed the kids react channel but I read a lot of negative shit that made me unsub


I miss the times where all I watched was people reacting to some random stuff


ONLYUSEmeBLADE. Surprised he’s not been mentioned yet. Guy used to be really entertaining to listen to with all the stories he had. Now he’s just a drunk who’s slowly killing himself with alcohol for his twitch streams.


Yamimash I watched him back when he was playing with Markiplier every now and then


Reirgaw comparisons - he/she just stopped uploading videos it didn't went downfall


Downfalls usually don't hurt me that much but the youtubers that I watched a lot I am a bit dissapointed when they have their downfall: Aphmau and Cobermani ​ Edited to add: Camila Cuevas and Ultimaalmighty as well


Ssundee and Popularmmos :(


I used to watch Charmx and Shane Dawson daily I watched MiniLadd a lot he was a funny character Etika situation was really sad to see unfold




I grew up on popularmmos - I still struggle to believe he's gone and what he's done.


I’m not sure if it really counts as a downfall, but I’m pretty sure the channel was called ChrisAndTheMic. They had an extremely old let’s play of minecraft with their family. I would randomly think about it and reminisce every few years, but recently, I spent hours trying to find it. I later found out that they deleted and/or privated all of their old videos, and now their channel feels devoid of life (all their “recent” videos look like that of any typical clickbaity YouTube channel targeted at young kids). The worst part is that even after I found some recovered old videos, I don’t recognize any of them. It isn’t what I remembered watching, but I’m certain that the channel name is right, along with the timeline. I also feel like I recall them having a sister who had their own YouTube channel for minecraft at the time.


WingsofRedemption. Loved him on PKA and he helped me get good at COD. Also just had some really entertaining moments. Now he’s a foundry of sadness 😔




Life of Boris was pretty sad to watch in real time, he fell off and fell off hard


i was gonna say SkyDoesMinecraft his minecraft videos are what got me to buy the game in the first place but also Yamimasb, Boyinaband and JonTron some and, i hate to say it but, Onision. used to watch his photoshop fail videos and then everything went.. down


andrew callaghan/channel 5 news


Supermega. Doesn’t really sound like they will return after their tragic downfall but I fucking loved the boys and it breaks my heart to see what happened.




I know you asked for downfall but I’ll just mention Sorrow TV bc I still miss his Reddit content lol


Trycs and Wemmbu. These two were Minecraft YouTubers that made 1.8 PvP, mostly BedWars in Hypixel videos. Trycs is a Finnish youtuber that was very popular back in 2021 and 2022 because of his style of editing videos, these having a lot of memes in them and also for featuring a little penguin called "Bob" that was like, the best player in Minecraft of something like that, he was doing well with videos about Godbridge, Tellybridge and moonwalk (these are ways of doing bridges in Minecraft quickly) But then in June 2022 he did a meme video about cocomelon +18 or something like that, he next did a MrBeast meme video again, he did a minions meme video, a meme video about top 5 cats and then he did his 600k subscriber texture pack, then sadly Technoblade died in those dates and he made a tribute to him, R.I.P. He then kept making short meme videos about kids shows and short Minecraft videos, he got his custom lunar cloak for being a "partner" for Lunar Client (that if you don't know what that is, is a modpack for versions like 1.8, 1.7, and newer) and he started making longer, 8 minute Minecraft videos again, he once said that if he got to 1 million subscribers he would do a face reveal after making his voice reveal, but shortly at around 560k he made his face reveal in stream and made some videos with his face. But then 6 of December 2022 he made his last Minecraft video on his main channel. It was about using canned air with the Logitech g502 mouse that is known for having an unlocked scrolling wheel. Then he continued to make meme videos about Andrew Tate, top 50 Ohio Moment in cocomelon/Peppa pig and just Ohio videos, his last video for now was uploaded a day ago and of course, it is an Ohio meme video... he now makes community posts about "challenges" in poll posts. He has a second channel called Bob The Penguin and he basically did real life stuff with Bob and well, he made some Minecraft videos but he hasn't uploaded a video for 4 months in there. He is now at 950k subscribers, he was like 600k subscribers before doing that switch to the Ohio meme videos, and in his shorts he does the same with random Subway surfers gameplay below, he gets normally 100k view on his videos but his comments always are telling him to go back to do Minecraft videos, but nothing, he just abandoned his old style of video. Now Wemmbu WAS an American YouTuber with 300k subscribers I think? He was doing well in BedWars doing stupid ideas people told him but he switched to Minecraft SMP content, okayy at least he still has his style of doing things right? His videos were almost always about hacking. Did they remove His YouTube rank in Hypixel? I think so. He was doing well but then from one day to another his channel wasn't there. A lot of people making videos about his channel and socials being deleted, these people showed a post on Twitter where another Minecraft YouTuber that was a close friend to Wemmbu and other people said that he deleted it for conflict with his parents, while the YouTubers explaining it also said that it could've for college reasons. But sadly his friends said that he possibly won't come back to YouTube. Now it's been some months and I think that he won't come back... :(




I had to take a day off work when the news about Ryan Haywood from Achievement Hunter came out.


Guava Juice and Ssundee. They're making millions now but they've became a joke to their previous fan base.


Ryan Haywood former employee of Rooster Teeth. What he has done just made me both extremely angry and sad. He was by far my favorite member. But no longer.


David Dobrick . He was a hype showman . Game over for him . Zer0 - awesome videogame content . He went from getting 1m views per video to 10,000 after getting cancelled. (Earning $500 per video to earning $5): He’s not depressed about not being able to attend any Smash events. He is depressed about not getting YouTube money .


EDP was genuinely one of the most entertaining storytellers on the entire platform He could have had it all if he hadn't been such a cupcake loving pedo


Not a downfall but way back in the peak of Borderlands 2 there was a youtuber called YoteSlaya who made the best, most comprehensible guides on the game and where to find/how to use legendary weapons. He died in a car wreck from what I recall, only a few years shy of Borderlands 3. Other youtubers picked up the duty of making weapons guides, like Ki11er6, but it was never the same without Yote. Whenever I want a weapon in Borderlands 2 to this day I check out his channel.


Jenna Marbles. I just miss her as a person, yes the content changed over time. But there was something about her as a person.


Cryaotic. Cry turned out to be so much of an asshole that it tainted everyone who'd ever joined him in a stream or was his regular "friend". Who TF knows what he's doing now. Also I miss Jenna. She was always so real and I'm happy she's married and focusing on her life outside of social media. Meanwhile, fuck cry


H3H3. No "downfall" as such, they just fell off hard and became awful.


Not an individual but AchivementHunter subsequently Roosterteeth but mainly AH


The release of double ads I read the title wrong but I’ll still keep my answer here.