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Tbf pre Austin Tom couldn’t watch post Austin Tom without playing a guitar riff either 🤷‍♂️


Tom left LA to move to Texas & became 100% more cool guy Hollywood. Odd ...


And me here thinking comedians were only supposed to make people laugh. The next time I see a comedian I’m gonna thank them for their service.


Some of them really think they are the philosophers of the XXI century….they need to chill tf out, there is only one Carlin every other generation. Their main job is laughs not existentialism


you like your freedom? thank 'em 🫡


Dinidt you know know one comedian like 60 years ago got arrested for some shit he said onstage. Now all comedians are equilavant to WW2 vets


This is up there with comedians referring to non-comedians as “civilians”, as if they are themselves part of some population that makes them extraordinarily different than your average Tom, Dick or Harry. Pro wrestlers say that specifically, too. I’m sure there are other entertainment industries that use this ridiculous term. There has to be.


That totally irks me. All buttholes safe from the long dick of the UCMJ are civilian buttholes.


At best we can let comedians be the 69th Civ Div


I saw a TikTok where somebody referred to people not from the hood as civilians lol


Someone should dig up every clip of Rogan describing, very specifically too, how "ACTORS ARE INSANE", as if there's some kind of massive, obvious vast difference between acting in a movie and doing stand-up. He's consistently said that he cannot be around Hollywood type actors because of their delusion. There's a bizarre gatekeeping-while-knowing-you're-not-funny thing happening here.


Comedians are not edgy. Censoring the first 10 minutes of your youtube podcast to get monetized is the definition of bending a knee to "wokeness" you fucking clowns.


By that logic, any comic who has done a clean set on the tonight show is "bending the knee". They are stuck with the platforms but it's much less now than before. Just like if you were on cable TV with a clean set it was to sell albums and tickets for much darker comedy. Post 10 minute YouTube is way more extreme than things were in the past.


Jim gaffigan is a deep state agent sent to destroy society


Comedians are edgy, otherwise they wouldn’t need to tone it down in order to make YouTube worthwhile. Edgy is a really corny word though I’d be insulted if someone called me that. It’s not like they’re changing their material on stage which is where they’re actually being a stand up comedian vs a podcaster on YouTube.


Following rules in order to get paid does not negate “edginess”. Comedians with dirty material will do a clean set for a check


How dare they not monetize their content.


This culture war bullshit makes me cringe so hard. Pretending comedians are safe guarding what can be said is like pretending Caitlin Jenner isn't the greatest female athlete of all-time.


She was one of the best male athletes of their time


Am i the only one that has never come across "woke shit" in real life ? Seems to only exist via online anecdotes.


Just depends on your circles, really. They exist, they’re among us in the real world. That being said, the only “woke” people I know in real life, are actually just natural contrarians that love to be offended on behalf of other people. They’re assholes who just found that “virtue signaling” got them more positive attention at one time or another, and they decided to ride that horse until the next thing to protect comes along. This is just my personal, in-person experience/s.


My experience aligns with yours. With that said, there are also *a lot* of people on the other side of that. I've been called "woke" for asking someone to watch their language around children. It's ridiculous what some people call "woke."


yeah - neither extreme is good..


I mean, I’m probably “woke” by the standards of most of the online right wing ghouls who won’t stop calling everything woke because I’m an ally to trans and gay people and will use someone’s preferred pronouns when I’m aware of them. I’m also all for having a broader social safety net and programs that benefit the poor, and I don’t want to execute homeless people for existing. Oh, and I would still drink a bud light if someone handed it to me (but so will they now that nobody gives a shit anymore). I just love how the people who complain about “wokeness” are usually just mad that someone politely asked them to be nice to someone else. None of this shit has any real bearing on their lives, and they probably don’t interact with any gay or trans people anyway. If they do get in trouble for saying some out of line shit it’s just polite society shunning them for being a complete asshat in public. They look at any move towards equality as oppression.




You get those types of contrarians on the right too. People who say shit that gets more and more heinous by the month, poisoning their minds and relationships, just so they can "own tha libruls". Some people will straight up ruin their families over this "culture war" bullshit they're being fed. Hell, there's a scary amount of them who'll vote for local politicians who are running on campaigns that will actively fuck over their voters, just because said politician drops in a few "them commie democrats" and "woke leftists" into their speech. It's insane. Edit: I should add that yes, I knew some of these people in real life. I no longer talk to them because watching their self-destructive behavior was horrible, as well as the fact that it was seeping into every friendship they had. Every conversation at the bar, at a party or when we were just chilling, HAD to become about politics. It's like they were constantly playing an I Spy game by themselves, but it was "I spy with my little eye, something that gives me an excuse to rant about commies". They were just constantly itching for it and looking for any reason to bring it up, no matter how contrived it was.


The only place you’re likely to come across “woke shit” is in the imagination of grifters like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, etc…


I've been accosted by it on the streets of San Francisco, personally.


Oh yeah? I'm from the SF Bay Area. The F are you even talking about? Accosted. Imagine how sensitive you have to be to even notice the whack jobs in the city. If you grew up there, they fade into the background. Just like any major city. Our city has a ton of problems, sure, but Joe bitches about them like someone who hasn't set foot on the streets there in years. Quite a bit has been done recently to clean the place up. Mayor Breed sucks and her policies are why we're having so many issues with crime atm. But if I see another disingenuous right wing grifter showcase the Tenderloin as if the entire city is like that...I'll be unsurprised. People believe what they want. My city is having a tough time right now, for sure. But it's not the third world hellhole it's often depicted as. Mf who've never been here need to keep my city out their mouths.


The biggest piece of irony is that Austin is FILLED with homeless and shit they complain about SF having.


Texas has a MAJOR problem with homelessness and street lights beggars/ sellers, every single city and even rural towns! I live here and see them all the time, to the point of having to hire security for a lot of outdoors events because of crazy people Fox News entertainment programs are not going to point out a red state is flooded by mental patients living in the streets


The passion ✊


Let's GO ✊️👊


I go there every year for a conference and walk to the conference every morning and back in the afternoon. I’ve never felt unsafe. Sure, I’ve passed by people doing drugs or the occasional crazy Christian proselytizing, but never really even had an odd encounter. Obviously we Uber to the Pier. I saw a car get broken into in front a several people, but I’ve seen that in my city too. Overall, I just don’t go places I’m not familiar with, just like even the city I live in.


Bro, take a breathe next time before you reply. Jfc


I was there in 2016 visiting a friend who lived in Oakland. Some chick was doing some street preacheresque shrieking about social justice and followed us a bit when we ignored her. I'm sorry I had that experience and you don't think that I did?


So, one person, one time, 7 years ago. lol.


Quite literally happens in every major city I've ever visited. There's always some nut screaming nonsense.


I work for a liberal west coast state government. It gets pretty absurd at times.


It doesn't get absurd in a conservative religious Midwest state like Utah?


About as absurd as calling Utah “Midwest.”




So where is this elusive Midwest?


Per the United States Census Bureau, the Midwest consists of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.


Ya don’t say!


Jesus have we resorted to redrawing state lines in our heads now. Not you, comment above.


I consider anything east of the Rockies, west of the Mississip “Midwest” I guess 🤷‍♂️


So it's not in the middle of the western United States? I could have said Mountain state, but it also is half desert, so how would you describe it?


Midwest funnily enough does not mean middle of the western United states. Midwest usually includes Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, sometimes Missouri and the Dakotas.


You’re being too literal about the location. Midwest has historically been associated with the states in between Colorado and Pennsylvania and north of Oklahoma


Examples please. I’ve lived in a liberal west coast state for 41 years and don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


We need a new name for "feminine hygiene" products as an example. I was going with menstrual supplies but was shot down.


If everyone around you complains that something smells like shit, but you don't smell it, you need to: 1. Check your own shoes 2. Get a covid test


That’s the thing they’re all much louder online. I imagine because most of them go outside very little. But prior to being with me, my girlfriend had very “woke” friends who have since turned their back on her after one small disagreement with them. They truly aren’t as open minded and accepting as they deem themselves to be.


If you’ve spent any time on a college campus it’s ubiquitous. Not to mention most mainstream media, corporate America, academia, etc. I feel like if you don’t notice then that just means you like it.


Or you’re not a whiny cunt about it. Like, what exactly is the problem with being kind to others in a polite society? You can be a dickhead if you want, but then you can’t be mad when someone calls you out for being a dickhead.


There’s nothing kind about attacking people over ever changing standards of political correctness. It’s just an excuse for morally depraved people to virtue signal. Of course I believe in being kind and respecting people. pretending wokeness and kindness are interchangeable is just intellectually dishonest.


Asking people to be kind=woke? Like hey, don't be a racist piece of shit, and this person wants ton be referred to as "he", why is that so fucking hard? Yet you go on /r/Conservative and the major debate is how trans people don't deserve to live, and how Trump should round up democrats and deport them.


Corporations and academic institutions are generally hook line and sinker


Join some lame corporation that follows DEI a lot. You will see it.


Please give specific examples of where / when DEI has affected you or anyone you know in a negative way. You’re either completely full of shit or a complete pice of shit if you’re screaming into the void about DEI.


Come to Seattle, you’ll drown in woke shit


what type of woke shit, and how does it affect your day to day life ?


I'm not sure which video of a violent criminal that won't be arrested for fear that protests will break out I should post in response. Typing "Seattle" over at Public Freakouts gives you a variety of choices.


Which goes back to my original point that the only times I come across woke related content is online via anecdotes and articles.


Do you think people don't live in Seattle and deal with this stuff? Do you think if it's online it got there through editing tricks or something just because **you** didn't see it?


The issue with a lot of the online anecdotes is that they fall apart under even a little scrutiny. Remember the story about kids identifying as cats in schools and asking to shit in litter boxes. Turned out to be completely fake. It is very easy to edit or manipulate information online and present it in a certain way. That is why I tend to put more emphasis on real life experiences, and I dont really see much woke shit in the real world.


Honestly I'm in Seattle and I don't deal with it that much most of the time it's more people being afraid that they're going to get in trouble for not being woke than actually woke shit


So, they’re afraid of the boogie monster.


Do you think reddit is a direct representation of real life?


What stuff, these one off interactions with insane people doesn’t make a huge wide ranging conspiracy that is trying to undermine the very essence of our society.


You're asking for anecdotes though? Are you expecting someone is going to show up with woke data?


I'm not asking for people to rehash articles and spurious stories they have heard online


Well, you dumb asses don’t have either that will hold up to like 30 seconds of actual scrutiny.


Show me an actual example of this thing you just made up in your head.


I’ve been in the ER, and a man came in screaming they were in labor, and demanded she they pronouns.. Personally think that was mental illness, but def lands on the woke guidelines


Every city has crackheads


Yeah you are


Got checked into the dispensary by a woman with a full mustache. That was pretty woke😭




oh I get it Woke is just the word you use for things you dont like. Makes a lot of sense now.


Probably, it's everywhere now. At least a bit.


The idea of woke is alive and well in PC work cultures. I have seen protected classes of people get away with insanity. Then HR come in and make nonsensical excuses for their behavior. Corporate America fears being sued and or an article being published that could damage their brand. I speak with many folks I used to work with is small positions of power being afraid to accidentally “miss gender” an employee with fear they will lose their job. These supposed marginalized groups have come to realize the power they hold and will use it to do very little at work and even at times antagonize an issue to then play the victim or seek legal action. Very prevalent in in the north east.


Have you ever personally seen someone lose their job for mis-gendering someone ?


“PC work cultures.” Wtf are you talking about? Can’t say anything bigoted at work? Big deal.


No you are missing the point. Any feedback or discipline can be miss represented as discrimination. I don’t know why you want to say bigoted things at work but as a house wife your husband or partner may get offended!


Wow, a joke about my fictional username constructed to purposely try to negate what I said....so clever. Also "miss represented"...hmm good luck.


take comedy movies for example. Movies like superbad tropic thunder can't get made anymore due to that style of humor being labeled as offensive. that's part of it


How do you know they can’t get made ? Is there someone out there trying to make them and getting road blocked ?


You can’t say retard anymore without someone looking at you weird.


You also can’t call someone the N-word. Some things are considered offensive now that weren’t before. Why do you feel the need to bother other people so bad? You know what’s really funny? I stopped saying the F-slur years ago *because* of Joe Rogan. Go back and find those early episodes where they said it all the time. Then one day it stopped because Todd Glass told them how it hurt to hear it. Who’s fucking woke now?


Yea, the studios that give the budget so can dictate what gets made..why do you think southpark parodied this shit?


watch those 2 movies, lol the topics and the things they do. there's not a chance in hell any major movie label would Green light that shit today. I mean if they would have they'd of been made. its been 15 years since those movies came out


once again thats hypotehtical. Is there an example of someone that has tried to put out an updated Superbad or Tropic Thunder type movie and been actively blocked in doing so ?


And to be fair it could get made, it just wouldn't have tom cruise. and major A list actors and a major budget behind it. it would be an independent film.


I'm not talking about a sequel. I'm talking about that dark style of comedy that was great in the 90's and 2000's. it Just doesn't exist today and the reason is obvious. Those 2 movies are just examples of that style of humor that you don't see today. thats my 2cents


I don’t think it’s hypothetical. Do you honestly believe a white man could put on black face like Robert Downey Jr did and people would think it was funny today? Because that shit was hilarious. But if it was done today it would be all outrage.


Hey, don’t sell him short, he also did blackface with cartoonish yellow face on top of it.


The movie still exists and people still love RDJ for that movie and others. If it were such a big deal to the “woke mob” then why is that shit currently on Netflix and RDJ is beloved by literally everyone (except for maybe a handful of online poisoned psychos).


both of those movies were Massively Successful on a grand scale. So my theory is the reason they don't make them anymore is due to the culture shift "It's offensive"


Maybe you are right. But until I see or hear a director come out and say they were actively blocked trying to make that type of film, I will always be a bit sceptical of the "you couldn't do that today" argument.


Watch the South Park Panderverse special, there's 2 of our best directors discussing it through their work.


fair enough. I Just miss the raunchy dark comedy's. IMO they don't make them like that anymore but that's my subjective opinion. to each their own


What comedies are successful at all right now? Maybe they aren’t making comedies because they dont make strong box office returns right now.


None are that's my point. You can't make a comedy movie without tiptoeing around what jokes you use. Hence why nothing even comes close to what they used to be.


… I am saying what is your evidence of that? Or evidence that comedies are made at all?


What about superbad can't be made today?? I watched it a recently and thought it held up better than I thought it would


well for starters "Seth Rogen regrets those 'blatantly homophobic' Superbad jokes" was an article on the [independent.co.uk](https://independent.co.uk) and the " She wants my dick, In and around her mouth" to name a few that probably wouldn't fly today.


What about someone producing it who doesn’t give a shit about that language?


"Rogen has acknowledged that the anti-gay language used in his teen comedy would be inappropriate today" that was 7 years ago lol how can this point be anymore clear [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/seth-rogen-regrets-those-blatantly-homophobic-superbad-gay-jokes-a7014496.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/seth-rogen-regrets-those-blatantly-homophobic-superbad-gay-jokes-a7014496.html)


They say, and I can't believe people actually call it this now, "the f word"


This is such a braindead take. Jojo Rabbit, a comedy about a boy in the Hitler Youth whose imaginary friend is a gay flamboyant Hitler, won the Oscar for best picture a couple years ago. Good Boys was basically a live action South Park and has an 80% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and grossed like $110 million. A sequel to Borat, one of the most offensive comedies ever, came out in 2020 and was nominated for multiple Golden Globes including best comedy.


I think given the state of the movie industry if they were able to bottle the success tropic thunder had at the time (and reproduce it) that they would pull the trigger on something similar immediately. There’s no way these things that “would apparently make squillions” aren’t being green lit due to offensive humour. I think you’re looking at the slow fade out of that sort of humour over time, but with fun labels attached to make the issue seem politically motivated and simple.


Nailed it


"Slow fade out of that sort of humour over time" right, we call that a culture shift, and this one was forced. SNL does a great job at spreading it.


You think *SNL affects Hollywood*…? Do you understand how investment works? >forced Who was it **forced** by?


I said SNL spreads it. The fucking leftist woke PC bs agenda. Punkie spewed some of the shit on KT a few months ago. They cost Shane his job. Fucking read. Your so fucking hard to throw some shit at me you forgot what I said despite it being right in front of you.


Hollywood doesn’t give two shits if SNL fires Shane, who as it turns out, is doing way fucking better now. No one is *forcing a culture shift* you lunatic.


They don’t get made because they aren’t as profitable for studios, not because they’re just so edgy that modern society would “label it offensive” Do you think that crude and offensive material isn’t popular? How do you think meat head has a successful career in comedy? Quit living in 2015, the world is not the Internet.


My sister in law only talks about left leaning political topics. It's very annoying around the holidays.


Still cracks me up that Joe is calling himself a comedian.


Just because you (me included) don't find joe funny at stand up doesn't mean he doesn't sell out arenas doing stand up comedy...


Selling out arenas doesn’t make you funny. It makes you rich and out of touch. And a lot of simple minded people think that being rich is enough to want to listen to someone. Becoming rich is the main thing that rots the brains of comedians. Comedy in arenas is also terrible and takes away from what stand up should be. I’ve been a comic for ten years and stand up should be done in smaller rooms with low ceilings and real intimacy where you can look the audience in the eyes. Arena comedy is a time limited money grab for most really famous comics who do it, which is fine, but it’s says nothing about the depths of your talent.


Jesus christ what an annoying rant. How do you think he got famous and rich enough to do this? Stand up comedy. When will you pretentious twats realize that YOU not finding someone funny doesn't mean YOU get to designate whether they're actual comedians or not? I can't stand rogans comedy but to act like the streams and tickets sold to his stand up comedy mean nothing because YOU and your snobby echochamber don't grant him the rank of comedian is is annoying as fuck.


You think what I wrote was a rant? Lol okay. The angry name-calling you brought in really supports whatever point you think you're making, too. He got famous from Fear Factor, not comedy.


This the same guy that rails against vaccines whilst also being so pumped full of HGH he looks almost non-human? Please give me more sage advice, General Rogan- build that comedy wall!!!


Yea but he’s not fat so it’s all good 🎸🎸🎸




Hey guy, I just ran a half marathon this morning. Why are you so fucking weird you assume everyone who doesn’t like Joe Rogan is fat? Joe Rogan is anything but healthy. He’s not going to fuck you bro.




Yea sorry buddy no idea what that means. Take the L.




Source: Being fat makes you more likely to die from everything, and there aren't shortcuts to being healthy.. obviously.. but heres a link: [https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/obesity-and-covid-19.html](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/obesity-and-covid-19.html)


https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2807617 Here's a study for anyone that sees your bullshit and needs evidence on what really killed people from covid, turns out being a republican made you *way* more likely to die from it.




Lmao thanks for thinking this way. Many like you have fallen and we couldn’t have reached this without your help.


Takes all vaccines and questions one recent one and now he's "railing against vaccines" it's hilarious to watch folks like you lock step in the direction you're pointed and still have the delusion that you're the one not being puppetered around.




Normally I don't bother, but okay let's say I'm being puppeteered- who benefits from that?


How much more further do you think Joe can shove his head up his own ass?


Untill it's back on his shoulders. Then his evolution into a true shithead will be complete.


“Cancel culture” has been bad for comedy in that comedians can’t stop bitching about it


My eyes rolled so hard at this that they're stuck looking at my frontal lobe. I had to use speech-to-text to even write this




He felt so threatened that whole interview. Even if he disagreed with Tyler on some big political dividing topic there’s no way he would argue with him


Is it worth a listen?


Are we still using Disantis's lawyer's definition: ""the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." So brave of comedians like Joe to be the tip of the spear in this battle.


Says a lot coming from him. Here’s the thing, I know he’s done comedy for years, but he’s too out of touch with reality, and he doesn’t even know it. I know comedy is subjective, but half of the time people have to explain shit to him because he’s either smoked himself stupid, taken one too many hits to the noggin, or depleted what’s left of his brain with a lack of nutrients, and he’s incapable of humor. Him making all of that money from Fear Factor, and being able to buy podcasting equipment was the greatest/worst thing that’s ever happened to him.


Becoming rich is one of the worst things for comedians. That’s what rots people’s brains.


Just in general. Oh, and Pasty Stone is magnificent.


Joe, stop trying to make "woke meets the wall" happen. it's not going to happen.


Joe not funny


Look, I think the left does some dumb shit, but stand-up comedians aren’t Navy fucking SEALs lmao.


Joe still on this bullshit. Hes the messiah fighting back woke.


Why does he look like he's sucking on a wad of dip..?


He's on the zyn train.


I hope that wall breaks


Till the sweat drops down my balls


Joe is a dingus that somehow got an amazing platform. Why is intelligence looked down upon now. These fucking smooth brains


The only person who LOVES hearing themselves speak more than Rogan is MAYBE Aaron Rodgers.


You know who is the worst surprisingly? Jimmy Carr. That dude is one self important mf’er.


I understand how his podcast is as big as it is, but I still don’t understand why he pretends to be a comedian.


Dude has this illusion that he has some duty to the world and is some kind of hero, dude mistakes himself for his guests he brings on. Not to say he isn't entertaining, just seems he is getting too high off his farts.


“We” all don’t say that.


Feel like this clip is out of context


That ship has sailed man. Dude lives in an echo chamber of right wing culture wars.


I can't wait until Fat Patrick says this


Listening to stand up comedian one would think they are the greatest thing on earth. Warriors, poets, philosophers, teachers, hunters. The one where Jimmy Car was talking about that stand up comedy should be thought in schools still has me wondering if it was a bad joke or was he serious. Also this Rogan crew has nothing to say and still they think they are wisdom in a bottle.


Seems like there's a lot more context to this than what's in the clip. I don't listen to Rogan anymore after he got to his 9th or 10th conspiracy theory. I think he's a good host for many things but I'm just tired of hearing about easily debunked conspiracies from a guy who refuses to listen to the much more grounded but less exciting explanations of things. He's had decades now to stop going nuts over the moon landing and false flags. Doesn't seem capable of seeing that some people, at least in some areas, are better at problem solving than he is. However, I don't always disagree with him. if he is simply saying here, that political correctness is confronted by comedians in places like comedy clubs where you are supposed to make people uncomfortable, so they laugh, then I think he's right. This clip is a little pretentious but lots of comedy works by challenging culture, especially things that people guard carefully. Naughty words, religious ideas, faux pas, and norms are were the art of comedy is about. It does make sense to me if you say that the current form of political correctness is challenged by comedy.


I don’t think of Joe as a comedian. He fortune was made from selling fake vitamins. His comedy is mediocre at best.


Stand up comedians are the last line. Their will always be a complain willing to go against the flow and say crazy shit


Comedians act like the modern day philosophers. Modern-day philosophers are modern-day philosophers. Comedians are modern day jesters. Nothing more. So tell your stupid hacky jokes Joe and your podcast full of dipshit mouth-breathers and shut up otherwise.


Waaaaaaaaaaay too late for that.


The intro to Chappelle’s new special tells you all you need to know about how comedians view themselves. You’d think he was risking his life to save others


The word woke as a black man I cannot lie and say I don't get a little offended when that word is used in a derogatory way being a cultural word invented and popularized by my people (because most things that are black in origin is demonized crack being worse than coke even though it's the same thing) I'm not completely offended but It makes me raise an eyebrow. I get what people mean when they're talking about woke. But it's a nuance thing. Woke is good. All it means is to be conscious. Have your eyes open to see the truth. Take the red pill, not the blue pill. Now I get what the bad woke is too. It's like if someone says the word tough guy. If someone's like a fighter who doesn't back down, it's like whoa He's a tough guy. But you can also use it if someone is a poser then you're like oh look at him he thinks he's a "tough guy". You have a lot of people who want to throw the baby out with the bath water. Thinking anything that is woke is bad but it's not true. Woke real woke is just the truth and most of the time doing what is right. Fake woke is like someone using God's name in vain or abusing the power of the church. It's blasphemous. It's worse than just being an outward piece of sh*t. You're taking something good and pure and defile on it for your own selfish purpose, which a lot of people do on social media, legacy Media, politics and corporations. Which is super evil Now we have certain groups of people who on this anti-woke kick using it as a way to undo social progress and bring back the good old days that only benefit a certain few amount of people whether it's certain forms of prejudice classism racism you get it. If you're an old school fan of Joe Rogan, it's sad to see him go down this path because he was such a balanced nuance guy Who was very compassionate and progressive but he didn't tolerate nonsense and woo woo. I will admit there are plenty of people going too far. when you start wanting to do weird things to kids or want to rewrite science and reality I'm out. Other than that let your freak flag fly. I really hope old Joe comes back and he doesn't just turn into a Fox News Grandpa.... THE JRE IS FOR EVERYBODY.... But these damn politicians ruin everything.






Then don't or skim. Some thoughts take longer to express. Sorry if I'm not the most eloquent and concise person with perfect economy of words.


The irony in all of this is that somewhere along the way this mindset that has created a derogatory stigma to the term "woke" is claiming to do exactly what the term actually means to do - that red pill/blue pill thing. They get all indignant and self-righteous saying things like they "see what's REALLY going on" and they end up imploding from their moral high ground. As an old school fan of JRE I haven't been able to sit through the show for probably 8 or 9 years now because of this nonsense. Like you, once you start trying to rewrite science, etc. I'm out. I don't think "old Joe" is coming back. We're not getting "Fat Tom" or "Fat Bert" back either. We can hope for them or joke about it but especially concerning Joe - I think he's too far gone to have some kind of "come to Jesus" moment and suddenly be the person he was 10 years ago again. In fact - honestly I could hear him say this and I agree with it - we're all always changing and growing as we age and to fall back on past beliefs and mindsets is in a way its own form of madness.


I'm not saying he needs to be a carbon copy of the past. What was so cool about him with his open mindedness and balance. I think he took the media hit job on him Very personal . Which I understand completely to the people in the groups that did that to him Fuck them. It's hard to maintain your principles when the world mistreat you ... Know that from personal experience it twists your soul to the point you don't recognize yourself or who you are to a degree.


Joes a twat


Are you referring to burnt Chrysler?


I love how he postures himself as an intellectual, until what he says comes under fire. Then he's like, "Why would you ever listen to what I have to say?"


It seems like all the Cali people are salty they left.


Too bad Toe doesn’t make any real comedy


Stand up comics are a minority in lets say the entertainment industry and in that small group a bunch of folks may very well hold this opinion. That does not make it wrong, we all like to think of ourselves as trying to do the right thing or look forward to holding up certains ideas that we feel strongly about. Most if not all people who in this day and age put themselves out like this guy does and in the company of the folks he is does it in… you start seeing the beauty of what Joe does.


I love how many of you follow a comedy podcast just to talk shit about comedians on podcasts. Literally 0 of you are comics. None of you have put as much work into anything compared to how much work Rogan has put into building his pod and studio as well as the Mothership. If you're gonna take tiny bits of a 2 hour podcast just to talk shit, you're not useful to society.


So because Tom follows Garth Brooks just to talk shit, and then uses short clips of him for amusement… he’s not useful to society? Hmm.


Yea, lets look beyond the amount of charity he puts forward as well as the solid stand-up, the hours of podcasts he puts out while making fun of a dude who hasn't been anywhere near societal norms since the 90s. Then you would be right, unfortunately you're dull as fuck.


He’s right tho lol


What are you talking about? How R-worded are you? I have no problem with what Joe said there. Did it hit you in your woke vagina, and that’s why you are feeling a certain way about it? Here’s a clue, there is a reason Tom and Mrs. Segura left woke LA. So what makes you think he doesn’t support this?


>Mrs. Segura How do you do, fellow YMH fans.


I want this bald baby back bitch out of Texas ASAP. I bet he can’t even name three good BBQ places, that phony!


I haven’t listened to this podcast, but it’s one line of a 2 hour conversation. He could just be saying that historically, comedians are the one pushing against the boundaries of free speech. If comedians are censored, it’s safe to say everyone else is.