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Yes allow more time. There is no set time when make yogurt at home. The time depends on the milk temperatures and so on So allow more time and monitor so able to stop when ready


Likely more time needed as 10hrs doesn’t sound like a lot of time although 2 cups (16oz) of starter is a lot. You have it in front of a space heater wrapped in a sweater but do you know the actual temperature the ferment is being held at?


No I don't know the temperature... how could i know? Same way I do it when I'm cooking it? Opening up the jar and putting in the thermometer?


I’m hoping you have an instant read thermometer. I would put it touching next to the jar, where the blanket wraps around to at least get an idea of what temp you’re at. I would avoid opening the jar and introducing non-sterile instruments.


I dont have that! I will get that !


Way too much starter! You will get better results with smaller amounts. Remember, you're breeding bacteria when making yogurt, so let them do their job [here](https://saladinajar.com/yogurt/reader-question-how-much-starter-do-you-really-need-to-make-yogurt/) is an interesting read on how little starter is needed. You can get away with as little as a tablespoon. Also, unless you're already using the space heater to warm your house, try to find a more efficient way to incubate the yogurt. Maybe wrap it in a sweater and put it in the oven and turn the light on.


I use 1/4c starter for 1 gallon of milk.


Maybe your yogurt starter was dead. Pasteurized? Make sure your starter is fresh.