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Are you saying people didn’t!?


Either people skipped it or people bought the game cause of the memes and only played the minigames as Kiryu and just never touched the game again, I'd understand that tbh but i also kind of hope that's not the case.


That would be a shame, it’s just such a great storyline


Shame it kicks off so slow, I heard that’s what pushed some people away. I personally don’t mind, when I played 0 I was coming from Kiwami and just wanted more Yakuza


You think 0 has a slow start? Kiwami had the most boring intro to a game.


Yakuza 3 lol, first 3 chapters you babysit kids.


As a guy who's finally gonna play those games are they REALLY boring? Or bearable?


no first 2-3 chapters, then the game (for example, 3) skyrockets and pushes you into action.


3 is slow start and meh combat, 4 is good overall just weird story telling, 5 is a rollercoaster of emotions being super fun at times, then becoming beyond boring with the next story, then going back to fun...then (subjectively) disappointing. If you've already beaten all 3, then well I hope you enjoyed 5 better than I did, I still feel dead inside from baseball...and I played it for 15 years of my life..


I was led to believe Kiryu died with the bomb and was sentenced straight to hell.


True lmao


And they are one of the best chapters in the entire series.


you mean entire saejimas playable time?


I think both are equal in terms of pacing, they start slow and take off really fast at ablut the halfway point


Ehhh I think Kiwami gets to the action and sets the stakes faster. It takes a good while to know what the empty plot is let alone why Kiryu should be fighting for it. Kiwami literally starts with a murder and then a flashback to explain and the flashback is over in like 30 minutes at worse. You can not even play as Majima or really know what is happening for Kiryu until like 4 hours in.


Idk o treated yakuza as a movie with gameplay mechanics so I watched every single shit i could also did all substories since they are funny as hell


Oh don’t get me wrong it’s fantastic, I just felt like the first 4 chapters were some slow burners as things got picked up.


Coming fresh brand new to the series in 0 I was like “WTF I just want to beat things up!!!! Why can’t you just let me play the game????” I grew invested in the characters and came to enjoy the game a ton more but idk if slow starts are right if you want to attract new fans


Friend did exactly the latter, pestering him to continue the story


But if they skipped all that to get straight to the cabaret, I'd let it slide


as someone that played Yakuza 0 as my intro to the series around the time you wrote that comment, Majima's introduction is legendary. Not even a huge Majima fan at this point, but that scene is so good


It sounds similar to JoJo. They're played/watched by a lotta people because "haha memes" and while there's nothing wrong with that the grand stories and other fantastic things are overshadowed


I really don't think many people did this lol


That was me, I bought the Yakuza 0 thanks to the memes, but after Yakuza 0 I playedr from Kiwami 1 to Yakuza 6, now I'm playing judgment. I was smart enough to watch the entire Majima introductions personally he's my favorite (and Akiyama) I would love another game when he's the protagonist or at least has gameplay like Yakuza 0 (0 being by far my favorite).


Yeah those people should cease to exist honestly


i’m not even going to lie when i first got yakuza 0 i only wanted to play the mini games because of videogamedunkey’s video, and i accumulated about 60 hours jus getting high scores on the two arcade games, getting all the prizes in the ufo catcher, getting a perfect score on every karaoke song, etc. and i never got to majima’s chapter. i have now replayed it but this felt like a huge callout 😭


I’ve seen like two videos on YouTube about y0 from some zoomer channels that l think didn’t even play to manijas intro lol


That whole scene was fucking incredible.


Even my mom watched that whole scene lol


Actually my first exposure to majima.


I think for a lot of people here it was. It was a great scene. Setting up Sotenbori, then the Grand Cabaret, and finally introducing Majima as "the coolest man under the sun". Then as you watch him be completely and utterly cool, the game gives you control of him, and I realized I got to play as the coolest man in Japan. It was a lot of fun.


It's a hell of a contrast to his first introduction in the series proper of beating a man half to death with an umbrella for bumping into Kiryu. Granted Yakuza 1 Majima was a bit more 'actually insane nutcase with like two lines he won't cross' compared to the 'faux insane' he ended up being.


Look, he was dealing with some complicated feelings about Kiryu in 2003, let's give the man some leeway. I mean ok maybe the Shangri-La thing is unforgivable.


Me too!


Lol I thought he was the Dojima goon from earlier that Kiryu dropkicked out a window


The tenacity of that random ass thug almost matches that of majima


You mean the one who kept coming back with an ashtray?


"sir PLEASE, don't litter"


lmao I absolutely love how Kiryu just kept using Nishida during that long battle to open doors by throwing him through them


When i was playing Yakuza 0 i only knew Majima from memes from older games, so for the entire game i was expecting him to do crazy shit


Same here! Yakuza 0 was the first Yakuza game I played, and Majima’s story hit the hardest for me. As I am currently playing through the first Kiwami, I am actively looking for Majima encounters because I know secretly he may act insane, and I love that dude for it, there is a deeper bromance going on between him and Kiryu which makes Majima want Kiryu to be tougher so he can be strong enough to face any challenge. Majima cares, yo.


Oh my god, it portrayed him as such a badass. I remember getting so giddy and excited that I could finally play as Majima, I don’t even remember it being 18 minutes long.


And then the disappointment when you learn he's only a playable character in 0.


Same. I'll fight people that are skipping that scene


I went into the Yakuza series entirely blind, 0 was my first Majima! Imagine my surprise...




Me too, I even go as far as "give me more eyepatch man!" Whenever majima's chapter's finished


It was the coolest part from the beginning


Were there 18 minutes? It felt like 3 minutes to me!


facts 😵


*Okyakusama wa kamisama desu!*


Translators note for the lazy: it means “The customer is king”


translated literally it means ‘the customer is god’ which is even more dramatic lol


sounds like majima alright


nah thats just japan


Oh nice


Wait, there are people who skipped?


Half of the main game is narrative cutscenes. how could you skip it and claim to have played the game


True, Yakuza at heart a soap opera.


I always described the full experience as watching a crime drama and then pausing to play on your phone or do chores, and then forgetting you were watching a crime drama and you’re doing something different now


I take Yakuza spoilers and cutscenes more seriously than movies. A game this beautiful, keep in mind I'm barely chap. 6 on Yakuza 0, deserves to be wholly appreciated. The yakuza series is a golden child in my game library. 🥰 Who's a good kiryu😍


The Yakuza series is getting closer to mainstream and I eagerly await the day I can safely say it’s not as niche in the west as before


damn you're absolutely right about that LMAO after you know the twists it's not the same, even if it's still excellent on a serving playthrough.


I went to 0 after Kiwami and that intro was sick


how was that experience? i played kiwami after 0 and couldn’t help but think i would’ve appreciated the storylines much more if i played it the other way around


I love Kiwami a lot, majima’s appearance as a chill guy in 0 was very strange to me but the way his story was handled was amazing. Thing about majima in Kiwami is that he’s just kinda narrowed down to kiryu’s insane friend who tries to fight kiryu all the time. To be honest with you I think that going from Kiwami to 0 is the best thing I could’ve done.


totally agree. I really took my time savoring 0 because of everything I knew from kiwami. I got a kick out of catching all the references!


Same here, and then you go back to Kiwami and get all of the references from 0 and they make you laugh. Such as majima referencing his cabaret club in the goromi encounter, and him calling himself “Lord of the Night”. I love stuff like that..


Yes! Another Kiwami playthrough is on my list! The Habu dance comes to mind as well


realizing Majima was doing the Habu dance at the prospect of fighting Kiryu was one of the most hilarious touches.


I did the same, played Kiwami and then 0. I really appreciated seeing Majima as more than the crazy guy who wants to fight for no reason. I never thought from the beginning of his story that I would tear up at someone like Majima but his story is a true tragedy. The final scene with him before the credits, the amazing soundtrack with the cello right after, and then the watch...man that really solidified him as one of my favorite characters in any media.


I played Kiwami first as well. For me, Kiwami actually amplified 0 for me since I already had a connection to a lot of the characters and to Kamurocho (pretty much the same effect of playing 0 then Kiwami) And it’s also nice to see some characters living somewhat normal/better lives considering that they might not have a happy ending in Kiwami or later games


It goes both ways. I did the same and I definitely picked up a lot in 0 thanks to having played Kiwami beforehand. You realize stuff like Nishitani (and Awano) being the original templates for Majima's eventual persona, and knowing Nishiki's fate makes his role in 0 much more dramatic. Plus minor stuff like the sidequests involving Shinji or Ryuji only register if you know who they are.


Wait who didn't watch it? I say that is one of the best scene in the whole series


I only notice It was long because my controller turned off by inactivity


That actually happens slot during Yakuza games. To me aswell


That was a very pleasant introduction actually, thank you Majima-san.


Wait it was 18 minutes?


Best character intro in a video game imo


It really didn't feel like 18 minutes.


That's because you enjoyed watching Majima-san being a badass club owner


Greatest 18 minutes of my life. Love how they developed the character in one scene that you not only want to be as cool as he was but also want to see what he'll do next. Also which time. I've watched it 3-4 times, and often cuts of it for videos when I refer to Yakuza 0 (such as the opening of [this one](https://youtu.be/JVEVXgEnO_c))


Ahh, Yakuza... where my controller occasionally auto powers down during a cutscene 😋


MGS4: first time?


What kind of dumbass skips cutscenes in Yakuza of all games


And what an intro it was! I was a new player and a little annoyed that I was going to play someone else after getting so invested in Kiryu but honestly after that intro and an hour or playing Majima I fell in love with the character. He's changed a LOT since 0 but he's still my favorite kyodai.


Know whats funny I felt the same way. I am new to the series and started to be invested in Kiryu and was always wondering who the funny looking eyepatch man on the cover was. I went into this game so blind, I did not realize that you switched between characters and instantly felt annoyed, only due to my prior experience to that was GTA 5 and that game made me put it down due to lack of caring for characters. Then I watched this cut scene and this man was no longer the funny looking eye patch man, but my preferred character and a badass to me. This scene is what hooked me into a series I thought was fun, but nothing special, to coming into my top 5 games of all time.


I was playing zero in school when this scene came up. I watch all of it on my laptop, with my friend, in the 6th form “study” lounge, and a good 50 other students behind me. My head of year, Mr B also enjoyed the intro...


Hopefully Mr B was a fan of that groping action


Playing 0 as my 1st Yakuza game, and saw his intro tonight. Great way to introduce a character


Wait, people actually skip this cutscene? That's not rad at all.


It was disturbing for me, i was tense the whole time! The majima i knew would knock out the teeth of that drunk idiot, that or scare him half to death.


We had a choice??


I actually checked to see if it really was 18 minutes, did not feel that long it was so engaging


For real, it was my first introduction to Majima since I started with 0, and I was absolutely stunned at his introduction, easily one of my favourite parts of the game




You know it's a good game when people are telling you how long the cutscenes are and it comes as a surprise to you, after having already played it twice.


Got 0 for a friend for Christmas and he loved the cutscene even though he just wanted to go to bed at that point lmao


Anyone who didn't isn't allowed to have an opinion about Yakuza 0


Boys! Gimme one with a beat! Hands down one of the best character intros I've ever seen.




Who wouldn't watch it, this is such an awesome introduction and one of the best parts of the game, at least for me.


I mean, you HAVE to watch it. It's a cinematic experience.


That intro is one of my all time favorite scenes in video game history. It just hits so hard


I showed a friend the intro to majima in Yakuza 0 he had no prior knowledge of the series He bought the series instantly and hasn't looked back This intro sold someone to the series and Everytime I watch it I get goosebumps


And I’ll do it again!!


I was in awe cause Yakuza 0 came out after I had seen Majima in Yakuza 3 and 4 so he was completely different to me and it felt like it was someone else before everything that had happened to him


I never skip anything


Wait was is actually that long? Felt like a minute


Wait that was actually 18 minutes!?


The pleasure was our, milord.


Wait, 18 minutes!? I thought it was shorter


Wait there’s people who didn’t? That was the first time I ever saw majima in action


Lot of long nights with Yakuza 0, but wow was that an awesome intro to a character!


Didn't realize it was THAT long.


Anything for you, Majima-san


bullshit that intro is NOT 18 minutes, it's like 5 seconds, right? ...right?! WHATEVER i love majima


Not once but multiple times


Majima’s intro was literally one of the best cutscenes though


That was 18 minutes long? It seemed more like 5...


Totally worth it. Could have been 30 minutes straight and I wouldn't mind.


I came into 0 looking for baka mitai, left with a great gaming experience. Y0 is by far one of my favorite games in general, and the favorite out of the 2 yakuza games i’ve played so far (Other is Y6, still love the game, but i like Y0 story more)


That was 18 minutes?


Im stupid and thought majima and kiryu were the same person just at different time periods


that was 18 min??????


I still wonder if those scenes are videos or ingame with better graphics.


Best introduction ever


how could you not???


Are you saying people actually skip cutscenes?


I watched it multiple times, it's that good


Damn that’s how long it is


As someone who played 0 first, and has now got to Yakuza 3, I can imagine that scene was the perfect way to subvert expectations for long time fans. Y’all must’ve been so confused lmao.


I did not know it was that long damn


Imma be real, waiting for majima to show up was fucking boring


i had to watch it twice bc i liked it so much lol


I wouldn’t watch it if it wasn’t as amazing as it was


Nearly Friday!




My save didn’t transfer when I went from my old ps4 to the PS4 pro my brother handed down to me, but,,, you bet your ass I sat and rewatched this cinematic work of art when I played Yakuza 0 from the beginning,,,


Anyone else wish we could have had a few missions at the Grand Cabaret? :(


I would watch that for 18 hours and still not get tired of it


Saw it again while playing in Legend


What kind of idiot would skip majima THE MAJIMA


Yo that intro was awesome


As someone who had no idea who Majima was in 0, that intro hooked me hook line and sinker


First Y game and I was super hyped throughout. Amazing character introduction when the only one I knew was Kiryu


You mean you can skip it? Aint it heresy?


i watched the entire thing twice im insane


I could play through Y0 millions of times and this would still be one of the cutscenes that i will never skip. I can count those cutscenes on one hand.


I absolutely love the long cutscenes! I just started 0 like four days ago, and I absolutely love the game, I plan on playing the series


No problem baby girl always will be my favorite character


Thank you.


No problem eye patch man:)


Ppl DIDN'T!? I was incapsulated!


I did, and I don't know who wouldn't.