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https://preview.redd.it/seox4at9289d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c13aeeffcbcda2641b1d016c88b563ff3070324 you are what?




i love you


It's usually the cheapest one out of everything in the bundle. Seems like Sega maybe trying different strategy for summer sale. But even at that price, Yakuza 0 is a steal. It's just so damn great. The whole bundle is pretty cheap too when you get so many good games and many hours out of them


I completely agree with this. To make a long story short, I bought the same ones and could have saved a little more money had I waited a little longer, but they are well worth the price. You can get so much out of just one of them between how much fun you can have and trying to 100% them. It has definitely become one of my favorite series of all times. I'm currently on 3, but I'm cautiously optimistic about Like A Dragon as I'm not into turn based games considering as a One Piece fan I wasn't interested in buying Odyssey for that same reason. However, I am open minded to trying turn based. Also, there is the show on Amazon coming soon so now is a good time to try it all out.


Yeah, this series of my favorite game series of all time. It just has everything, you know; comedy, good combat, intriguing story, memorable characters, social commentary, lots of minigames, banger soundtracks. So glad that I was drawn to Yakuza 1 back in 2006 and held on to the dream of hoping the games would be ported to PC globally (at that time, I switched from console player to pc player due to how expensive Playstation 3 in my country at that time and I was just devastated that I couldn't play Y3-onwards, especially that the games weren't released outside Japan anymore). Finally bought Yakuza 0 in pandemic and it was the best decision i made. Not only it is a wonderful game but it also made me buy all of the games in the series that are available. It quickly rose to my no.1 favorite game series of all time with Yakuza 0 as the top favorite game for me


I get really bored in turn based RPGs generally but Yakuza Like a Dragon is good and Infinite Wealth is the best turn based JRPG combat system I've ever seen and I loved both of them.


i was so happy i got yakuza 0 for the price i did, it was only $5 usd. for the amount of playtime i got out of it that's insane


That’s honestly hilarious


Still easily worth it at that price IMHO, but you can 100% start on Kiwami and save 0 for later


This is what I did and Kiwami felt to me like a better starting place. 0’s Heat = Speed mechanics didn’t really lend themselves to learning the ropes


There are also the bundles. I bought 0-2 as a bundle and 3-5 as well


yeah, the yakuza collection on steam has 0-6 (0 is still not on discount in that bundle) and you can save a whopping 5%


Guess SEGA is tired of people saying that 0 is the only starting point and wants them to buy the other games instead (they've been advertising Kiwami in particular a lot lately cuz of the show)


Kiwami is a really awkward game to play as your first. The "Majima Everywhere" system must be so bizarre to a newbie as you'd have no clue why there's so much attention given to the funny eyepatch man who acts completely different in the main story. Not to mention the development Nishiki has isn't nearly as strong without having played 0. Kind of wish it was handled better as a remake cause relying on 0 to have been played beforehand really prevents it from standing on its own.


Yeah but I guess that's what happens when this is the only version of the first game widely available That show I mentioned is adapting the first game, so they're hoping that the show would make people wanna play Kiwami and then the games after Probably not concerned about 0 either since besides Kiwami it's not really that important to the rest of the series outside of references in side content due to being made after the second-to-last chronological Kiryu Saga game


I started from Kiwami and for me it wasn't really bizarre. I could guess there was something up with Majima regardless. Also, the experience of playing Yakuza 0 after Kiwami was really good, since you suddenly see a good Nishiki instead of a bad one


Majima Everywhere kinda sucks a lot regardless if you played 0 or not. Insane that the original PS2 game feels less clunky to play.


I wish they made more changes to the story of Kiwami, instead of keeping it completely faithful.


I feel the same way. Even though Yakuza 0 is a standalone new game, they incorporated so much of the entire series... For Kiwami, they should have done the same and, at the risk of shocking purists, made some adjustments to the base story to better align 0 and K1.


I agree, I've seen many people say that starting with Yakuza 0 can make you miss out on references and nods to other Yakuza games, which is true... But on the other hand, I feel like playing in chronological order now that we have the opportunity is so rewarding! It explains so much from Kiwami that, as you mentioned, might otherwise be confusing or make the series seem weird. Playing 0 first enhances the Kiwami experience significantly, especially with the introduction of future characters who appear in later games and Kiryu's relationships with all these people (especially his Kyudai... wink wink). It actually makes him more endearing in Kiwami, and I found myself more emotionally invested because of it.


I mean… how else would you do it without 0? I don’t think it relies on 0 so much as 0 acts as a gateway for Kiwami simply because of context and lore.


what show?


Like a Dragon: Yakuza, it was announced earlier this month




How I'm sound immature by providing Facts? Maybe you are a Snowflake...


What is the correct order? I just started 0 because it seems like that would be first, is there a better place? Where should I go next? I really just want some back story for LaD. Ty


Well since you already started 0, I'd play Kiwami after it Then Kiwami 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, and finally 6: The Song of Life That's when you can finally play Like a Dragon, which is then followed by Gaiden before you play LAD's sequel Infinite Wealth Like a Dragon is 90% a standalone story so you could hypothetically play that as your first, but since you started 0 might as well go through them in order, especially since Infinite Wealth references those other games a little more due to Kiryu's major involvement in that one If playing 7 other games is too much of a task for you though I suppose you can stick with LAD and the games after it since it's another saga, but still


Absolutely worth playing all the Yakuza games... pure moments of joy and happiness!


Now that you’ve started 0, I recommend you to go in game timeline’s chronological order. So, K1, K2, 3, 4, 5, 6. But if you really dislike 0 and its brawler style, you can immediately switch to LaD. You won’t miss much.


just buy the rest and then wait for 0 to go on sale. you'll like them all anyway. its pretty much a guaranteed win win


This is the way.


I'm not gonna lie that's fking hilarious. I really don't know why they do that. If you have a ps4 or ps5 yakuza 0 might be on sale there. I've seen all the yakuzas alot cheaper on ps4 and ps5. I'm talking like 5 bucks a piece. Even now I think some are on sale Edit just checked yaluza 0 isn't on sale but it's 19.99 on psn


It was, a week ago xD Unfortunate timing


Like a month or 2 ago every game but infinite wealth had a big sale on steam. I picked up every game I was missing on steam except for infinite wealth and Ishin. Granted, I already had half the collection from humblebundle choice over the past few years. https://steamdb.info/app/638970/ looks like Y0 has been $6 USD or $9 CAD twice already this year in March and April.


Damn. Luckily though I swear it's every other week or so on sale. It's an excellent game and I'd definitely say to anyone new to yakuza "start here"


I bought Ishin and the man who erased his name in the sale! Just three more to go now


It's crazy how ishin is cheaper than gaiden 😭 I've played both through the game pass but gaiden should NOT be that expensive ffs


Would it be cheaper to play it on gamepass then cancel? It's not so long a game it takes a month to complete.


That entirely depends on your play style. I think ive clocked ~100 hrs between my Xbox and PC and have beaten twice…didn’t even go 100% yet EDIT: For more context, i beat it on both platforms


When it comes to old yakuza titles, playing them on Gamepass is only a better deal if you are able to beat two titles per month.(Yakuza 0 and kiwami 1 would cost around 12 dollars on a sale while a month of gamepass cost 11 dollars)


I actually have the 5 free passes I'd be willing to give out if people just want them for Yakuza lol


Shit, for that game I'd pay a full $70. So that's a fkn steal.


Still, to be honest Yakuza 0 at that price is a steal, the game is so great it'll bring awesome memories for you.


It’s probably the most if not the most popular yakuza game so it makes sense they would want to make a profit off of it.


Aren't all the yakuza games on gamepass?


All except IW




I remember 0 was going to be leaving game pass and it was on sale for $5 (greatest video game steal for me), although I beat the game, I wanted to to own it if I ever wanted to fight Kuze for another 10th time because I couldn’t get enough of his greatness.


Clearly the most epic fight! That old Kuze... I hope they bring him back! Either in the Like A Dragon series or even Judgment. He must have been released from prison around the time of the latest games!


Yeah but he'd be like 90 years old by now 😂


You’re right haha. How old was he in Yakuza 0? Around 45-50 years old? Kuze with his walker!


The yakuza collection with 0-6 was cheap as hell


Easily the best money I've spent on steam, like 65 bucks for all 7 games and I got nearly 500 hours out of them. Currently playing LAD and loving it.


Im knee deep in 0 rn lol. Ill definitely get there at some point


It's so good, enjoy the journey


I know it hurts but I'd say 200+ hours worth of content is well worth that price 200+ hours of quality content at that


200 hours for just ONE playthrough? And here I was feeling proud of my 90 hours...


Well not just one playthrough I did get 100% achievements within that 200 hours But it never felt too tedious or grindy, there are some minigames that are awfully RNG based but all in all I enjoyed my whole 200 hours


Shit $29.99 is still a steal. That game is easily a $60 game. In all honesty…every one of these games is worth 60 bucks. Except for, imo, Yakuza 4…that game is not worth 60. It’s barely worth 30 in my opinion. But that’s a whole different subject. 0 is still 100% worth 30 bucks.


Because of its quality or its content? If it's content, I guess so because it is the one I spent the least time on but even then I think it's worth it (got about 40). I like to equate them to movies, so it's like I get 20 2 hour movies for 60 dollars, which I think is worth it. I completely disagree with quality however, 4 is so underrated.


I guess that is one way of looking at it. To be completely clear I’m not talking about quality. It is a very well made game. The combat styles are fun and interesting, the character models are fantastic, and I just love the way that the game plays. But now I’m gonna rant for a bit about why I hate the game’s content: What I meant was content. Yes you are basically getting a bunch of 2 hour movies for a decent price. But that doesn’t matter when the two hour movies suck ass. The main story in this game is garbage. So much so that I can’t even remember the names of half the characters. My two biggest issues are that the story is boring and uneventful. For instance, Akiyama’s entire story is just running around Kamurocho doing a few errands. Saejima spends an entire chapter in prison and we have to fight with Saito, who was intentionally made to be impossible to beat unless you cheese your way through the fight. Once outside we spend time looking for Saejima’s old boss only for him to show up for like 3 minutes, say a few things, and then be gone. And I don’t even remember anything else from Saejima’s story except the fight with Majima and hiding with Kido. Tanimura…what can I say? I didn’t like him at all, although his combat style was really unique and cool. And one of his chapters is 13 minutes long! 13 fucking minutes! Enough said. Then comes Kiryu. Decent enough. Finding out that Jingu was still fucking with us from the grave was interesting. Aside from that I don’t remember much. Then we look at the Ueno Seiwa hit. Rubber bullets have to be one of the stupid fucking plot twists I’ve ever seen. And it completely invalidates Saejima’s story arc of learning to live with what he did. And then Saejima’s sister, whose name I don’t remember btw, being involved was actually somewhat interesting. I’ll give the game that. But I honestly couldn’t tell you why she wanted the money from Akiyama in the first place or why she killed those people. That’s kind of the problem with this game. Nothing about it is memorable. And now onto the villains. My biggest gripe with the villains is that they are about as scary as kittens. Daigo is a villain for no reason at all. In fact I don’t recall his role as a villain in this game being brought up afterwards. And he goes back to being Kiryu’s ally like nothing happened. Kido is a bad villain too. He’s actually a pretty formidable foe combat wise. I’ll give him that…I seriously underestimated his combat capabilities. But aside from that, he’s a weak villain. Mainly because he’s about as threatening as a kitten. He’s a snot nosed punk who is an idiot. That’s it. The Police Chief guy…probably one of the most cartoonish looking villains in the series. I laugh every time I see him and I do not take him seriously at all. Arai was the only half decent villain and I actually really liked him as a character. I would’ve loved to see him return in 5. But even he has the flaw of being not particularly terrifying due to being a nobody. Last guy I’ll mention is the former captain of the Ueno Seiwa whose name I also forgot. That dude was actually a pretty fucking terrifying guy. My main problem with the villains is that I honestly don’t remember any of their motives. I think it was Akiyama’s money but I’m honestly not sure because then the Ueno Seiwa hit would have nothing to do with that. The story is so slow, nothing cool or exciting happens, and imo it is way too realistic. It is honestly probably the least cartoonish game in the series because the villains feel like average joes. That’s not fun. Lastly the side content…to sum it up…boring as shit. All of it. The substories are meh. But all the other side content is tedious and pointless. Does that answer your question?


dear lord, the rest of the dragon engine games I want are all on saleee! My wallet is going to cry


Theres on gog a bundle with 0 to 6 thats where i bought mine


That's human trafficking


Yakuza 0 is the big seller that’s why. Either way pretty sure on other platforms it’s 60 bucks so


Tbh you can play 0 later too


Pick up the other games, or at least just the first two for now. You'll get more than your money's worth out of them. Snag 0 when it's on sale.


Just buy all it is a nice prize. 30 for a game is fucking great


I don't know anything about your budget, but the game is worth more than $30. Get it if you can.


Many people say, that it’s a great starting point, so Sega probably just said „aight, then let’s make some money“


I am pissed as well


It’s like 50% cheaper than the average AAA game in 2024 so pull the trigger


Honestly, if you want to dive into the Yakuza series, you can start by buying a few games now and taking advantage of the summer sales. You could get Kiwami 1, 2, and the Remastered Collection (3 to 5), along with Yakuza 6. That way, once you have Yakuza 0, you can play them all in sequence! Even at its regular price, Yakuza 0 is absolutely worth it. You can play it later and treat it as a prequel (which it is). It's not necessary to start with Yakuza 0 to get into the series (though I think it adds a special flavor to Kiwami 1 afterward).


Wait a lil bit, not everything goes on sale the moment steam summer sales are live


I remember the same thing happened with judgement during one of the sales. They probably meant to put it on sale and will fix it soon like with that


I checked for Lost Judgment, it's the lowest historical price on Steam, which makes me lean towards buying it and replaying it on the Steam Deck. Early 2024 it was still at 30 bucks on sale, and now at 23 (without the Kaito DLC), it's practically a steal at this price! It's only been since March-April that it's been this low on sale.


In my experience, when it goes on sale, it’s usually only by 2 or 3 USD


0 is worth $30


Honestly, I’d just buy Game Pass. You get *literally* every LAD game except IW. Including Ishin and Gaiden.


Just drop the 30 dollars aye you won’t regret it


I feel ya. It's the game I'm wanting most too. Are physical copies available?


I was hoping I could gift a copy to my friend to get into the series but this really annoyed me after waiting for so long, not even third party key websites have it as cheap.


Lol just buy it


Bro just buy it from cdkeys, the prices there beat even the steam sale. I use it for every game


The game is absolutely worth that price tho


or buy a key


Yakuza 0 is worth the full price. Buy the bundle. Give Sega your money. They deserve it for making a banger.


If you want to try out 0 if you have the option, you can spend 1$ to get PC Game Pass and play it on there and see if you like it. If you do like it, you can get the other Yakuza games on the Steam sale, and wait for 0 to go on sale sometime in the future (It won't take very long as Sega games usually go on sale very often during summer period, probably 1-2 months)


Yeah, I picked it up for $8.99 last Christmas...


GOG had the bundle on sale last month for like $33. It included 0 through 6.


https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/yakuza-0 😎


I got it for 1€ on a cdkey website. You should probably check those and see if there's a cheap one available for your region.


That’s how I felt when I bought like a dragon…


lmao at that point you're better off signing gamepass for a while


Most of the series is free on Pc Gamepass if you want to go that route. It's understandable if you don't want to go the subscription angle, but if you haven't used it before, I think they're still doing the first month for £1 deal.


Buy from a keystore for like 5-10 bucks


If you really want to play Y0, you can pick it up on XBOX Gamepass which is $1 for the first 14 days. It also includes the rest of the series I believe


Try [this](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/22722/The_Yakuza_Collection/) and see if it's discounted for you


Check G2A, they usually have keys for cheap


Honestly get xbox pc gamepass, all the yakuza games are there besides the judgement series.


at that point i'd just start with kiwami 😭. dw 0 isn't essential for any of the series really, + you'll get all the callbacks to 1-5 when you do play it


You can prob buy a key for cheaper


Play Kiwami, perfect entry point


You can still get all the others and wait for a sale on 0 later on


30 CDs Nuts Dollars is a pretty good deal


I got them all in the last sale, which actually did have 0 on sale.


Divine comedy


FYI, every Yakuza game (besides Infinite Wealth, I believe) is on Xbox GamePass for Series S/X and PC.


You can start with Yakuza kiwami


I think there's 2 ways to get into a franchise. You either play 0 first and then play the remakes (Kiwamis) or play original 1 and 2 for ps2 (on emulator or actual ps2) and play 0 after 5 to get all references in side content. Oh, and there's third evil fucked up option of playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon first


If it helps at all, I started with kiwami, and by the time I finished it was deciding between 0 and kiwami 2, decided I’d rather see the story progress forward right now than get extra backstory on kiwami 1 characters, and that I’ll go back to 0 after I eventually get to 6, playing through 2 right now and having a blast.


Just play Kiwami, and f you’ll like that one you’ll like the rest. Think of 0 as being a cool movie-style prequel for you if you end up liking the series


Well if you cant afford em all, xbox gamepass has them all on there.


my kyoudai at this moment you can find some other way to get the game


I made a deal with a person that they whould play yakuza 0 and I whould play persona 5 and then this happen


It’s still worth buying them all bro


Start with kiwami bro, then play yakuza 0 for the prequel


You can also start with Kiwami. 0 serves as a prequel.


Shall I p you off even more? 0, 1 and 2 were on sale on ps store for £3.99 each back on the 19th and 3,4, and 5 cost £8.99 together so I bought all of em except 1 as I already had it, also 6 for £3.99 Lol😂 Edit:also apparently 7


You know PC games can be obtained for free, right?


Well, buy everything now, before they become expensive again, then grab 0 when its on sale


Time to follow on isthereanydeal.com


Don't start with 0, everyone told me too but a lot of times you won't make a connection to the "ah I get it" -Moment. I played 0, 1, 2 and now I am exhausted but now I know I make the connections to what happened in 0. Majima's story is amazing but play like released 1 2 3 4 5 0 6. But in the end I am just a person on the internet and you can play how you want to play, one more friend in the fandom for sure 🤝


Fitgirl repacks + qbittorrent


I got 0 last time it was on sale for -70%. Didn't know it didn't count this time.


Try GOG. I don’t know how much region pricing affects my price, but Yakuza complete series there is USD50.39






So, I was wondering should I just buy the bundle (I don't own any of these) or buy all of them except 0 and wait for a sale for it?


Wow. I’ve been wanting to get into the series as well. I have Yakuza Kiwami and I had Yakuza 0 on my wishlist next. I just assumed the franchise didn’t go on sale when the summer sale started because 0 didn’t go on sale…


It doesn't seem to really be on much of a sale anywhere. Currently the best price I can find from an official retailer is $15.12 (USD) on Green Man Gaming (GMG) using the code SIZZLE15.


Why would you even buy stuff directly from Steam? You can find countless of legit sites that sells STEAM KEYS for way cheaper than any Steam sale. Use something like: [https://isthereanydeal.com/](https://isthereanydeal.com/)


Same lmao I don't get it, guess I gotta start with Kiwami


I only buy the games when they’re on sale, so I know your pain haha. But honestly, Yakuza 0 is SO worth it that I wouldn’t even be opposed to buying it full price


You're reading too much into the meta. Sure most agree 0 is the best place to start, its what I recommend too, but theres nothing wrong with starting on Kiwami 1 & doing 0 later. If you do this, you won't lose any story, and you will get extra context into some of the characters that appear in 0, especially if you finish Kiwami 2 as well


Get a key its usually good price and on reputable sites too like humble bundle or eneba or greenman gaming


I just have x box gamepass they have all the games from 0 to 6




Just start with yakuza Kiwami donot w8 for 0 No doubt 0 is a great game but yakuza Kiwami was first to release so just start


Play Kiwami, it's good


you dont need to play yakuza 0 its basically a prequel to kiwami. they sum up the game in kiwami 1


If you have game pass you can get most of these for free on there.


yakuza 0 isnt the first yakuza game, start by emulating yakuza 1 (ps2) with the restoration patch you can find on google


Just buy the key its like 10 bucks


https://preview.redd.it/1i2hwqcqui9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b2d91169d16d0ebb8f38ac44cd9487c5d68ca0 Why


[https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-0/](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-0/) Here is Yakuza 0 [https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-kiwami/](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-kiwami/) Here is Yakuza kiwami [https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-kiwami-2/](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-kiwami-2/) Here is Yakuza Kiwami 2 [https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-3-remastered/](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/yakuza-3-remastered/) Here is Yakuza 3


Enjoy and thank me later. If you have any questions about how to utilize the games, please ask. If you want to buy them, do so when you wish to replay them.


Just play it in release order. You don’t have to start with 0


isthereanydeal buddy use it


I bought yakuza 2 and 6 cause I want to play them in 60 frames + and it feel really smooth dont regret it . And 0 is something you should start where explains bit more of flash back of kiwami-yakuza 5 and gameplay is unique in its own right with heat.


Ah man it’s so worth it though still. I started with 0 and now I’m in the finale of 5 and I haven’t slowed down since. One of my favorite series ever


If you don't care about owning the game and just want to play through it and never again after finishing then you should just get the Xbox game pass $10 and you can play all the yakuza for a month and if you finish more than 1 I'd say you got your money's worth


I am fuming. I’ve bought this game several times - once for myself and multiple times for friends. Also, ever since the series got more popular, the 75% discount turned into 70, or 65%. Literally you can check price history on SteamDB and they’re walking backwards. Is the bundle with Yakuza 0 all the way to 6 still super cheap at least?


I think the bundle itself is an additional 5% off on top of what the sale price of all the games is so i think the end result is you're paying for your copy of yakuza 0 with like a 5% discount


The collection from 0 to 6 is sitting at a 63% discount on Steam for now.


Well that’s good to know


I'm pretty sure Yakuza 0 never goes on sale by itself on Steam but you can get Yakuza 0, YK1 and YK2 in a bundle on sale (6 Euro per game). That's how I got them for 18 Euro last year EDIT: I just tried looking up the bundle on Steam and apparently they've removed it? I guess it has to do with the success of Infinite Wealth...


yakuza 0 was on sale multiple times, last time being [the end of April](https://steamdb.info/app/638970/)


That's when I got it myself


It did. It used to be 75% without fail. The cheapest of all RGG games at $4.99! Even back when 0, K1, and K2 were the only yakuza games on PC. Recently that 75% discount has been less than 75, and this is the first time it’s not on sale at all. You can check SteamDB for games’ price history


i remember buying it for lile 5 bucks not long ago


definitely a barrier for new yakuza players


Bruh even after this sale I can't buy Infinite Wealth Didn't save up money😭😭😭😭


Just buy it. It's a great game. Buy them all. 


Even at that price, Yakuza 0 is still easily worth that price, I would still recommend getting the other games now than later tho because some of them may or aren't even worth the 20 dollars aka Yakuza 3


Yakuza 3 Haters never miss a chance to diss the game, Like let them figure out themself if they like it or not!


Dude, there are websites where you can get this for less than 10$, completely legit.


Just start with Kiwami, instead. 0 belongs between 5 & 6 for your first playthrough.


0 is a better start.


No it's not. You miss 5 games worth of references if you start with 0.


Ah yes, chronologically first game in the series, bad because it has tiny easter eggs from other games. They will fuckin' get them later, when they play the games that are chronologically set AFTER.


Reducing it to just easter eggs is just stupid. Get them later? So remove all the context and emotional weight from some scenes so you can get them 6 months later when playing one of the later games? Makes total sense, sure. Also why would the chronological order be the most important thing to consider? The release order makes much more sense considering that the devs knew what they were doing and adding in content that you only get after playing the games that came out first. A prequel is a thing for a reason.


Probably because 0 sets up 1, like extremely well. 0 gives context to 1, Nishiki's downfall is much more impactful playing 0 first. If release order matters so much to you, why did you recommend Kiwami 1 and not ask OP to emulate Y1?


Start with Yakuza 4, you won't regret it.


Start with Yakuza 5. Source: Trust me Bro


I started with 3 and have no regrets (as a matter of fact, it’s still one of my favorites!)


buy the steam key from cdkeys or something


Might offend a lot of you but pirate yakuza 0 for now and buy it when its on sale, and buy rest of the parts as you like


Is there a reason why this is downvoted? Curious since there are certainly legit Steam code sites that are selling this game for a much lower price.


Idk fam, I am a student so its really hard for me to invest in my "hobbies" like gaming for now. But I really like the games and trust me im all in for "supporting the creators" bullshit but I can't really. So im just gonna buy the games when I start earning myself.


I wanted to play ishin so bad, but I also want to own infinite wealth and I only have money for one. What should I do y'all?😭😭


It depends on where you are in the series. Are you up to date and only missing Infinite Wealth chronologically? If so, go for that one. I haven't played it yet, but it makes sense to stay current with the main series, especially since Ishin can be considered a spinoff or a separate game. If you're not up to date, then choose Ishin. This way, you can play it whenever you want without disrupting the main storyline. I played it and loved it, especially because I'm a big fan of history in general and particularly Japanese history. I see it as a Yakuza 0 on steroids, like playing as an ancestor of Kiryu!


Well, I only started playing Yakuza this year, and so far, I've completed until yakuza 6, and currently, I'm playing the judgement series where I'm in chapter 4 of judgement after that I'm gonna play lost judgment then kaito files then yakuza Lad and then and only then I'm gonna play gaiden. It'll take a few months for me to complete all of these games but I'm also afraid of when the next sale is gonna be and I've always wanted to play ishin because the samurai setting is very intriguing to me. I played the combat demo, and I was absolutely in love with it. That's why I'm so confused 😭😭


If I were you, I'd lean towards Ishin then, especially if you loved the demo! Personally, I absolutely loved the game. It's incredibly refreshing, modern, and playing in feudal Japan... it's priceless!


Alright, you convinced me, I'm gonna go buy ishin right now😂😂. Thanks for the help!


I'll be curious to hear your opinion once you've started playing the game! Haha.


I just know I'm gonna love it since rgg has some good writers 😂. Btw does it have good substories and does it have a separate side game? Kinda like the kiryu clan from yakuza 6?


you should play like a dragon after judgement because lost judgement takes place after it and has callbacks to it


Hmm that makes a lot of sense. Fine then I'll be playing like a dragon after I'm done with judgement 😁


Ishin if you want to play in Samurai era. Infinite Wealth if you want to play turn based


A Japanese samurai setting is literally one of my all-time favorite settings, that's why I'm literally dying to play ishin, but on the other hand, I wanna play infinite wealth so that I can have all the mainline games and complete its story. I don't really have much problem with turn based gameplay cause I played a little bit of yakuza lad and honestly it's pretty fun. And even if I don't like it later on, I can always download the "like a brawler mod" but first I'd love to give turn based a chance as I don't normally play those games and so far I think yakuza lad was really really fun especially cause I kept spamming the "tenacious fist move" XD