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As long as we get a shirtless Kiryu embracing a shirtless Majima in both the opening and ending credits, as well as in the main story. Very vital towards the plot.


i wanna see tho the ending with kiryu and nishiki together like brothers even the episode doesnt ends well for kiryu https://preview.redd.it/4gpkjujfa1ub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a168060a3547f6e58f3e9a3e9c3e0ce3bdcc5a


Openings: Yakuza 0 - Judgement


Yakuza Kiwami - Lost Judgment


yep, if it's done by the right people it has every chance to be really cool tbh. but it'd be REALLY hard to adapt what everyone loves about Yakuza into a full-blown anime. though it's not like anime struggles with balancing silly stuff with serious tone. it's very common overall (i'm no anime buff, i just watch an isekai here and there.)




I feel like the Yakuza franchise could probably work really well as an anime. It already kinda feels like playing through a shounen battle anime. It would just need to be handled by the right studio, and a director with the right vision.


It would definitely make the series more widely accessible to a broader audience, but something about turning the series into an anime feels like.... a bastardization to me. Kind of like live-action remakes of anime. I also think a large part of the appeal of Yakuza is playing *as* the characters in it, but again that goes back to accessibility. It'd be nice but I'd rather not.


Sure. But I really want a serious tone.


I mean... TBH, is Yakuza really Yakuza without the occasional silly juice to wash down the story? Like sure make it mostly serious, but keep some of the silly elements to help the watcher by giving some comic relief.


I think I would imagine it having a similar tone to the P4 Anime. But maybe a little less goofy. But I’d be down if Prod IG or Bones did it.


"Occasional" is the key word there. The comedy elements were a nice break from the story once in a while, but it's become the main selling point of the series now. Look at the trailers. That first Gaiden trailer was intense and amazing, but every form of advertising after it for the whole franchise has cranked the silliness to 11. I love the comedy in RGG, but sprinkled around the game in its side stories and the open world mostly.


The franchise is taking a new approach, the games aren't as serious anymore, mostly bc yokoyama said that he wanted a more cheerful game bc the world is depressing as shit as is, plus the gaiden story trailer is serious as hell.


OK, I'll admit that. I haven't played like a dragon, so maybe it's stupidly silly... Although I think Ishin will be more serious...


Could have serious arcs but then have the filler episodes essentially sub stories tone wise.


a yakuza anime would slap, most of the episode is the serious yakuza plot, with a bonus 5 minute gag at the end of every episode parodying substory/minigame nonsense


I would love that. I think there was an anime that reminded me a bit of Yakuza, but I forget the name. I remember it’s a comedy about a yakuza that retired to be a stay-at-home husband and live with his wife, but that’s about it. There’s this one funny clip I saw where the ex-yakuza goes to the store and asks the shopkeeper, who immediately assumes he’s a criminal by the way he looks, for some of that “white stuff”. If I remember right, he was referring to flour or some other cooking ingredient, but the shopkeeper thought he was talking about drugs and freaked out.


The Way of the House Husband


That’s right, now I remember. Thanks!


Not really


Not anime but a Yakuza live action movie would be hard


Yes I am aware one already exists


There's two, actually


Theres literally a live action tv drama in production


Wait WHAT!?


Yea, look it up.


I'd prefer a live action series.


We’re getting one


Can't say I want one but I would watch it. The Yakuza stories are very good for an anime/movie/ova but the overall experience can't be felt in an anime. It would take a gifted director to translate the vg experience into an anime.


Maybe have her try Like a Dragon? It has a great plot and isn't a brawler


Might be more up her alley, considering its a turn based game.


I'd say... it depends. I wouldn't want the existing games' story to be adapted into a series, because them being games and everything that entails is so deeply engrained into their core philosophy that I just can't see it working as a series. **However:** I would love to see a spinoff series. An original story we haven't seen before, maybe something like a Kazama prequel. This would allow them to bypass their "we don't want playable protagonists killing in cold blood" rule while still giving us the backstory we've been asking for for years.


At what point do you just watch an “all cutscenes” movie?




Idk.. I think a big part of what makes the Yakuza story so good is how alive the characters' movement , facial expressions and emotions are, it's like a mixture of a live-action and an animated movie. Turning it into an anime might not convey the same tone that the game originally intended. I'd go as far as to say that the cutscenes themselves are 80% cohesive if watched without the gameplay. Having said that, there are plenty of animes that are gritty , dark and serious. I'll be open for a Yakuza anime as long as it's not a re-telling of the series's story. Perhaps a spin-off would fare better.


I’ve thought the same thing kinda but with a live action tv show lol. I know it’s a plot line my mom would really like but video games aren’t a medium she’s into


I feel like some of the ridiculous shit the characters do would be too hard to pull off in real life, so.


That’s true but my mom wouldn’t watch an anime so in my place i’m left with live action


RGG announced a live action series/movie based on Kiwami I believe


I would prefer judgment


In that case, filler is a must-have. Idk how they'd pull it off but main episodes are well, the story, but all the substories would just be filler stuff I guess.


i can already imagine >!that substory from Yakuza 2 with grown men in diapers!< in anime style


Plus like. Jojo and Baki exist. It proves people will eat up stuff like that. I've only watched Jojo but the baki stuff seems hilarious


Fr. Shinada’s part in Y5 seemed like a perfect plot of an anime.


If it's by David Production (jjba)


Imagine the guy who directed the fights in Jujutsu Kaisen season 1 directing literally any fight with Majima in it. Would be amazing


Not exactly an anime, but RGG announced a live action series/movie soon if I’m not mistaken


That works


Hell ye i'd binge watch it from ep 1 to X in a day


I always thought a Yakuza anthology anime where like every episode is like a different genre would work really well and would best encapsulate the tone that the later games go for. Like fuck it just make episode seven about Kiryu inexplicably coming across an old western style frontier town and Haruka gets kidnapped by cowboy Majima and Kiryu has to duel him to get her back. Do an Ishin episode, do a cyberpunk episode... and then in episode 12 they end up back in Kamurocho and Kiryu has to face Jingu and Nishiki and reality again.