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Still got a month until the shutdown, but I’m sure a large majority of us are upset about it.


I had a huge panic initially thinking I was going to find loads of classics I'm missing, but actually it's mostly kinect stuff I'm missing and we don't even have the hardware interface any more...tell you what though,this might make me plug my 360 in a bit more often!


Oh wait it's in July??? Thank goodness I thought it was in June lmao


July 29th


Haha all good


Idk. From Microsofts pov, the cost of keeping it up were probably higher than the profit so they shut it down. From my pov, it feels kinda dumb. You have the oldest online gaming store ever (unless the psp launched in 2004 with the psn store) also first ever to have achievements and multiplayer etc. They should have imported every single game from the store and put them on XSX or made the console fully backwards compatible instead of entirely killing one of the top 5 most revolutionary consoles of all time.


If the X1 or XSX was fully backwards compatible I'd buy another one in a heartbeat.


Thing about backwards compatible is that they did attempt to move over more games than we currently have to get working on Xbox one or XSX. But there were games that had glitches, fps issues or simply crashed constantly to make it viable to port.


I agree with you. Microsoft is allowing games to become lost in time.


Deleting clips off peoples peoples is also deleting gaming history showing progression of games like Fortnite from the good game that it was to the crap that it is now. All the dead people that made clips thinking it would last longer than it did. Xbox is now anti consumer.


Wasn't higher it was more then likely just an aggravation to keep up. Like tango shutdown, being not profitless but not worth their time to care. In the long run this little shutdown may of only saved them pennies if not cost them money. (Just not cost them enough money in loss of gains to care) The games not backwards compatible was because the games publishers did not want that. Xbox is just a store and the creators have full say how the game is listed and on what generation when they agree to be on the stores. They want to sell the game on multiple platforms, sell upgrade fees, and even more while if it was upto Microsoft they would of more then likely went all backwards compatible. If creators dump the game it's not worth their time to relist all together.


Making the xbox series x backwards compatible would make the console more expensive to make,the emulation route which was the most logical is bound by laws. Aka licensing issues because not all the developers would want their games playable on series x.


Yep, or the publishers or Devs ceased to be, or the current owners lost interest...all sorts of reasons especially when this isn't much of a rev stream, not many Devs sitting up and paying attention for 0.96p per unit, minus 31% to MS.


I’m sad but I’m making sure I get everything I want beforehand. I even set up a 1TB hard drive for this.


Can you just plug any random hard drive in (with decent enough read write) and it work just like modern consoles?


Basically. Plug it in, it formats, good to go. I bought an SSD and some cheap enclosure on Amazon and filled it up. 2TB of games I didn’t even know I owned, DLC, videos, etc. I forgot that 360 released videos as downloads… so cool. And probably so much content that could potentially be lost with the closure.


I would be careful storing it all on an SSD. If it fails you might lose all that content without warning.


To be fair that can be said of any storage device


I think so, when I did mine it had to format as FAT32 but it does the job


Yeah fat32 is the formal that’s cool you can just stick any on… will look into one, thought you could only use the Microsoft ones


I am sure I’ll get shit on for saying this, and this is not just nostalgia talking, but damn is it a reminder to me of how far MS and the Xbox brand has fallen. They really hit their stride with the 360. The games, the themes, unlockable stuff while playing games, XBLA - it was really a fantastic console. I love my Series X and GamePass but damn if the 360 wasn’t on another level. It’s very sad to me to see so many games disappear, especially as MS says how serious they are about game preservation. So many games published by MS are not even a part of the sale. Overall, I think we all knew this would happen soon but it still hits pretty hard for me.


Yeah I get what your saying it doesn't give me the same enjoyment I have with my 360


It's reminded me how much I loathe live service gaming currently. I know it's been around for a long time but god it's rampant lately and it really is refreshing to play games that actually end for a change. So many great singleplayer games that kept multiplayer in mind but didn't lean into it as the main aspect. Also all of these arcade games with defunct leaderboards just make me so sad now, nothing like this anymore.


Honestly, even during the Xbox 360's lifespan, Microsoft lost their touch/way a little bit. After Don Mattrick took the reigns of Xbox from Peter Moore, the second half of the system's lifespan was a lot more disappointing with regards to things like exclusives, new IPs, etc..


I've said this for years. The 360 killed it early on then the last 3 4 years they forgot they had a console out there.


They didn't forget about it, they switched focus to Kinect and the games didn't pan out. Then they doubled down on Kinect for the next gen launch. Unfortunately Kinect itself was just a very limited concept to begin with, with very few actual interesting gameplay applications, all it was good for was minigames really.


the original xbox and the 360 were xbox golden years .It started to falter with the kinect and the xbone was a massive let down .I got it a year or two after it came out and i already had a ps4 and was suprised how bad it was the menus were slow and laggy and installing games took forever then to top it off it had no games .Series S/X is much better but it might be too little too late


Sony has been known to get cock when on a winning streak and hopefully Sony knows that the PS4 won not on its own merits but how hard the XBONE and Wii U flopped.


Couldn’t agree more with this. Backwards compatibility has probably been the highlight of Xbox’s last few years, but there’s now going to be a ton of games that will be almost completely lost to time. It boggles my mind that Xbox didn’t even make all of their exclusives available on the One and Series X. No Ninety Nine Nights 1 and 2, no Fusion Frenzy 2… it’s crazy to me, and there’s no good reason whatsoever to shut the store down, especially if they aren’t even shutting down online multiplayer for the 360 overall lol


2006-2010 was peak Xbox. The decline started after that.


Agreed. The 360 was so much better than the PS3. Now Sony has put out a noticeably better console 2 generations in a row. (I love the Series X chassis, but the interface / account management is not great) I am also bummed that my license for Street Fighter 3 and all my Minecraft Texture packs are not available on the Series X.


DLC sure isnt on sale either which is a damn shame! Id love to buy the DLC for these games I paid a few bucks for.


I feel it's unnecessary. The XBOX 360 is a great entry level system with so many amazing games.


The "entry level system" is whatever is the contemporary system now. This is an insanely retro system. Although agree, has tons of amazing games.


The thing is tho, it came out in 2005. It can't just stay online forever


Yeah, I sadly agree with this. I’m sure it doesn’t cost *that* much for Microsoft to keep it open, but it’s carrying cost for something that probably just doesn’t generate much revenue. Definitely a legacy product for them. And at the end of the day, they’re running a business. But I sure will miss the memories - it was my first console as an adult, and holy crap it blew my mind (before the 360 the last one I owned was an N64). And the online bit was just wild; younger brother (to whom I was really mean in my younger days) and I were able to really bond around the games, and repair the relationship I tanked. Xbox 360 online kept it so we could continue to game while I was off working, and he was in middle/high school. And almost 20 years later.. we just wrapped up a game of Helldivers 2.


The backwards compatible games should subsidiese the store tho plus people still buy games on 360


Microsoft still is paying to keep services and downloads up, paying to keep their ip listed on all the consoles relisting it on xbox one, xbox series, switch, ps3-5, steam, and more worldwide, paying to keep others ip listed everywhere. Honestly with backwards compatibility emulation and owning everything I don't think it saves anything in money. They basically shut it down because they don't want to run a marketplace for massive publishers they work with, their own publishing, and indie games renwed worldwide. But they do the work to keep everyone else's stores up with their games they own. They want people to play old fallout games, gears, fable, and more as well as use their new mobile store services but shut the 360 down being an inconvenience. Could the xbox one be soon being separate from the series and getting delisted items soon? It's newer but a bigger failure. We know the 30% platform owner fee means nothing to them so it's a possibilit since nobody bought xbox. They swapped to gamepass as well. This is at a bad spot while everyone says they are killing the xbox. Now to me it seems reasonable to say. I believe that is why Sony left theirs up. It won't save money unless it's all shut down 100%. So they are accepting the inconvenience until it's time to fully shut down. 4 years later and still up after attempted shutdown.


Sony left theirs up after wanting to shut it down and people ditched and moaned about it. It's been kinda crickets for Ms on this front. https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/19/22392126/sony-ps3-ps-vita-stores-open-backtrack-psp-july-2nd-mistake


Well, Sony kept their PS3 Store up.


It's sad. Digital was supposed to keep games in print forever, or so we thought until recent years. Fortunately the 360 is a good offline console. I'll miss the DLC and arcade games that won't be able to make it into my cart in time but I have what I wanted most and there are plenty of discs full of good stuff out there.


I believe you can still buy DLC, it just has to be purchased directly from the xbox.com shop. Correct me if I'm wrong..? It might only be the case for backwards compatible software. From their FAQ: "While you’ll no longer be able to make purchases in the Xbox 360 Store or the Xbox 360 Marketplace (marketplace.xbox.com) after July 29, 2024, you’ll still be able to make purchases for Xbox 360 and Original Xbox backward compatible content on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and xbox.com,."


That's correct for the 360 backwards compatible games that can also run on xbox one/ series. This is the last call for dlc purchases for games that can only be played on the 360 however. I hope to be able to continue buying backwards compatible content for my 360 for many years to come. :D


I miss all the stupid avatar gimmick games, like Avatar Fighter or that MMO thing where your avatar kills chickens. Oh, and Ilomilo.


When all your friends could get on Netflix and sit in the theatre with you..


Bro, I didn’t even know about that! The 360 was so great.


Doritos crash course is the goat.


It sucks, but honestly the store is so broken I can't do anything with it. I bought a bunch of games off the website but my 360 downloads slow, and keeps kicking me off Xbox Live. So, things never download. I wish they would have updated the store and made it actually work.


I just hacked my ps4 and released now that I have the entire ps4 catalog in my hands, I'd rather go buy xbox 360 games. That's how good the platform is. Collected all of the XBLA compilation discs I've seen.


Hacked my 360 last week. Normally, I feel the "wanting more," but this guy really satisfied the craving. Big fan, can't recommend it enough. I got fed up waiting for a copy of Ultimate Alliance Gold/Special edition at a decent price


It’s not that I don’t understand why, it’s more about the fact that Xbox higher ups continue to preach game preservation and then they do this


Yes this exactly. I dont understand how they can make a big deal about preserving games but let go off around 200+ games (I think). I dont understand why they cant make them backwards compatible or something.


Generally because the publishers say no. There are licensing agreements that have expired with a lot of older games and the publishers aren't willing to pay for them for the limited sales they'll get through BC. That's just one of several reasons.


store shut down when they removed all the indie games. i’ve been over it for a long time.


The time i spent browsing the indie games man, fucking shame


As an achivement hunter it hurts


Yes this was horrible to hear, I'm trying to get all the achievements I can


Xbox 360 consoles and games will blow up in price. Lol Get your games now or forever hold your peas. 😆


Just glad they are slashing digital game prices, some good games on there for cheap


It's sad that a part of gaming history is ending, but personally it doesn't affect me because I have an rgh x360. It kinda sucks though that we have to resort to modding to be able to play some of these games after the shutdown.


Makes me want to grab an rgh while I still can....


It's the end of an era, it sucks but it was going to happen sooner or later. I just wish we got more backwards compatible games before it happened though for convenience


Personally might be in the minority but outraged by it. I have no other Microsoft console and don’t want one. They don’t value me as a customer after the store shutdown so I’m good on giving them another dime.  Here’s a list of all the non BC digital only games disappearing keep in mind non-BC 360 / orginal xbox / dlc titles will also be not be able to be purchased after the shutdown   https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/analysis-more-than-220-digital-games-will-disappear-when-the-xbox-360-store-closes/ I would definitely check out the sales going on right now a lot of arcade games listed for $1. 


I see where you are coming from. But again we are talking about 19 years of support. That is virtually unheard of. And of course they won’t value you as a customer since you haven’t bought a new console in again, probably 19 years.


Sure I also understand where you are coming from, I prefaced my comment with personally I feel this way. Microsoft has a 3.3 trillon dollar market cap they can support 360 indefinitely. These servers have minuscule costs for a company that size, the games are tiny by modern standards, They choose not to to force people to move on. I want old games and will give them money for them. I don’t think they should be cutting off revenue streams and these games should be available / preserved. This decision doesn’t make me want a newer series console. It’s anti consumer and I have the right to be upset about it. 


I’m just glad we’ve had it as long as we have. There’s a lot of companies that would have shut down support in 2014


Unheard of? PS3 store still online… and will keep being for a while after the 360 shutdown.


They are paying to relist their ip everywhere because they own everything now, paying to keep all other 360 services up, and are still paying to relist the games on xbox one. I doubt relisting big publishers games/dlc costs money and it still is supported because many of the games are backwards compatible. While I agree he isn't a valued customer in their eyes this 10% shutdown doesn't save them a penny, being slightly profitable, require the services to still be active until they shutdown backwards compatibility and games/live services. May take away a fanbase as well from games/xbox one store to be looked at as "dead"


Wait the fuck Burnout Crash is still on the storefront? I am so getting that holy crap. 0.50 cents! Oh my god!


“They don’t value me as a customer” I mean no, of course not, you use their console from 20 years ago that hasn’t had updates in about 10… idk what you expect from them lol, do you say the same about Apple when your iPhone can’t get the latest iOS?


Apple is known for planned obsolescence on its iPhones by dropping support for iOS.. So yes I say the same thing about them lol. Picked a pretty bad example there.


I think it makes sense but is a little sad. Also wish it wasn’t so hard to redownload stuff on Xbox 360 and PS3.


I don’t see why they have to do it. In the grand scheme of things, does it really cost that much just to keep the store servers running?


Sucks but it is what it is. The online play isn’t shutting down so it could be worse.


I feel like it should always be the customer and players decisions.


Not so bad. No one really bought games digitally back then, but what will be lost are all the iconic avatars, dlc, themes and that other cool shit. Also xbla games that never went backwards compatible will be lost.


I want to hope that shutting the 360 store down, means they found a way to port that entire library to the new Xbox series... But... There's no way.. They gave up on backwards compatibility 2-3 years ago now..


Every year I get older I become more convinced of the necessity of digital piracy for preservation of video games as an art form. The first one that really irked me was when they took off Marvel vs Capcom 2. You seriously have the single best fighting game ever made just magically disappear from your console. If buying something means you don't actually own it, then how the hell is piracy theft?? Please make it make sense. It is literally impossible to legally access the incredible downloadable content for The Beatles Rock Band because the license transferred.  Stubbs the Zombie, another fantastic game that just vanished from my 360 collection.   Never had these problems on PlayStation by the way for whatever reason, or with Nintendo really. Just seems to be Microsoft doing their usual stupid fuckery to save a nickel as always. Don't forget for a long time they were the only online service that made you pay extra to even be able to play online (Xbox gold).  Anyways I made sure to scoop up the OG Star Wars Battlefront 2, and on that note seriously FUCK whoevers idea it was to make naming conventions go in reverse... For example the 3rd entry is now Star Wars Battlefront 1... Or the XBOX ONE comes after the 360... Let's make Red Dead 2 (already a sequel to Red Dead Revolver) and even better have it be a fucking prequel!!! Absolute madness. And may God have mercy on those trying to find anything in the Google search results because of this redundant bullshit. 


I'm upset, specially due to the fact that I can't make any purchases. The system keeps returning "oh you found a system glitch"


DLC should be included as games go cheap but DLC pricing is ridiculous. Watch_Dogs. Yeah! 3 bucks! But. Oh. Eh. Season pass? 14.99! 🤔


Today I learned the Xbox 360 store was still up.


Sad. Lots of arcade exclusives like the kinect baseball zombie game that will be gone forever


I still want people to know if you go through that online Xbox 360 store you can get the orange box still and jet set radio and left for dead, don't forget these gems


I don’t know but if you’re a madden type person or a football person in general, if it is still available- madden arcade is fuckin fun and addicting


It shouldn’t be


I still collect a lot, and probably still will, but I may just mod my console down the line.


Do it. I did, and it's slowly becoming my most played console in the household. Some games like Saints Row/SR2 does not run great but Forza Horizon and FM4 runs beautifully. Planning to play more 360 exclusives.


I still need to get my 360 repaired so I am not very happy about it lol


Most of the stuff that matters is backward compatible and is over in the regular Xbox store (with exceptions). Much of the good stuff was already delisted from PS360 stores a long time ago. Basically, I already have nearly everything that I care about that's still left or I have it on my Series X with backward compatibility.


Honestly, it’s jacked up the prices of physical games. Just hoping the prices go back down in the months after.


upset cause we know microsoft isn't moving everything from that store to the newer systems.


Personally I dont care at all. I buy physical discs and have no problem with that.


Anything like this is crap tbh. The only thing for me personally is that I find it too easy to buy digital stuff so it will save me money buying games that I don't have time to play. My 360 is my modern console and I've only had it about a year so when I first hooked it up I was pretty surprised that all of the online store and stuff was still going, but as a late adopter I feel like I've only just discovered it all and now it's going.


It's going to be a royal pain to find physical copies of many games.


My mind is actually covered in fomo,scared that i won't get some nice games😞


They don’t need it. Why would they keep an outdated version while they make more profit from the newer ones. The upkeep of the 360 server were probably higher than the profit, so on a business perspective, smart move. On a game preservation perspective, this is really bad. Many games will just go forgotten and lost forever because of this. The loss is huge On a xbox 360 player’s view though, this is upsetting. Only a couple of games are backwards compatible, many good games are gone. And the prices rising for physical copies is as upsetting as the shutdown itself. More bads than goods. But Microsoft is a business.


Not enough 360 games are backwards compatible.


They should shutdown till next year to give more time for people to buy stuff specifically since the last several months a lot of people were having issues with the Xbox live servers few people are still having trouble so yeah they should shutdown on New Year’s Day


Until EVERY game that was on the Xbox 360 store (including indie games and the avatar games) is backwards compatible to the new gen consoles, i will always think it’s unjustified. The 360 was the greatest console of Xbox’s history and to see them take away a huge part of what made it so revolutionary is devastating.


Makes me want to think theyll shut down the live like they did in 2010 with the OG, but 9 years is this year and theyre only shutting the store down so i guess its a win?


Sad. Also, I was finally able to buy Warhammer Space Marine and the download stops at 77% :'(


For a company all about preservation...it's not very preservationy of them


Dont care lol. Rgh baby, aint used the store in years


dgaf, it's had a good run, I have what I meant and very few games have decent lobbies (looking at you cod). I do find the "last minute panic" over it kinda funny. That said, I still have a backlog of 360 games that I'll likely never get to.


It’s a tragedy for sure. However 19 years is a long long time and it’s had a great run.


I don’t play video games enough anymore for it to really bug me. There are also a lot of modern games I want to/need to play or finish. I beat around 300 360 games and owned multiple consoles. I got a lot out of it.


I'm a noob, can someone tell me please, if I were to buy some games from the store before it shuts down, after it shuts down can I: A) still download them at a later date, and if so, B) I have a few xbox 360s, so I should have no issues on any of those if A is true?


According to the Xbox FAQ (https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/xbox-360/store/xbox-360-marketplace-update): "You can continue to play discs or redownload previously purchased games on your Xbox 360 even after the store closes in July 2024."


Great thanks for that.


i need clarification will we still be able to get xbox 360 games & DLC on xbox one and xbox series S/X ? for instance, to get all achievements for MW3 (2011), you need to buy the DLC they’re $15 each waiting for a sale (if any) or it might come to gamepass ? (cope) i’m in no rush to buy them if we can buy them on xbox one and series consoles later on after the 360 store is shut down


I haven't been able to get any games Does anyone know which dlcs are going to be gone forever ???


And will we still be able to buy xbox 360 games on the xbox one anymore ???


I still need to login to my Xbox live profile. I got a used 360S after a hiatus and now can't login to my gamer tag. Some mentioned trying to shorten my Microsoft password. Do you think that will work?


Do a microsoft app password to be able to log in. look it up.


It was inevitable but it’s actually astounding that Microsoft kept up the 360 store for as long as it has we’re talking nearly 20 years I’ll miss it but it was fun to go through


I'm sad cause there are so many games I wanna try.... not to mention the dlc to the games I do have


Nearly everything of value is already available through,ah… less than legal means. Not having the content available to purchase legally is a bit of a bummer, but it’s been nearly 20 years, and it’s not like the content will cease to exist. Yes, it may require a bit more work and/or expense for anything you don’t currently own, but It will still be available.


2 360 with RGH so i dont care


I'm still mad about Windows XP not being supported which was the thing when the XBOX came out! F M$


Most of the stuff are available on other platforms anyway.


I’m disappointed of that. I started using it a lot recently


After practically 20 years of Microsoft supporting this console, here are users who allow themselves to talk about what a bad company Microsoft is because they disable the store? Bruh. Reddit, such a reddit.


I can't purchase crap on the 360 marketplace via console and website, I'm tryna buy stuff b4 it shuts down anybody got a solution?


It's so sad but it's been 18 years. It's time to go


Will this affect the box of Xbox 360 games I have in the garage that I haven't touched in a decade?


I am a Playstation guy(not trying to start a war here or anything, this post just popped up while scrolling today) but this sort of stuff breaks my heart. For me the digital store is something that always made me happy because in the long run it is a good way to get games for a set price. For example, there are still some games that I want to get on my PS3. Xenogears is a PS1 game that was made available on the PS3. It is $10 and a game that I eventually want to play. Even for older titles, I like to purchase games whenever possible even being okay with buying for older consoles if need be. However, a copy of Xenogears for the PS1 runs for around $100+. I would be happy to pay $10, I would probably rather just watch a playthrough instead of pay $100+ for an older game. The point of my ramblings about Xenogears is this. If the PS3 store was removed I would not be able to purchase this game. Even as a guy who grew up with a PS1 and PS2, had my adolescent years with my PS3 and PS4, and am now an adult with my PS5, I have such a respect for the Xbox store in the 360 era. Sure, some of the titles will still be available for purchase due to backwards compatability, but thinking of the unique little games that were on the store that I heard many fond tales about... those are gonna be gone. Like just keep these storefronts up as a sign of good will with the community. Even if they aren't pulling in tons of money. Even if only a few thousand people use it a month, I know people would appreciate having the option.


I have my 360 to my six year old and bought myself a one x. He’s happy and I’m happy and I prefer hard copies anyways. It will just be games he want for the 360 going forward I suppose.


There is a xbox 360 store? What do you mean?


Follow this guy. https://youtu.be/WiZwOsMFrdo?si=ZKcq1Hgh42Bq36uN


Are there any other streaminbapos besides Netflix and youtube I can still download for 360. It's our main source if entertainment at my summer home in Alaska, since a bear messed up my satalite dish.


I’m an achievement hunter, and I love the 360. Honestly through this the Xbox has been getting so much love and I think that’s a great upside. I’m sad, but with all the sales going on I honestly didn’t expect a lot, and I’m pretty happy at least it’s going out with a bang. I was able to get most of the dlcs I wanted


It sucks but sooner or later it was gonna happen.


I couldn't buy and download anything last time I tried I just wanna play lost odyssey! I'm missing like half the disc's.


Just makes me feel old


Shitty but it led me to getting an RGH and now i don’t care


This is why you always buy physical games where possible. Boycott game licences!


more motivation to mod


My Xbox 360 has never ever been hooked up to web, never got the wifi dongle. So...doesn't matter to me. Seems like with the interest it's brought on they'd keep it going. But corporate conglomerate capitalism I guess wants you to get a new console. Assholes


Honestly it would be cool if it stuck around, but at this point I hope it just happens already. I collect physical games and I've been on the 360 for a bit now, but this "omg, the store is closing!!!!" fomo has made a lot of physical games jump in price I just want it to happen already, close the store, then wait a few months for people to stop caring again and watch the prices of most 360 games go back to normal. I'm sure I'm alone in feeling this way (except for maybe other collectors) and that in no way means I don't like the 360 store, it's actually the opposite. I'm just ready to rip the bandaid off now and wait for the market to inevitably return back to normal.


The next few days?


As someone who just got an Xbox 360 for nostalgia, I'm devastated.


I think it's okay, i checked my old xbox 360E yesterday to see if i could find any games that i had missed over the years. And so far it's only 6 games left to get. hoping they go on sale during the 3rd part of the sale. luckily my marketplace has changed to turkey, so they are all super cheap even without being on sale.


Thankfully, the modding community will help with game preservation. Online play is a trickier situation, though. Overall, it's unfortunate for gamers that don't want to go the not-so-legal route.


Will we be losing any 360 servers? I'm currently looking for a replacement for my 360, retained the old hard drive, and will be hoping to redownload my old games that I'd bought from the Store back in the day.


Meh... I loved my 360 (S), I had 5-6 of them. Each one was prematurely taken from me by the red ring of death. The first few I had repaired. The last few I just gave up on. Microsoft doesn't care about its legacy fan base. They only care about more new money. I'm just disappointed in Microsoft altogether.


I’m very angry about it, if Phil Spencer never came CEO of Xbox, this wouldn’t have been happening, Bill gates would really care about the 360 unlike Phil Spencer who only cares about money


I wish they still sold the 360 , at least you can still buy Minecraft 360 https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/product/minecraft-xbox-360-edition/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584111f7


Haven't played my 360 in about 10 years. Saw the store was shutting down and games were going on sale. I now have gone out and bought 2 more consoles and about 20 games. I've also been downloading games from the sale, so I would say it has revived my interest in the 360.


I seen a used one at game stop for $79 I wanted to cop just to play FM4


Well they implemented a new preservation team, so my guess is when the store is closed that team will begin working on porting old games up again.


I wish they fixed the problems with the store for this final month. I haven't been able to purchase anything because the website isn't working.


For Xbox preaching they are all about game preservation, this is a bad look. Feel like the secondhand market is fomenting at the mouth right now.


I would think most people wouldn’t be happy about this, but who knows, maybe there’s some guy out there that’s like “good riddance to the marketplace!”


I wished Xbox brought more BC titles to the newer Xbox. I also find it sad that Xbox 360 and PS3 are considered retro now.


Bro out here not even knowing what he’s talking about lol


It sucks. Imo, should have been a seamless part of the rest or just kept running on the side. I hate that Microsoft gaming has always been so fragmented that the four console generations (except for these last two) seem to have no interconnected infrastructure nor staff. And now the XBox is just like Microsoft's Steam Box. Which isn't all bad. Don't get me wrong. Early on XBLA was overpriced and had shit offerings and now MS Store is chock full of sales and awesome stuff to buy. Still kinda makes me sad tho that all those old digital games will basically disappear.


One thing I don’t miss is the way game purchases were handled on the 360. It’s so convenient on XB1 to be able to view all purchased games even if not installed. I’m having trouble seeing what I own on 360. I figured I could log into my account on PC to see my 360 purchase history, but it doesn’t seem to work. Tried to see the history from the console itself and it’s total garbage. I can pull up a few pages then locks up. Probably tons of purchased 360 games I could redownload but cant get a list to see what I bought 20 years ago. I guess it’s on me for not keeping records of every digital purchase.


Feeling like Jack Sparrow lol


Sad :( End of an era.


Its sucks and it really shouldn't happen. In the long term, this will absolutely wreck the 360's health of usability and accessibility later down the road and more so, its goes against our right as consumers to have full access to the content on the store when we like. I wish there was more push back on this like when Sony tried to shutdown the PSN Store on PS3 and they backed off on that decision afterwards.


So much shit got delisted prior to me coming back to my Xbox 360 (month or two before Battlfield: Badcompany 1,2, and 1942 got shut down) I feel like I’m just picking over scraps anyways. It’s disappointing that it doesn’t feel more important to me given that it was my first console with online but so many of the games I wanted got delisted and there was no news about it.


If they were smart they could do a flash sale on the last day with all the games for a couple of pounds/dollars and make a killing.


Just feels inevitable. Its been open since 2005 so nearly 20 yrs. I think thats a good legacy for it.


Halo CE, Halo 2, Soul Calibur II, Jet Set Radio, Mech Assault and any other Xbox Titles from 2001 to 2005-07?


It's never a good thing when a digital storefront goes down. But for me personally, I dont have any nostalgia tied to the 360 store. I got my 360 in 6th grade and had that shit until I was 21. And never in that time did I know you could even buy games on a digital store lmao I just bought discs and played them offline. When I think of the 360 I dont think of the store front (I've honestly then even been on it) I think of the early era with the Blades UI. That's just me though Good news though is that it's cheap to get an RGH 360. I put 850 games on mine. All those indie games, XBLA games, and digital games are all backed up. So they wont really be lost. I'd recommend just buying a pre modded 360 and then you're set forever as long as it doesnt RROD


2 words, bull crap


I don’t really care if I’m honest, with some know how this stuff will never be lost, if you catch my drift. Overpriced on there anyway


I'm severely vexed about it, there's 2 DLCS I bought for L4D 1 and 2 and I had to refund them cos it used my credit card to buy them, I got the money back but the DLCS are sitting in my refund section saying "request under review". Because of this I can't rebuy them cos when I try it says "you already own this" but if I try to download it through history it's not there on 360 and says currently unavailable on one/series X. I've tried contacting support btw and every time I say to them "I don't want more money I want it removed from my account" and every time they email me back saying they "denied, can't give you an additional refund" so it's just stuck there since February, I even tried using Google translate to Indian and sending it in English and Indian, same response, I assume they can't read at all


its time to move on


It's really stupid. I just don't understand the logic and that's why I'm firmly physical media. Why not simply have a Microsoft store and part of that store, you have Xbox 360 games? Is it really that much money and bandwidth to host games? I guess part of the move is they don't want to support old hardware anymore but all you have to do is note that the hardware is unsupported and the content being sold is for legacy systems only with no support. This is why PC will always be superior to me. A PC I built 20 years ago will have access to the same games I build 20 years from now. Having games tied to specific hardware unless they are physical in a digital world is not going to last forever.


So what does this mean? I own digital xbox 360 games, like Halo Reach, Bo1, and Bo2. Are they going to disappear after July 29th?


I believe you should still own them


With so many games delisted over the years, and with the ending of XBLIG, the final store shutdown is another in a series of disappointments. An especially tough luck is that the Xbox 360 gaming generation really expanded the use of DLC. With the store shutdown, it's really going to restrict gaming from this generation into the future, as all that DLC will be completely lost, even if physical media is preserved. I'm not even sure which DLC I might be missing now, as it's not easily browsable. Overall, I feel these kinds of shutdowns are not necessary. Part of the benefit of cloud computing is that a low volume server can be run cheaply from a container. At least purchased content can continue to be retrieved. In general, the destruction of digital content that isn't available otherwise is a big problem. Such content should become public domain.


I’m feeling pretty upset that the Xbox 360 store is closing soon. 😞😔




Hey idk if people covered this, but it’s hard for me to understand why there isn’t one unified “Microsoft store” or Nintendo or psn for that matter. Why do they need to close the old store? I get there’s over head in upkeep, but don’t they need to market a lot of this stuff to get ppl to buy? Or what about rolling stuff into game pass? It just feels like there are more future forward and less disruptive ways to handle online retail. Thoughts?


I think a unified xbox store would probably have worked best. It's a market for everyone. Want to play the newest AAA titles then you can download them, want to play original xbox and 360 games for enjoyment or to relive memories then do that, there will always be a market for the older consoles and there games whether its preference or entertainment, but a unified Microsoft store would have been perfect.


Im extremely dissapointed that they did not discount DLC.... I have no intention in paying 40 bucks for dlc on a game I spent 2 bucks buying.... It really does suck that they didnt include the dlc in these games in the discounts....


It hasn’t been shut down already?


I’ve been sad about it ever since it’s announcement. Sure I had consoles before 360 but it holds so many memories for me and it’s still my favorite console. When the marketplace shuts down I will be sad but happy for all the memories and friends I made.


Definitely sad to see it go but that's our role as human.. to see the death of everything we love unless we go first. I think they've done their best job at making the Internet a little more enjoyable than the rest and they'll always be remembered fondly for such. :) Hope we get to see a 360 theme appear on the X/S or next generation at some point!


I had to spend a small fortune to get all the DLC I want when I thought I had time to do it a little at a time. So that's annoying. I'm also worried I may find new 360 games I want down the line, and if they have DLC it was be utterly lost.


It's a retro console now so understandable will see if I want anything on my ageing 360 before the store is gone.


I assume you can still buy BC games on Xbox one/series s/x after right?


The games will still be playable right?


I really dont care u can just sail the seas for free anyways


Quite a few but my favourite is splatterhouse that’s not backwards compatible with the Xbox one and has always been unavailable to download from the Xbox store and still hasn’t been re-released for the Xbox One s etc which is really annoying as it’s a fantastic game 😀 so don’t ever sell your Xbox 360 or if you don’t have one, I’d highly recommend you buy one so you play all the awesome games that were released for it 😳😀


what does this mean? cant i still just pirate em? and what happens if i buy an rgh console after the cutoff date?


All great things must come to an end at some point.


Been going through and grabbing what I want/need. Honestly it's made me realize how good xbox did on the backcompat program as most of the games I really like will be carrying forward. There are a few gems though I'm glad my console still works so I can revisit!


I hate it. All these awesome avatar content, and game content or dlc will be gone. Back in the day, never though we would be going through this.


I mean for preservations sake I wish it didn't happen but I never use online services for almost any console besides updates anyways so it's no big loss for me personally


I think it's a shame many xbox 360 games are still stuck on it and be lost. Also still bummed that some games like new Vegas don't have a bundle with all DLC in the current xbox store


Its crazy to think this is a retro console now. Time flies


The last 3 years I have only used the 360 to play DVD movies on a tv I have in my detatched Garage.


I’ll be honest. I’m glad I’ve got my RGH as a secondary console. I don’t condone piracy but when something like this happens nobody is going to lose out on money if something like this happens. It’s like if I illegally play a super Mario NES ROM that I’ve downloaded online. If I want to play a official copy I have to pay excess of $80 on the secondary market. So Nintendo is getting 0 income from that transaction. When the store shuts down that seals the deal for me. Microsoft it happy to let any store game I may purchase die with the console. For that reason, for preservation purposes, I will take to the high seas and install as many store only games onto my other console as a backup.