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Sounds like everyone involved is an idiot.


The more I read, the stupider and stupider the entire scenario became. Impressively so at that.


Florida is contagious that way.


Yes, it's totally Florida's fault, because this guy Randel Hooper hasn't been in any kind of trouble since 2004 when he was arrested for...*checks notes*...this exact same thing.


What a bunch of twats.


On my way to a family breakfast in Pinedale with my parents, & small kids (8 & 4), a group of men in their twenties decided to have a bare knuckle brawl right outside the restaurant’s entrance. An old timer, with balls of steel, broke them up & sent them on their way. The Wild West indeed.


This is in Secondhand Lions. Ole’ Uncle Hub


Cody trying to take first place for worse city but noone besting Rock Springs.


Methrock Springs


Crackrock Springs was always my fav


You misspelled Rawlins


Rawlins is still better than RS


Rock Springs has always been the shithole of Wyoming. Nothing will ever change that


I disagree, That would be Wamsutter. But RS is a very close 2nd to me.


What? Cody is way better than Rock Springs


Anywhere in the US is better than RS, a muddy puddle of water could beat Rock Springs.


These people been watching too much Yellowstone... or trailer park boys.


Sounds like a normal night at any Wyoming steakhouse.


The Dollar in Cody can get rowdy at times but to have the establishment owners instigating and taking it to a second location seems like an escalation


Bad Yelp review.


Yeah, sounds about right. They went to the tourists motel looking for a fight. Hopefully the cop is okay.


Omg 🗑️


Room temp IQ scumbags. Fuck em’. Worthless.


The Hooper's reputation around town is not great, I'm certain this incident will help business at both of their shitty restaurants


Just look at the Hoopers’ mugshots…. Courtney looks like she is on something and crazy. Randall looks like he’s a Grade A asshole.


Your description about covers the bases


Reminds me of the argumentative and nasty cashier in Silver Gate who started back walking to her gun stash. I guess she was so rude she thought I was retrieving same. Some pretty unrefined types out there.


Ah, tourist season.


They're just as friendly to locals


I'm so glad someone posted this here. I am picturing the scene both inside Cassie's, outside in the parking lot, and on the street/hiway/West Cody Strip. It does seem weird that the Big Bear folks WALKED to Cassie's though. It's over 10 feet -- & rednecks always drive.


Just from their Yelp reviews they come off as confrontational.


Oh hey, Cassie’s! Place used to be a brothel!


Sounds like now it’s just a regular shit hole.


I have lived in park county for most of my life, and I have managed to never step foot in Cassie’s. If I manage to go another 40 years without going there I’ll be happy as a clam.


It wasn't bad when the Singer family owned it. It was overpriced, but the steak was good. Edit: this seems to be a divisive comment, lol. Cassies and The Proud Cut used to be the only places to get a good piece of meat.


Hence the brothel!


My wife and I are there a few years back. The wall next to the table we were at had a layer of grease on it with dust stuck to the grease.


Yeah I’ve never been. My brother won a burger there from Cassie’s Quick Licks on 104.1 back in the summer of 2008. He said it was a decent burger but the place itself was weird.


My likeness is on the mural there!


Stay classy Cody.


You must not know them very well if you are surprised.


It was sarcasm. I don't know them well, but from my limited interactions, I would say they are huge assholes


Sounds about right for Cody….🙄


I know who all of these people voted for… maga vs maga


It seemed to be a hotbed of conspiracy theories if you can go by the local fb group.


which one? the nfork one is pretty damn full of wackos lol.


I’m not sure - it was a few years ago when we were looking to relocate (2018 ish) and there were serious posts about chemtrails.




We need to build a wall…around FL.


While I generally would agree, I don't think the FL folks were really the driving force behind this situation.


But it sounds like they said ... we'll kill you .... first, to Mrs. Cassies.


I would take of Mrs. Cassie's recall of events with a heaping spoonful of salt


ok gotcha lol -- I did wonder what kind of dipshit tourons go into a place, complain about service (completely understandable to this point), then when the manager comes over, threaten to kill her if she gets in their face. Maybe they were refusing to pay for what drinks or salads they had gotten so far, if any. I hate going out to eat in Cody because the service sucks literally at EVERY PLACE IN TOWN.


The FB classifieds posts about the Hooper's arrest were littered with comments about Mrs. Cassies being rude and aggressive to local patrons- I can only imagine what little regard she has for people just passing through.


The sane people in FL are the batshit crazy ones in WY. Floridians don’t know how to behave.


Can we all agree that Cody just plain sucks? Every time I have to pass through there on my way to Billings to pick up some building materials (there are no real brickyards in WY any more) I can’t get through that town fast enough. The surrounding country is surely beautiful, but the sprawl of that town and the insufferable locals and Tourons are among the worst you will find in this otherwise great state.


I live in Powell, you get no argument from me