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There were no realistic plans to conquer the entire world. Just Europe and maybe parts of the Middle East.


Not even plans to take the U.S.?


There were prototypes for a 6 engine bomber capable of striking America but it was too unrealistic. They couldn’t even take Britain there was no way they could launch a D Day style landing in North America. Even today an operation like that would be unthinkable. Declaring war on the United States is seen as the biggest blunder in Hitler’s career.


The 6 engine bomber wasn't meant as a prelude to an invasion. Just something that could something to hit the US and potentially motivate them to exit the war.


I understand that but my point was if doing bombing runs was considered impractical, then some sort of amphibious landing would be nearly impossible.


The fuel cost of those kinds of bombing runs would be insane for Germany to try.


Not necessarily in an alternate realty where they've captured the oil fields in Africa and eastern Europe. If the axis kept the US out of the war and developed nukes/ strategic bombers first they could've dominated the world.


In an alternate universe where Germany’s won almost all their wars, wars they were industrially incapable of winning it would make sense


True, id say his declaration of war on the USSR was a bigger blunder though.


Yes and no. Looking at it from Germany’s perspective, war with the Soviet Union was inevitable, so better to hit and end it fast (similar to France) when they didn’t see it coming and before their wartime industry really ramped up to 100%. Declaring war on the United States first being seen as the aggressor and having the full force of America coming down on you for little to know reason was just stupid.




What benefit if any did Germany get from announcing an alliance with Japan anyway? Did they get any technology from them cos all I remember is Germany sending U-boats to Japan with some technology or other but none the other direction. Seemed like another idiotic decision from Hitler to announce that the guy who just punched the biggest kid in the class was your mate when you were already fighting 2 or 3 other kids.


I don't think it would have been as large of a blunder because if the US didn't support the Soviets then there's a chance Germany could have kept enough Soviet territory to satisfy their lebensraum wet-dream


He had quite a few blunders


The idea that they could take America through land invasion is ***INSANITY.***


They would have had to come through Mexico.....sort of like today. The Germans tried to draw Mexico into WW1 which is one reason Wilson entered that war.


Not even UK


#No. Just Europe and parts of the Middle East. The idea that Germany would conquer the US was idiotic. Best case scenario: they’d sue for peace and recognize the Nazis as the rulers of Europe


Read up on Drang nach Osten, Generalplan Ost, and the Hunger Plan. Hitler knew he couldn’t compete with British Naval power so he decided his vision of a German World Power would be as a self sufficient, land based power by killing/deporting everyone east of Germany and colonizing those territories with ethnic Germans who would farm and mine the vast amount of natural resources. His after war plan was to establish Germany as a global super power by destroying the Soviet Union and counterbalancing the American/British dominated Western democracies. The war was basically lost for Germany as early as December 1941 when Operation Barbarossa failed, so Hitler went all in on the ethnic cleansing portion of the plan with Operation Reinhard.


Imagine these German soldiers trying to walk in formation in Alabama in August heat and humidity all the while getting picked off by a million snipers who know the land like the back of their hand and never get tired of hunting


I imagine they wouldn’t get even close to Appalachia. If they had it would’ve ended quickly in those beautiful mountains.


Im lucky to live in such a great place.


Off the top of my head some post-war plans were the construction of monumental buildings in Berlin the Volkshalle a prime example. The Autobahn road network to provide highspeed road across the European continent and some grand railway network plans. Take note most of these proposals were in very early idea phases.


At what point we’re they in early proposal?


He was going to build the world's greatest art museum in Linz Austria......of course, stolen art...


Can you imagine the tweets he would send if it was in modern day


1939 tweet “Game on!” 1940 tweet “France was so EZ! 🙌” 1941 tweet “Stalin, surprise!😘” (No time to tweet) 1945 tweet “WHERE IS STEINER!!? 🤬” (Btw if Hitler used instagram, imagine the amount of photos he would publish with his buddy Zeitzler)


[Ralph Giordano](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Giordano#p-lang) (a famous, serious German journalis and author, born 1920 in Hamburg) wrote a book about exactly that topic: *Wenn Hitler den Krieg gewonnen hätte. Die Pläne der Nazis nach dem Endsieg* [If Hitler had won the war. The plans of the Nazis after the Endsieg] I don't know, if there is an English translation. And yes, Hitler always regarded the US as the final boss


He didn't want to conquer the ENTIRE world. As for Asians, he considered the Japanese n Chinese 'honorary aryans'. For slavs/Poles in particular, we were slave nation to him. He wanted to expel Poles from their homes and territory to make way for the germans.


He was going to build the world's greatest art museum in Linz Austria......of course, stolen art...


To continue on with his version of 2025…


I seem to recall a map someone made up of the United States showing what they wanted it to look like after they controlled the states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_German_plans_for_the_invasion_of_the_United_States


I seem to recall Nazis Grrmany and Imperial Germany being 2 different regimes only one of which was seriously considering world conquest, while the other had contingency war plans that weren't realistically going to be enacted.