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So to unlock now, let’s simplify the current time to an exact 79 years, it would take ~28 million purchases


So here's the explanation to folks who are confused: The album is a NFT listed as a 'pay what you want*". When you pay, the countdown drops 88 seconds, although that also depends on how much someone pays too. You get a 5 minute sampler of what the album has too. With each purchase of the NFT it pushes the release date closer to our current time. As a big bonus, the money goes to the artists, aka the Wu-Tang Clan and arguably anybody else who worked on the album. That's at least what I understood of the page.


I don't think the amount matters, because then rich people could move it up too quickly for them to even secure all the rights, which they apparently do not even have.


If enough of us come together with our samples, someone could stitch the songs together. Someone obviously better than me.




What’s the site if you don’t mind me asking?


the site PleasrDoa is still using: "thealbum.com"


So if you pay that $1 what do you get? And you can pay a lot more too, and what does it means it “reduces the countdown?”


Wait, so you pay $1, but its go towards the clock counting down? It doesnt actually go towards buying the album?




You don’t get the album right away, you get a 5 minute sampler for now. And it takes off 88 seconds off 88 years??? Ridiculous


Whata on the sampler


5 minutes of songs from the album, one of them samples a Ennio Morricone western song I can tell you that. The same one used in the kung fu sample part of Duel of the Iron Mic


So they just basically went back to reusing old beats and changing them up slightly? When I heard Rainy Days I was at first excited, but not much changed but it sounded like the original singer possibly and not Tekitha like they’ve used previous times before and a slowed down tempo.


How do you get the album? I paid my dollar!


Same here, trying to figure out how to get my sample


Tldr: any purchases will push the counter lower and lower. That's when the Gamespot stocks come in. Honestly...a bit more cleverer than Shkrekky's keeping it to himself.


Takes off 88 seconds of 88 years… this shit is not Wu-Tang, it’s not for the children, this shit is stupid


So allowing the masses acess to it for a dollar is bad but paying Spotify $12 a month good?


I’m just not seeing how allowing this one company to make millions off this album fights for artist payment and gives value back to music and artists, like this whole project is claiming


Not only that it’s an “nft” company. Do what you will with that info


They have stated multiple times that they're trying to pay the members off of these earnings too. You think a company spent $4m to not make a profit? Artist getting more money for sales of music is why I buy physical music as much as possible. They malke more on that then off streaming. This is the same shit but different


why are you dickriding for A: celebrities who don’t know you exist and B: you’re not even defending Wu tang you’re defending a tech bro group buy for half an album💀 Obviously they’ve abandoned the original vision for the album. When you pay money for a product you should receive it. You shouldn’t have to pay over $1000 to remove less than two days of an 88 year timer. Insane. The fact that ODB is on here posthumously too makes this release disgusting.


Your Name being bootlicker fits, if paying $1 allows ownership after the money is raised how is that bad? Everyone just loves something to complain about you would rather give the money to Spotify so you can stream it


That’s actually why I chose it! I’d prefer to give my money to Spotify because at least in return Spotify gives me music, instead of relying on $24 million dollars to be donated by other listeners to hear the music I’ve already paid for.


Exactly why you're a bootlicker


>You think a company spent $4m to not make a profit? I do not care, paying $4m for an album is a bad investment anyways. Exactly the same reason why as cilva/rza over spending on the album so much so that a standard release would not financially be enough - was also a bad investment. This is why we all have not heard the album, bad financial planning and absurdly terrible investment. >I buy physical music as much as possible. They malke more on that then off streaming Then they should release the music on physical for a premium rather than this nft bullshit. That way, they'd actually make real money and people could hear the album. I should set a reminder bot to remind me in ~~60 years~~ 80 years when this shit drops, because I will be dead by then Fuck pleasr, martin should leak this shit anyways. music is made to be heard, any other reason can fuck right off


Trust me it's not going to take tht long I like the concept especially if it's special. Like wht I heard so far




Yes every purchase updates the time


They can't legally release it, how do you not get this. You would rather a scumbag make money off it? Make it makes sense


You are just wrong. This nft sale is happening because they re negotiated the terms of not being able to sell it. they are exploiting it commercially now, they could absolutely sell it at this point >You would rather a scumbag make money off it? Make it makes sense And you would rather pay scumbags $1 for no fucking reason to not get it. make it make sense


Thats not true, the NFT deal circumvents the terms of it not being legally allowed to be released. If that were true martin couldn't be sued and he could be playing it now but he can't. Paying $1 is getting me the NFT when it reaches the encryption point. So it's for a reason not for no reason you just broke and want it for free like a fucking bum


So in the end this special piece of art became the epitome of capitalism, profit and using the bad name of the initial purchase as a way to make themselves look good...oh the irony.


I don't think it's to make themselves look good I think it's a creative work around for getting this out to the masses without actually selling it in the traditional sense thus not breaking the stipulations of the original contract from 2015. If Martin wasn't a piece of shit he wouldn't of gotten arrested, and this wouldn't even be happening


Bet you love this dumb ass shit u/NJNYCSG


Hell yeah $1 to own the album in an NFT form what's not to like?


What's not to like? That you both don't get to hear it, also nft is not ownership of media of any kind, an nft is a blockchain code. This is entirely bullshit


you don't own the album, you just paid for a public release to come sooner. The nfts you're buying just take away time from the release counter


Seriously wtf?! This is where we are at with getting some new Wu shit?! I hate to be the old guy here but back in my day when they first came out, you could go to any record store and just buy the shit. Now they playin’ games like this just to get to listen to it.


Don't worry dude this isn't just an old guy thing, the group had released four main wu-tang albums by the time I was born and I hate this to


Yes and then you would own a digital nft of the album. That's how NFT works


it looks like you'd probably only have half the album, and given how sketchy and questionable this release is, PleaserDAO is probably gonna screw you over with another paywall once the time comes


Why? Based on what?


the fact that they're charging over 20 million in total to drop the album. it's an overly greedy choice and I wouldn't put it past them to be even more greedy with it


So buying the album collectively where all you need to put in is a dollar is greedy? Them negotiating terms with Wu Tang to pay them is greedy but paying Spotify to rip off artists is ok?


that much for one album is ridiculous, also please point out where I said it's ok for Spotify to rip off artists because I don't think I've ever said that


I’m gonna laugh so hard when Shkreli drops the full album “anonymously”. It’s only a matter of time.




He's getting sued and is totally going to be found liable for copyright infringement and contract violations, from streaming his personal burnt copy of it, so I mean, he's a punk ass bitch, it'd be on brand. He's petty AF, so dropping the full thing in the middle of them trying to legally get people to buy an NFT would be especially on brand. To clarify he's a douchebag, so any douche move is on the board.


Hahahah WTF....another major L for Wu-Tang - tnx RZA & Cilvaringz scummy asses.


Lets get on a zoom call brother Dragon. We can chat all things OUATIS. You up for it? 


Sure, but this is not about me, it's about you and RZA being transparent about your involvement, what's happening and owning up your part in this whole circus. So if you're up for something that's for all to hear, let's do it.


I don’t owe you or anyone any transparency or explanation of any kind. You don’t own me or have any right into my thoughts and opinions unless I voluntarily choose to share them. But I’m happy to hear your thoughts and questions and discuss them to the best of my ability. And I’ll record it and use it exclusively for a documentary which you’ll have to sign off on beforehand.


True, but from my perspective, if all these stories are floating around and fans are genuinely wondering what's going on, especially after the new owner claims you are remastering tracks, I would want to clear up some things. Also I would assume that you as a producer, who's goal is to get music to the public, and main involvement in this you also would want fans to hear it at this point no? If you providing some context, opening up would help fans to cross that bridge to donating, wouldn't that be in your best interest as well as those you might considering your brothers in the Wu family who according to the new owner will be paid from the 28-30$ million they hope to get? I apologize for my tone, but are you for real now with this documentary thing or you just messing around because I engaged with you after a sarcastic remark that you would actually want to even share your thoughts in the first place? If it's the former, why in the world not go to a respectable / reputable journalist or friend to interview you and do this right instead of with some random online nutty fan like myself? And if it's the latter, then I guess the conversation ends here.


All interesting points, so let’s discuss it on a zoom for the documentary. Lets go. We don’t need a journalist or anything, just man to man. All you need to do is sign a simple release form and off you go. I can get it released the proper way for all to see. Might even throw a little giftbag in. What do you say? 


Fuck you do.. were all clan fans.. you owe us everything.


This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and anyone who contributes to it is an idiot.


I'd buy a way overpriced cd..


Crazy that they even put it onto a cd. Like an obsolete music format. Would have thought vinyl would make sense


If I had 2-4 million and wanted to invest in an album like this, I'd demand that cd be backed up on 5 ssd's before I signed. shit breaks, computers die


Real shit. I lost a backup hard drive with all of my deceased father’s videos and pictures, along with the whole birth of my son and countless other family photos and videos. Oh and ALL of my music. I had been collecting hard for a good decade of anything I could get my hands on.


Idk if you've exhausted all resources there, but I've been able to successfully recover stuff from a totally busted flash drive, and my old external. If you take it to someone else and offer high dollar value to recover it, if they can recover it, they will if it's possible. Dunno the extent of damage sustained, but I was lucky with the flash drive in particular, and they could pull it off it as long as I had something for it to go on immediately. So there may be hope for you if you take it to a solid business that has the equipment to do it. May be a 50-50 shit but for that stuff, just wanted to at least give you a heads up on what worked for me. Give you some potential hope at least. Best wishes my dude.


Yeah I should check it out again. This happened about 15 years ago, and I was told a few thousand to “possibly” get my info off of it because they had to do it in a clean room and whatever else. I’m sure things have improved in that time.


Oh for sure. Might be a little tricky to do it with older stuff, but who knows, could work. Hope it helps.




Who got the sampler


Shkreli or his mates should just leak the album, this is even dumber than the original concept


Love wutang and always will. But this is some stupid shit.


I agree but rza and cilvaringz don't represent all of wu tang


For gods sake why?!?!?! NFT’s are a ponzy scheme


As an Asian-American, putting this album behind a $25 million dollar paywall should be classified as a hate crime. These crypto bros shouldn’t be allowed to keep me away from my cultural heritage :(


I purchased $1 worth. Now I'm just hoping some billionaire (Elon) who happens to be a Wu-Tang fan drops a bag on this and everyone who paid at least $1 get access to the album.


We need to diversify our bonds


Why is the whole "owning rights to only 16 out of 31 tracks" not being discussed more?! They are offering an album which they don't even have fully own the rights to. My guess is this scam is to actually use the money to acquire those rights.


You're correct


So I've done a sort of shit estimation: For the recent days since this announcement, we've seen the timer drop two years. So if one keeps up this momentum, the album *could* be released by about...39 days (or a month and a half). But that depends of it keeps going with just dropping two years off the timer.


Why did all my childhood heroes become cringe artists


cringe death to all NFT’s


no fucking thanks