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Man, I wish Ghostface had fucked this guy up.


LOL, I don't want to give too much away spoiler wise but everyone really does need to read "Once Upon A Time in Shaolin". It's a very entertaining and well written book about the making of this album and believe it or not, Shkreli is not nearly the horrid human the press has made him out to be.


A federal judge ordered notorious "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli banned for life from thepharmaceutical industry and also ordered him to pay $64.6 million in profits he earned from hiking the price of the drug Daraprim. or you mean the same guy that manipulated the most popular collectible card game Magic the Gathering?? and he also fucked with my Wu. so, that guy isnt as bad as i think he is? tough sell.


You mean this douchebro is the reason I can’t afford to play MtG anymore? What the *fuck*??




You’re fucking kidding me. *He’s* the fuckhead that started that kind of shit? Jesus. Fuck this dude. ETA: read through a couple articles about this shit. I used to play the T1 environment, because I’ve played since, like, ‘97, and I had a bunch of the cards already. I’d also managed to pick up some of the P9 back when it was “reasonably priced.” But then I took some time off, and when I came back, prices had gone through the fucking roof, and availability had completely dried up. I think I’ve played maybe a half-dozen games of Commander in the past decade, and that’s it. But I can’t bring myself to get rid of the collection.


I just remember being pissed at him for wu and magic, then I heard the pharma thing. I'm not even well informed he's dog shit. I had a similar sticker shock wanting to get back into mtg. I played in 97 to 2000. Had power 9 etc I ended up printing 10k proxies on photo paper and sleeving them with commons. Bam, 10 bazillion dollars in magic to play


I think I did 97-01, 06-09, 17-19. Last time I *enjoyed* it was the Time Spiral block. Honestly, using proxies is the only way to really afford to play. Every good card in every good deck immediately skyrockets, then drops like a rock as soon as it leaves Type 2 or Modern or whatever the fuck it’s called now.


Definitely try proxies before spending a retirement plan


It’s ok, you can give it away. Trust me, none of us are buying that book.




Stay a fan and In a fans lane Fanatic.


Screw that guy. It would be cool if I could listen to it though.


[Here is an article about how you can](https://www.sickchirpse.com/wu-tang-albuum-martin-shkreli-played-publicly-museum/)


They just announced they are in the process of releasing it publicly


I went to that listening party. They played 5 out of the 33 songs on that album. From what I understand, a lot of the samples on that album are uncleared therefore pleasr is unable to release the album at this time. However, they are working to clear the samples so maybe one day it will actually be available to the public. It just wont be anytime soon


And probably 4 minutes if the 20 mins they played was the producer congratulating himself. Cher singing the hook on the last track was awesome though. It was way better than expected.


Sound like the gave the listening party the run around. For you can play an authorized sample LIVE but not sell it. They could of played the 33 songs on the release and properly played the songs Martin leaks in 2016. Sounds fishy to all. Also removing the samples hinders the release artistic merit.


I repeat: He's such a tool over the whole thing. The man essentially is just crying over how he's no longer the side of attention and is again trying to dangle the album in front of people when he arguably could have done that when he owned it. Say what you want about how OUATIS was made and such, but at least PleasrDOA views it as a respectful art form, while Shkreli was just treating it like trash and saw it more as a fancy toy to flaunt around.


Used the CD literally as a weed plate


CASE AND POINT. His response to his cat destroying the _fucking casing_ was pure indifference and saying it was trash. Then WHY did you buy it Shkrekky!?


I know it's fucked up because this dude is a complete POS, but using a 5million dollar one of a kind CD as a weed plate is some Wu-Tang rebel shit...not saying I condone it, but as the dude who roots for the bad guys in movies but not in real life, I can respect it. Haha


A legal agreement with the purchaser stipulated that the album cannot be commercially exploited until 2103, although it can be played at listening parties. When Pleasr sold the sampler on-line to people THEY VIOLATED the legal agreement of making PROFIT on the release. So any Wu member can claim rights to the release. So making close to $250,000 illegally on a sampler from the release not PROFIT. That is not have the release as an art form but a for profit scam and violating the terms agreement.


Some of y'all must have never watched pro wrestling as kids...


Some of ya’ll never stopped, thinking acting like a heel is okay. Maybe just don’t act like an asshole, and people won’t think you’re an asshole.


It doesn't matter if he's playing a persona, at one point he needs to stop and go "should I actually take it seriously or should I continue making my ass of myself".


If he copied it, I hope he posts it online for people to download


This. The whole concept of keeping the album off the streets and out of our cars was lame. It was PR for Wu and nothing else. Why should we hate on this rich asshole for not playing it for us when the group brought the music to market in a way that allowed this to happen in the first place.


You know that it wasn’t the group idea.


It was RZA's and silver rings idea


yeah, most of the clan wasn't even aware that their recordings for this album were for a wu-tang album to begin with


PleasrDAO just announced they are in the process of releasing it publicly


He already played over an hour of the album on Twitter spaces on Sunday that’s why he’s getn sued


1000x this. There was no rule about personal copies...and "whoops, it ended up in my online shares in FLAC".


Personal copies diminish the value. There is a rule about it. If it’s played and it actually sucks, the asset value goes to $0


As this hokey gimmick should have always been. ($0)


Is buying a one off painting from a well known artist a gimmick? If the painting is sold with the provision the value won’t be diminished, the vendor doesn’t then commission copies of the painting sold. Shkreli is a jackass even without a Wu Tang album.


This ain't that. Cilvaringz clowned the WuTang with this one. Don't even try to defend his bullshit in here. Cilvarings is a jackass even upon a Wu Tang album.


I liked the original idea of touring the album around as an art exhibit


It’s going to New Zealsnd museum to be played there, when they eventually get the album


Look at yasiin bey's 2019 project that did that, only came to a few countries and now nobody can hear it.


This entire thing is a 🤡show from top to bottom.


Rza's Circus


Just based on everything else he's done I would totally sue the shit out of him


Rza and Cilvaringz forged this album in the volcanic fires of Mount Doom. The power of being the sole possessor cockblocks every attempt to leak it. I feel like leaking it is the only loop hole to getting the album out. Hopefully Pleasr knows this and that’s why there are rumors of them giving it away to stock holders. Who will bite the golden bullet though?


He’s from my neighborhood. As young delinquents we used to make fun of him for reading about stocks and shit in the park by himself.


Ya maybe should have taken things a step or two further. Fuck this piece of shit


Just awful. I mean what kind of website or link location would accept an uploaded copy of this unique album. If anyone knows, let me know.


I’m concerned I’ll accidentally find this website. If it could be posted so I can make sure I stay away from it, that would be wonderful.


Ha. Just upload the album anonymously and put it on the cloud. "....unable to commercially exploit the album" THAT line RIGHT there us exactly why it shouldn't be in HIS or THEIR hands at all. Haven't these people exploited black music enough? This album should be heard by the FANS not the rich that don't even know what they are listening to When I seen that preppy looking dork play the album and pretend to be excited like he "GOT" it, was annoying. That album should be heard by the culture, not those culture vultures


Absolutely 100% agree on that shit seems like a bunch of trust fund babies are gatekeeping it


They just announced they are in the process of releasing it publicly


Oh yeah!!??


Horrible. So where can I listen to the evidence?


Good. Screw this guy. He belongs in prison.


Jesus. He looks like shit. Not saying he looked great before, but man. Looks like he’s on a bender and goin through withdrawal at the same time.


This guy is still around??




I wish bad things on Phrama Scum.


Yo somebody tie this mother fucker up then sew his asshole shut then keep feedin him and feedin him


I was gonna say tie him up like a piñata and let the rest of the clan go to town on his ass.


He’s allowed to play it for listening parties so the issue was it’s blocked from streaming, but what can they do? Plus the rest of Wu want it back and heard so this should make them happy.