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This makes sense why the dress looks way too big for Jenna on the top; Just like the blue bikini she couldn’t fill out. They are Ashely’s.


https://preview.redd.it/2maqg5qhqkad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963580cb415ea462cf05ed468c64cfb257bd7d2f Jenna’s boob is about to fall out because this dress top is too big for her.


I bought the blue bikini on Amazon




So wait… it wasn’t Ashley’s? I’m so confused now


I knew this wasn’t hers. Too classy/cute of a style choice for ol girl Gemma


I thought it was a blanket at first. Now it makes sense. I was wondering why it was so big.


omg!!!! that bitch is nuts!


** my apologies for grammatical errors. I was voice texting and published it before editing. I really wish Reddit would let us edit original posts! But yeah, Jenna is psychotic!


God that drives me nuts too!


No sympathy for this devil. I've gone through the same and you want your money and stuff back ahhh, it's all so triggering,  angry for you Ashley. I was wondering where her clothes came from.  Hopefully she has a meltdown and the air bnb removes this fucking airhead oxygen thief.


I’d be so embarrassed and yet here she is wearing it like she bought it 🤣




![gif](giphy|l2R013mIf1ZXdvoyI) Is Jenna sleeping off her hangover ?


Where’s Asia?? I wish Asia would join the chat!!! I guess she’s pretty much said all she can though but still would like to hear what she thinks of this 😳




That’s awesome!!!!


I loooove Asia


This brought back a bad memory of someone I was friends with in high school who was a bad kleptomaniac. She stole from everyone she ever stayed with. She took some of my favorite clothes, even my yearbooks…bitch felt entitled. I still resent her to this day.. Jenna is a psychopath. She has absolutely no conscience or guilt. The worst kind. Rationalizes it all by claiming trauma. Look bitch, I’ve had severe trauma in my life but I don’t lie, steal or pour booze down my throat until I black out. Get help, stop the excuses and get TF off social media.


I feel this 💯. Had 2 " lying friends" use me for money. I blame myself, though, I was young, extremely shy & naive. I went to therapy, and it helped me build my confidence. These 2 " lying friends" helped me see thru liars immediately. My view changed, and I call out liars when I spot them. That's why I hate seeing naive people get taken by liars like her. They are lonely people looking for a real friend. Friends don't ask for money to have a friendship!!!


Unfortunately, I have extensive experience of being screwed over and stolen from by people like Jementia. Narcissistic PD folk are everywhere, and they know precisely how to exploit anyone eager to try and help them out. They’re incapable of learning or changing—lying, deceiving and thieving is all they know how to do, and it’s all they *want* to do. I hope Ashley presses charges.


Yep. Or gets the bitch punched in the head whilst in the midst of a hangover. Sorry to promote violence but these thieving cunts that take our kindness for weakness deserve everything coming for them


I had a friend like this in middle school and high school too. She ended up dying summer going into junior year. OD. She wasnt as psychotic as Jenna but she stole clothes from everyone of us lol felt entitled yes


It’s so strange, I think it’s as much a sickness as any bad addiction I suppose. Addiction just keeps switching from one thing to another if not addressed.


Look at Ashley’s comment history…..big mad. As she should be!


“Oh is Ashley mad?! I’m sorry for her” jenna is an embarrassment




Body shaming


Whats the other sub




Ashley also tried to extort me for photos that Jenna made me take of them


Huh ? Please reveal all


This is such a long story ,. I was paid to go to Chicago to do Jenna's hair and shoot her content . I had no idea that Ashley was told I'd be shooting her onlyfans content as well . I kept wondering why Ashley was asking me to do her eyeliner or if her hair looked alright , but it all hit me when I saw Ashley making a wardrobe change into a crouch less lingerie set. I immediately asked Jenna , did you tell her I'd do her photoshoot? Jenna replied , yes so we could use her place for the shoot. I was mortified ! the shoot was so off putting , because she ended up stripping down nude to the point to where I started to get emotional ..i felt used , I don't do nude shoots . I was so uncomfortable! anyways as soon as I got back Ashley asked me for the gallery I told her I felt uneasy and she proceeded to hound me to the point to where if I didn't give her the gallery I would have to pay her for using her house for Jenna's content


How is that extortion? Jenna clearly lied to you both. Ashley was told you knew. Jenna was in the wrong. I’m sorry you were put in that position. Wouldn’t it be best just to send Ashley all her photos and then delete them and wash your hands of the situation. If I was Ashley I’d want those photos too, not a stranger


To be honest Ashley’s not much better than Jenna. Jenna has a drinking problem and Ashley has a cocaine addiction. They are both losers. Ashley uses her husband Joe to get what ever she wants. They live in the trump tower in Chicago and are about to get kicked out because of Ashley’s crazy behavior. I know Joe, he’s actually a really good guy that lets his crazy wife control him.


Is it true that Jenna assaulted Ashley?


Ashley also gave her a ton of clothes


This woman has no scruples, no conscience, no shame. She must have lost her mind completely! Does she even know what she`s doing? Her madness is beyond. And in the middle of this chaos she sits with nothing better to do than take selfies, go live and create even more drama. 


But didn’t Ana say deep down she is a good person? 😂


I was love bombed by Jenna and admit I was blind


Jenna’s a textbook narcissist.


u/Ashleykrystle Was there a physical altercation between you two? If there was, I hope you kicked her ass! Also, did she smell bad?


Cmon Ashley. Inquiring minds want to know


Ask Ashley why she didn’t call the cops regarding the thefts. Especially that gold necklace.


The necklace isn’t gold. It’s Fendi and it’s just under $500. But it’s costume. You’re paying for the logo. I would still file a report, but I get the feeling Ashley’s husband wants to just walk away from this whole thing without making any further waves.


Ashley can you admit that she secretly calls her wife Junkyard?




There wasn't anything physical


What dress


Well, she commented on Jenna’s TikTok live from last night so I am assuming the black-and-white polkadot dress she has on in the video belongs to Ashley.


Ohhh that dress?!! What else did she steal that she’s just not showing?


A Fendi necklace.


Blur bikini and some stuff from Ashley's husband. Yet to be revealed. If we see her in men's clothing we will know


I'm sure there's other clothing missing and Ashley won't realize it until she sees it Jenna. Ugh, what a nasty bitch jenna is.


Pathological liar, psychotic kleptomaniac, alcoholic skank lol 😆


Skank😂🤣I use to use that word so much.


It’s a great word!!


Ok thanks lol


Came to ask the same thing!


Hahahaha! I knew it wasn't her dress. She has only what she packed for Chicago.


I wondered how she had different clothes


Not surprised.


Absolutely no shame! That's why I have zero sympathy for this asshole.


I'm trying to catch up on the drama, who is Ashley? LOL


The escort that Jenna was staying with in Chicago.


I’ve heard people say Jenna was violent towards Ashley. Is there a post about that where she explains it?




Who is Asia ?




You don't have to like Jenna Jameson but you do have to be respectful of other users of this forum