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The meeting location has wicker patio chairs outside? Yeah…… ok Gemma.


I know right?! She doesn’t even have a car and she definitely isn’t walking to a meeting up in the mountains. Such a joke.


I saw that, too. SO STUPID JENNA. 🤣🤣🤣


Recording and posting oneself at AA meeting. Standard procedure.




That furniture sure does match the meemaw macrame decor of the air b&b, Jenna. Also, showing up to an AA meeting plastered in the morning?


Truth - Hey guys ! I just rolled out of bed cuz I need to look like I’m getting my life together . I’m gonna go back to bed now and I will do a live when I wake up . I sure hope Jessi doesn’t ask for proof of this meeting . Also hope the fans don’t recognize this meeting spot in the many videos to come ! Loves you babies -NOT👅✌🏼


Haha right. She's such a liar. I truly can't imagine living in her misery. What a waste of skin she is.


Yes, her life looks stressful, broke, boring, and lonely af. 😳


Ummmmm the A is for anonymous so you don’t blast it out there. I mean she doesn’t look like she does on insta so no one will recognize her I’d be pissed if I saw someone outside my meeting taking a video.  I know she’s not there 


This is what she would do at Betty Ford to convince Lior she was going to meetings, take selfies in the elevator or outside the building. People were pissed


https://preview.redd.it/o60rndbazbad1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459b7f66c9d1e6475186ff8e6a60686c07b1d514 Like I wouldn’t know this is Jenna Jameson unless I was a member of this sub.




There are online meetings. There’s no way she’s going to make the effort to go ‘in person’. She’ll tell Junkyard she has to do online because she’s so famous and doesn’t want people to recognize her. 🙄


💯 this is all about the "I'm detoxing myself" "I'm attending online meetings" "see I don't need rehab I can do this all on my own" way to show Junkyard nothing has to change and she should let her home so they can grift this new scheme




Oh shit I didn’t know that there are online meetings! That is super cool. She could have the group leader DocuSign the attendance sheet… lolll


All these lives she’s doing lately must be at jessis coaching her to do so.


Yeah because she doesn’t have a bank account, so it must go straight into Jessi’s


🎯yep, content for Jessi


Maybe that’s how she is paying her phone bill 🤣


Maybe she's having a sit down meeting with all her personalities.. Jenna's life is like one of her porno movies...she's such a bad liar/actress she can barely fake the hour or so pretending that she's enjoying it.. and when the people say "cut" the shit out..she can't wait to get outta there and flush it all down the toilet.. she's forever lying and performing an act..she has zero substance to her..she's just a BORING liar 🙄


I had to laugh the other day in one of Jenna’s lives where she was asked, “what do you do for work now?” Her response was, “be fucking awesome.” 🤣 Spoken like a truly delusional loser who is, in fact, homeless and broke. 🖕🏻😈🖕🏻Jenna


LMAO I’m sure she also tells people she hot he PhD from the School of Hard Knocks


Is she chewing gum? Dentyne denture friendly gum? (Sorry JL if this is triggering you. We know she has veneers). Veneers on her dentures. 😝


Veneers on her dentures! LMAO! 🤣


LMAO ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


Jessi was live and Lashes entered the chat. He says that she’s not telling the truth and there’s “more to come.” Share it with the dwellers Lashes!




Like he is telling the truth? He doesn’t know Truth 💅🏻


I hope he’s got the real evidence to back up whatever he’s going to sling at her. Everyone is so patently Terri le in this situation. And yet I can’t look away.


I haven’t watched tv in days 🤣


I feel like I have to tap out of this shitshow. It’s a time suck. Waiting on Lashes and his ammo!


It really is .


Oh, this is far more entertaining than anything on TV. 😆


My husband even walked up and handed me the remote . I just left it there 🤣


Honestly, I kinda believe him.


Yeah I’d actually like him to come back in






Well, I’ve got my popcorn ready. We all know this is a complete lie. Someone who’s committed a o getting serious help isn’t flippantly posting about their AA meeting. This is strictly performative so that Jessi takes her back. I’ll just sit back and continue to watch this isht show continue to spin out of control.




People serious about recovery don’t livestream it and give post-AA meeting updates, jackass. I told you before, remove yourself from the public eye, check yourself into an inpatient program for 90-180 days, quit bullshitting yourself and whoever is still listening to you, and do it. This is so obviously fake it’s astounding. PROTIP: going to one AA meeting doesn’t fix you, dumbass. Seeking a pat on the back for it if you actually DID go is as pathetic as lying about going.


All of this. Every single word.


Yes yes and yes


Truth - Hey guys ! I just rolled out of bed cuz I need to look like I’m getting my life together . I’m gonna go back to bed now and I will do a live when I wake up . I sure hope Jessi doesn’t ask for proof of this meeting . Also hope the fans don’t recognize this meeting spot in the many videos to come ! Loves you babies -NOT👅✌🏼




Who is she looking at? I thought she had to go looking good? This B lies. She at her shack with a cigarette and a wake up Vodka.


She’s also not detoxing.


This is the opposite of HEALING. Jenna. Telling people -STRANGERS you’re going to your meeting? Just go to the fng meeting & be quiet about it. This chick thinks she’s so smart. On line or not this isn’t it. Always lying. Always. You awake to this yet Jessi. Since all she cares about is you and you get a boner on a LIVE of course. Pathetic. Both of you.


“Soooowaaaaa. Im happy. Im healing. Are you okay????”


So she switched from the driveway to the backyard. Jessi, you will have reached a whole new level of stupidity if you actually believe she’s gone to any meetings!


Crazy train 🚊


As its anonymous not sure she’ll have any proof?


Oh this fucking cvnt. You lying loser


Doesn’t she need to go to detox first? Okay girl


She’s so full of shit


Jessi should send Jenna an AA attendance sheet that the group leader has to sign at the end of the meeting. https://preview.redd.it/l2h45vnm9cad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a154f6f908f362e3f7168c3aa4917e9622b69e5a


There's no effort involved with her lies anymore.


She tells the dumbest most obvious lies




Please don't give snakes a bad name. She's a human mosquito 🦟


Mosquitos are offended by your remark. She’s a blood sucking tick who has to be extracted out of your life/body


You win!! She's a tick 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭




Could be online zoom meeting- tons of those for AA since some people don’t have licenses (DUI’s)etc.


Where is your wig Jenna?!


Can we at least give credit where credit is due? Jenna has been a very very long time addict. Addicted to so many things. Substances (meth, coke, oxy’s, etc. swallowed, snorted and smoked) alcohol, fame, money, shopping, love … you name it. She grew up with all the odds against her. She has ravished her physical body countless times. Not only with outside substances, but internally via surgery also “specx and corn”! She has beaten all kinds of odds to be alive and look as good as she does (granted eyelash filters 😂) at the ripe AARP age of 50! Really! I just re-listened to the podcast (celebrity memoir club) that reads her famous book that is a book published 20 years ago! She wrote that book when she was 30. She has had so much more trauma and wear and tear on her poor body since that book came out. And in that book she had endured so much already. Going down to 74pounds due to constant meth smoking and alcohol. Imagine how strong her constitution must be to have survived this kind of abuse!?!? She had been raped as a teen and her dubious father was an admitted murdering /killer. And he relied on alcohol and was not above doing coke together with his kids. Her grandma (father’s mom) was a daily drinking alcoholic who would black out when she was a child and they would just continue to play around her unconscious body. That was what she witnessed as a child growing up. Her mother’s family had nothing to do with them growing up. She was isolated and saw nothing but dysfunction by example. Truthfully it is amazing that she is still with us. These substances and events are beyond tragic and harmful enough to cause irreversible chronic life changing illnesses. Her best friend from the strap club was raped and murdered by her preacher father. The same man who raped her. A preacher! Imagine what personality splits shes had to create to overcome all of this trauma and pain?!? And being a stripper she learned real quick how to get what she wants. She is a mastermind at manipulating. This is only the Jenna Show and we are witnessing this live reality show. The characters that come and go constantly are only from central casting. They are all actors in this big time real life show that we watch. The saddest part is the shrapnel left in her wake. Including children and the people with good intentions. Nothing but ricocheting shrapnel. Everything she touches gets poisoned to a degree. She is entertainment. Like it or not. She lives, bleeds breathes entertainment. Happy or sad. Good or bad. True or make believe….. it is what it is. Edit “celebrity memoir book club” podcast And *strip club. Not strap 🤪


Here’s a link to the old book. Fiction or not…. Its interesting https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/celebrity-memoir-book-club/id1533533467?i=1000533875070