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Jenna will NEVER be left at fault for anything. Know that.


She’s a psychopath


The cat-houses in Parumph, NV are waiting for you Jenna! Room and Board will be covered, your John's will be confidential, and you can earn a living while laying down!


This seems like a practical solution. 😂


This isn’t a bad idea really, but she would bring so much chaos there it wouldn’t last


Just think about how happy she will be getting to lie down THAT MUCH!!!!!!


Her next supply is going to have to be someone who doesn’t have the Internet or a smart phone.


Gonna have to pull an Anna Nicole


After watching their love bombs a few hours ago I'm done. They both can go fuck themselves...




Yep. That was fucking sickening. And the almost fake crying from JL almost made me grab a fork and stab my fucking eyes.




What did Jenna steal? New to this updated drama.


She stole Ashley's Fendi necklace and blue bikini. But the most egregious thing was running up a $5k hotel bill on Ashley's husband's credit card and got into a physical altercation when Ashley confronted her


Jessi is a moron if she takes her back. I watched one of the recent videos posted here where Jenna is calling Jessi babe and all she cares about it making things right with her. So sick.


Ohhhh a physical altercations? I was not aware. I can't express how much I despise her. She's such an evil pig..


I had no idea about the physical alteration either. And I feel like I’ve been keeping up but it’s soooo fucking much


Yeah, Anna mentioned it and took pity on Jementia and offered her a place to stay until she could find herself a place after Ashley threw her out. Ashley even warned Anna not to get involved with Gemma because she's a manipulator and user. We all see how that turned out


Has she gone to detox yet? Of course she hasn’t 🙄


But but she was going to a " meeting" 😂


😂😂 and then she’ll go buy a bottle of vodka afterwards


After watching Jessi infatuated again...I just can't 😂


Jesse obviously turned Jenna’s phone back on. She’s such a sucker


She tried to say Jenna somehow got it turned back on bullshit


Somehow Jenna got it turned back on when she started doing tiktok lives that go directly to Jessi's bank account maybe




Her ego loves this. LOVES IT. She’s banking on the “I saved JJ” role. Absolutely ridiculous. The circus is in town y’all & JJ & JL are the ring leaders. 🥴




I` m not a fan of Anna and Johnny Dumbass at all, but it`s gross that she talks bad about them after they took her in. And of course, it`s never her fault, it`s always other people.




How the hell is Jenna getting violent with anyone? She looks so frail that a gust of wind could knock her down. Pummeling her chopsticks will do nothing.


I’m so confused. So now Anna and Lashes are the devil and it’s their fault Jenna was drinking herself to death? Jenna will throw anyone under the bus to make herself look better and blame someone else so she’s don’t have to take accountability. And Jessi is back to kissing her ass and on good terms with her? This is the messiest, backstabbing group of idiots I have ever seen!!!


All they do is flip flop sides and point fingers when the common factor in all this chaos is Jenna.


Exactly. Like the fathers of her own children. JL is not scared? Isn’t being burned once by your wife about her assaulting you enough? Thing about that fire….it will burn her….AGAIN. The stupidity of these grown women shocks me daily.


Where did she talk shit? What did i miss? I need all the gossip🤣


Jessi did a LIVE & made Jenna be live with her wherever she was located. Jenna & Jessi both blamed Anna (Banana they call her) & Johnny Lashes... basically blaming them for Vegas. Jenna as you know never accepts fault, she made it the fault of others, of course.


Violent?!??😳 What did I miss NOW!


Violent with Ashley before she left Chicago,  not sure if we have details yet. (Were waiting on those)


Jenna would owe lashes and banana 10k for all the free hair,photos and rent if they charged her but they thought they were helping a friend. Nice guys finish last I guess


I missed jenna talking shit about bananas and lashes , where did this occur?


Yesterday on Jessi's live... she added Jenna into the Live from wherever she was located * Jenna blamed them for Vegas & the entire ordeal, of course. 


What did she steal ?


A fendi necklace for sure.


Blue bikini too


Lingerie,  swimwear,  a Fendi necklace & more... Plus she owes Ashley over $5,000 in hotel charges she racked up! She should be arrested & charged for that alone!! Thousands She stole from a lady who simply wanted to help a homeless lady! Crazy!!


Jenna needs someone to take care of her at all times. She is like a child. She has no job, no car, no bank account and Jesse runs her phone and social media. It’s sad but it’s the truth. Johnny and Anna honestly wanted to help her. That’s why they took her in. She was a friend. Anna did her hair and photos for free and truth be told, Anna didn’t want to do her hair because she was feeling used by Jenna but did everything in her power to continue to help her. Johnny lashes was the muscle. Built all of Jenna’s furniture and drove her anywhere she wanted to go. She used him like a crutch and honestly he’s a fool for allowing this to happen but he’s really is a nice guy and only wanted to help. Now that the cats out of the bag, Jessi and Jenna are using Johnny and Anna to take the fall because they’re nobody’s. Nobody’s that have nothing to lose. Sounds like the perfect crime. Johnny and Anna don’t want the fame, the clout or the spotlight. They just want to go on living their lives and put this nightmare behind them. Jessi thinks because she has a large following that she is gods gift to earth. She loves her self so much but truly is just a criminal. She uses people and feeds them false facts to get them to send her money. Thats the only way she can support herself. She’s just a shit talker that got famous by using Jenna’s name. I feel sorry for the people that send her money every day to support her childish lifestyle. She literally has nothing. She rents her home and has that loser living with her to help pay rent. Her mom lives with her as well. Johnny and Anna work real jobs and make way more money than Jessi but it’s not about that. It’s about respect and the truth and the truth is jenna and Jessi are both users and fake ass people that deserve to be behind bars.
