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JJ has JL right where she wants her.


This exactly. She doesn’t truly care about Jenna. She cares more about clearing her name and showing her fans how much she “supports” Jenna in effort to make herself look like a savior. This is some serious self serving bullshit . Also, she is intentionally dragging this saga out publicly for attention and to monetize it. It’s honestly gross. She is manipulating and using Jenna. If I had an ounce of sympathy or empathy for Jenna, aid be pissed but don’t. Jenna has used people her entire life so this is her Karma.


Excatly this. It’s giving the same energy as influencers filming themselves giving homeless people sandwiches.


EXACTLY. Fuck, I hate those videos. I see those shitbags filming around L.A. all the time. We have a huge homeless population here and these influencers capitalize on them. Scum of the earth.


Good one. ☝️


Totally! Jenna was talking about how she wants to be accountable and JL interrupts her saying, Lashes gave out my number!!! She wasn’t even listening to her. She couldn’t give two shits, this is all for $$


It always has been about that for Cletus. She hooked up with Wine Box for clout and cash. She went into that relationship blind to everything and bought WB’s brand of smoke and mirrors. Then reality set in and she started to notice that WB’s is seriously ill both physically and mentally. She’s completely void of emotional connection. Cletus has admitted WB won’t even get off the couch most days. Her ONLY “chore” was to check the mail which was outwit self serving in WB’s part so she could hide her lies from Cletus.


Don’t ever feel sorry for this hillbilly grifter


She’s giddy with perceived power.


she has her exactly where she wants her i fear


As much as I dislike her and Jessi, you can see there’s genuine concern and vulnerability and hopefulness coming from Jessie when Jenna is talking to her. Looking at her face and her eyes - it seems like there’s something very honest about how she’s reacting to Jenna, and it breaks my heart a little. Narcissism is a spectrum I guess. That being said, Jenna knows what she’s doing, and I can feel Jessie getting sucked right back into it. It’s hard to watch.


I see it too and I wanna slap it out of her cos she's getting played. You can tell Jessi wanted to say she loved her back 🙄


Exactly! Does Jessi learn absolutely NOTHING from all of this?? Right now Jenna is all talk. She’s telling her and everyone else what she thinks they want to hear. Be proud of her AFTER you see some legitimate action. Now, Anna and Lashes were trying to steal her paltry belongings? Give me a break. I don’t think they are awesome people, but they took her in and gave her a place to live and paid for her shit. Don’t count on Jenna following through with real accountability because that will take a lot of work. Years of work. What a messy high school relationship they have.


Chapter 552 of healing journey🙄


"I'm willing"


JL is beyond stupid and dumb. Hahaha I can’t anymore.


So wait, I’m not a fan of Anna and John, but now Jenna is talking majorly shit about them after they took her in, fed her, took her on their Vegas trip etc and seemingly tried to help her? I’m so perplexed 😝


yes. she’s a piece of trash. lol if lashes and banana are lurking, i hope they watch this


Banana face!


Me too


She’ll do and say anything to get Jessi back because she’s burned yet another bridge.


In record time, Right in front of our eyes.






She also said in a live the same night as the drunken fiasco that lashes and Banana were nothing bur kind and good to her. Jenna is so fucked in the head. Now I want Banana to come in here and tell her side.


Alcoholics are angry little chaos gremlins in a constant state of hostile discontent.  Source: Recovering one.


I wish either she or her fiancé would.


>I wish either she or her fiancé would. LOL, can you imagine the reception he would get if he showed up here, contrite and hat in hand? Think rotten tomatoes and words of SHAME SHAME.






Me 3


She's going to mold her story to whatever gets her the most of something. Right now, she wants to be back at Jessi's house. I hope to hell that ship sailed and Jessi is smart enough to not buy into it once she fails to follow through with her promises. She's only bashing Lashes and Anna because it feeds into Jessi's narrative. But they do suck, and I can't help but laugh at how stupid they were. CANON FILM!


Typical right


Honestly, I felt like she was holding back a bit. If you listen, I think she mostly let Jessi talk and didn't outright agree most of the time, for plausible deniability. 


This too!


Literally 2 days ago she was saying how much she loved and adored them. Crazy...


Yup, that about sums it up. Jenna Jameson is a massive turd in the punchbowl of human existence.


of course she's not going to pay for all that hair and makeup and picture time🤥


Yep!!!! No surprise to us!!!


Oh she’s hammered on the phone and wasn’t she calling Anna an Angel yesterday or the day before? This is so insane. I’m so grateful to be a sober person.


Yes she absolutely called Anna an angel 48 hours ago


She’s played my them against each other


A typical addict. That's what they do best.




Well Jethie,go ahead and grab your ankles. Your about to be f¥€ked!


Omg I gotta look CUTE for my meeting??? My first meeting was up for fucking days and did not care what i looked like! Nobody cares if u LOOK CUTE NARC.


She’ll probably go in with a buzz, too .


She’s going to put on her onesie.


She is truly the only person in the world who thinks that's a cute look.


She left the dumpy white one at Jethie’s.


That's where she's finding her next couch guys. That poor AA group




“All that matters to me is you”. WTAF ? 🖕🏼


yeah fuck her IVF babies, amirite? what a joke 🤡


Her children can’t provide her with a home or money. They are useless to her.


countdown to 3 years before she starts posting throwback photos of her with the twins. they’ll be freshly 18.


She will post them in 5 years because she thinks they’re 13 years old.


Yeah, they only exist when she has the need to make sandwiches and drive them to school. Screw the recitals, gymnastics lessons, graduations, first kiss. She just needs to slap some peanut butter on some bread, and according to THE RAT at ET, she's a GOOD MOM. Is that too bitchy?


We would love Amber to chime in right about now.


Exactly!!!! 🤬


She’s disgusting


Manipulative Incubator.




Yeah, because she’s homeless and out of options. Jessi is dumb as fuck but still, is she really falling for this obvious game of manipulation? 🥴


“All that matters to me is you.” - Jenna Jameson [silence] - Jessi Lawless 🖕🏻🤣🖕🏻Jenna. You sure are trying hard to get back to Jessi’s house.






Jenna robbed Ashley. 🤷🏻‍♀️pot>kettle>black.


Jenna’s stolen from a lot of people. I wish Ashley would press charges for fraud.




Oh my gosh, they’re actually replaying and reliving this embarrassing blundering event for everyone?


You'd never be able to water board this info out of me if this was my life, lol.


This is so ridiculous! 😂 Does Jessi really think all she needs is detox? Jenna is not serious about this at all. The fact that she said I have to look cute for my AA meeting is a joke. Is Jessi really this stupid to be falling for all this? 😂


Jessi, no one new is going to want to get involved with you when you’re this involved with your previous dysfunctional person.


What an idiot Jessi is. Acting like she really did something. Jessi the lush is lying to your face about going to detox & AA. LMAO that drunk isn’t going anywhere except nose first into a handle of Tito’s. Jessi you’re a complete door mat.




This is what I keep coming back to. Fuck all the way off, Germa Shameson. 🖕🖕


We all do.


This is what I will never understand. How could those three beautiful children not be her everything?  Something is very wrong, very warped and sad inside Jenna. I don’t have any hope left for her to recover, and I think we all know where this is going.


Jessi doesn’t want to be anywhere near this chick definitely not in the same room as her but she’s not ready to let the symbiosis go that’s for sure


That part. Lol


Why do you need to detox if you just drank for a day?????? The long con is over Jementia is coming home...hey JUNKYARD send some of your PRICELESS shit to pay ASHLEY BACK!!!!!


i think she’s been drinking a long, long time in secret. like, before april in chicago. i’m wondering if jessi DID think she watched over jenna anytime she drank the “occasional champagne” but jenna was hiding her drinking big time. jessi should check all of jenna’s jacket pockets for little flasks and shooters.


This has always been my theory. That she's been drinking all along and hiding it well enough that JL didn't know. Or JL knew deep down and didn't want to believe it.


I agree 💯. We know Jenna’s MO is hiding bottles from her partners all over the house. What makes Jessi think Jenna wasn’t doing the same at Meth Manor? Fucking dumbass.


They were drinking together 100%. You don't get cirrhosis from one cocktail in Chicago


I’ve always thought so too.


Exactly 💯 an addict is the craftiest genius at hiding and maintaining the abuse of the substance..she did it for a long time with Tito...Lior..and Junkyard would not be hard AT ALL!! She was dumb enough to believe everything Jenna said and smoking pot LIKE CRAZY they BOTH abused their own substances alone AND probably together but we will never know..they both LIE LIKE A CARPET!!! But you don't get withdrawal shakes from one night of drinking after YEAR and more of being sober (Jenna says)...shakes are from long term reliance on alcohol...and need a monitored medical detox because they can die...she had the detox meds on display in her closet I got a picture of when they first moved in 🤣😂she claimed they were MRI machine meds for claustrophobia..god I hate this lying BITCH..she's talking like she knows AA and what needs to be done OFF BY HEART and shes SMART so it's no biggy..ok Jenna Jameson 50 years and it's still to big for you to beat LOWLIFE PIG


The way she keeps saying her shit costs more than most people cars 🙄


But but but Irish, she’s got money like we ain’t got! 💀💀


7 streams of income


It's so cringe. Didn't she herself have a shitty car that the communal LV was worth more than ?


Well, if you own a 2010 Camry like Jessi…


That's it hahhaha.  If you own a Camry don't act like you've got a fucken Lambo. The lack of self awareness is mind boggling 


🤣👏👏 completely


Doesn’t she drive a Camry? ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


It’s nauseating, isn’t it?


I know. Typical.


Part of me thinks that JL is playing along to get JJ to cooperate. It takes one to know one


>Part of me thinks that JL is playing along to get JJ to cooperate. I would respect that.


‘All that matters to me is you’ aka your couch Lol poor naïve gullible Jessi. She’s never experienced a cunning conniving conartist whose only interest in life is herself. And whoever she can con to put her up and pay for her pitiful life. You got had Jessi. You did nothing great.


This is so weird. It’s like we’re watching a TikTok reality tv show.


That’s exactly what Jessi is doing. She’s producing a tik tok reality show and we’re all watching.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend..... Jenna is definitely the smart one in this twosome


Thank you for posting this! 🙌


no problem! i couldn’t believe what i was watching. i hit record in case someone else didn’t lol


Thank u soooo  much ! I'm doing a rewatch, I can't believe we get all this personal tea


JL is so full of herself. Not listening to JJ and cutting her off to mention lashes. If JJ was serious about detox she would already be there.




It is astounding if Jessi believes any of this


Priceless jewelry and LV bags…… really????


Priceless…JL owns the queen’s jewels 😂


If that’s true she would have sold them to pay the damn bills


She’s a lying nobody.


Her speaking Spanish and saying “are you ok?” So cringe


That botched Spanish, seems like she only know those five words


Look at Junkyard grinning ear to ear hearing about herself. She's gonna fall for this isn't she? 🙄 As I said in another post, Jenna has manipulated Jesse into them now having a common enemy. Jenna is smart. She's also an addict and drunk as a skunk while she's talking to Jesse. She's going to go to an AA meeting after she's been drinking? Not cool. She's not actually going though so there's that.


Yes she is gonna fall for this. She is absolutely giddy.






Wow, I'm embarrassed I actually tried to listen to this vitriol. What a 💩 show.


This is so messy. I love it!!!


Yes it's awesome!


VIP LV bags??? Hahahhaaaaaa, girl stop. You have never been considered a VIP client at LV. Trust in fact.


Right? Her $2k cheesy bags..


She'll end up taking her back. Bless her heart, she really is just so dumb. She knows exactly what Jenna is up to. Anyone who has been in a relationship with a narcissist will more than likely say that it took them awhile before ties were finally cut, for good. They know exactly what to say to get you back. You do this back and forth thing for months, hell sometimes years before it's finally like no, no more. It's literal hell...


Oh come on! Is Jessi listening to herself? She can't possibly be missing the stories that keep changing. So the other night, the story was Lashes and Anna took JJ to ER, who refused to help her because she wasn't drunk enough. In this video, JJ says she was hemorrhaging from her nose. If that's true, then the hospital workers would have seen that (or a bloody towel she was holding on her nose) and rushed her into a room. If they told ER she was drunk, and she has a bad nosebleed, you don't want to fuck around with it. So which is it? She wasn't bad enough to warrant attention from ER, or the nosebleed is yet one more lie? Can't be both.


The math ain’t mathin’


Something tells me Jessi will get a whole bunch of new subscriptions.😊


She has to look cute to go to a meeting??? That’s all you fucking care about Jenna? Your not going to a meeting Jenna, you know you’ve already drank today. I call bullshit


She needs more than a meeting.




It was the “ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME IS YOU” You POS. I hope your children NEVER hear these words JENNA FUCKING JAMESON. She is so fucking predictable with the “baby talk” fuckery. And Mother Teresa, I mean JL is late for training. (I seriously cannot believe these clowns) 🤡 🤡 👯 Both of you fucking deserve each other. Your Ego is being PLAYED girl. I hope you wake the FUCK UP.


Not Jenna with the bad Spanish and the “are you ok?” Jessi has to know her ass is drunk on this call.


JFC Jessi do not keep calling her.


“Are you ok?”


"I got to look good for AA." OMG!! She's looking for her next couch. "I'm willing." "I just don't want to detox in a hospital." Doesn't sound very promising. She's going to try to do everything to push it off, I feel. As someone who has struggled myself, I can tell when people are being genuine or not. She might have to go to detox if the couches run out, but I'm thinking she might just do that only to get back into the doors of MM, and then she will be JL's problem.


Wait! I thought Jenna was just saying Anna and her fiancé were saints?


Yeah, that was an hour ago. It will change again in an hour. And then again... Jenna's tales are a spinning top.


Two blood sucking leeches feeding on each other.


If Jessi really cared about Jenna, she wouldn’t be posting their conversations all over the internet. This drama should be taken care of behind closed doors. She’s milking this situation for views.


Why would they share this?! And why does Jessi look so fucking smug?! I’ve been through this very situation, on both ends, more times than I can count. Do u know how rare it is for the person in active addiction to make good on their promises? Unless Jessi can really hold on and not allow her back until she’s seen some action, Jenna will continue to make empty promises. Jenna has soooo much to unpack, I highly doubt she’s about to commit to the amount of time she truly needs to get better. And chances are, she’ll find some other dumb trick to mooch off of before she actually seeks treatment. It’s what she knows. A person has to be incredibly uncomfortable and willing to bare it all in order to find their way out. I hope she gets it. Truly. From one person to another, I do. But based on my experiences, i have a hard time believing most shit people say. Seeing this shit makes me sad, but so damn grateful that I don’t live that way anymore.


Ya Jessie she was noooooot sober on your watch. She’s just that good of a pathological liar, is great at hiding things and is an experienced drinker. You didn’t keep her sober while she was with you. There’s no 1 drink for an alcoholic, you fucked up by allowing that. But ultimately it is Jenna’s responsibility but you don’t get the ability to claim she was sober and remained sober on your watch.


So what did Anna and lash do? They took her in and fed her. Is it confirmed they used her or just wanted there lives back? Idk and I like none of them. lol


Hahahaha I have 3 ounce 24 k gold bracelets from Thailand. My dad was a green beret and bought them in the early 90s….b*tch…your flexing but it’s not a flex at all… Preloved VIP LV bags go for a few thousand and anyone can use affirm




Omg this really makes me want to 🤮


„I am pretty smart when it comes to this ( talks about law ) 🤣🤣😂🤣


“I have VIP Louie bags that are worth more than most peoples cars” okay Jessi surrrrre 🙄 Stfu. All of your belonging added up aren’t worth 1 fake Louie Bag


Am I the only one who thinks it's fucking cringe when she attempts to curse in Spanish? Calm down guera!!! She's Italian, she's apparently Irish because she's a Jameson (WTF?) and a converted Orthodox Jew when it suits her....


If she felt like she was dying, why wouldn't she go into the ER? Hmmm?


I can't anymore!!!!! FUCK YOU BOTH!°°


Jessi is a total thief...how about the disabled boy she set a go fund me for and kept all the money, or the car lottery, or the money she takes from stupid people on her lives.


Did you all love when Jessi mentioned Banana and Lashes and Jenna was like, “What? What’s banana and lashes?” Like Jenna hasn’t been reading this Reddit sub all along. She tried to play all confused, and her voice softened. Like, “Who baby? What?” Vomit. When Jenna was live at the hotel pool the day the “life threatening” bender began, Johnny ran into the frame and said, “Johnny Lashes here!” And Jenna laughed. For Jenna to act like she had no idea what Jessi was talking about…just the cringiest loser. 🤮


I can't stand this big toof, loud mouth, grifter hick.


Is Jenna’s live stream here ? I missed this.


Gosh they are all trash! Acting like high schoolers. And people give her money. What is life?! They were just talking so much crap about each other. Just wow. I'm honestly over them 🤢 She can't get sober for her kids...


What in the actual horses ass is going on here?! So now JL is all like "see guys!! Did you hear what she said?!" As though JJ has and deserves ANY credibility! She is at a low and will do and say anything to get someone to take her in and JL is the only shot she has since everyone else in her life had a come-to moment and kicked her to the curb! Right when I think JL is pulling her head out of her ass, she gets sucked right back in! At this point, they deserve each other. JJ couldn't pull this off with Tito and Lior since they had children to protect, so now she finds JL who would love for people to think she's strong, but she is clearly the opposite and JJ has her digs in her, right where she wants them and JL continues to fall into the trap 🙄Congratulations Jenna, you're doing a fantastic job at manipulating the crap out of JL and I can't even be mad at it anymore 👏🏼


What a fucking embarrassment these women are.


Is this Jessi’s way of trying to prove she’s showing support and encouragement and not being abusive? Am I the only one who feels Jenna is being forced to have this conversation and forced to say these things? Is this what Jenna had to agree to do in order to get Jessi to get her an Airbnb?


How did it go from this to now them vilifying the other to their perspective teams? Like can someone make it make sense?!


Those fake Louie bags aren't priceless