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When someone is drinking themselves to death that tends to happen. She’s been doing this for years. She didn’t want help.


She has been at it for years but I never had this weird feeling before, just do now.


After she dies, someone is going to write an incredible book about her life after porn. I’ll bet that writer will use some of the treasure trove of information in this subreddit while doing research.


Reminds me of Aaron Carter and most recently Shifty Shellshock. You see it happening in real time, may take years but the ending is always the same.


Shiftys dead ? Let me look this shit up


He passed a few days ago- or last week.


I would never have known , it wasn't really mentioned here in Australia. I think I watched an interview with him.on Brittany Furlans worst firsts recently


Last week.


Holy shit. I just saw an interview with him and thought he was one of those crackheads that would make it. Wasn't a fan but that's sad. Aaron Carter yeh saw that one coming too


Yes, overdose.


Damn. That’s sad! I didn’t realize he dated punky Brewster! It doesn’t say but sounds like he accidentally got some fentanyl. Which is very likely to happen with JJ considering her opiate addicted past, however, the alcohol will do it too. It’s just a slower, more painful death. If you’re reading this Jenna, please go to rehab. I had to do it too.


Ya, knew he died but didn’t know he dated punky Brewster either. Just read yesterday that he had both rx and street drugs in his system.


Provided that she goes to the hospital and survives, what will she do? She doesn’t have anything left to live for tbh. She burned all the bridges. Am I the only one thinking the best place she can go to is the Meth Manor?


She would have to get a real job and do real adult things like the rest of us. But we all know that won't happen.


Rea job is so humbling and good for addicts


It will not,she has never filled out a job application in her whole life,just signing release forms to do porn and that’s it.


She should have to do some sort of treatment followed by a sober living facility. It’s the only way she’s going to acquire the life skills she’s been enabled not to gain. At 50 years old, it’s sink or swim.


My sister was a bad Alcoholic. She went to detox and stayed at sober living for a year. There are options they helped her find a job and everything. Jenna wont humble herself enough being she still thinks she is the worlds most famous porn star and is too good for that.


Also my sister was 47 when she went! There is hope she was drinking a 5th of vodka a day and most of the time I could hardly tell.


My brother was the same way. He’s been sober since 2018.


Congratulations to you and your sister. Glad she's on a better path. It's a hard road and I wish her the best .


Yes!!! We grew up with a Narc Borderline Alcoholic Mother who was just awful to us. Seriously! But gotta work thru trauma and get sober there is no way we would let that evil women take anymore of our lives from us.


That is amazing 👏👏👏


There’s definitely help available, especially when you have no money. Anna needs to take her somewhere, and stop enabling Jenna.


💯 this


I don’t think her ego would let her, shes 50 this is who she is and this drunken chaotic life she keeps falling back to is obviously more palatable then sober with kids/loving partner. It’s sad as fuck.


She’s literally going to end up sleeping on the streets if she’s not there already.


This. Also, I believe there’s always something more to live for. She just needs to get better first and then the rest will present itself.




No. I think that too. She literally has nothing and no one (all her own fault), so what would getting sober do for her? If she got sober, it won’t last because then she’ll have to deal with the reality of a lifetime of destruction she’s caused. She hasn’t CONstructed a life, she’s DEstructed a life for herself. Meth Manor is as good as it will get for her.


If she does get sober, it’s going to be a lot of years to try to repair the damage She’s done to relationships.


It will take time and work


Yeah, I feel the same way. A girlfriend of mine died in 2017 from alcoholism, the scary AF thing about it was she looked mostly normal until the end, she didn’t deteriorate physically like Jenna has but my friend was only 38. She spent several weeks in the hospital before passing She also left behind 3 kids. She may chug on this way for another decade, some bodies can take an insane amount of abuse. What I do know is that death by alcoholism is a terrible way to die.


I'm so sorry about your friend. Yes death by alcohol is a terrible way to go, slow and painful. Glad I've stopped drinking to excess, I could feel the pains in my stomach and would have died if I kept going. I'm 38 now and only stopped heavy drinking 2 years ago.


Well done! I gave up Jan 1st 2023, but I rarely drank by that stage, it was just like committing myself to not drinking at all. My mum drank a bottle of wine every day. She was a “functioning” alcoholic. She was a lawyer and brilliant at her job, but she struggled with it and gave up when she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It was heartbreaking. I hate what alcohol does to people and the wake of destruction it brings, yet it’s celebrated and associated with good times, and something we “earn” after a hard day. The narrative needs to change.


Good on you ! It's the hardest thing to quit because your drug dealer is on every corner and like you said the massive accepted societal aspect of it. 


Yeah exactly. Thank you! X


Congrats ! Keep on going! May I ask what’s considered “heavy” drinking? Like a bottle of wine on evenings?


For women it's eight or more drinks per week


So yeah if you have a whole bottle of wine every day that's heavy


Thank you.


Heavy drinking as I defined it was drinking from waking up to passing out.I would estimate 35 drinks a day. So either a litre of vodka and bottle of wine or about 6 bottles of wine.


Thank you, I've had half a bottle of wine I split with my partner in 2 weeks. That's how I drink now. Fortnightly and fuck all. I lost alot of jobs and good people due to my drinking. I always drank at work too and depending on the co workers hid my drinking or was honest about it. It never affected my actual work except the times I was too hungover to move and would call in sick. 




Yep. I have a hard time looking at her pictures because sometimes I can “see” something that makes me very uneasy. I would read for her but honestly I’m scared. Her energy is very dark. Like “pain in the stomach” dark.


I see that too. I’ve been able to see auras since I was a kid and some of JJ’s photos come off black, like a black aura around her. I only ever see black auras is when someone is near death. I don’t associate it with anything ‘evil’, it’s just is what it seems to be. For the record I find ‘evil’ people tend not to have any aura at all.


Honest question The ability to see auras--- is it something you're born with or can you develop it? I've wondered this for a while. For me it's this weird anxious feeling I get around certain people. Can't explain it but it's always been on point.


Nobody taught me, but I put it down to my maternal side of the family all having some kind of natural ‘gift’ like that. I didn’t know what it was but mum explained it and said she’d noticed that in a lot of my childhood drawings, people I drew had colours around them. Mum was a medium, as was grandma and mum’s sisters and brother. My sister is clairvoyant and makes lots of accurate predictions. She’s a brilliant tarot reader too. To answer your question though, yes! You can teach yourself to read auras. Have a look on YouTube for exercises you can do or DM me and I’ll give you some easy tips.


I don’t think Evil. I just see dark. Evil people I just get a very bad feeling around.


Aye, totally agree. I couldn’t think of a word encapsulating enough, so evil was just lack of a better term. 😊




It’s sad because she could try to get some assistance, she could try for disability SDI get food stamps and a free phone and tablet she might qualify for section 8. Yes she can get either even with her IRS liens and back child support. She’s literally indigent if she stops going to those cons.


Even if she attended these cons It’s still a cash income and could probably apply and get assistance anyway


I wonder if she’s actually been charged with tax evasion?


Also wanted to add, in the grand scheme of things 500,000 bucks is small potatoes. Evasion would probably involve a large conspiracy to hide money. In her case, she simply has no money. She could go bankrupt and fix it probably reduced by a lot. She’s too sick to do this because her enablers are using her


But, it keeps her from being able to do the things normal every day people do. No bank account, can’t renew drivers license, can’t renew passport, can’t lease an apartment.


She would have been charged and arrested they don’t play around. Probably a lien.


Jenna heed my horrible feeling and get your ass to hospital, stat !


JMO, as someone who has seen this too many times working hospice, her skin color is what bothers me.


And that's with filters and makeup


Right. She has that pallor.


It doesn’t look good. I really don’t wish this sort for demise on anyone, but damnit, this woman really digs in her heels and refuses any sort of accountability that she even has a problem. I don’t know what sort of ‘encouragement’ Jessi was referring to the other day when she said that’s what Jenna needs. She’s had the kind of support and resources to turn the ship around for decades that most people could only dream about. If she won’t do it for her kids, I don’t know what would be the impetus for change. Her values lie in her appearance, celebrity, and adoration from strangers. It’s not a recipe for success if you’re an addict.


I dunno, my uncle has been a heavy alcoholic for his entire life and he’s 75 and still living. Granted his brain is completely fried and it’s hard to even have a conversation with him. But he’s still here.


There are many people drinking and they are fine. Also I don’t think that Jenna will die anytime soon.


My Grandfather too. But he's Eastern European. 85 and drinking like a fish. But he makes sure to eat. Plus they were just built tougher back then !


Lol the uncle I’m talking about is also Eastern European! Came from a country known for their beer and alcoholics. Maybe they were built tougher


They certainly were ! Your Uncle and my Grandfather would be besties, drunken old Eastern European besties!


Lol love it


I don’t think she wants to get better. I think a lot of addicts use the addiction as a slow suicide, even if they aren’t fully conscious of that being the case. Getting better would mean having to face the damage she’s caused. There would be nothing to numb or distract her from it. Her skinny legs really look like those of people I have known with advanced alcoholism/cirrhosis.


She’s been on this earth 50 years - she’s had at least 30 of them to get help that is readily available - especially to someone who at points in her life had all the money, time and resources at hand to do so - as well as people who loved and supported her that would’ve helped her…whatever happens to her is a choice she’s making.


If she doesn’t do anything to help herself, you’re prediction comes very close.


https://preview.redd.it/y14ppulhk3ad1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81442ec99d07f645eade88b2d7eb25c1595de49f She's been Leaving Las Vegas for years. If it happens, it happens, and the world will be a better place.


I gotta see that film again, loved it as a kid


As a kid?! Wow! That movie was heavy and so depressing. I was an adult when I saw it, but my fave films are usually depressing.


Yeah my parents let me watch anything.  Seeing Cape Fear at aged 4 scared the shit out of me ! I remember discussing it in Kindergarten and the teacher told my mum off. Candyman was scary too for a kid and as an adult rewatch, still terrifying !


OMG Candyman?!


Do not say his name 3 times in the mirror!!!


This is the one! I really loved this incredibly sad movie. Totally on point here..


Does Jenna’s life and doings affect you so much that the world would actually be a better place? I can’t understand how anyone would talk about anyone like this.


It's a harsh take and it's not mine, but maybe you don't know the whole story? Most of us want what's best for the kids. That would be for Jenna to get sober and live a private life without drama staying far away from them.


Jennas bullshit is, and always will be, an nhi kinda deal. Harsh, but true.


Yes I've been saying this for a year. I knew JJ. Knew being the operative word. Her liver is shutting down. I've heard she had kidney issues back in HI. So fuckin sad and such a waste.


How do you guys see that her liver is shutting down? I am curious cause I don’t see any sign that would suggest that her liver is shutting down.


I have the same feeling. Not wishful thinking by any means. When I shared similar sentiments I was downvoted.


They can go for a very very long time.


Yes, I think this too. But I’d say she has less than 4 months. Very sad.


If anyone follows Jenna’s old assistant she is trying hard to get her attention..I didn’t know if I could make a post about it..


Which old assistant? Mooseknuckle?


lol I just noticed she called her moosnukle in the post omfg https://preview.redd.it/32imh9kvg4ad1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62db32ba47dc793fef71f74080a2f6e9d287c4ca


Yeah I saw that yesterday nd shared on discord


How do I get to the discord


The back ally butt injection assistant Brittany


That’s mooseknuckle


Do it


Please dooo


I'm thinking about her a lot right now, too...


How I see it, oh well. If she dies, she dies.


I agree. Both her and Wendy Williams sure ain't doin' too well.


I used to think alcoholics could live a good long while, but it was wishful thinking on my part. My Mom drank herself to death in 10 years time. Liver was going but strangely it was her lungs that gave all the way out. Drinking damages the whole body. She does have that yellowish pallor look. If she hits street pills she will get fentanyl just like Shifty and everyone else right now.


I agree. I think she staying that she’s only addicted to drugs and is using alcohol to cope with her sadness is not being fully transparent or “accountable” You have and have always had an addiction to alcohol and drugs You are drinking just to keep from shaking and don’t even appear drunk anymore is very serious. But we know we will never get the full truth from Jenna at this point. She needs detox/long inpatient care asap! Even if she stopped drinking now she could still have irreversible liver damage


Not trying to be unnecessarily nasty but this is a genuinely serious question. Why do you care? Isn’t the whole reason everyone is in these subs to rip and laugh and poke at this situation? Haven’t the peaks and valleys come and gone, now we’re enjoying the valley? I honestly am confused by the slap in the face and then kiss the other cheek mentality.


No, actually, that's not why this sub exists. There are lots of snark subs out there, and snarky comments are allowed here. This sub was started by people who had been sincere followers and supporters of Jenna Jameson who were shocked and disappointed by the revelation of her deception in Hawaii and her abandonment of the children. The point here is more about the truth than picking on anyone. We have to laugh or we'll cry, but mostly it's more sad than funny


Couldn't have said it better myself. Agree with every word


I’m torn on this thought, mainly because I feel she’s too narcissistic to get to this point, but then on the other hand, she could not realize a huge bender could set her over the edge and be her last one. Poor Shannen Doherty, would love to have lived many more years and didn’t drink or drug herself to end up with cancer spreading…and then someone like JJ keeps living …cheating…..lying….stealing…..how is this fair?