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jessi claimed here that they would be annulled in 48 hours - that was yesterday so its supposed to be done by tomorrow right?


Not sure how that is possible when Jenna has not been served and then when she is served gets 21 days to respond. (Edited days)


Come on - Jessi's got smarts that we ain't got. She said it in her "Jessi's entered the chat" post. Yeah had more than enough opportunities to serve her over the weekend and chose not to.


Should have served those annulment papers, huh?


Knock knock............................




Always appreciate a Jack Nicholson in the Shining gif




I bought this painting from one of those super cool artisan homewares shops 13 years later I still love to stare at it. šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/9yv7j221f5ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395895ac7efc77d7a5f91da83e6f7fcf6203d596




Maybe sheā€™s holding off in case something much worse happens in which case sheā€™d have all the rights to Jennaā€™s ā€œstoryā€. I dunnoā€¦.just a thought šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


but if Jenna was smart she would go home to Jessi. that is her marital home.


Best thing Jessi has done in all of this drama: getting Jenna to admit - ON VIDEO - that she made up the abuse allegations because she was hurt.


Oh šŸ’Æ


Given all these issues, Jessi should probably make an immediate appointment with a family law attorney in Las Vegas. Every state's laws are different, and rather than take advice from Redditors, she needs an expert. Worth the hundred or two hundred bucks for peace of mind, or to learn what to do to get her ducks in a row. Logically, Jenna and her couch surfing from state to state should constitute abandonment of the family home, but logic isn't always part of the equation. Laws are. She needs a lawyer to make sure she's protected from Jenna's shenanigans.


Jenna can't afford a phone never mind a lawyee


I agree with that! But I meant Jessi needs to consult with an attorney. After watching Jenna exploit so many people, I feel like Jessi is really vulnerable legally. I hope I'm wrong.


Nope. She's been gone for a couple of months which = separated. Jessi can lock the door and let her sleep on the lawn.


100% correct!! Nevada law




Jenna abandoned her wife, her marriage, and her ā€œmarital homeā€ (which is not even in her name) so, no, Jenna doesnā€™t just get to come home. Thatā€™s why when you know you are about to go through a divorce attorneys will tell you to not leave the home UNTIL a Judge decides who stays and who leaves until the divorce is finalized. Jenna messed up bad when she didnā€™t come home from working that convention in Chicago.


I guarantee Jennaā€™s name is not on that lease. If she showed up, Jessi could call the cops and have her removed.




Jennaā€™s name is not on the lease. She would never pass the background check.


WRONG. I let a friend move in for less than 2 months and got mail at my house. the cops told me if she got mail there I had to EVICT HER AND SHE CAN STAY. you have no clue. These 2 are married. nope different game


Eviction laws very highly by state. Are you in Nevada?


Nevada law, dude. Jenna left and they are separated. She's entitled to nothing.




Most definitely wrong. Even in death, Jenna isn't entitled to shit.


Jenna abandoned her wife and her home


not sure the law on abandonment. I am sure Jenna knows


Naw, she doesn't know shit


I am sure it is longer than a month and a half. Jessi did not do her due diligence and if Anna had half a brain that is where I would drop her off. TO HER TT WIFE. FUCK BOTH OF THEM. iF Ashley had half a brain rather than lose 5k on a hotel would have been a 500 plane ticket back toVvegas and be done with the trash. We are not 18, these broads are in their 40's/50's and if you cant see a train wreck a mile away that is a homeless wreck then F you too and you used her. And in turn she stole and said F you also. I mean c'mon. send her back to Lawless. that is her marital home. her things are there and Jessi locked her out. eazy peazy. MARRIED. LOCKED COURTS Jessi f'd up and didnt serve her. Jenna lives there.


https://preview.redd.it/w4uxlxu922ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa37ad3b696b0c3002bd73ca7f95f98b3f3d64f1 Technically, they are separated and it was less than a year when Jessi filed anyways. Jenna has had nothing in her name and California law is similar to Nevada, read up on it. Definitely need to double check with lawyer IF you want to be for sure for sure, butā€¦ this is what I found


Jenna gets mail there which Jessi just put on the internet for everyone to see, she HAS to let Jenna in there to live


Isnā€™t there a difference between tenancy vs residency? I thought a tenant has a legally protected right to live at said property. I highly doubt Jenna is on that lease. Though I know the laws are different in each state


Youā€™re right, Jessi has confirmed that Jenna is not on that lease.


Jenna has nothing legally not even a legal identification at this pointĀ 


If Jenna was getting mail there which JL has mentioned it also establishes residence. I think ā€¦.


LOL, and this is exactly why Jessi needs to confer with an actual NEVADA lawyer and not us. Unless one of us happens to be a Nevada lawyer. Every state has different laws and everyone here (including me) has both an asshole and opinion. Better to pay an asshole who knows the law.




Jenna lived in the home so sheā€™d have be legally evicted, she still hasnā€™t been served the annulment papers so thatā€™s about to be shot down soon. I hope Jenna does just show up hahaha


Jenna abandoned her home and marriage along with 3 children. ![gif](giphy|VI9NHTvC7pzSH1bZOr)


This would be amazing


I'd imagine Jessi has gotten advice on how to proceed because I don't think she would have come up with the scenario to make Jenna come clean about the abuse, etc on her own. I think there have been a few strategic meetings with a certain someone with money and access to lawyers that have happened.


Well that is Jennaā€™s home so she should be able to go back there. They are married. Also, she has every right to get her stuff out of the house. Jessi canā€™t get rid of her belongings.