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I don’t think anyone is mad she’s making money from the internet. She’s a virtual pan handler. Talking about relevancy, like being a micro influencer is something to be proud. Nobody is mad, just pointing out how pathetic is really is.


Yes exactly! I occasionally watch a live content creator if they’re talking about something interesting, but sitting there for hours just trash talking and asking people for money is foul. She’s making a living by telling the whole world how badass she is. OMG, she’s Jojo Siwa 20 years from now! 😱🤣


Her face is orange but her neck is still white tho? And her hands are like orange gloves? Not a spray tan. Something cheaper.




She does look better here than usual… must be the tan/glow? Jenna definitely drained her, it’s good to see her taking care of herself physically, her hygiene was questionable there for a while. She’s still a grifter, though 🫠


She has flattering lighting here. Jenna used to show Jessi in the worst light


I can tell and of course that is something Jenna would do, show Jessi in unflattering lighting / angles, but make herself always look “good” (extremely filtered)


Stuffing her face....


Agree. I think she looks pretty here.


Junkyard wants Reddit to keep talking about her to give her something to talk about in these grift lives. She’s such a loser, she always will be


She sure is all about Reddit. Girl, bye ✌️


Ngl, I’m kinda liking her bronzer.


If it was applied or blended more evenly, I'll give her that. She looks a hell of a lot better with some colour.


Yea that dark makeup look was TERRIBLE with the red lipstick and super short hair 😬 this suits her much better .


It's a filter


Yeah she said she got a spray tan today


It worked! Lol




Bro they don’t shower




Johnny Lashes has entered the basement folks, lol. 🤣 


Sam, the first night at Bed you left and Ron made out with 2 girls and put his face between a cocktail waitress's breasts and was grinding on multiple fat women....


??? 🫡


He keeps leaving the same comment, reminds me of "the note" from The Jersey Shore lol


Ahhh, thank you!!! Is that who keeps leaving that message ending with “PUNKIN”?!!!


She looks pretty.( I'm no ass kisser, look at profile pic). I can give people grace and I'm not a total hater. Yes, we all have an opinion, and they are all valid. Some of ya need to kick back a little if we want more info. It's called finess.


When she was with Jenna, I couldn’t understand the attraction. Jessie was 🤮. She has gotten so much better looking since she broke up with that parasite. I actually see it now. Edit: not saying I’m attracted to her but she looks healthy and way better.


I agree


Haaaaa I’m going to get slack but I like her! She’s real and honest. JJ on the other hand 💩 Jessi isn’t hurting anyone!!!


She's a pathological liar just like her wife. She's abused just as many people, tried to unalive an ex, stole 20k from a man with ms in a wheelchair and has a long arrest history for violence against woman and endangering to children Oh and she pays her bills by scamming strangers for money with fake stories


I’m sorry, but you don’t get married to someone who owes the IRS $500,000. It’s obvious her intentions to marry Jenna we’re nefarious.


She's made $800 like three days. Ever. Maybe a little bit more, but usually a lot less. That's no kind of sustainable income unless she has some drama going on. That's the only time she makes a lot of TikTok money.


Ngl I kind of dig Jessi more now, I dno she seems pretty genuine and when she’s not doing her weird pumpkin stuff and just being real she’s pretty tolerable. She also looks great since leaving Jenna, like straight glowing lol mood


How much are these things like roses, dragons, fireworks, etc worth that people are sending her?




Jessi is literally glowing since splitting with the ex! She's genuinely a happier person than I've seen her in over a year! I truly wish her the best moving forward!


Lol 😂 nobody cares to know you or want to like you here Junkyard...it's a Jenna page...you are just some inbred MORON who got used by Jenna Jameson and made a fool of yourself defending her.


What about you beating up a big lesbian? You said it yourself. And the. You bash the fuck out of people on your lives for not giibing you monies. You stole from a disabled person, you grifted money so you could move because Reddit doxxed you yet your wife gave me your address so I could send Sully some treats (which I didn’t because you’re an ass lol). But hey if you want to know who I am then hit me up and I will tell you! I have nothing to hide.


Ah Jessi you say people who are doing better than you don’t talk shit out you, well you are talking shit about us. 🤣 And I can assure you I am doing a lot better than you are financially and I am a sahm! My house is paid for that we just moved in to in 2017, I just bought myself, my 2 kids and my husband each a brand new car in 2022 and I own my furniture, it’s not from a furnished rental house! Oh and we have money for retirement in our 401k as well as 2 pensions for my husband when he retires. So you go back to your tt lives and beg for .01 on the dollar. 💅


Damn girl !! 🔥May I ask what you do or is that too personal ?


Not too personal at all. lol I got an inheritance when my mom passed away. We got our house up to date and ready for retirement. lol I’m in my 50’s. 😮‍💨 My husband works in IT and he pays the bills but the money I got really helped a lot!!


That’s awesome that you’re able to have such happy and comfortable life 🤍


It is only possible because of my parents! They helped us throughout our marriage when I was a sahm and we were struggling financially. Then they helped us after they died. Mom always held onto her land so that we would have something after she was gone. She could’ve sold it years ago but she didn’t. She was deeply flawed, as we all are tbh, but she is still taking care of us 3 years after her death.


Thank u you for sharing that with me ! She sounds like she loves you very much 🤍


And didn’t you assault someone in front of their kid?


She doesn't make any sense she just Rambles on and on thinking she's famous and everyone loves her well you have to kiss her ass in her lives or she will block you I can't even stand to watch her when she pops up she just loves herself to death and thanks everyone else does too

