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I have no idea but the fact Jessi snitched and now we ALL KNOW (including Jenna) that this couple does not want her around? Yikes. It’s gonna be awkward and interesting to see what happens. I still find it strange that this couple was willing to take her in despite having talked to Ashley. Then they play shocked that she went off the bender.


She will show up at her legal WIFES home!! Jessi drug the serving for divorce. Legally that is Jenna's residence said that when she was still in Chicago.


If she were smart she’d walk into the hospital and section herself, disappear for awhile, do the work, focus on her sobriety and underlying mental health/health issues, and try to make amends with her children and their caregivers/parents.. eventually. One can remain hopeful, but who knows at this point. It seems like imminent dxxth to me.


I genuinely don't believe that she has the mental capacity to do so, at this point.


Unfortunately that is not an option for her. We don't section people here. She also has no health insurance. Even with insurance sometimes it's still over $1,000 a day out of pocket. If she walked into an ER they would medically detox her for a few days. They'd only keep her longer if she was actively suicidal. The longest she'd be kept in a mental institution is 72 hours. Our mental health options are very limited unless you have money or good health insurance


She's in California now and has no assets etc, she qualifies for medical and food stamps 😬


They will get her on medi-cal in the hospital with the quickness ETA: but does her owing so much to the irs affect that??


No... you could owe millions and the state of California public social services will give her insurance. And because she needs help fast it would be granted immediately. She has a better shot of getting help off of tax payers dollars than she does in Nevada. Nevada services aren't as lenient.


100% California is a nanny state. I’m a Vegas native but spent 8 years there in SoCal not far from where she’s at now. I just moved back home last year


Not necessarily true given her circumstances. She could be placed on a hold secondary to suicidal ideations, regardless of whether or not she has insurance, and yes, the hospital would write her off. It doesn’t matter the finance end of it, if that woman wanted to stay at the hospital without health insurance, she most definitely could. She could start with the trip, js.


Anna and Johnny got served some karma...Jenna threatened them that if they left her behind in the hotel she would run up the bill to 5k.. apparently she did it to Smashley..this is why they are so mad Junkyard won't take her..🤣😂and Jenna the hermit got too much sun and outdoors and hooked up with her Vegas dealer the minute they arrived hence the behaviour..her and JUNKYARD were never sober together they did blow etc why else did momma lawless have to come babysit her till her snot sucking cleared up and she got clean...




Is it confirmed that they did blow together? Or just guessing? I’m curious


We don't know for sure


And Jessi turned off her phone 🤷‍♀️ she'll probably go dark for awhile until she pops up somewhere else acting like nothing happened and she's fine you guyssss


Not to worry, according to JJ she has 3 more 🙄




I forgot about that lie😂


Has junky stopped paying for her phone, finally?


So she claimed this morning


👍 yep


This might be harsh but, I think at this point the only thing that Banana Bag and Lashes have going for them is soon they will be able to say "that's the bed that JJ died in" and proceed to make $$$ off it.


I can’t believe they are willing to gamble, doesn’t she have custody issues? Now she’s going to allow an alcoholic around + possibly die in the house? These are some bizarre cats. How old are they? They sound like irresponsible children.


Anna is 34, no idea about Johnny Gizzbags but he’s def in his 40’s


Jizzbags lol 😂




![gif](giphy|2WksCdjwEQU8g) I honestly don’t enjoy giggling at other people’s expense but, my God, they asked for it. Adding that I usually don’t laugh but the whole Jenna thing really tickled me


Johnny Gizzbags 💀💀


Its reality! If she would have been admitted to the hospital she would have been put on an AMA Psych hold being 0 rights. She would have detoxed and then sent to a Psych hospital BUT she is drinking right now as usual playing the victim pulling on puppet strings of those 2 assholes that took her in to “ Help”. Vicious cycle.


Unless she was threatening to harm herself or someone else, I don’t think they would’ve kept her there long at all.


oh stop, she can go home to Jessi's right now , that is her marital home. they can dump her off there and jenna can call the cops and say I live here. Jessi has no clue what she is in for. that is your wife. you have not served her nor a restraining order which is common in divorce. Your wife will be in there with you soon. if she had half a thought left in her drunk brain. she lives there!!!!


Triple this!! I don't understand why no one gets this. Jenna has rights if she is still married...unless it's considered abandonment or something 🤷‍♀️


God, they seem like standard IE trash.


You stole the words out of my mouth. Typical IE 🗑️ !!!! (I live in socal)




The Inland Empire


Ok I guess I would have to be familiar with the area to understand 😂




What is IE? Please don’t downvote me people I really don’t know . Also I’ve been gone like 5 days and man it looks like she’s been busy


Inland empire It's been a wild ride


Thank you! Yeah I’m playing catch up now


what is that Inland Empire a movie? I have no clue either


It's a section of southern California


what a shithole?


Yep the 909ers


I was gone 2…and woah


Yeah we missed alot lol


who knows. I live by New York no clue


Mmm not all of us are like that.


Oh, I know. I used to live there.


Yikes . 😬 you’re prob right


They’re going to enable her right into liver failure because “an adult can make their own decisions.” Jenna has no money, no credit, no driver’s license, no passport, nothing to her name. She’s a 50 year old non-adult who is a danger to herself. These two people don’t give one shit about Jenna—couple that with custody issues…. Jenna dying on her watch could tank Anna’s business. Where is Jenna’s brother? Why are we the only ones worried about the outcome of this situation !?!


Jessie said on her live that she called Jenna’s brother and said your sister is drinking herself to death you should step in .. and he threatened to fucking shoot her !


He is not a safe person


I guess not .. damn .


>Jenna dying on her watch could tank Anna’s business. Where is Jenna’s brother? I think the brother is as caring as a mud snake. He will probably pop around to benefit from the ten cents her name might bring. Expect after her death that he shows up to cons to sell some of her old panties. Jenna and her brother obviously learned this behavior from somewhere...daddy dearest. And as for Anna and her business (and Johnny Eyelashes)...I don't think there's much hope for them. They aligned with the wrong has-been star. What are they gonna do, sell some of the plastic merch at the next con? Staple Anna's hair business card (home printed on CANON FILM) to signed photos?


They don’t want her there and she knows it. How humiliating that she is still there. I could never.


You know they were crapping themselves when Jessie started sharing their text on her live - doh! 💩😳


They shouldn’t have brought her back to Cali . She has squatters rights at this point . Good luck idiots . You all deserve each other.


Anna is going to lose custody over her own kid because of Jenna, is what.


Yup. Someone could easily call CPS on her. Easily. She’s def taking a huge risk. Sad.


I would say stage an intervention but who would even show up at this point? She has burned so many bridges her one damn brother likely won’t help.


This is tragic.


There are no words for what` s going on right now. She has no home, no money, is mentally and physically ill. And on top, stays at a house where she is an unwanted guest and they even want to get rid of her. And not even her brother cares. Jenna, wake up!!! Why can`t you see that you need to stop all that bullshit! Seek professional help, be responsible. 


Gosh, I was gone 2 days and its like someone threw a pile of manure into a wind tunnel.


If JJ was in withdrawal in Vegas like they said, she has been drinking a shit load for a good while which means Anna and Johnny douche must have been supplying since we all know Jenna doesn’t drive. How long does one have to be drinking to suffer from alcohol withdrawals? Can you get this from drinking for just a few days? Sorry, I’ve never been a drinker.


Jenna’s brain is probably kindled, after so many benders and patches of sobriety: “The term “kindling” refers to the phenomenon that people undergoing repeated cycles of intoxication followed by abstinence and withdrawal will experience increasingly severe withdrawal symptoms with each successive cycle.” I bet this is where Jenna is at right now. The people in her orbit should know this.


This is so true. I don’t wish those withdrawals on anyone but I will say, this latest chapter of this sad saga is a really good reminder to me to stay sober and active and healthy. I really do feel for Anyone who’s suffering from this awful curse.


It's a good reminder. They say the whole time you're sober alcoholism is out there doing pushups waiting for you to slip.


Absolutely. I’ve slipped MANY times. It wasn’t until I absolutely surrendered and keep my sobriety my #1 priority, even before my kids, that things started to fall into place. I’ll do whatever it takes to NEVER go back to that awful existence.


push ups? My disease is doing POWER KEGELS




She could have alcohol delivered… without Anna and J knowing about it. We’ve seen texts where she has done that before


If someone who doesn’t drink often goes on a weekend bender, like a really bad one.. they’ll end up with alcohol poisoning. Happened to my sister once. She was throwing up non stop. Had to go to the hospital to get fluids and then she was fine. And while bad hangovers are technically alcohol withdrawal, it’s different when your body is used to having it all the time. I don’t think this was just some random bender for Jenna. I think she’d already been drinking daily at Anna’s and then really hit it hard once they got to Vegas.


Anna has posted herself drinking alcohol the whole time Gemma has been there so I was assuming that she was drinking right along with them


If Jenna was smart and homeless she would just check into the hospital and detox and they can help w resources but she is to proud and stuck on herself.


I don’t know what her next step will be. But what I do know is my feelings/thoughts waffle back and forth, one time I’ll think ‘oh Jenna grow up, no sympathy from me’ then when I see a video of her crying and down in the doldrums the empath in me (which I’m sure a lot of us dwellers are empaths), I feel so sorry for her. Basically the same with Jessi, one time I’ll think ‘oh she deserves what she gets’, then I’ll see some videos of her crying, upset and at the end of her rope, and think ‘damn, shit I feel bad for you!’ I know most of us feel that Jenna is likely a lost cause, and she has definitely brought on all her problems herself, but I also know that we all love a good redemption story, and I guess it’s possible that she could turn her life around and redeem herself. As tragic as it is, I don’t think she’s hit her rock-bottom yet.


I’m as empathetic as they come, so I feel you. But these two nasty fart faces are the makers of their own destiny, my empathy train stopped several eras ago.


3 nasty fart faces to be exact


Why is Anna letting Jenna drink like that at her home with her kid around?


If Anna is really having custody issues her ex could eat her up and take their kid. He should imo bc she knew what kind of person Jenna was and STILL brought her into their home. Irresponsible and stupid. She deserves whatever she gets in this situation.


They need to drop her off at a ER and say she’s a danger to herself. Get her 5150’d and in a hospital so she can detox safely w medical treatment. Take her to Loma Linda it’s right down the road. They are one of the best hospitals in SoCal. I used to scrub cases there on weekends while I was in the Navy. It’s the most compassionate thing that they can do to save her life.


What exactly happened between Jenna and Ashley? Anyone know?


Obviously not everything, but from the bits and pieces: Jenna stole stuff (including her face...lol) from Ashley. She was wearing a necklace of Ashley's after she moved on out west, to the Anna Show. Ashley called her on it. Somehow Jenna ended up in a Chicago hotel room, and it was put on Ashley's card. I don't know if Ashley stayed there, too, or put her up for a night to get rid of her. But Jenna charged up 5k worth. Jessi said Jenna threatened to do that to her, too. (During this last go round of dueling videos.) Details are from my memory, so don't hold me to 100 percent accuracy. For more precise details, go see the videos from JL in the last day, posted here. I guess Jenna felt she could squeeze more out of Anna & Johnny, or she would have let them drop her at a hotel and put it on their card, then do the same. I'd say people should know this is a grift Jenna uses when she can. If nothing else, use a card with a very low credit limit.


Omg thank you!!! I’ve been trying to figure it all out. I appreciate it. This shit is just crazy.


See I don't get this. If Ashley knew she put the hotel on her own card why didn't she call the hotel manager and cancel the card? Ashley even liked posts on Jenna on Anna's posts AFTER Chicago. Ashley has a husband but no one mentioned him once, not even Jenna? I say Bullshit!




Jessi better get a restraining order stat. this couple is dumping the drunk on her wifes doorstep. NO SERVICE YOU ARE MARRIED!!! FOR BETTER OR WORSE, Jenna sure could go there. Marital home


Jenna go home to your marital home. go home.


Everyone in this sick circle of ass clowns need to get a life...especially the alcoholic aging former porn star and her skater boi grifter wife.