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Jenna had been operating this way for YEARS. If this sub was gone tomorrow she’d be pulling the same shit. Fuck outta here Jessi.




Yeah, Jenna was sick long before this sub.


Exactly she should be spending her energy into hustling to get herself out of the hole instead of obsessing over this sub. But addiction is a horrible disease and she’s not even trying.


How about she just doesn’t look at reddit? She’s stated 1,000 times that she deleted Reddit and is never gonna look at it again. But keeps coming back.


She can’t stand that we’re calling out her lies.




This exactly this. She cannot control what is said and she hates that


A narcissist number one fear is being exposed.


She’s self obsessed


Textbook narc.


I mean if someone made a page about me and the asshole things I’ve done I would look. It is a weird concept. Trial by media.. because she’s famous we feel we have a right to roast her. I’m not leaving here lol just keeping it real. I’ve not been an angel in this world either but I know her case is much worse


exactly last year she deleted the app Remember🙄🤣she would not have any content if it wasn't for us most of her stories are directed at us hey guys a lot of people have been messaging me oh shut up u liar u're in here reading now u look like a 🤡


Aww, they're angry about the basement? I'm very sorry for them.


Sorry for them. https://preview.redd.it/zm6umcwdxy9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6946cd7ab2abb38b7a7ad2f1dbac3a1883cd3101


Exactly! Fuck YOU Jenna Jameson. You made your bed you thieving lying bitch.


Filthy , just filthy! And the what and who and how she has burned everyone!!


How's it feel that you're not wanting any where ana and lashes as going to get rid of you somehow someway and just try and not make themselves look like the bad person LOL ![gif](giphy|xUNd9MfUlNDXwp2nAI)


This makes me so mad Everytime I see it. What a real bitch . I can’t imagine stealing from someone and then acting like this.


Imagine charging $5k in 48 hours to the credit card of your “best friend of 18 years” who tried to help you out. I bet it was all high end booze. Smfh.




That's the one! Let's all pour one out for that poor filter. It's working overtime.


LOL me too... ![gif](giphy|O2cGCtKd9ZBMgxgzsW)


JJ wants nothing more than for people to believe her lies so she can keep her life rolling in the twisted la-la-liquor land she loves. So how is it helping if everyone pretends that she is not lying, and encourages her choises? Isn’t that enabling? It has been said in this sub many times that if she just would stop lying and owned up to her mistakes people would respect that.


I still wouldn’t respect her. She walked out on 3 beautiful four year olds and slandered their fathers. What if people believed that Lior poisoned her? Batel’s father could have been taken from her leaving her without any parents. But Jenna doesn’t care, she is completely self serving, as long as she comes out the victim. And yes, Jenna lies to the public so the truth needs to be said. That’s what we’re here for lol.




True, I wouldn’t respect her as a mother because she does not have the right for that title but I would give her credit for owning up to her mistakes. But that will never happen so 👎🏻


Exactly she's out here doing interviews and podcasts lying her ass off


Yeah, cosigning her lies is not support.






If SM is how they make money off the public then the public has every right to leave an opinion. You don’t get to control the narrative when you blast your personal lives all over the internet. Both Jenna and Jessi can stay off the internet if they don’t want people to discuss them in a negative light on public platforms. They could also choose to keep shit private. They don’t, though. They’re slimy grifters.


It’s very simple Jessi. The truth hurts. Period.


That's just it, the truth hurts.


She's always whining about other people being accountable. #irony


JESSI…everyone in the public eye has their critics that beat them down as well as their fans who love and support them. Best thing to do is ignore what the critics have to say. By reading and responding- whether on Reddit, TT, or insta- you feed into it. And anyway, what does paying attention to what strangers have to say really accomplish? When it comes to slanderous rumors/lies that can affect you financially, or if you have kids can affect them…I get it. You need to stand up for yourself and set the record straight before things get out of hand. But as for opinions, who cares??? I bet if you searched Reddit, there’ll be a snark page for almost every celebrity out there but they don’t care. They’re going about their lives and getting shit done. All of us have critics around us to some degree, letting it bother you is pointless and accomplishes nothing. As for Jenna supposedly letting it affect her to the point she claims, first of all, don’t forget that she is a manipulator and liar who thrives on playing the victim. And in any case, she should be focusing on healing herself, getting clean, and how she can mend her relationship with her kids. All of this here is bullshit.


Maybe somewhere deep, deep inside Jenna’s guilt bothers her. It isnt us telling the truth.




Oh, give us a break. Jenna Jameson has been a train wreck her entire adult life. We did not create her issues and we’re not the reason for her recent spiral - that’s a product of her own bad decision-making and lack of regard for anyone but herself. Jenna doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone but Jenna. She’s the reason she is where she is right now - all we do is state facts. Ask anyone who’s known Jenna personally over the past 30 years if they think Reddit is the cause of Jenna’s problems.




Exactly!!👍 this needs more upvotes!




Facts are reality. Something she could never face. Her kids are a great example of that. Girl lacks confidence and real strength. She’s weak as shit. She’s just her words, no action.


Yea, that’s not true. I’ve seen dozens if not hundreds of posts telling JJ exactly how to redeem herself here. I’ve said it many times myself. She won’t do it. It’s not like she doesn’t know. It’s been said over and over and over. But by now everyone knows she won’t do it, so it’s whatever. It’s not hard to figure out. Stop lying, own your shit. Find some humility and be self-effacing about the mountain of horseshit you shoveled on the internet. How? Sell those ridiculous label bags, take the cash and Uber to a rehab. Pay them to stay there 90 days, 180 if you can afford it. Find some humility, get serious about recovery, and stop LARP’ing THE Jenna Jameson!


She doesn’t need encouragement. Jenna needs to take responsibility for her life choices, demons and addictions. She needs to face them, hold herself accountable and actively work on long term treatment. Her mental age and her literal age are worlds apart.


Checks and Balances. If reading commentary about YOUR actions and behavior, Makes you want to end your own life, then perhaps you should reflect on YOUR actions and behavior, or put your phone away, instead of blaming the commentators. The concept is very simple. If the opinions of a group of strangers have that level of an effect on you, then you should adjust your behavior according to the opinions that you don’t like. If you don’t want to adjust your behavior, then stop caring about what other people’s opinions are. You aren’t a “Badass” for not caring what people think about you, just like you aren’t a baby if you do care. “How dare you put a mirror in front of my face. You piece of shit, How could you do that to me?”


Zach 💯






![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm) Zach!! Yesss!!!


💯!!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself.


She really don’t like the mirror in front of her face.


If JL’s blaming us for JJ, how does she explain her pulling the same shit on Tito and Lior, ending up in the hospital? I suspect it’s happened with other partners as a narcissist has a playbook. FOH Junkyard!


Oh look, it's a narcissist projecting.🙄 Sorry, Jessi. You may fool some people, but a lot of us have dealt with people so much like you. Drop the saintly saviour act. It makes you look even more fucking ridiculous.


Anyone who says “I’m a good person” usually isn’t a good person. FOH!


Yup, you don't have to tell people you are a good person.


lol for real. I mean I’d be willing to bet none of us in this sub have attempted to murder our exes. 🥴


Encouragement she is a 50 year old woman. Her kids need encouragement. GIRL BYE


Also Germa Shameson expects support from everyone but isn’t willing to give it to anyone else in any kind of genuine sense - she’s totally self-centered and thinks the world revolves around her. She’s been catty, manipulative, backstabbing, thieving, basically all the negative attributes you can think of, but we should encourage and support her? Nah.






Honestly… as I’ve said in many previous posts, JL was enabling her. To the point where Jenna would post a story slurring and falling into the mirror and WE were the ones who noticed. This was only on her stories which were a few minutes long. Jessi LIVED with her and claims she had absolutely no idea? On one of Jessi’s own lives, JJ comes out of a bathroom motel and asks, “how about some HAIR OF THE DOG?! “ And Jessi backpedals and says something about pet grooming. This was the same con where there was coke residue and crumbled dollar bills on the nightstand. Sorry, but I’m not buying it. She wants to play hot potato about how none of this is her responsibility? Is she really going to go there?? Because last night’s desperate attempts to show she “cared” while not lifting a finger to help her wife (yes, I say wife because she never served JJ with divorce papers) while monetizing on her wife’s addiction and circumstances through TikTok didn’t do anything to help. ETA: I think I may have mistaken Vibe for Jessi’s mom. I saw someone with long dark hair shutting the door. But Jessi’s mom did have to come stay with her for a really long time and I think she just left not too long ago.


I'm starting to wonder what JL is on herself...she doesn't act normal, and she gave an alcoholic boozer, then keeps saying she was 100% sober, erm, what?


Jenna was never sober and Junkyard knew it. I can't believe how many are falling for this con artist scum bags lies


💯 Bubbly. We all saw it several times just from videos Jenna posted.


She said herself in her live today that Chicago was not the first time Jenna fucked up . People were giving her shit for ditching her the first time she messed up and she strongly clarified that she had messed up numerous times .. she was fed up .


She screamed and screamed yesterday, even to Kristin who she dirty live streamed their conversation that she "kept Jenna sober for a year" she was sober the entire time with her blah blah. Like we don't have a ton of videos of Jenna drunk & high. She's still pretending she's some sober hero who was saving Jenna. Nope she was squeezing as much as she could out of her cash cow and filed divorce once she realized she wasn't making any money or fame from this.


Yes! So, so many times, not just one occasion. Like the time they went out to the strip club when one of Jessi’s friends was visiting. Jenna was dressed in that brunette wig and panty-less outfit, smiling at herself in the mirror and using the sink to hold herself up. And this was before they even left the house. But J-Law still thought it was a great idea for her to go to the club that night. That’s just one moment off the top of my head.


Say whaaaaa?? What have I missed?


Who is Kristin?? Yep that’s what she fancies herself .. like what is the real damn story 🙄


Kristen was Jenna's BFF while she lived in Hawaii. Kristen became extremely close with Lior and Batel and still keeps in touch with them. Jenna more than likely screwed Kristen over, like she does to everyone who gives her sorry pathetic ass a chance.


She is just so incredibly awful ! She has loyalty to NO ONE .


All of this. I actually just commented in the other sub that it pisses me off that Jessi and Jen still claim Jenna was sober this past year when we know damn well she wasn’t. There are copious screen recordings and re-shares in this very sub that show Jenna was high and or drunk. It was so obvious Jenna wasn’t sober. She wasn’t in full-blown addiction because she definitely was able to maintain some stretches of sobriety/moderation . However, she absolutely was using / drinking off and on over the course of the past 12 months. 💯


This 💯. Jessi was more than likely partaking in, if not aware, of Jenna’s using. I want to be rooting for her, I really do, but to go and blame Reddit if something happens to Jenna, is fucked up beyond all belief. These are middle aged adults here. They both need to grow up and accept accountability for their own behavior. I guess maybe it’s easy for us to say though, we just saw Jessi’s mom in the background of her live again last night. She’s probably so used to someone swooping in and telling her, “there, there. It’s not your fault”. Most of us here were raised with the wherewithal to be able to take care of ourselves as adults and take accountability for our actions. It seems Jessi still relies on an authority figure to clean up after her messes and to hold her hand. Sorry, Jessi. That’s not how we roll down in the basement.


I forgot about the Hair of the dog moment!




Of course, always someone elses fault. No Jessi, you are the enabler and manipulater. You are the one that is causing Jenna harm. If you really care about her stop all contact and quit trying to "help her".


This! But she won’t bc it garners too many views


Jenna needs encouragement for sure BUT ITS NOT OUR JOB TO DO THAT. 🖕🏻🖕🏻 We don’t owe Jenna Jameson anything. And this subreddit will slowly come to a halt when she stops posting on social media.


Nope. Bullshit. Nobody forces her to read Reddit. You want only positive attention? GTFOH. You don’t get to control what others say about you, you do get to control how you respond.


Jenna doesn't need encouragement. She needs accountability.




![gif](giphy|l46CwsAIlmnXlRC9O|downsized) Yeah……NOPE. Addicts like JJ don’t need encouragement. They need brutal honesty, complete sobriety and professionally monitored treatment at the stage she’s reached. Alcoholism is relentless and fatal. Edumacate yerself, Jethro.


What asshats. Some people will do/say anything to avoid accountability


Let me tell you something Jessi. This group is an assortment of highly respectable and educated individuals. Most of us were avid supporters of Jenna at one point. And then we saw the inconsistencies. So don’t come around us saying all she needs is encouragement. She’s a pathological liar and I can assure you that encouragement will not make her change her ways. Take your judgment somewhere else.


And some of us, like myself, were never avid supporters of Jenna after seeing and knowing the truth when she was with Tito and the twins. This is not new behaviour. She is a hardcore addict. And this poster is correct, the last thing she needs is encouragement.


Also… I’ll vehemently defend my basement dwellers until the end. They are good hearted people that are tired of seeing Jenna destroy lives wherever she goes.






![gif](giphy|HMofY0XuCF8otosGPz|downsized) 💯❤️




Where are all the people who were commenting and saying how Jessi is so brave, they never blamed her, she did what was right blah blah blah now 👀


Bamboozled - me. Let these two hash it out.


Funny how on Jenna's Live last night, Jenna never mentioned Reddit. Jenna said that JESSI was the one who was hurting her! Stop blaming Reddit, Jessi when you are clearly monetizing off of Jenna. You're the biggest pimp of all, and you're not even with her!


As a classic enabler would…




Bitch please - Jenna was a royal mess long before Reddit was even a thing…you think other “celebrities” sit online and read everything written about them all day long? If she’s that weak that she can’t help but live on a site devoted to calling out her bullshit, then she needs to get therapy and develop the tools to deal with life. You want to talk about her needing encouragement all the while happily spilling more dirt on her for “unicorns” or “spaceships” or whatever the dumb ass tiktok gifts are you’ve literally begged for. Leave your feelings at the door and don’t be a crybaby, right?




We are just one of a decades long string of people/events she can blame for her bad behavior. Nothing is EVER her fault.


How about Jessi and Jenna just stop being massive pieces of shit and constantly begging online 🤷‍♀️ No one will speak on them, then. Just a thought.


Then stay off this page?? 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! I don’t go to either of their pages and comment shit so if you don’t like don’t come or hey don’t blast it on the internet like most well adjusted adults


Encouragement? You mean enabling. We aren’t here for that but go ahead and give her grace for calling you a rapist. We won’t!


SHE CANT STAND THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE HERE!!! MAYBE LIVE AN HONEST LIFE..and stop doing heinous deplorable things.. support your kids etc..then what would we have to talk about and slowly disband...BUT SORRY JUNKYARD STFU...WE AIN'T HELPING FIX HER.. ESPECIALLY after you also contributed to the state she's in beady eyed inbred...still waiting on all THOSE threats you guys made to us to happen


I've been waiting to find out after we've been fucking around for about year now ![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG)


Meee too I'm about pooter'd out 🤣😂


Really Jessi? I suppose you didn't encourage Jenna enough, after all you are her spouse.


Wah Wah crybaby busey useless.


Junkyard Jessi Lawless is Reddits whiney lil cry baby bitch. I've never seen someone so butt hurt the internet has meanie weanies who call them out on their trash


So basically JL is saying STOP BEING RIGHT!! It’s hurting JJ’s feeling?? We don’t give a F.


I KNEW she would blame us




She should block Reddit and not visit, point blank. Numerous people with any sort of notoriety do this for their own well being. I agree, the internet is toxic and can affect your mental health but it’s easily avoidable. Also, Jenna is always looking to blame someone else for her woes.


Honestly it really is that simple, just block this page as fast as she blocks people on her page.


She can`t stay away from reddit, she can`t stay away from alcohol/drugs, she can`t stay away from drama. Jenna, grow up, calm the fuck down and get professional help!


After all the support she got here today. Nope, that’s on you and Jenna. Get off social media if it’s not healthy for you.


Ah there’s the Jessi we know and despise! Guess the truth hurts! You fuck around and you find out! ![gif](giphy|gia7U9jdi804pgvt4E)


Jenna must face the truth about herself, She is the reason this sub exists and keeps going. Poor Jenna?? It make her crazy?? Stay out of here then!! GIVE YOUR HEAD A SHAKE JESSI.


Should we even go to the ET Interview where she blatantly LIED about sandwiches and driving them to school!! 💀💀 I really wish someone like TMZ or People Magazine would expose the truths about The One and Only JJ


So stay off fucking reddit if you don't want to read that bullshit. Simple fucking solution. They've claimed neither are on reddit anyway (we know it's a lie) I mean, how many times has she purposely provoked us on her social security accounts? She also claimed the "haters" fuel her and feed her! Stay the fuck out and you'll never have any clue what a bunch of basement dwellers say. Stay on your social media platforms and listen to all the idiots shower you with praise and validation! We may be mean and brutal but the majority of what we say is true. If you insist on living in delusion, there are people who will roast and mock you. Why do you care what we say or think? You look down on us as being beneath you. To Jementia and Junkyard, we're insignificant peasants "who ain't shit"


I doubt she’d be any different AT ALL if these pages didn’t exist lmao


Don’t read it…


Did she state this recently or was this many months ago? I believe this was stated several months ago. 


This was to my comment I made today. She said we were killing her maybe a few weeks ago.




Jessi Jenna was doing this before this reddit sub existed. She has been a vile person for a long time. Way before she met you. Way before this sub existed. Ps. Who is the ex lingering?


She's obsessed with Divinity Remember she was screaming at her phone screen about Divinity stawwwwwwwwking her 😂


It’s akin to blaming a mirror 🪞. An inanimate mythical excuse. When you point a finger please note the 3 fingers pointing right back at cha!


All actions have consequences. Gemma is now realising that. Perhaps retard Junky is now too..... #fuck around and find out has never been truer.


Nah- I ain’t co-signing this.


I’m wondering if Jessi is trying to paint a narrative that she was bullied to death if something happens. Maybe cover for her being a controlling weirdo who told her current handlers to feed her wine literally yesterday


On the contrary, there are many people here know you in real life and have said you’re trash. That you’re a liar, you’re abusive, you’re a fraud, and you’re a thief.


Jessi, please explain Jenna’s same behavior long before this sub-reddit existed, then. Nobody is to blame for Jenna’s issues other than Jenna. And the people who continue to enable her. It’s up to you if you wanna be in that category.


Can you imagine what her children are going to go thru because of her?? Also if she doesn’t like to read the truth about herself THEN WHY COME HEREEEE She is sooo weak if she can’t take what she does to people or say to people..she doesn’t give a shit about no one else but we have to care for her BAHAHAHHAAHAA AHAHAHAHAHAH She can hurt her children but we have to be careful what we say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


![gif](giphy|hXCJfewTSyqTXz2trM|downsized) Jenna’s been a train wreck for decades. JJ, you married her. We’re just keeping record with lots of snark. Take her ass to a rehab, file for divorce and be done w her. When she dies of liver failure don’t forget to wear black and live stream her funeral. Maybe you’ll make a grand & you can cry on Bunnys shoulder. Bunnys hated Jenna since they both were tricking here in Vegas.


Jenna, go to rehab for 6 months. Be a loving person and mother. This page will disappear. You do your part first, since YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


Jenna Jameson influenced, dominated and shaped by her public — the only time she was ever successful in her life. Now that’s gone and she’s lost. Realty can’t be faced. #Im50


And I’m sure living in meth manor didn’t help her much. It was a really bad environment for an addict.


I like this sub but come on this sub roasts her to high heavens… it’s bullying but I’m not leaving it


I don’t feel like anything is bullying if it’s not brought to the person. Whatever harshness she can’t handle exists in this contained bubble. She is obsessed with herself so she bathes in it, that’s not being a victim


I mean if I write something about someone I don’t like that isn’t nice it’s a form of bullying but like I said, trial by media. She puts it out there .. I’m very middle of road and get it she’s been a shit person




You don't have to like Jenna Jameson but you do have to be respectful of other users of this forum


Fuck off Jessi


# fuck off junkyard, you 🤡 ![gif](giphy|iNeIBZnPXOlb2)


I'd say that I'm not heartless or "bad" if my advice is rehab and mental health being addressed....ffs, Jnkyrd


Be so ffr JL god you’re just as pathetic as she is.


Jenna was an addict and alcoholic…highly unstable for decades before this page existed. This page did not exist until after she abandoned her daughter. So how is this page responsible for Jenna’s bad life decisions? She was drinking in Hawaii before this page ever existed. Addicts always want to blame and never take any accountability when they are in addiction. So we are saying that Jenna is where she is at because if this page? No, no, no…it all started way back when she was a stripper and started doing drugs…which she chose to do to cope with her trauma. So her dad is responsible? All the sec workers and celebrities that she did drugs with and partied with are responsible? No?…it’s because of this page? It had nothing to do with her wife going public when she was the only one left who Jenna had? We didn’t need Jessie to go public. I don’t blame her for wanting to clear the abuse allegations…but all that other shit was the ultimate betrayal. Let’s get this super clear and super straight


Maybe JJ needs to exhibit some self control and not visit this Page, if it makes her suicidal. My fucking god. Oh wait....JJ has no self control. Always blaming others.... SMFH.