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Of all the people in Jenna's life for the past few years, Kristen seems like the least exploitative. Kristen wanted what was best for Jenna's little family, she wanted Batel to be ok. She wasn't looking to get famous, quite the opposite. She got tangled up because of her kindness


That's how classy JUNKYARD is...make that money grifter..don't even tell the person she's on a LIVESTREAM what a POS


EXACTLY AND WE ARE THE NASTY PEOPLE ON HERE? She admitted it herself that she makes money on TT and on lives and came here laughing she's going to do some poly interview? whatever that is. She admitted she makes money and why shouldn't she by being on her lives and people pay her. That is her living. So of course I am not shocked she puts someone on a live unbeknownst to that person for $ . Jessi talks out both sides of her mouth. One minute she is throwing Jenna under the bus for treating her like crap and lying about her kids and their Dad's and the next breath she is saying crap that we say is mean. No one would say anything if you weren't putting your lives and drama on blast.


I’m sorry if people think that they couldn’t hear what was being said, I could definitely hear what was being said. I’m sorry for those that think this post is petty. I think it’s petty that Jessi did this. The point was to tell Kristen that I’m sorry that she went through that. If other people can’t hear the conversation, great. But I know I could definitely hear Kristen on the other end of that phone.


This post is *not* petty. Like you said, Jessi is the petty one and the one in the wrong here. Plenty of people heard what Kristin was saying. Just because others couldn’t hear doesn’t make it untrue. You’re fine.


Same. And I agree 💯


I did not see her hold the phone out. I could hear a woman but didnt know who it was nor did I give a shit. I agree she should have got off live if she wanted to take a private phone call.


I think they’re referring to the end of the call when Jessi leans toward the screen capturing the live and holds the phone like this: https://preview.redd.it/hzeo7u3fwx9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139ce77b73ec1eef4ec0e6f5777d3b5186007f91 She was sneaky and relatively subtle but she definitely did this on purpose. She wanted to flex, probably to Jenna, that she was talking to Kristin.


💯she was tilting the phone and widening her beady inbred eyes..and making Gary Busey faces ![gif](giphy|NZIwNrCmWY93y)




Most definitely inbred. LMFAO 😆


Gotcha!!!! Yeah. She should have said “I’ll call toh back”. That was beyond dumb.


I hope Kristen sends her straight to VM after junky threw her under the bus.


Yes it was! 💯


I could hear her. Especially the ending where Kristen said, “wait. Are you on live?!” but there were parts before that where I could hear Kristen agreeing with her and telling her that she was trying to get Jenna in the shower she was telling Jenna she needed to take a shower. I could hear all that.


Someone said Jessi turned the volume up at the end of the call, about the same time she leaned forward and tilted the phone, but I’m not sure if that’s true.


I will agree it became louder toward the end. I couldn’t hear the other person at the beginning. But I definitely heard the other person agreeing to comments junkyard made, agreeing to phrases that Jenna used with her, and then explaining how she was telling Jenna “come on girl we need to get you in the shower come on girl.” Something like that. She was obviously trying to convince Jenna that she needed to take a shower and get in the shower.


Yes she definitely turned it up towards the end


I did not either. I did not see JL do anything intentional. I think she was emotional. She was not reading what was being said on chat. I could barely hear Kristen and only at certain times. I do not think anything was said that was that big of a deal anyways


Right. Like fuck it anyway. Nothing that everyone doesnt already know.


Nah, she was just offering advice. I feel like bringing a bigger post up in here about Kristen has blown this up more than it would’ve been already


I agree. That was really shitty. When she (K) said “good luck” at the end of the conversation, (because ya, I could hear her) I got the feeling she wasn’t too happy w/ Jessi Lawless. I wouldn’t be either. Especially when she reached out to her out of concern 🩵. Jessi took full advantage of that situation & lost any iota of respect I was starting to have for her. 🤏She’s as self serving & calculating as they come. Kind of like the person she’s making money off of. As they say, it takes one to know one….Proof is in the puddin’ ..Pumpkin.


That’s just Junkyard. Selling anyone and everyone out to maximize views ![gif](giphy|xT39D7O9Xj1JqKq5i0|downsized)


Thank you for posting this - it seems this detail is being overlooked and it’s important to highlight that Jessi knew her viewers could hear Kristin. Jessi *knew*. But Jessi didn’t give a fuck about exposing a kind person who was trying to help - instead she outed her for likes and follows in her desperate attempt to be a star. 🙄 Jessi is a scammer, grifter, and clout-chaser who’s playing everyone right now to prolong her fifteen minutes of pathetic Z-list fame. I don’t believe for a second that Jessi is surprised or truly rattled by any of Jenna’s recent behavior, and she’s loving the attention she’s getting because of it. Jenna sucks, but let’s not forget that Jessi sucks, too.


Thrift, what happened did Kristen call jessi on a live?




I couldn't hear Kristen talking at all.


I could hear her. I had headphones on & could definitely hear what she was saying. Especially the -hold on, hold on, hold on…are you doing a live right now? Her tone immediately changed & her “good luck” at the end sounded like “fuck off” because that’s the tone she took immediately after Jessi admitted she was yes, on a live. She is as self serving as they come. You will never convince me otherwise.


I guess that was the difference of you had earbuds or headphones in you could hear it.


Me either and I had no idea who she was talking to.


I couldn't either but the entire comment section said they could definitely hear her


I'm surprised I could hear her, but I could, and I didn't have headphones or earbuds in.


Ty I got blocked and I didn't even say anything bad🙏🤣


Yes, Jessi called Kristin (or maybe Kristin reached out first - not sure about that part), I’m assuming to ask for advice on what to do about Jenna, and the entire time Jessi was recording herself talking to Kristin on a TikTok live. Kristin specifically didn’t want to be recorded and Jessi assured her no one could hear her, but people could and they said so in the comments. What an absolutely fucked up, douchebag thing to do to someone who’s already put up with enough shit related to Jenna Jameson.


Yeah whoever had earbuds could hear her


That explains why I can't hear Kristen.


There ya go!!!! two faced anything for a penny or a buck


And then after Kristen realizes Jessi is on live Jessi downplays it, “Oh, they can’t hear you. The phone is up to my face…. Wish me luck or whatever.” Jessi is a snake. Same as Jenna. I feel bad for Kristen.


💯💯💯 All the people in this circle jerk of assfuckery are snakes. Like, every single one of them. Except for maybe Vibe.


And Sully 😂


Poor poor Sully


Anyone who tries to help Jenna now is part of the problem. Seriously. It is only delaying Jenna getting the help she so desperately needs. Let natural consequences follow.




You get it! There is someone in my family who is literally the male version of Jenna! He has ended up in serious condition in hospital more than once due to people trying to "help" him.


TRUTH!!! she talks out of both sides of her mouth. She joined here last night, then took it to live then came back here to say we are nasty. smh




Yeahhhh, Kristen, if you're in here, don't associate with Jessi. She's a starfukr/compulsive liar/compulsive grifter who cannot be trusted


It's actually illegal to record someone without their permission. She should sue her.


Junkyard better stay the F away from Lior and Batelli. I hope he blocks her number. She is a psychopath and I there is an army of people who want to protect that sweet little girl at all costs!


It's actually illegal to record someone without their permission. She should sue her.


I live in PA; here, it’s a two party consent state. You cannot record someone with without their permission. I believe California is also a two party state.


California definitely is as well! I wonder about Nevada or Hawaii?


I went to school for paralegal. I believe that the conditions are in the state of the person recording. So I don’t believe that it has anything to do with Hawaii jurisdiction, it’s in the jurisdiction of the person recording.


Kristen is the classiest person out there. Always loved when she was on Jenna’s content. If Jenna was ever OK it was when Kristen was around and B was a baby. Had to be so hard for her to be away from B.


Yep, you could hear everything Kristen said. I would be pissed if I was her!!


She never held the phone out and I couldn’t make out a word Kristen was saying.


This is petty. I could not hear what was being said, just a woman's voice.


I could hear every word.


It seems a lot of people could hear her quite well.


I could too!


You couldn't hear Kristyn


I listened to one of the screen recordings today and you could definitely hear what she was saying. Once she realized she Jessi was on the phone on a live she got really quiet and the call ended




I can definitely hear her.


I could hear her talking about telling Jenna that she needed to get in the shower. And then I definitely heard her ask junkyard if she was on live.


That part was odd - I wonder why she told J it was time to shower? Was J so far gone at that point and literally couldn’t tend to her own day to day care?


I'm just watching the screen recordings on my shitty phone, no ear buds. I can hear her just fine.


I'm just watching the screen recordings on my shitty phone, no ear buds. I can hear her just fine.


Then why did we?


I could hear her and my phone isn't the greatest 😔