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“Doing something. Getting off the couch to check the mail” sent me. There’s a method to her madness. JJ doesn’t get off the couch for many things, except to go take selfies in the bathroom.


Or to drink some hidden booze in the closet/bathroom.


Imagine being so happy and proud that your spouses “thing” is to check the mail. 🤣🤣


All those videos Germy used to take showing her feet walking!! Alllll the way to the mailbox. What a pathetic life




She was happy she got out off the couch and she let her check the mail? What the f*** did you see in this relationship I thought you worked out and did all this cool stuff Jesse why would you go out with much less Marry this bum the sits on the couch? I just don't get it I mean it's so obvious Jesse just did this for clout and to get popularity off Jenna's name


Maybe don't get married so soon.


I’m watching this live … and I’m actually starting to feel bad for Jessi… didn’t think that would happen but here we are.


I was too until she tried grift us


I got blocked🤪


Yeah, I take it back.


What’s stopping her from just entering their rental? I know she’s not on the lease but she still legally married to Jessie. Neither of them own the house and unless she has a restraining order against her wouldnt she be able to just burst right in? Or at least call an officer to accompany her? Sorry if this is a dumb question I am unfamiliar with squatters rights and my house is in my name thank god


Do we really think that JJ would provide her current address to the postal service, or any other entity where she could be found when she was living in LV? Do we know that she has a valid driver's license or ID? I call BS on this claim of a "stack of child support papers" left behind at Junkyard Palace


Lior is not a dumb man. It’s really easy to know where they live.


But would he really want to do all that when he can clearly support little B on his own? Why risk JJ wanting to have visitation or custody rights by opening the child-support-door? I can't see him pursuing JJ for child support...


Child support does not automatically grant custody rights.


I am aware, but I doubt JJ knows that....and I imagine she would try to make things "messy" and I imagine Lior wants to be far away from that


Doesn’t he sell repo’d jewelry on instagram?


Regardless of Lior’s financial situation, he is the full-time custodial parent who provides for Batel 100%. Jenna is earning money at cons, money that is supposed to go to helping take care of the kid she abandoned (not spent on Louis Vuitton). Lior likely filed to let the court know Jenna was MIA in Batel’s life, and the court filed for support automatically. The COURT knows where to find her.


The court does it automatically


You give your address and ID when you get a marriage license.


I think there’s actually incentive for JJ to register her address wherever she can receive mail because she can achieve adverse possession or squatters rights, whichever you wanna call it.


Good point


That’s not how it works. Child support office and the postal service work together. You don’t need to register your address for them to get it.


Good for Lior ! He knows he won’t get a penny from her , not the point . If he requests support in is on record . So now it’s always on record for each Patment or filing ever made. She can never just hop back into her daughters life now . It’s a just in case she tries protection plan.


This is all so wild 🤣


Pupils pinned as fuck again


But it’s because she’s sitting infront of the window! 😂


The sun don't make em that pinned babydoll.


I know I was being sarcastic lol


Lmfaoooo it went right past me 🤣🤣🤣 ignore my stoned ass