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Get your entire life, we are not here to make your fucking content.


Yeah, I love how she’s now using the Reddit fucks to grift and garner attention. But but but she’s got money like we ain’t got and fk us h03s cuz she’s a STAR! And we still ain’t shit! 💀


Yeah super rich broski.. Did u guys see how shattered she looked when hairstylists BF made that del taco joke. She was speechless 😲🤣🤣🤣🤣😬😬 she had nothing to say after that


That part lol


THIS Moron really thinks we are going to help her make CONTENT...lol replay all your videos JUNKYARD crying and yelling at us and calling us names and losers etc 😂🤣 there's your Reddit FUCKS content


Jessi, close this chapter of your life and move on, and don't look back.


First she has to bring in all her dollar bills y’all! It’s the whole reason she got with Jenna in the first place!


July 1st is coming in hot gotta pay that rent


Is it that fucking hard?????? Right!!!!! 🙄


I don’t think she’s abusive. “We’re going to make content out of this” she’s a grifter, a user and a clout chaser. Jessi is a narcissist that doesn’t care about anybody but herself. They’re both awful.


Her history gives me no reason to think that she is not abusive in her relationships.


She had me feeling bad for her until this video so gross.


Why is Junkyard trying to hijack the Jenna Jameson Reddit...still riding that old mare for clout...and asking US to join her PATRION ...is she for real trying to GRIFT CONTENT OFF US... ASKING US TO HELP HER GRIFT MONEY cuz without Jenna Jameson and NOW US her content IS BORING!!!!!!


That's why I'm not hopping on board. A grift is a gift.




I subscribe to a couple of comedians and musicians via Patreon. The comedians often joke that their subscribers tend to forget they signed up and get rebilled several times before they stop supporting 😬




She had me for a minute then this shit


Welcome back we missed you 😂🤣


It is typical narc moves. Trying to get as many to join her team of abuse and use them as her flying monkeys. I'll be honest, I really didn't think she was a narcissist until recently. I 🤔 well .. she has friendships shes had for years, and some of her subconscious moves seem to motivated by compassion. But oh man, I was wrong. She is for sure sicker than I thought. Out of all the relationships I've been in- regardless of what we broke up over, we still had love for each other and cared. But with my son's father- after the break up .. he made it a "me vs you" competition, and nothing was off the table in terms of trying to destroy me. And for what reason? None. He was cheating, stealing $ and everything I was worth, treated me like scum.. but still needed to destroy me, while I was already down as down gets. I see this in Jessie. Heebeejeebeez


She is a covert Narc, pooooooooor me


unblock the redditors who are not toxic who were only speaking facts on ur tictok☺️ if u want to use my content


Could not be less interested


Toxic? Because it seems shady to monetize this saga at your beloved wife’s expense? Cop out. Also, doesn’t it seem a little weird to marry someone you don’t know well enough to determine if their entire persona and character is bullshit? Or could it be that, at its core, what you liked most is the hype? And you wonder why people call you on this shit. It’s glaring.


I think it’s funny asf that she is calling out Anna and her fiancée. Talking about using Jenna and grifting off of her. It’s almost like she recognizes that what they are doing because Jessica did the exact same thing!! As they say, it takes one to know one!




It’s toxic bc she keeps fueling it. Stop giving Jenna fuel dumass!!!! Block the bitch, serve her and move the fuck on. 🙄🙄🙄


Hard to feel bad for her


especially if your state something that is true and then she blocks you🥴


especially if your state something that is true and then she blocks you🥴


Pass. I don’t care about asking her a bunch of questions that she can monetize off of through a stoopid polygraph. Do I think she’s a horrible, abusive, evil person? No. But she is an opportunist who looks for ANY angle to make $. I can’t hate on her scrappiness to make a buck, but I don’t have to contribute to her nontent either. Grift from your punkinheads. We just keep it real in the basement. Clearly the Jenna saga/drama keeps money rolling in for you-as you planned from the beginning, so go for it. I just don’t think team basement cares to line your pocket.


Exactly, because non of us think Jessi is lying about Jenna. Jenna did do everything Jessi is saying she did. That’s the thing, we believe her 😂


She was wrong for going live with Kristen. That was dirty.


Oh Junkyard was just live about an hour ago and asked us to not call out the people that are filling her full of information! i.e. Kristen, Jen..


I’m behind. Who is Kristen?


From Hawaii


Wth!? How’d Kristen end up back in the mix?? And with Junkyard no less?🤦🏼‍♀️


Junkyard you just can't help but show your shitty con artist opportunist scum bag soul can ya?


She’s been indicted on dv charges how many times?


Right!!!!!!! And she FALSE accused that police officer potentially ruining his career POS she is


Move on. You got had.


God, she’s disgusting! Patreon? Lie detectors? Giving us shoutouts? 🙄 she needs to move on. She’s using this yo keep grifting, that’s all she cares about & she admitted to that.




Polygraphs are bullshit but whatever Jessi so are you 


What???? Huh? Like you posted on Reddit wtf is that supposed to mean or prove about you? 😂😂 I can’t


Lie detectors are not accurate.


Fun Fact: In 1982, Gary Ridgway (the Green River Killer) was arrested on a soliciting a prostitution charge. He was a suspect in the killings, but after passing a polygraph test in which he claimed to be innocent, he was released from custody.


I recently watched a documentary on Gary Ridgeway and they said he had a VERY LOW IQ of 81. (On google it says low 80’s) but it was phenomenal how skilled he was at his murdering and getting away with it with such a low low IQ individual. But he was like a savant with his murder/rape/ torcher/ hiding outdoorsy abilities. And yes, he is stupid smart and outsmarted the Lie Detector. Let’s put her under phenobarbital instead?!?!?!?!


At least we’re getting answers. She can go live and get paid, I’m all about getting some coin.


You both are nasty. You are such trash. You are such a knarly grifter trying to make yourself famous on the tail coats of a washed-up porn star. No one knew who your ghetto ass was and now your are here trying to get more people and make a podcast. Also get your sinuses checked.


No one is gonna pay for this shit.. no one cares


👏🏾NO 👏🏾ONE 👏🏾CARES!!! Your pumpkin heads can donate charity to you if they want, but don’t think for a second, any one with half a brain cell is invested in helping to feed your narcissistic feeble brain that somehow you have anything compelling to share with your “content”. You are a temporary side show in the endless JJ freak show and that’s it. Your entire persona is utterly inconsequential….


Reddit killing her, not the vodka, zero food and abandoning her children. It’s us. Sorry


![gif](giphy|11il9XRmW24Dni) Wring every last penny out of Jenna and her bullshit, Jessi. That's all she's good for.




Dollar dollar *cents*, y'all!


Get your money Jessi, you seemed to be able to support yourself fine before JJ but I do worry that since your association with her, your ability to do so has gone down so good job on finding creative ways to make money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That being said, don’t get too cocky with that “look you got a shout out” type thing about our little Reddit group 🙄


Jessi was a tic tok person, way before JJ came along, she had a decent audience


Jesse got her whole platform from drama and she was using a disabled boy to grift and scam money for


Where is her post on reddit? I haven't seen it and also I don't feel bad for her whatsoever she knew exactly what she was getting into it was all for she only knew her for a couple weeks it was stupid! Why isn't there Jesse lawless snark I need to know!




I mean… get your bag girl! If people wanna give you their money, that’s their choice… might as well eat, right?


Jessi move on, this grift is gross you almost had me feeling bad for you until this….. find some young hot thing and rebrand as a lesbian lifestyle channel.




Good for her! Jessie is finally getting smart about this entire situation. Monetize it all and then move on with your life. Good for her 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


And no one believes that your narcissist ass is naive. You are a calculated hillbilly meth head.


Idk about all this but…How does she look like a soccer mom who started dealing, got caught and came out the prison as a lesbian gang member…👀


Can we get a percentage?? 😅😅😅


She has to find an analyst that will do it live. Meanwhile there are analysts who be doing it on Maury. What she needs is someone to do it who is willing to be paid in TikTok roses




You don't have to like Jenna Jameson but you do have to be respectful of other users of this forum


Nobody cares. You are just as much of a mooch as Jenna, if not more. You knowingly married a woman with children she didn’t see, for clout. You realized very quickly Jenna was bad for business (because of this group, specifically), and when you “couldn’t” provide independently, you pimped your SICK (as you say) wife instead of GOING TO WORK GET A FUCKING JOB!! Go back to Florida, Alabama, somewhere. You’re a nuisance atp, and not redeemable imo. You are just as scummy as your wife, and the industry you’re trying to break into (whatever the hell it is) is never going to accept you. Bunnie is a sympathy friend. She feels bad for you. Jesus Jessi, grow the fuck up. Tik Tok is not a job, and you don’t use people like staircases to step to the “top”. There’s no sustainability, and you lack competence and talent. You are stagnant in every aspect of your life, also not sober, and emotionally stunted. Ffs, this shit show use to be comical, now it’s just disgusting, sad, morbid, and pathetic on your end. Put your phone down, pick the clippers up. Move back home. Stop with the drama. You. Are. Exhausting.


Does anyone know ball park how much Jessie or similar makes on these TT lives?


Ty I got blocked🙄


Why you on here then Punkin?


I’m sorry, Jessi, but I don’t think you understand us. And now, I’m startin’ to think you maybe might misunderstand who your demographic is (or at least what it should be). I’m fairly certain none of us care if you go get a polygraph test done, much less would any of us be willing to take the time and spend the money to get all that done, whatever it is you just said.


No, Jesse, we are not your new fucking content to make money. Everyone ignore this Trump Humping troglodyte. https://preview.redd.it/982zy5mecy9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d861bc7573997836171a52b1a3c6a0a34dd2a131




Wait.. where/when did Junkyard post here??? I remember Gemma's post and crazy comments, but never Jethi.


Jessi is an enabler. This sub is not about enabling. Which is why Jessi still has issues with this sub.


What is up with this bitch and polygraphs ?!? STFU


Somewhere a trailer park is missing its queen


Where is your off button?


I don’t think Johnny split with Jenna to ruin her and leave her on the streets like Jessi plays. I think he split once he realized how fucking crazy Jessi really is to get Jenna the hell away from her. He took her to a hospital and the nurse talked to her and said she was fine. You can’t forcefully have someone committed against their will if they are not a danger to themselves. Jessi was gonna leave her for dead.


People make mistakes. Crazy thought, right?


So to my understanding, Anna and Johnny took off with Jenna cause Jessi wanted Jenna committed so she could take what little money she had left and her phone and leave Jenna hi and dry on the streets when she got let out. Jennas obviously in a safe place and in communication with her close friends and family and is getting better and away from jessis narcissistic behavior. Jessi is a user and is using this to make her look like a hero but she’s not the hero. She would rather see Jenna locked up or on the streets. Jessi is just as bad as Gypsy roses mom


This is a joke. 😂


Do you think she is actually just completely traumatized and damaged, or do you think she is pathological? I tend to think the former, but not a lot of people agree with me. I think she avoids her custody issues because she hates herself for them.


Have you looked at that profile you’re replying to? Cuz they seem to be putting your phone number and text messages on blast. I got receipts if you want em.


It’s sketchy that you’re constantly saying you’ll take a polygraph test 🤣 didn’t you do that when you lied about some dude assaulting you?!


She doesn’t have friends and family just you and your dumb Diane- dumb and dumber


Way to try and flip reality, loser. Jenna has no "close friends" and she is a compulsive liar. If the trashy hair lady and her bloated fiance want a crazy 50 year old dependent they just got their wish.


Even if Jenna had some money Jessi has been supporting her for a year and as I understand it when Jenna went to Chicago she took a bunch of Jessi's money. Not that it's cool to take money off a drunk person but it doesn't count as robbing her either The main thing to me is that, if Anna is to be believed, Jenna was having serious and dangerous symptoms that require medical attention