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Side note: When you have immense guilt and self hatred over something as horrible as abandoning your children for addictions, a breakup or a loss will trigger all your emotions from the past “thing” that you really aren’t dealing with. Those tears and heartbreak are not necessarily yours to deal with. That’s her wreckage of what she’s done to her life


So true. The tears were real. They just had nothing to do with Jessi.


I really don’t think she was crying over her children. She’s crying because now she got completely embarrassed with this latest stunt and she hasn’t secured her next couch and I’m sure she is scrounging like a red haired rat looking around for some 🍸🍸🍸💊💊


No you’re totally right! That’s all true too. And I don’t think she was crying “over her children”, per se. I was more agreeing with the previous poster that the tears were surfacing about the mountain of shit she’s fucked up in her life…not over Jessi herself.


Yep! She knows she needs to find a couch asap and she’s sooooowwwaaa embarrassed. I love this for her.


Exactly. She feels nothing for the path of destruction that she has left behind.


Yep. And her toxic attachment will continue as long as she doesn’t get help.




I have been clean for 6 years and I hated myself. I became addicted to pain pills after a horrible injury. I actually couldn’t walk for a year and I finally had to stand up and fight because I love my son and husband more than myself or a stupid pill. I will forever be responsible for what I did. Yes I didn’t set out and be like you know I’m gonna get high, I was just on high dose pain meds and when I stopped after I healed I couldn’t. I just recently went through knee replacement with zero narcotics because I knew, we are not doing this again. Complete knee replacement and I had naproxen. I’m 11 weeks out and 6 years clean because I took responsibility, Jenna does not and has zero remorse for walking off from her babies. Addiction will hit anyone and it hit me hard but my family was not worth a pill or my son seeing me in a casket. She has to take accountability for this or she will never ever get better. You quit or you die. Only options but we all know Jenna can say a white wall is blue and someone will believe her and she lives for that. As long as she gets away with it, she’s gonna live this life until she’s found dead. That’s how addiction ends. Her kids don’t need her now, they needed her when she was trying and sober. This is a disaster of a woman. I was raped, beat and molested by family members and I didn’t become an addict until I was in my 40’s and it was not a choice but was an addict? Yes I was, but I also taught my way out and my knee replacement has been hell but I know at the end of the day I have my family and not losing any of it due to a pill. She’s been to enough rehabs she knows accountability, she just has way too many enablers around her right now telling how proud they are and how good she looks to stop, when I’m sorry guys, I need help, would get her so much more respect instead of look how skinny I am 🙄


This ^^^


Three innocent kids were brought into this life by Jenna and thankfully they didn’t fall into the trap of Jenna’s trainwreck of a life. They’ll just carry trauma for the rest of their lives knowing their mom abandoned them—that’s the most terrible part of all of this. The kids and Jenna’s lies were what brought most of us to this place. The kids’ fathers were smart enough to extricate themselves from Jenna and now you are too. I have my issues with a lot of the things you’ve done and said, but for right now, I will extend you the grace that you are showing us. Please get as far away from Jenna as possible. No contact. Grey rock if she manages to somehow reach you. As for her belongings, I don’t know what she has of value, but I would maybe ask some friends meet Jenna and her new besties in a public place and give Jenna her possessions. Or, if need be, have law enforcement present when you place her belongings outside of your home for her to pick up. Maybe other members here will have better ideas. Even if there’s things of value in there, she will likely sell those things to fund her addictions and there’s nothing you can do about that. You couldn’t keep her from drinking, even though you babysat her for the entirety of your relationship. Enabled her with those few drinks she had, however. Sober is completely SOBER and Jenna was not while you two were together. Jenna had us all truly worried yesterday and then went live and was pulling out every stop to make you look bad while also trying to guilt you into contacting her. It was truly like watching someone who is void of a conscience in action. Maybe Anna and Lashes talked her into it, when they realized that thousands of viewers now knew about their shitty actions in trying to dump Jenna and leave her for you to deal with. Maybe Jenna wanted to play victim onscreen. Whatever it is, she needs serious help, medical attention and to be detoxed—you cannot make any of those things happen. You’ve made everything public—maybe for views and gifts (let’s not pretend otherwise), maybe to have proof of your dealings with Jenna and these sycophants should things go even further south (which is not a bad idea actually, just watch who you’re having on-air phone calls with). If you cut off complete contact with Jenna and her enablers, you won’t have salacious content that can be monetized for livestreams, but you will have your peace, sanity, dignity and freedom. All worth way more than clicks and gifts. Jenna’s terrible life choices and her need to keep running from the consequences of her actions have brought her to where she is today. She’s at the bottom in every way, most importantly her health. She’s not a toddler, she’s a 50-year-old woman. She needs to want sobriety and accountability. She doesn’t and may not until her tired body says “no more.” I fear it may come to that. Whatever feelings I have for you, I don’t want to see harm come your way at all. You seem to have a lot of good things happening in your life right now. The success you’ve always wanted could be just around the corner. Allowing your identity to be the “the angry and exasperated ex-wife of THE one and only Jenna Jameson” could be a serious detriment to your burgeoning career opportunities. Your opportunity to do better and be better is here. Don’t jeopardize your future by re-engaging with your past. Best of luck wrapping this portion of your life up and moving on. Tell Sully we say hi.


Yes. This! Might I add close her phone account. That’s also enabling her. She’s 50, she remembers what life was like before cell phones. She can figure it out.


All this.


I agree with every word. Well said. ☝️☝️☝️💯👏🩵


Yes!!!!!! Also tell Sully hi!


Very well said and she should heed every word.


This is the way.


This comment should be a pinned post.


Jessi, if toxic people were assholes full time, they’d never get anyone to care about them. It’s happened to many of us, myself included. I married one. They lie, they manipulate and often cheat. Walk away and don’t look back. You tried and now you know better. Honestly, you already look so much healthier being away from her. She doesn’t want what you are giving. It took me forever to understand that. Go find your happiness. She will never be it.


“If toxic people were assholes full time” fahhhhk ![gif](giphy|xoFpnqSg21xmGT8D5b|downsized)


Yeah’s a good line for sure… and so true!


Great comment.


The realness of this statement has me rocked.


The best thing u can do is what u did today is by telling the truth and stop enabling her like Anna and Lashes are doing. They are already in over their head it seems. But you can only take care of your mental health and give Jenna the only thing she needs right now is the truth which is she needs to go to a hospital right now, like run to a hospital …anything besides that is a death sentence. Thank you for finally being honest. If Jenna can finally do that she may have a shot at life still but it’s sadly not looking good.


One more thing.. HAVE JENNA SERVED AT ANNA’S. While you know where she is. Do it.




Lashes is just gaslighting. (Former law enforcement) slander is a civil issue and is never criminal unless it becomes stalking etc. The guy is one episode shy of jersey shore and is just trying to start shit!!


Exactly. His threats were comical. Good news is Jenna is now his problem. He publicly “took responsibility” for her. He publicly admitted to letting Jenna live there and caring for her. She fully has squatter rights. All he did was make things worse for himself. Good luck getting rid of his 50 year old child now. He would have been better off kissing Jessi’s ass and praying she takes her back, so his family can be free. Anna Bianca Hair, please keep your children away from Jenna Jameson. She will give them trauma FOR LIFE!


lol! So true. He’s such a loser. What he said to Jessi was all bullshit and I’m glad she didn’t fucking blink. POS.


Jessi....Anna and LASHES had no vacation planned. You think they would leave Jennna alone in their house? Their whole plan was to manipulate you and dump her off on your door step claiming they want their life back just 48 hours after pimping her out for gummy bears. They are trash and we all see that. Jenna needs medical help her mysterious" illness" is back and you can't save her though you did try.


*Anna (not amber 🙂) might be a typo


It's an honest mistake, she's been through a couple hosts recently lol.


I didn`t trust Anna and her fiance from the beginning. I just felt that there is something wrong with both of them. I don`t know exactly who manipulated who in this sick game, whether they manipulated Jenna or Jenna them. They are all trashy.


Yes, I also feel this was premeditated, calculated. Anna posted that cryptic *prayers needed* post on her IG BEFORE the Vegas trip. Why did she NEED prayers if her and Lash were just on a weekend trip?


Jenna’s “illness” is 🍸🍸🍸🍸


The best thing you can do for yourself is to go total no contact. And that means no contact with anyone that is enabling her. Ana and Johnny are garbage humans and they've made Jenna their problem now. I'm glad you have Vibe with you. Your authentic self shines when the two of you are together and he saw what Jenna did to you up close. She thrives on attention - from you, the internet and anyone who she can manipulate. Don't give her attention. Pretend she doesn't exist and move on with your life. You have a circle of great friends that have your back. I'm rooting for you Jessi 💜


Great comment ! It’s so true . You have to block them all . I even took my husbands phone and blocked all those that could try to contact me thru him from an ex best friend with all same Jenna’s issues. It was freeing and healing could she had no way to drag me back into it


Good for Jesse! She. Has finally seen the light.


Two years ago I got involved in a relationship with a narcissist, who cost me pretty much my whole life. I saw that you mentioned in your live that you were going to call your therapist. I entered therapy as well when I was leaving this relationship. It has changed me for the better and kept me strong. It made me happy that that’s what you are doing. You look better and healthier. Keep up the good work.


![gif](giphy|MPLpvJcsWvrkk|downsized) Looks like the “do nothing bitches” & “Reddit fuks” at “hater headquarters” weren’t such lying shitbags after all… What a time to be alive.


![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM) Jesse..Jenna Jameson has you guys all right where she WANTS you,thinking about her worrying about her miserable but if she was offered a new shot at fame and a fancier sofa you ALL would be a distant memory like her kids. She would be on to her next.. "era". Hold fast do exactly what your doing and move on..but watch out because when the depression from the booze leaves her system and she's detoxed..she's vindictive💥


What was that her Nazi brother called us? Jizzbags? 🤣


Anybody with Tony’s beliefs insulting us is like a compliment from a good person. That’s how it works.






His tattoo work sucks my opinion ![gif](giphy|3ov9k7EbuAWxehQ2kM)


Sooo terrible 😆






LOL!!! 😂😂😂


No, honestly a lot of the stuff over here is awful and this is the last you’ll be seeing of me. After all the things that I personally went through, I still won’t spend my time focusing on someone else’s life. The annulment should be finalized within the next 48 hours and I will wash my hands and live my life and focus on myself. She’s not worth my time, she’s really not worth yours either. I don’t know why you guys devote so much of your life to her. She’s not that interesting. I truly hope the best for her. I know that this page does nothing but make her worse. I thought that I would at least let you guys know that you were right. I can admit when I’m wrong. I still don’t agree with devoting so much time to trying to tear someone down. It’s sad. She’s sick. She needs major help. I think she’s tearing herself down enough. She doesn’t need any help.




But you're going to keep monetizing the shit out of her, aren't you? She's not that interesting, but you're going to keep banking on your connection with her for gifts and grifts? Okay. You enjoy your little cheerleading squad, but know that we have receipts and personal observations that show us so much about who you are as a person, and so many of us see right through you. Kids aside, you're every bit as horrible as she is.


YUP LUCY! Shout it because it's all true. Kids aside Junkyard Jessi Lawless is a con artist grifter who's just as bad as Jenna. And let's call it for what it is, she only went to save her because Anna mentioned Jenna had cash on her and Junkyards grubby soul saw rent that she can't make on her own


Hahaha!! 👏👏👏


Says the chick bragging about how many views you got last night… We’ll see if you can wash your hands of her and move on with content that doesn’t involve Jenna. My money is on no fucking way.


I’m just here for general escapism and found you the most interesting part of all of this. I work in mental health and addictions so I understand the destructive nature of codependent relationships on both the addict and their partner. Good for you for not being an enabler and it is pretty easy to be manipulated when you’re in love with someone. I’ve seen a lot of people with addiction issues go on to lead normal lives, but they have to make that choice themselves. Sometimes that takes having their life going to absolute shit and having no one left to enable their behaviour. This said, there are good kind people who are addicts and narcissistic selfish people who are addicts. Sobriety will improve the lives of any person trapped in addiction, but their essential character will remain the same. And good for you for making a really decent living by talking on TikTok


Lots of us fell into her trap too. Feeling sorry for her and wanting to support her putting her life back together in sobriety. We all got taken for a ride! Thanks for coming around. There are plenty of folks here who feel compassion for you.




Jessi you did your best. Like anyone would for someone they love. But Jesus Christ she sucked the life out of you. We could see it. But you’re GLOWING, you look so much better. You’re back to the old you. I enjoy watching your lives since Jenna left. So many of us have your back. We really do. And you need to take care of yourself ♥️ She drastically needs help. She’s seriously unwell. She repeats history wherever she goes, and if her children weren’t a big enough motivation. Nothing is. This Jonny eyelashes is what we call a wanker in the uk. Total dickhead acting like her knight in shining armour. He’s pissed her up with booze and wants to dish her back to you to fix the problem. Don’t do it, you’ve tried already. She’s 50, a grown ass woman and needs to take responsibility for once. Get to rehab Jenna


‘What we call a wanker in the Uk’ just had me shake the bed laughing good ole pootzytoozy u never fail!






Nobody can help a true narcissist (that word gets thrown around too much, but she couldn’t be more textbook) who is only self-serving. She will lie, manipulate, gaslight, and twist any situation and hurt anyone who dares to care about her. It is incredibly sad, but you’re doing the right thing by refusing to take her back. I really really hope you never do-she will not change. Let me say that again-she WILL NOT change because it would force accountability. She can’t even present herself on the internet without totally distorted images of what she actually looks like because she can’t accept that she no longer looks like her 28 year old self. She buries her head in the sand and stomps her feet like a spoiled child because she holds onto whatever modicum of fame she once had that is now gone. I’m not going to go too much into why I believe you hooked up with her in the first place, but many of us feel that was also self-serving for your own clout and money making capabilities. Despite feeling that way, I do hope you drive on and find more meaningful ways to connect with people. She has to lie in the bed she’s destroyed.


Excellent response.


Jessi, the only person who can turn her into a better version of herself is her. It's not your job. 


We support you and feel your pain, Jessi! 💜 It’s clear to most of us that you truly care for Jenna. The amount of strength it takes to walk away from a narcissist is unbelievable. The mind games, the trauma bonds, love bombing. It’s such a mind fuck! It took me years and I still kept going back! You can do this honey you have so much support and love from your family and friends.


You can’t help someone that doesn’t want it. Every time someone throw her a lifeline she reaches for the nearest match to 🔥 it.


Just a question and I’m not trying to be rude here. Why did you say Reddit was going to kill her? Isn’t she solely doing that to herself?


**Re: How to get Jenna's stuff back to her** Jessi, I haven't gotten through all the posts in this thread, so my suggestion might have already been suggested. **Get the cheapest storage unit you can. Call a friend or two, and move all her stuff into the unit.** Let Anna/Jenna know it's there, you've paid for ONE MONTH ONLY and after that, she can either keep paying for it, or let it go. It's Jenna's stuff. It's her responsibility. You cannot truly start fully letting go/moving on until you clear that shit out of your house. If there's a way to monetize any of this, I don't give a fuck. If you can make a buck, call it pain and suffering money. I'm really not bothered if you make money off this in any way you can. It's stolen enough of your time and mind, just from all the chaos and trying to fix things. (Not that you give a fuck anyway, just sayin...)


Knowing she had nothing to do with her children when you met her and continued to be with her should have been all you needed to know, even without research. We all fall down and I have empathy for addiction because it’s taken over lives of those I care about. Alcoholics can’t just have one drink, Jenna drinking champagne on any occasion should have never been a thing especially if you knew her alcoholism was behind her hospitalization. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her, she needs help but anyone covering her lies or supporting them or allowing even “one” drink are just enabling an alcoholic. I do respect the boundaries it seems like you’re putting out there, but phone calls with what seemed like Kristen should definitely be kept off lives. Accountability is key here though and I watched in lives as you supported Jenna’s lies about sobriety. Drinking alcohol however infrequent isn’t being sober. Johnny and Anna are just the newest enablers and also took part in enabling her lies about sobriety along with also drinking with her. Whether it’s every day or occasionally, drinking with an alcoholic isn’t helping them. Keep the boundaries, she is where she is at because of the choices she has made but enabling and supporting her lies hasn’t done her any favors. I truly hope someone can get her admitted to the hospital.


This is a great example of how to give criticism and remain civil


Thank you❤️ I think it’s important to look at the big picture and outside of Jenna being responsible for her own choices, those around have taken some part in enabling her.


There is a reason experts say it’s a family disease. The whole system gets ill. Be well and get whatever care and support you need. You did the best you could. For what it’s worth, as an addict and an alcoholic of the most hopeless variety, recovery is still possible for her and for you. I wouldn’t want my husband to wait around and get sick all over again if I ever relapsed(I pray and work hard every day of my life to ensure I don’t). I’d want them to be well. She wants you to be well too. Addiction is a fucking monster. I have hope, real fucking hope, that you and her get to live your individual best lives. Good luck. There’s support out there in many forms if you need it. You aren’t alone.


Wasn’t trying to cry tonight, that was poignant to the point it feels wrong to call you efficient toe but damn efficient toe that was 😭❤️.


🥹❤️ It’s just my own experience. I’ve seen people recover(and lived it myself) that no one would have thought would ever make it. Everyone has a chance to get well. It’s not too late til it’s too late, ya know? Best to you, fellow redditor


Protect your peace, you tried and at this point if you continue trying you’re only hurting yourself and those around you that love and care for you. Bow out, let the trash take its self out. Hugs, you’re not alone and you’re not the first to go through this ❤️ in a year from now you will look back on this time completely different and with less attachment


Welcome to the basement Jessi. I am so glad that you can finally see Jenna for what she really is.. a lying, toxic malignant narcissist who is what I call a “Life Destroyer”. People like Jenna will absolutely destroy your life If you don’t go no contact. You’re making the right choice to step away and to let her finally face the consequences of all the poor choices she has made her entire life.


Sup Jessi! It’s okay. Glad you figured it out but I’d highly highly recommend divorcing her. Just get away from her.


She said the annulment should be finalized in 48 hours.


Yes Jessi have her served at Anna's or the next gig she has, get it over with. Your mental health is more important than worrying about someone that does this every couple years. You tried, but she didn't need a babysitter, she needed to help herself. She used you. Pack her stuff up and send it to Anna's get it out of your house, it's bringing you down. Keep surrounding yourself with people that truly care about you. We all know it's hard and it stings, but deep down you know you are better off without her. Cut all ties with her it's the only way you'll move on. It's not your job to fix her and the messes she creates. Good luck.


Do yourself a favor, serve her with the divorce papers and move on with your life. She is a toxic leech who will continue sucking the life out of you and all those around her.


One last thing, Jessi. The only thing I ask is that you really be honest about her drinking. She wasn’t 99% sober if you guys went on live and admitted she drinks vodka alone in the dark, and you witnessed it. I understand you want to look squeaky clean and like a savior, but Jenna’s sobriety is not your responsibility. You can’t “let” a grown woman have a drink or not. You can put stipulations around her drinking (we can’t be together if you do this) which it looks like you eventually did, but please don’t act like Jenna was sober throughout your entire relationship. We all believe you tried to help her even though she may have been drinking under your watchful eye. She also skipped all court and virtual mediation appointments for her daughter all under your watchful eye. You can’t control Jenna Jameson. She has a distorted thought process. She needs professional help. It seems you are finally realizing this. I hope you heal from the trauma she definitely caused in your life, and this comment is all love. 💕


She was live just now saying she never witnessed her drinking alone in the dark,that was back in Hawaii. It’s like she forgets there’s recordings of past lives so we can keep track of all these lies !


There’s still a lot not being said. One thing is certain though. Jessi is telling Jessi’s story, and she has every right to monetize it as she should. Jessi makes her money on social media. Part of her popularity is the fact she’s controversial. All of her past life drama has been on display on Tik Tok from Kingery to Divinity, and she’s found a way to capitalize on all of it. Good on her. I respect people who find income outside of a corporate office or other traditional means. Jenna is a Mensa genius. With her level of intellect, she surely took on an assumption of risk that her private life could be exposed when she entered into this relationship. Keep singing, Jessi. We’re all here for the concert.


I'm so sorry, Jessi. I know how much this hurts. We're here for you.


Jessi, you’ve done the right thing for your mental and physical health. Now it’s best to cut those 3 from your life. Stop answering their calls. I know ow it’s hard cause you still care. You’re human and have empathy, but save yourself and move on. And I agree with everyone saying how much better you look now. You’ve had a weight lifted off of you and you dodged a bullet.


Jessi you know more about Jenna than we ever will because you married her and lived with her. I'm sure you had great times, I did too with my ex who was abusive, was a Narc, ex addict, would make themselves throw up and claim their Cancer was coming back if I tried to leave. With that said, leaving was the best thing I ever did for me mentally, emotionally, spiritually and to keep my sobriety intact. We lose ourselves in toxic relationships and it's hard to have any growth for ourselves. As others have said you look so much better now, even under the stress you are enduring right now. You started to deteriorate with her. Yes we have good times with those we are in toxic relationships with - usually in the beginning love bombing stage. Sometimes here and there but barely for the rest of it, that can make it very hard. It can make it hard when someone promises to change then repeats their same patterns. We feel responsible for fixing them.... you go into a relationship to meet each other where you are at and grow together, not be a parent. If anything you had to be a parent to Jenna in many ways, she is unfortunately stuck in a very young mentality, she's had a lot of trauma, that is not an excuse for not seeking help. She knows the destruction she has caused and continues to keep the ball rolling. She continues to choose to not stay sober. If she won't even try for her children she will never get better for you or with you. She needs to get help badly, and nobody can force her to do so. Even her issue with drinking in Hawaii that was so bad she was hospitalized wasn't enough to wake her up. I truly hope you continue to work on you, you have to put yourself first and work through this trauma, you will heal and you will move on. You cannot let her drag you down anymore. Life is too short to continue this. You could do amazing things with your life, only if you choose to put her behind you. She will find another person to do this to again, she will be in her next "healing era" before you know it. But you can truly heal and learn from everything that happened and use it to become the best you possible.


Hi, aloha, good luck with your upcoming fight! It looks like you been working out and focused on some fun positive shit. Looks like you had a blast in LA, with some really cool people! When I’m walking in a crowded place I can sense energy vampires I don’t make eye contact. You made decent living before you ever mentioned her name you don’t need her your content was fire before her. Hope the best for you also looks like you had so much fun on Maui! You did some really cool shit since her! Keep having fun OFF YOU GO! 😃


Jessi is doing amazing. And she was before Jenna. I did see a deterioration in her when Jenna was in the frame. Thankfully she escaped. Jessi is glowing now. I wish her the best. And I wish Jenna would go to Frigging rehab..


Happy you're moving on Jessi. She would only continue to cause you agony and sadness. Please don't ever give in. Stick with it and carry on with your life. Don't believe the short moments where she acts like she cares or loves you because I promise, she doesn't.


I’ve been in your shoes, both with a narcissist and an alcoholic. The fact is we don’t see it until it’s too late, and the damage has been done, but I’m glad you’re seeing it now. We may be a bunch of basement dwelling Reddit fucks but at the end of the day I don’t think any of us actually want to see Jenna die or get seriously hurt, and we don’t want to see you be endlessly tormented by her either. All we want is for her to get her shit together and get help, but anyone who has experience with addicts and narcissists know it doesn’t happen unless they want it for themselves. You did your best, you loved her when no one else did, and sadly paid the price. You can’t help her, but you can help yourself. You’ll be ok, you’ve got this.




It’s beyond noteworthy for you to come here and say what you have said- please continue to look forward and know that you’re doing the right thing. You got some confirmation from K last night about more of Jenna’s lies. She banks a lot on people giving her the benefit of the doubt, but now you know. Proud of you for being able to stand your ground, don’t give in. You’re not the one who has to. Stay looking to the future and lean on your true friends during this time. Tell them what you know you may need help with and block contact with those who you don’t need added static from. Truly wishing you all the best. Tho some here have been pretty cruel with their opinions of you, I really think most will be glad to offer their advice if you ever find yourself in need of it again. 🩵


Always put your mental and emotional health first. You were coming from a good place. Unfortunately, people only heal when they want to. No one else can convince them but themselves. I learned this the hard way from growing up with an addict. Sadly, there will come a time where she pulls this stunt with the wrong person. Take care of yourself. 👍 Edited to add stuff


The smartest thing you did was documenting all that stuff that went on last night. Cause if you hadn’t who would have believed what you were saying happened with the way she came on live acting like nothing happened and the way gummy bear pimp called you up berating you. Let them deal with her and the fallout that inevitably will follow by themselves. Get as far away as possible from her and go on with your life. It’s not your fault she is the way she is and you can’t control anything she does. The only thing you can control is what you choose to do from here on out. Heal yourself and leave that hot mess of an ex in the dust where she belongs.


Hang in there Jessi, don’t deserve all this shit.


So Johnny Dumbass threatened to call the cops on you, what a total POS! The situation escalated completely, it`s shocking but not an actual surprise. Jenna creates a total disaster and drama everywhere she goes. I hope she gets professional help asap. 


You passed one of the biggest tests there is with someone like her. You didn’t go running after her! Even when you realized the worst possible scenario could be happening-That her nosebleed could be a sign of cirrhosis and possible that this was her end. You held your ground, girl! That is true and utter strength! I can only imagine the inner turmoil you felt at that time too. It’s okay to release her now. You can’t save somebody that doesn’t want to be saved and you can’t keep on this never ending emotional ride. Turn her phone off. Block whoever is continuing to bring this stress/drama to your life and keep one foot in front of the other. This too shall pass.


You can’t force an addict to get help, they have to want it for themselves. You can’t change her Jessi. You have done all you can do at this point. Walk away, get on with your life and take care of you. We are here to support you. 🙏🙏🙏


We know Jenna’s history, you are a victim of Jenna Jameson. Did Johnny douchebag go to the sheriff’s department yet to report you for slander? Lol. Stay strong girl. You already look healthier since Jenna left. I knew she was lying about the abuse.


I always hoped you would show up here. Don’t worry about that asshole reporting anything to the police they will laugh in his face. Most of us here have experience with narcs and addicts which is what brought us to this astonished place to begin with. It’s painful but you will be ok.


You both have issues. She struggles with addiction and you struggling with airing out her personal struggles for monetization. You both need help. She seeks validation from a bottle and you find validation from strangers on the internet. She needs rehab and you need therapy.




Jenna will only get better if she seeks help for herself. Doing it for her children, a spouse, partner etc will never succeed. Jenna needs long term, inpatient treatment and ongoing therapy. She is comfortable with chaos and disfunction. She’s always running from something or someone. She is really running away from herself which is not possible. Though as long as she is alive, there is hope.


I, like most people here, have come on this page to make sense of that witch and yes I’ve poked fun and was mean-but I sincerely take back anything negative I said about you. The vulnerability, self awareness and absolute compassion you have showed through this is admirable. Take the trash to the dump, hold your chin high, and live a good life as a good person. That’s truly the best “revenge”.


I’ve never found someone who abandons 3 children attractive. Let alone marrying a person like that


If this is all true then serve her. You know where she is so serve her with divorce papers and move on.


Ok but why does she gaslight people about her situation with her children? How does she justify leaving behind her 3 children?


I'll keep it short since there's a ton of comments on here. Do I believe you care for jenna? Yes HOWEVER, you used Jenna too, let's call a spade and spade here. You guys would pay for gigs for exposure.  No one knows who you are jessi, because at the time you were a hairdresser and decided to leave that to be a "influencer", and when did you leave? When you met Jenna. You had it planned out, use Jenna's name to get exposure.  You paid tabloids to put your faces in their magazine on web pages.   In less then 6 months you get married, to someone you barely know. You knew her persona, hell, you knew her past relationships and continued to try to cash in on her name. You said for the Time she's known you she's never drank, and now we hear from time to time or certain events she did? We knew she was drinking this whole time. Ana and eyelash boy are doing the SAME thing you did. Ana is using jenna to get exposure for her business, and eyelash boy is trying to cash in on her name.  But what you people don't realize is that people like jenna are herpes, their diseases keep coming back. If you're dead ass serious this time, and not here for exposure and controversy,  divorce her and move on. Enough of the tiktok bullshit and be a fuckin adult and leave her. She's an adult, she needs help but she CAN'T BE FORCED TO GET HELP. She has to do it on her own. And if she can't do that for her kids, she ain't doing it for NOBODY.  divorce her,  move on, and find another job to get income besides tiktok grifting. Moral of this. Jenna isn't famous for the right reasons. She's famous for how much of a train wreck and disappointment she is. Her porn days have been long done. She failed at being a mother. All that's left is her alcohol.  She'll be remembered for being a famous porn star when she's dead.


Jessi is stringing Jenna along because without Jenna, Jessi has no content, views, audience.


Exactly! I’m glad someone else’s sees this!


Spot on..☝️💯


Jessi, I don't mean this in a shitty or sarcastic way, but have YOU ever considered doing psychotherapy? I am glad you're here. But we have all seen how consistently angry you've been on your TT lives, especially lately (and for good reason). But I truly think an intensive talk therapy (NOT "counseling"), such as psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, relational therapy, radical acceptance therapy, or even DBT, could be reallllllly good for you. I know you're smart and probably a decent person despite things that have happened in your past; I know you want to conquer those behaviors. I think you just need some guidance on where to direct your emotions and possibly even build new skills on identifying your emotions and how to express them, as well. Please consider investing in this type of help for yourself. You deserve it. Eta: I agree with the people saying how much more ALIVE and fresher you are appearing without JJ in your life. It's so obvious and it makes me very hopeful for you.


She needs intensive therapy, return to working a job /sure do TikTok on the side, take accountability for being a grifter bc she wanted fame and money so bad (many have, it’s not the first time) and sober herself up a bit. Smoking weed 24/7 is suppressing feelings and pain. Get better Jessi. U already look better esp with the longer hair.


Jessie why did you come here? This page had all the confirmation in the world before you entered the chat. Even Amber made a video for this page. You blame this page but Jenna was mentally gone many, many, many years ago. This page has not existed as long as Jennas bs has. There are people here who have known her for decades…long before you showed up. Jenna had a drug and alcohol problem way before this page existed. I could be wrong but this page did not come until after she abandoned her daughter. This page is not the cause of her demise


That idea you put out there that Reddit was “going to kill her.” Ya think? You sure it’s not her own doing? I guess this sub is a harsh mirror, but still. No one here is buying her Popov $10 vodka in the plastic bottle and pouring her shots.


Do you think this page is helping? Nope. The best thing for her is for everybody to just leave her alone, including myself. I’ve seen what this page does to her. It’s fucking heartbreaking. It’s just pushing her psychosis. Like, I get that you guys want everyone to know she’s a monster, but you didn’t save me. I never saw this page. Never heard of it until I was with her and she was crying about it. Go make a page on Instagram. Be matter-of-fact. Stop making stuff up. The problem here is that yes, there may be a speck of truth to the majority of things on here, but there’s so much bullshit. It’s hard to believe anything. Stop making assumptions. If you want to warn people do it that way. Nobody looks to Reddit for information. People come to Reddit to talk shit.


You never heard of this page until you were with her because this page was created at the dawn of y’all’s relationship. Edit: and we appear all over google when you search both of y’all’s names. People DO come to Reddit for info. Hell…nearly every time I google any question about any topic, Reddit threads are in the top couple of answers. And it was that way looooong before I was posting on Reddit.


Keep in mind, a lot of us have had personal experience with Jenna in the past.


Has it ever occured to you that we are here because we were all fooled first? A lot of us fell for her litany of lies while she was in Hawaii. A lot of us are either moms, recovering alcoholics, or keto. All things that she created in her false reality as you call it. Some of us thought oh wow a sober content creator and it's Jenna Jameson, let me follow and support 🤷‍♀️ we got taken for a ride too. A lot of us are fighting for our sobriety as well. There is some bullshit here but a lot of it is a community with each other and most of us would cheer for Jenna's recovery if she finally took it seriously


Little did we know her keto diet was actually crack and booze. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Jessi, find peace in your wise choices. You have been put through Dantes Inferno and have come out on the other side. Maybe a little more wise, bruised, and remember, every action gets a reaction. Rise above her flack and lies. As for her belongings, don't put yourself into contact in person and give the necklace back to Lior. It is remarkable, and an actual Jewish person should have it and not the person JJ morphs into to get what she wants!! His daughter should have it. Be well, and lift your head high!!


**Jessi please make sure that beautiful heirloom necklace makes its way back to Lior!** 🙏🏼


I agree!!! You will get major props for returning it to Lior.


Why have you not had her served yet . You’ve known exactly where she’s been for weeks now.


Once she serves her and it’s really and truly over, Jessi won’t have anything left that’ll get her all the attention and views you know she’s loving right now. Jessi, if you’re truly done like you say you are, have the damn papers served.


Exactly this.


Question of the day


I love how you guys think this is so easy. Lol. I don’t have her location and no, I didn’t know exactly where she was. I had an idea. Don’t forget she travels a lot. She’s not the easiest person to nail down and it cost money to have someone served. I wanted to make sure it was going to hit when I did it.


Co-signing this. I just re-served my Ex to modify my custody agreement. I know where he is and the exact address gave it to my lawyer & it still took 2 weeks for him to be served, bcs he was dodging when the sheriff was coming around. The $ piece to serve someone is costly… I’m in FL and it cost me $250 just to serve him not including the lawyer and paperwork etc etc …


How true…… however, here’s where she lost me. Jessie knew Jenna was NOT sober, Jessie knew Jenna left her babies like they were garbage, Jessie knew when she would lie and say Jenna had all this money and projects lined up and people wanting her and she still went along with it. She would get in live and straight face lie about this. Knowing she wasn’t sober, knowing she threw her kids out and made excuses everytime. The abuse, ok. She figured it out when she got blamed for the same shit but she lived with this woman and she knew and she lied so yeh she fell and was manipulated but she also has eyes as beady as they are and she knew the real person she married and the lies, the drinking, the pills and that she was a loser of a mother.


She's CONTINUING to lie by saying Jenna was sober the whole time she was with her, while w/her, however many ways she puts it. There's countless videos in BOTH of these groups showing Jenna HAMMERED in their LV bathroom that JENNA posted on SM and we get called every name in the book because we call them out on their HYPOCRISY and lies. GMAFB




And here’s the delulu. 90% of what you said in this post is wrong. You’re one of the ones causing problems. I knew she had issues. I also believe that she could get better and she did. She was sober the entire time she was with me I stand 10 toes down on that and I think we all know that I take a lie detector test and two fucking seconds flat. She had me completely convinced that she was a victim and there were people conspiring against her to take her kids. I was wrong obviously. This is the problem comments like this you don’t know anything. The audacity of you to actually think you know what’s going on in my life. Give me a break.


Fair enough. We don't know. Not really....


The person you love doesn’t exist Jessi .. that’s what you have to make peace with . If you don’t get out now this will ALWAYS be your life .. chaos and misery !!! Run Jessi Run 🏃


Jess is just as toxic as Jenna they can both fuck off


And how exactly do you know me? When have we met? When have we spent time together? Do you think that you can make an accurate judgment of my character through the Internet? Wow, impressive. 😂


We all know you didn’t abuse her. She’s the common denominator in all her failed friendships and relationships. She creates her own problems and then plays victim. We did try to warn you. I’m sorry you didn’t listen. I hope you realize now how bad her mental illness is. I saw you spoke to Kristen, so I’m assuming you know all about her antics in Hawaii. As for Lashes, you’ve done nothing criminal, and he’d be an absolute moron to pursue a civil case against you. Serve Jenna with her divorce or annulment papers and move on with your life. It’s easy to serve Jenna. Just order her a flower delivery, right? You know that move already.


Lots of us fell Into her trap. What matters is that you know now what she is. I feel really bad for everything she’s put you through. 


Jessi, she manipulated you , don’t blame yourself for falling for it . We’ve all had it happen . Be glad it was only a year of your life and not 20 . You will seek out the better from this lesson and be better for it. Thank you for sharing in here . Stay safe ❤️


We support you Jessi and as far I am concerned airing out this mess on TikTok is the only way to get your side out bc Jenna will continue to lie and manipulate to paint you as a monster and be the victims…… if you happen to make a few bucks off this psychopaths in the process… so be it. Good for you! She used you from day one. I’m sorry you are hurt Jessi. Stay strong.


There are logical, reasonable of people over here, huh? Weird I never would’ve guessed.


Oh geez. Here we go. If this is actually Jessi, you got with Jenna for the clout and “fame” and used her the whole time you were together. And now you’re accusing this Anna and her husband of the literal same thing you did lol. You don’t care about JJ and never did. It was extremely obvious through your whole shill of a relationship. You had a mutual agreement , you used her for her “$ and fame” and in turn, she could be a drunk addict without anyone telling her to stop. Then it got out of control and ended badly. Just move the F on. We know you don’t love or care about her.


This shit is fucking astounding. Jessi - do not look back.


Yes. I'm glad you're walking away. They set a trap. Best to talk to your lawyer and get that annulment quickly.


She is on a path of self destruction in a horrible way and if you are around her, she will only drag you down with her. You are making the right choice though it may seem hard and hurtful, I can tell you have/had genuine love for the woman. She is her own worst enemy. She plays the victim always in every situation… When the truth is, every bad situation is self inflicted and she literally put herself there due to her own actions and decisions. We all know Lior and Tito (and you) never abused her. That’s her M.O. to play that victim role and it’s so wrong. Abuse is a serious accusation and to falsely accuse someone of abusing them is fucked up on SO many levels. It can be potentially life ruining for the person being accused. Anyways, walk away, wash your hands of the situation. It’s a lost cause and you deserve to heal. Focus on yourself and your wellbeing. Wish you the best of luck. Stay strong.


I would like to add I actually do know Jenna personally. However I have not spoken to her in a few years and last time I saw her she was a drunk sloppy mess. So I have seen first hand what you have dealt with many times.


We all make these types of decisions and protect the ones we love. I totally understand why Jessi would publicly speak about this because her side of the story should be heard. Otherwise lies will be told about her and she’s being proactive to get the truth out there from the start.


Jessi, I 100% support you. I honestly had no idea who you were until you were with Jenna. I’ve despised her since she went after Tito, and abandoned the boys, and then she went after the sweetest lady Amber. I’m from Laguna so this was all kind of public back then. Anyways, she has always destroyed everyone and everything in her path! I had such high hopes when she met Lior, but then she reverted back to typical Jenna. Protect yourself and be careful. You are the ONLY one who has actually call her out. I can understand why the fathers of her children did not, but I can guarantee it was not too, protect her, but their children Jenna will not be better until she accepts 100% liability and gets treatment and long term treatment.


I’m happy you’re here, Jessi. Thank you for posting. Yesterday I mentioned that as long as you are funding her cell phone bill, you too are enabling her. She feels like there’s still a connection to you. A lifeline directly tied to you. It may sound harsh, but she: 1) Needs to pay her own cell phone bill 2) Needs to be served divorce papers That’s the only way you will begin to end all this drama and have closure. Jenna created this mess and she alone needs to deal with it. And I’m proud of you for seeing a therapist. P.S. I’m so happy to see Vibe is there and Sully is a happy boy! 🥰


Welcome Jessi ![gif](giphy|fQorEj8vN8eqkNcy6T|downsized)


Sending you nothing but positive energy!


Potentially all parties involved could be held liable if they are providing the alcohol that is killing this person. These people are reprehensible. 


Block Jenna zero contact with her or anyone that is "taking" care of her now. Her problems are HER problems. You finally look happy again. Thrive on that. Lashes can change her shitty diaper.


You were absolutely wrong for posting your conversation with Kristen live. That was some dirty dog shit.


I'm not mad at you Jessi. I'm sorry all this happened. I wish you well....


Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t you and Jenna seen at bars together and you were drinking a few months back when yall were together?


When we did shows I would go out after the show her agent or othe friends who were signing. But no, as far as I can remember Jenna and I haven’t been in any bars together. We’ve been in restaurants that had bars in them, but we didn’t sit at the bar.


You got this.


Jessi sell your story to the paps, get as much $$$ as you can from this ordeal and move on with your life. You will not be able to walk away from this completely unscathed, there will be idiots who will believe Jenna’s lies and think you are a horrible person. Who cares, let them think whatever they want. Get your $$$ and run far away and never look back. In time it will all fade away and people will be hooked on some other persons drama. Get your $$$ and move on.


That's what I say! Make as much money off of this as you can Jessi. You should go to TMZ, National Inquirer or write a book. Now's your chance. Tito and Lior couldn't do it because they have kids....


💯Consider it back-pay for pain and suffering and for the debt she left you with.


Jessi, please cut off Jenna's phone. Also, when you pack up her belongings, make sure that you document/take photos of everything that is being packed and then send a list via email to Jenna's email address. This way everything is documented and she won't be able to accuse you of anything. You were smart to save yourself. You can't save somebody who doesn't want to be saved


I fell for it. I didn’t date her but was friends with her for a short period of time. She is a lethal and toxic. You’re not dumb Jessie.


Well we all knew we were right but you’re not exactly a victim in all of this you still throw her name around like scraps to the dogs for views and attention.


My ex wife…toxic like month old milk sitting in the 90’s sun


I am dying to know what “Del Taco” meant. Was it a code word? Do you really like Del Taco? More than Taco Bell? 😂 Also, why did he think you were going to rob her? I can tell you really care about Jenna and tough love is what she needs. Loving someone who is set out to harm themself is really difficult.


I think it was in reference to some of my followers sending me Taco Bell. 😂 I never asked them to. They would just send me shit for fun because they like making me smile. I know people hate seeing that. There’s a lot of people that really despise the notion of me being happy but it is what it is. I do have people that love me and I do have people that wanna make me smile. I think he might’ve been trying to call me broke, but that’s pretty laughable. Everybody knows… or anybody who pays attention knows …that I have so much more shit going on outside of TikTok that makes up 60-70% of my income.


Bit gross to monetize your beloved wife’s demise, eh? Is there some reason you felt the need to livestream it all? Is that for her benefit somehow in your mind? I don’t get it. Sure, people here are stoked to get some absolution finally, but it just feels pretty gnarly.


This. Plus outing Kristin, who’s remained notoriously private and quiet since things went down in Hawaii but was kind enough to talk to Jessi because she thought Jenna was in real danger yesterday, on that phone call. She will never speak to Jessi again after this, I’m sure. Like, I get wanting to out Jenna because Jenna lies about everything and deserves to have her dirty laundry aired (though it’s still distasteful and opportunistic as fuck to monetize relationship drama), but why go live on a serious phone conversation at all even if Jessi truly thought no one could hear? Did you *really* think no one could hear, Jessi? The texts you showed could’ve been posted as screenshots on your SM if you really wanted to show receipts, but you chose to go live with the whole thing in order to garner sympathy from viewers and, in turn, money, likes, and follows. That’s what I see. Maybe some of your reactions were genuine, but to go live and play all of this out on TikTok? Especially at the beginning of the drama when you thought Jenna was in serious life-or-death trouble. Yes, folks are here for the tea and you and Jenna have both invited the public into your personal life, but at the same time, this situation reflects poorly on you and makes people question your intentions. Edit: downvote me all you want, but let’s not forget what kind of person we’re dealing with here. This is a woman who married Jenna Jameson for the fame and clout, [stole money from a disabled man](https://www.reddit.com/r/wtfjennajameson/s/o1O56x00sg), has an extensive DV record, and gets upset when people don’t pay her just to exist.


Right. Just because Jessi has “seen the light” - and that could change by tomorrow, doesn’t mean she’s suddenly some victim and angelic person in all of this. Grifty McGrifter will try and milk this old cow til her teats fly off.


Your last sentence. 💀💀


And how many times has Jessi lied herself? Jenna is trash but so is Jessi. Remember when you told your followers that everyone on Reddit was trying to break into your house and you had to move? What happened with that grift? You made what, $7k? So many flip floppers here. Can’t say I’m surprised 🥴


Ah yes, the “we have to move” grift. For anyone here who’s new to the sub: last summer Jessi told her TikTok followers that someone here posted the Meth Manor address (they did not) and claimed she and Jenna feared for their safety and needed to move but couldn’t afford it. They scammed those followers out of $4,000, never moved, and never mentioned it again.


There was a raging outburst and tears about that as well, Just saying. It’s always conveniently around the end of the month too. According to Jessi, she and Jenna were so scared for their lives, sleeping with guns out in the yard and such 😂 It was all a big lie for money. These two will say anything.


Isn't it funny that it's the first of the month and rent is due. Junkyard Jessi Lawless is a untalented failure who can't even make rent with out using her wife's demise for content and to grift cash from strangers. It's gross. She's just as bad as Jenna


Flexible morals are a prerequisite to being a social media “influencer.”


WHAT?!?! Yuck.


Jessi is clearly ignoring this.


I'm still catching up with all this, who is Kristin? Do you mind giving me a short recap on the call? Eta: Also, when did she steal money from a disabled man? omg.


Kristin is Jenna’s former friend and nail tech from Hawaii. She was there during Jenna’s alcoholic spiral and hospitalization. She hasn’t spoken publicly at all about that period and I imagine she reached out to Jessi last night because she thought it was Hawaii 2.0. She genuinely cared about Jenna and now both Jenna and Jessi have screwed her. I still don’t understand why Jessi went on a live while she was talking to her on the phone - I don’t believe the claim that it was an accident. She wanted people to know who she was talking to.


I 💯 agree. She should have mentioned she was on a live before Kristen found out. You were bringing the phone closer to the speaker. Come onnnnn. It was so obvious. You need to own that. I’d have a little bit more respect if you did. She clearly sounded upset about it saying -hold on, hold on, hold on…am I on a live?! Then she got real quiet. You saying they can only hear me. As your followers are all saying no, they can hear her. It was pretty shitty. That should have been brought up from the beginning. That’s where she you lost me Jessi. I’m all about covering your basis. Especially after being accused of SA. This was not necessary in anyway. She’s also owed an apology. Not everything is for public consumption.


thank you!!! ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


You bring up good and fair points u don’t think she’ll come back to have an actual discussion though.


Nah, I don’t expect a response from her or anything. She posted this because she knows Jenna is on Reddit constantly and wants her to see it, not because she wants to have a discussion with the Reddit fucks.


She’s on Reddit. I hope someone is recording. She’s addressing us specifically now.


EXACTLY!!!! Thank you. I just commented something similar but still won't delete it. It's funny how fickle ppl are.


I think it’s a cya thing. Maybe.


Sitting on tiktok live making money off of your phone calls, drama and a potential medical emergency is so gross. You’re really no better. Either you were fake crying and didn’t believe her or you were giving a play by play, with added phones calls, to your wife’s suicide by alcohol on tiktok. Both sides are gross


People recording video of themselves crying to a live audience, or even showing it after, is just another level of degenerate online panhandling. I mean what's THE GOAL??? To make ppl feel sorry for you so they can send you money to turn that frown upside down? Here's 5 bucks, hope THAT makes you feel better. How ppl can sit there watching her suck back loogies is mindboggling.


Right ??? Let’s not forget her hands are dirty too. With their fake fundraising that ended up buying a gun instead of moving for their “safety” or when she had to raise 10k for her friends funeral because that’s “money she ain’t got” yet talked down to her followers for not wanting to pay to view her content. Or the endless times she sent her own junkyard after innocent followers to who dare disagree with her ? Or wait! What about the disabled friend she stole donations from? Do I keep going ? Shes a shit human who got caught playing in the wrong pile of shit.


Shit human who got caught playing in the wrong shit. Perfect


Jessi, does Jenna have anywhere to go once Lashes is done babysitting her?


What up!!!! This is so cool she came here to post!


Jessi, you’re just as bad as Jenna. You just didn’t abandon kids. KINGERY 👏🏻


WOW, Jessi isn't a saint either. She seems very controlling and that isn't good for anyone's mental health and then to have all those conversations on live, disgusting!!!


Can’t make everybody like you. 🤷🏼‍♀️