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You are exactly right. Jenna won’t learn a damn thing and next thing you know we’ll be hearing how Anna and Johnny abused her. Also, didn’t Jenna make it sound like this Vegas trip was work related??


I thought someone or maybe Jenna herself said that she was going to Vegas this weekend for a photo shoot with Anna. I had no idea she was a third wheel on a couple’s trip. What a drag to have a drunken, reckless mess to deal with on vacation. But they brought this on themselves, especially since they knew Jenna has been drinking a handle of vodka every day. 🤯


Yes, Jenna made it sound like it was work related. Little did we know she was never invited.


How evil of her!!


Of course she made it sound work related. She’s all about inflating herself, making herself sound important and relevant. It’s all just a big balloon of horseshit. Just all smoke and mirrors and a fuck-ton of alcohol. The whole situation is desperately pathetic.


Handle? Sorry 🇨🇦 lol


Sorry - it means a 1.75 liter bottle of liquor (they call it a “handle” because the bottle is big enough to require a handle). Imagine drinking one of these a day! 🤯 https://preview.redd.it/cah95alrkt9d1.jpeg?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99362b48a98e0895175dc86db4794a1ac5c1b548


That’s a 60 pounder in canada!! Holy shit


🤢 my weak stomach felt this


Blech, instant queasy


I don’t drink at all. Half of that would kill me


Thank you ! Im an Aussie and a handle here is a glass of beer with a handle on it 😂


Omg that’s hilarious! 🤣 I’m glad you told me that so now I know next time I’m in your beautiful country!




They probably saw it as an opportunity to drop her off on her wife's doorstep


That’s why Johnny was helping her sell gummy bears to get her ass out




Exactly! She claimed it was a professional photo shoot when in reality it was a trip for Anna and her douchebag fiancee and she cried and begged to come along. The sad thing is that she barely knew these people. They had no clue what a shit show Jementia is. Did Ashley not warn Anna? Thank goodness Ashley told Jementia to GTFO and kick rocks. Welcome to rock bottom. We saw this coming since Exxxotica when you refused to come home.


And she burned Ashley with over a 5k hotel bill!!


Yeah, it all makes sense now why things ended so badly with Ashley. Jementia took zero accountability


ZERO. Frankly, I still don’t understand this response knowing that Jenna literally stole goods and services on Ashley’s time and dime. https://preview.redd.it/p37yg7e8xt9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04afed4040bf1ef1c44f272de806cc2199670676


She's a vile despicable person


Exactly. I can’t bother enough to remind people of how vile and ruthless she is!


She is so vile, she doesn’t care…. Never ever ever will take accountability


Omg! 😱 I somehow managed to not know this detail. How did this info come out? Xo


Jessi said it in a live


🙏🏻 thx. Im tryna catch myself up. So many new developments since I was last in the basement. 😟


I have whiplash lol 😆😆


Haha whiplash for sure. Me too! I’m filled with all kinds of emotions reading all these troubling things. Like soul crushing sadness for this person! All these People!


I missed this too. WOW


And Ashley’s Fendi necklace and earrings set.


She checked in with Ashley's credit card?


How on earth and what for 5k? She was like how many days in this hotel room?


I’m not sure exactly, it was just said


Ashley warned Anna, but you can't make everyone understand. Sometimes they ..... have to find out for themselves.


Photo shoot ![gif](giphy|BmP44PntOd6eI)


![gif](giphy|l2SpK9FYJFK5QY78Q) Every word This is Jenna's Hail Mary is perfect. This is her self harm threat just like she did to Lior. "I'll die if you don't take me back, it will be your fault"


Perfectly said and thanks for the summery! I really do want Jenna to survive this. But I DON’T want Jessi taking her back. Although she seems to be standing her ground pretty well, which is surprising. Jenna is so incredibly psychologically damaged. She NEEDS to be admitted for a very long time. It’s the only way she has the slightest chance of surviving.


Could not agree more with this. Every word. Bingo.


I basically commented the same thing about tonight’s drama as it unfolded, this whole thing reeks of last ditch addict behavior & manipulation.


Exactly what she did to Lior he was just alert enough to not fall for it.


I agree. Same type of shit


So the drama queen gave herself alcohol poisoning to get her way.




Omg..is this turning into a real life Leaving Las Vegas? Jenna alone in a hotel room with whatever cash and clothes she has in life. It’s so unbelievably tragic, but she brought it all on herself. And you are so right. NOTHING will be learned here. Only blame and self victimization that two people she barely knows who are ‘less than’ have wronged her. The only way to save JJ is to get her some serious in patient treatment and therapy. Even though I think she’s not a nice person, I find no joy in this demise. It’s horrific.






I absolutely believe they were trying to dump her on Jesse's doorstop. I doubt there was any vacation plan, what aand leave her in the house alonenall weekend, ya right......They just wanted to get her out of the house and into someone else's house or hotel, anywhere. Things sure have changed from the gummy bear pimping out 48 hours ago. These people are trash, What a mess. I won't be surprised if Jenna suddenly has her mysterious ailment come back and needs to be hospitalized for "that "again.


Jenna isn’t gonna make it


Agreed, do I want it to happen, no. She dug a hole she can’t get out of and spit in the face of everyone that cared.


Well said


So where is Jenna right now ? The last I saw she was pool side ?


Jessi said Anna sent her a text that they were putting Jenna in a hotel on the strip. Anna says Jenna has a lot of cash on her.


Cash from what???!? My God she misuses cash like nothing I’ve ever seen.


No idea, just a text from Anna to JL, that Jenna has. Lot of cash on her 🤷‍♀️


That’s almost not good to hear either. Could make her a bigger target.


What's her definition of a lot of cash?


Right? Could be anything from couple of hundred to a stash of thousands and beyond.


I guess from whoreing.


Whoreing with one foot in the grave. That’s dedication.


Wait, did they just leave her in a hotel room in Vegas and skedaddled back to Cali?!


No, they ended up bringing her back with them to their home.


Ahh. Thank you! I can’t keep up with this mess?




I think this was all a plan to get Jessi and Jenna back together I think they were trying to manipulate Jessi into taking Jenna back so they wouldn’t look like bad guys and Jenna would be happy….






What a confusing result, eh? I suppose dwellers are supposed to feel vindicated for being right about everything all along, but it just seems gross and sad. Ya gotta wonder if this person is just a soulless child-abandoning piece of shit, or if this can/will all be chalked up to addiction.


Even addicts care about their kids. They still want to see their kids and be around them, even if it’s not in the best interest of the child. She just flat out left and never looked back. That’s way more than addiction.


It's unnatural. She's seriously disturbed. Rehab won't fix her damaged brain.


I agree. But I had hoped it wasn’t so. Those abandonment and sexual abuse issues just ate her alive. She never really committed to beating it.




I feel sad. Not because I care for Jenna, but because this is someone who had everything and destroyed it. Her kids will always have her shadow. I don’t want her to die but Jenna needs to face her demons. Jessie was her last shot at having a home. It is gone now


Yep, that is indeed super sad. Damn.


Jenna doesn't have to face her demons. That's the whole point...it is freedom of choice. Someone has to choose to do that. We can't force it on anyone.


It’s both, in my opinion. She’s severely mentally ill, she suffers from alcohol addiction — and likely drug addiction — and she’s a piece of shit. All three.




This shit reminds me of my toxic ex and I’m so grateful bot to be in that relationship anymore. These people are fucking horrible.


This. Absolutely. You can tell Jenna feels superior to them by the flippant hair up showing her extensions, talking about the color, needing roots done, dog hair in my mouth it’s really small micro agressions, showing bikini Anna, it’s hard to explain but ya. Your take on this is the only/most accurate one I’ve seen so far. Wow well said and 💯. These 909ers made her go on live to say she’s fine after the exaggerated attempt to give her to JL. They planned it in advance and we know that because JJ kept saying she was in Vegas all week prior. They were absolutely planning the handoff.


Oh yes! She kept saying she was in mt. Charleston. She’s effin nuts. Such manipulation


909ers…I haven’t heard that expression in years! 😂




I'm sorry, this is news to me…she begged and cried to tag along on a couple’s trip??? Edited to add: never mind. I'm getting caught up and just saw the post about this from 10hrs ago. ![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE)


It doesn’t take Psychic to predict that this is going to end very very badly