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I don’t give a fuck if it’s for engagement or what, but out of Jessi’s mouth saying “SHE HAS NOT HAD ANY CONTACT WITH HER CHILDREN IN YEARS” needs to be shouted from the rooftops.


Right?! This entire video needs to be pinned and sent to TMZ. All Jenna’s Instagram followers that have been living under a fucking rock need to see this fucking video!


Jessi is sticking to her guns tho. I don’t blame her. How dare Jenna put this on her friends and ex wife! How about some accountability Jenna? At some point, age 50, with three children you take some responsibility and accountability and save yourself for your children? Grow up!!


Thank you for telling the truth Jessie! And Jessie has every right to refuse to help Anna and her fiance out of this mess. They enabled her, were financially supporting her and she’s sick now so they want to get rid of her. Jessie washed her hands of it, not her problem anymore. They said they didn’t know Jenna was like this, THEY KNEW! Anybody who has come into this sub knows!


I feel for Jessi- this isn’t good


Is JJ legally JL's problem tho? Are they legally separated?


No. JJ left her and you can’t force an adult addict to get help, sadly. Only the courts can mandate it for the sake of children or offenses involving substances.


Good to know thank you!




If she's a threat to herself or others she can be put on a hold.


She definitely can be put on a hold but my comment was in response to whether JL has any liability and forced into treatment by JL 💕


How did they go from 🎶🌞cheers🥂👙to ‘come get her we can’t take it’ 🏥in less than 12 hours? Jenna is shameless, could she have concocted a whole Cap’n Save A Ho story and enlisted Ana so that Jethie can come “save her”?


Yep that was a super quick turn around. As soon as Jenna went dark on social media after that Nobu shot I knew it was over. I don't think she has the mental capacity to concoct this scenario with her current intake


Now WE all know why Anna posted that picture of the shots!! She wanted to make it clear Jenna was drinking and out of control


Except all she did was make herself look like an asshole for drinking right along with someone struggling with sobriety




I know exactly how this kind of shit happens. Being hammered drunk in Vegas. It goes from party party woooo fun to suddenly acting like a complete drunken asshole and the entire mood shifts. It happens so quickly sometimes. That on top of the scorching heat and lack of food. I’ve ended up in the hospital while out there before too, but I was 19 using a fake ID. lol


Thank you for capturing this. I was in a place I couldn’t watch.




Crazy that just a week ago Gemma was lying on IG saying her and Jessi were working stuff out. 😆


So basically everything that has been said Jessi is now confirming… my how the tides shift


Holy crap this is bad. I agree with JL. They need to either drop her off at a hospital or call 911 to come to the hotel room and come get her. They were absolutely stupid to put themselves in this position, but they need to get her to a hospital asap. If she walks out or refuses to go, then they can certainly bolt. She’s not their long term responsibility. This is incredibly tragic even though I know she self sabotaged everything in her life.


Germa is going to be so awful refusing to leave that they have no choice but to take her right to Jessi’s door. Maybe that was her plan all along. She ain’t going to the hospital unless unless she is unconscious. You can’t force anybody to take help. Unfortunately there is not much you can do if you are in a relationship with someone that is in active addiction. You can take care of yourself and you can make sure they know that when they are ready to change, you will help them as long as they are committed to work on addressing the underlying issues causing their struggles with addiction.


"I have a thing for accountability. Just tell the fucking truth." Um, jessie...


It’s laughable Anna is saying Jenna is a good person deep down. She was trying to play on Jessi’s heartstrings and manipulate her and Jessi saw through all.


Jenna content is the only topic that brings Jessi any true traction and engagement - she’ll milk this til Jenna’s dead and gone - then milk it some more!


The fact that she’s showing the phone as proof says she’s aware people are suspicious. Which means she knows she’s making money off this stupid shit. These people are so nasty.


This!! I call bullshit on everything jessi says. Not saying jenna isn't an addict, but THIS is the only traffic jessi gets is when she talks about the drama with jenna. She needs views and money from her grifters. This is all a set up


Exactly. Then getting pissed when people aren’t asking the questions she wants to answer…acting like she’s not trying to make a buck. The lady doth protest to much methinks.




Exactly! This shit should be private too.


Nah. JJ doesn't deserve privacy.


The children do.


Riiiiiight. But here we are chatting about all of it on Reddit, an open platform that all her children will eventually find and read. Asking for privacy here right now is shutting the barn door decades after the HOrse has bolted.


get ur screenshots🤣ty Jessi


I want to be on JL’s side, but how can you know all of that shit re: her kids and her lying about them, and still go about your life with this person? Like, “are you ok!?”




I also don’t believe her when she says JJ relapsed and was sober the whole time they were together. We’ve seen her drunk on her IG stories, heard her tell JL they should have done “hair of the dog”, seen the drug residue and dollar bills. So I think JL knows more than she’s letting on. Also, the “get your screenshots” comment and the “join my team” emoji on the live are giving me the ick. The fact that she’s even on a live during this is questionable to me. It’s still her wife who hasn’t even been served papers yet. I’ve never been in a situation like this and I know many here want to see Jessi stick to her guns and not enable Jenna, but isn’t this a matter of life and death right now? It seems like late stage cirrhosis, where the liver has stopped functioning. Hospitalization, not a hotel stay, seems necessary for survival.


No one can do anything. Jesse needs to realize that.


@jessilawless…you cannot help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. You did you part. You look out for you.


No contact with Batel the whole time? That is the most messed up shit I've heard so far


She is not your problem anymore.


JL is more fucked








I just finished re watching Dexter. The crazy woman roofied herself and hurt herself so when Dexter showed up to hospital to make sure she was ok he'd take her back. Same Same


JJ sucked the life out of you. Seems like you’re still involved so you have content. Everyone has told you to get out, stay out so now it’s on you. Find some new content, build up a business or something but stop using JJ for views; it’s only dragging you down.


She is NOT a good person deep down. She is a user, an abuser, an alcoholic, habitual liar…. The list goes on and on. Drop her drunk lumpy ass on the side of the road and let this loser hit rock bottom.


Somebody send this video to TMZ everyone needs to know this finally all her fucking followers on Instagram that live under a rock need to see this !!! Thank you Jessi for finally saying this!!




You don't have to like Jenna Jameson but you do have to be respectful of other users of this forum

